Michael Harwood Astrology


Astronomer Larry Molnar has made an unprecedented prediction of a star explosion, due in the year 2022 give or take one year, that will become visible from Earth. The star system is an eclipsing binary system. New evidence suggests that these two very close stars are getting closer and will merge explosively, soon. Molnar presented his findings yesterday, January 6, 2017, to the American Astronomical Society. The chart shows the summer constellations of Cygnus and Lyra, with north up. The Northern Cross asterism is marked with the blue lines. The position of KIC 9832227 is shown with a red circle. It is in line with the three stars of the cross bar and, if it reaches 2nd magnitude in outburst, as it might, will be as bright as they are. The binary stars have been calculated to maybe merge and explode. The object is 1800 light years distance and has ecliptic coordinates 11 degrees 35.3 minutes in tropical Aquarius. It will be red I understand, rather ominous as at that time Saturn will also be in Aquarius. It is very closely conjunct the Midheaven of the Pakistan National chart, and Tony Blair's Moon. Very exciting. This prediction is unprecedented.

A simulated view of the contact binary system KIC 9832227. The larger star is about half again as wide as the Sun, whereas the smaller one is about 80% as wide as our star. L. Molnar / Calvin College The ecliptic coordinates of the new star put it in the middle of tropical Aquarius. Transiting Saturn is also in Aquarius 2020 to 2023.

The US has its first Pluto return in the period from 2021 to 2022.

Friday 1st January 2021

January 2021 starts with a mutable T-square in sway involving Venus, the lunar node and Neptune. Jupiter and Saturn (later in the month with the Sun and Mercury) make a fixed square to Mars and Uranus all month. A spike of hard rigid destiny. No give at all. 00.06 The Moon at 3 Leo opposition Jupiter at 3 Aquarius 07.27 The Moon at 7 Leo waxing square Uranus at 7 Taurus 11.19 Mercury at 18 Capricorn waning sextile Neptune at 18 Pisces 15.52 Mercury at 19 Capricorn waning tri-decile Uranus at 7 Taurus 15.56 The Moon at 11 Leo waning quincunx The Sun at 11 Capricorn

Saturday 2nd January 2021

The astrological resolution of the New Year is to 'let go'. There are the new energies of Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius to contend with and also we have the consciousness expanding influence of the waning square of Saturn and Uranus (Feb 17th, June 16th and Dec 24th 2021) to handle. At the start of this year we also experience the single waning square aspect of the Mean Lunar Node and Neptune (Jan 6th 2021 for the Mean position, Jan 26th 2021 for the true position), this is symbolic of the process of 'dispelling of illusion'. These are the flavors of 2021, tastes more palatable than those of 2020. The secret in handling these energies is simply to flow with them. 01.36 Venus at 22 Sagittarius waning novile Saturn at 2 Aquarius 02.23 Venus at 22 Sagittarius waning sesuiquadrate Uranus at 7 Taurus The waning and accelerating full Moon makes a yod 'finger of fate' with Mercury and Neptune 04.00 to 07.00 GMT. 04.39 The Moon at 18 Leo waxing quincunx Neptune at 18 Pisces 05.12 The Moon at 19 Leo waxing sextiles her node from north of the eclipic 07.03 The Moon at 20 Leo waning quincunx Mercury at 20 Capricorn 11.25 The Moon at 22 Leo waning trine Venus at 22 Sagittarius 14.58 The Moon at 24 Leo waning quincunx Pluto at 24 Capricorn 21.07 The Moon reaches her disseminating phase 22.01 The Moon at 28 Leo waxing trine Mars at 28 Aries. The Moon is then void of course for just over 3 hours.

Sunday 3rd January 2021

Practical consideration arises during the next couple of days. Repair and improvement, efficiency and workpersonship are uppermost in consideration. 01.14 The disseminating and accelerating Moon ingresses Virgo 04.33 The Moon at 2 Virgo waning quincunx Saturn at 2 Aquarius 07.05 The Moon at 3 Virgo waning quincunx Jupiter at 3 Aquarius 07.37 Venus at 23 Sagittarius waning novile Jupiter at 3 Aquarius 13.12 The Moon at 7 Virgo waxing trine Uranus at 7 Taurus 15.58 Mars at 29 Aries waxing novile Neptune at 19 Pisces

