The Coronation chart of King Birendra of Nepal murdered in confusing circumstances on June 2nd 2001.
THE DAZE .Tues. June 5th 2001
A curfew was declared in Kathmandu yesterday after crowds took to the streets demanding to know how most of the royal family were shot dead. Saturn was exactly squaring the Sun, last week, in the Coronation chart of the now dead King. The chart had been elected by Nepalese astrologers. More significantly this year's Solar return for the coronation chart was the day of the New Moon in Pisces which was square Mars. Saturn is now opposite to where that solar return Mars was. Strange astrology and strange news form a strange country. Picture below from BBC news shows street scene in Kathmandu yesterday. When the new King is crowned the Daze will add the chart to the collection.
THE DAZE (Written on June 2nd 2001). In Nepal last night King Birendra (pictured below) and most of his family were shot dead at a banquet by the heir to the throne, apparently in a dispute over his marriage.
2001 SOLAR RETURN of the Coronation chart.