Monday 4th January 2021

Another day for preparedness, exactitude and refinement. Precision overrules. 01.45 The disseminating Moon accelerating at 14 Virgo waning trine The Sun at 14 Capricorn 02.19 Venus at 24 Sagittarius waning semi-sextile Pluto at 24 Capricorn 06.59 Jupiter at 4 Aquarius waning semi-square Neptune at 19 Pisces This is a single waning semi square in the 13 year synodic cycle of these two planets which began in 2009 in Aquarius. They are next conjunct on April 4th 2022 in Pisces. Jupiter Neptune symbolises the rise or decline of political, social orders and ideologies. The semi square aspect is a test of fitness. 09.50 The Moon at 19 Virgo opposition Neptune at 19 Pisces 10.05 The Moon at 19 Virgo waxing square the lunar node at 19 Gemini 18.56 Mercury at 24 Capricorn waning bi-septile Uranus at 7 Taurus 19.12 The Moon at 24 Virgo waning trine Mercury at 24 Capricorn 19.52 The Moon at 24 Virgo waning trine Pluto at 24 Capricorn 21.34 The Moon at 25 Virgo waning square Venus at 25 Sagittarius, moon void STATE OF THE SKY:- The Sun is at 14 degrees Capricorn today. Mercury and Pluto are also in Capricorn. Jupiter Saturn are in Aquarius. There are 75 days to the Vernal Equinox. Neptune is square the mean lunar node at 19 Gemini this week. It is a peculiar influence and in association with the waning square of Saturn and Uranus (Feb 17th, June 16th and Dec 24th 2021), we have on our hands, or rather in our heads, a crisis of consciousness. This is the flavor of 2021, a taste more palatable than those of 2020. Mercury is in Capricorn as an 'evening star' in this sign. Mercury flashes through Capricorn in just 17 days and has a favorable residence. He conjuncts Pluto tomorrow in penetrative discovery. Mercury leaves Capricorn for Aquarius on Friday. Mercury stations at 26 Aquarius on Jan 30th and is retrograde until Feb 21st when he resumes direct motion at 11 Aquarius. Venus is a morning star in Sagittarius. She resides here for just 24 days. She works well with Mars still in Aries. Venus leaves Sagittarius for Capricorn on Jan 8th. Venus is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun on March 26th 2021 at 6 Aries. Venus turns retrograde on Dec 19th 2021 at 26 Capricorn. Mars is direct in Aries. Mars at last leaves Aries for Taurus on Wednesday. He has a meeting with the Moon, Uranus and Black Moon Lilith(square Jupiter) on US inauguration day, a close and hot (0.5 degree alignment) encounter with Venus in Leo on July 13th and a big bash with retrograde Mercury and the Sun in mid Libra on Oct 9th 2021. Much for him to look forward to. Mars next turns retrograde at 25 Gemini on Oct 30th 2022. He resides in Gemini either side of that date for seven months. Jupiter is direct in Aquarius. Jupiter from Aquarius makes a single waning square to Uranus on January 17th 2021 expanding consciousness with new and possibly alien ideas. The Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn at the start of Aquarius occurred on the Winter Solstice 2020. Jupiter is conjunct Neptune at 24 degrees Pisces in 2022 (the Florence Nightingale combination conjunction). Saturn is direct in Aquarius. In 2021 the main outer body aspect is a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This is a difficult aspect, but not in the league of 2020 aspects. This cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with their opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. The 2021 last quarter aspect will induce political, financial and social changes of possibly a drastic nature and a measure of instability. We will observe a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The aspect peaks in 2021 on Feb 17th, June 14th and Dec 24th with a slight return in early October 2022. Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is retrograde in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance and ownership are about to take place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Bitcoin is currently rallying above $30,000 for the first time. Bitcoin had tripled in value over the course of 2020 despite the global pandemic. Neptune is direct in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is now direct in Capricorn. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Much of what occurring in the world currently is very much part of this Pluto in Capricorn process. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. Now 2020 and its 'dense astrology' are over The flavor of the immediate years ahead is potentially promising. Jupiter is in Aquarius from Dec 2020 to Dec 2021. Saturn resides there from Dec 2020 to March 2023, and Pluto is in Aquarius from 2023 for 20 years. There is hope for a more enlightened, democratic, humane altruism here. The next eclipse is a Total Lunar Eclipse at 5 Sagittarius on May 26th 2021, square Jupiter, not visible from the UK. The following event is a Solar Eclipse visible (just) from the UK at 20 Gemini, conjunct retro-Mercury square Neptune, on June 10th 2021. Also in 2021 there is a partial lunar eclipse on Nov 19th at 27 Taurus square Jupiter, and a Total Solar Eclipse, visible from Antarctica, on Dec 4th quincunx Uranus at 12 Sagittarius. The next Total Lunar eclipse visible from the UK is at 26 Scorpio, during the early hours of May 16th 2022. The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024 

Tuesday 5th January 2021

Mercury conjunct Pluto

In the UK last evening, with the accompanying hard hitting intensity of Mercury applying in conjunction to Pluto,(and due west from the UK at the time of the announcement), PM Boris Johnson outlined a new lockdown situation for England in a televised address. The Full Moon on Dec 30th was conjunct the MC of the UK, a herald to a major nationwide care crisis. The UK is in full lockdown. Today becomes smoother with the Moon gliding through Libra. 00.59 Mercury conjunction Pluto at 24 Capricorn 04.20 The disseminating Moon at 29 Virgo, void of course as this day starts, makes a waxing quincunx to Mars at 29 Aries 05.44 The Moon ingress Libra, accelerating towards Last Quarter. A pleasant start to the residence. 09.23 The Moon at 2 Libra waning trine Saturn at 2 Aquarius 12.17 The Moon at 4 Libra waning trine Jupiter at 4 Aquarius 13.59 Venus at 26 Sagittarius waning decile Saturn at 2 Aquarius 17.20 The Moon at 7 Libra waxing quincunx Uranus at 7 Taurus

Wednesday 6th January 2021

06.52 Neptune at 19 Pisces waning square the mean lunar node at 19 Gemini The 17 year cycle of the Lunar Node and Neptune is symbolic of 'mitigating karma through the dispelling of illusion'. The current cycle started in May 2008 in Aquarius and completes in June 2025 in Pisces. This single waning square aspect occurs today for the Mean Lunar Node and on Jan 26th for the True Node. It is a peculiar influence and in association with the waning square of Saturn and Uranus (Feb 17th, June 16th and Dec 24th 2021), and the last quarter Moon today we have on our hands, or rather in our heads, a crisis of consciousness. This is the flavor of 2021, a taste more palatable than those of 2020. The secret in handling these energies is simply 'to let go'. 09.38 The Moon at Last Quarter The Moon makes a tight mutable T-square with Neptune and the Lunar Node 13.00 to 14.00 GMT The Sun, Neptune, the Moon and the node are arranged in a trapezium pattern at this time. 13.31 The Moon at 19 Libra waxing trine the lunar node at 19 Gemini 13.33 The Moon at 19 Libra waning quincunx Neptune at 19 Pisces 18.32 Mercury at 27 Capricorn waning septile Neptune at 19 Pisces 22.29 Mars at last ingresses Taurus after his seemingly endless residence in Aries. He has been in Aries since June 28th 2020. He now spends a modest 57 days in Taurus. Urgency and passion are now replaced with resolution, will and emphasis. Getting stuck in, moving mountains, and strong practicality are now ahead of us. Mars squares Saturn, again but in fixed signs now-so much more resolute, on Jan 13th. Mars conjuncts Uranus at 7 degrees Taurus on Jan 20th, the highpoint of the residence and an event of great fiscal significance. Mars squares Jupiter, and as for Saturn, now in Fixed signs-so a greater potential for will and effort, on Jan 23rd 2021. Mars sextiles Neptune, subtle efforts and eventualities, on Feb 14th. Mars trines Pluto on Feb 25th, a wealth of power and determination. Mars enters Gemini on March 4th. 23.24 The Moon at 24 Libra waning square Pluto at 24 Capricorn

Thursday 7th January 2021

Transiting Pluto is currently opposite the USA Mercury, meaning that hugely challenging power struggles and collective mental trauma are underway. This is born out with political and social events taking place in the country right now. In the UK we are suffering in the wake, or lag, of transiting Saturn, (and Jupiter, but mainly Saturn right now), opposition to he UK Jupiter, biting hard into our health provision. What approaches, in this Progressed New Moon year, but more on that another day, is the transiting Lunar Descending Node, the Serpent's Tail being conjunct the UK Mercury on....true position Feb 12th, mean position 25th Jan. Something of a cosmic whiplash is at work there. Transiting Neptune is currently, and ahead, involved in a watery grand trine with the UK Moon and UK Neptune, maybe offering some solace in the shared emotional experience of the new lockdown, enough to evoke imaginative responses, even a song or too, but right now the phrase is 'health service in crisis'. That of course was heralded by the last Full Moon on Dec 30th conjunct the UK MC. The last quarter Moon has a hard time of it today. Once into Scorpio it is 'besieged' for the remainder of the day. Correspondingly this is a tough day full of seemingly unremitting situations. Give me a break. The rapidly waning Moon makes a T-square with Mercury and Mars 05.00 to 19.00 GMT 05.21 The Moon at 28 Libra waning square Mercury at 28 Capricorn 05.32 Venus at 28 Sagittarius waning decile Jupiter at 4 Aquarius 05.55 The Moon at 28 Libra waning sextile Venus at 28 Sagittarius. The Moon is void of course for 3 hours. 08.55 The Moon ingress Scorpio. Deep, dark and dirty. The Moon now makes a Fixed T-square with Mars and Saturn 09.00 to 13.00 GMT 09.15 The Moon at zero Scorpio opposition Mars at zero Taurus 12.01 The Sun at 17 Capricorn waning bi-septile Mars at zero Taurus 12.55 The Moon at 2 Scorpio waning square Saturn at 2 Aquarius 12.59 Venus at 29 Sagittarius waning bi-novile Neptune at 19 Pisces 16.11 The Moon at 4 Scorpio waning square Jupiter at 4 Aquarius 20.16 The Moon at 7 Scorpio opposition Uranus at 7 Taurus

Friday 8th January 2021

Sun sextile Neptune.

Subtle changes occur today with two personal planets changing sign. Mercury enters Aquarius for a long stay. Venus enters Capricorn for a short stay. The combined effect is a shift from fire to air, from passion to intellect. The Sun in sextile aspect to Neptune enhances the day with imagination and faith. It's there if you want it. Tomorrow looks interesting. 00.05 Mercury at 29 Capricorn waxing semi-sextile Venus at 29 Sagittarius 12.01 Mercury ingresses Aquarius as an evening star, joining Jupiter and Saturn in this sign. Mercury has his retrograde phase whilst in this sign this year and is here for a lengthy 66 days. This retrograde phase is strongly coloured by Mercury's triple conjunction with Jupiter, Jan 11th, Feb 14th, and March 5th. Advancement of science, future orientation of thinking and brave new expansive cool logic characterises the collective mind at these times. Mercury has a busy itinerary. He squares Mars on Jan 9th, conjuncts Saturn at 3 Aquarius on Jan 10th, conjuncts Jupiter at 5 Aquarius on Jan 11th, squares Uranus on Jan 12th, enters his shadow on Jan 15th, slows to a speed of less than a degree per day on Jan 24th and turns retrograde on Jan 30th at 26 Aquarius. Mercury is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun at 20 Aquarius on Feb 8th, then as a morning star squares Mars a 2nd time on Feb 10th, and is conjunct Venus at 15 Aquarius on Feb 13th. The following day he is conjunct Jupiter for the 2nd time at 13 Aquarius. Mercury turns direct at 11 Aquarius on Feb 21st. Mercury is conjunct Jupiter a final time at 17 Aquarius on March 5th, is back up to speed on March 6th, comes out of his shadow on March 13th and enters Pisces on March 15th. Lots of learning to do during this period. 'Advancement' and 'education' are the keywords. 15.43 Venus ingress Capricorn as a morning star joining the Sun and Pluto there. She resides there for the remainder of January. This is a favorable but very short residence. Venus earth trines Mars in Taurus on Jan 9th, earthy love, she trines Uranus on Jan 14th, new love, sextiles Neptune on Jan 23rd, idealistic love and is conjunct Pluto, on Jan 28th, fanatic love(!). Venus leaves Capricorn for Aquarius on Feb 1st. 16.11 The very rapidly waning and accelerating Moon at 19 Scorpio waning sextile The Sun at 19 Capricorn 16.14 The Moon at 19 Scorpio waning trine Neptune at 19 Pisces 16.54 The Sun at 19 Capricorn waning sextile Neptune at 19 Pisces 19.21 The Sun at 19 Capricorn waning tri-decile Uranus at 7 Taurus

Saturday 9th January 2021

Mercury square Mars

Venus trine Mars.

The full and fast fury of an old Sagittarian Moon from 11.17 GMT today propels everything. Mercury is chasing Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius. Lots of speed, ideas, learning and communications. New dimensions opening. Race with the devil. 01.59 The very fast moving Moon at 24 Scorpio waning sextile Pluto at 24 Capricorn. The Moon is void of course for over 10 hours 02.45 Mercury at 1 Aquarius waning square Mars at 1 Taurus 11.17 The Moon races into Sagittarius 13.17 The Moon at 1 Sagittarius waning quincunx Mars at 1 Taurus 14.16 The Moon at 2 Sagittarius waning sextile Mercury at 2 Aquarius 15.36 The Moon is at Perigee. Fastest and closest to the Earth this month. 15.39 The Moon at 3 Sagittarius waning sextile Saturn at 3 Aquarius 15.54 Venus at 1 Capricorn waning trine Mars at 1 Taurus 19.12 The Moon reaches her balsamic phase. The procession to the New Moon in Capricorn on Wednesday now starts. 19.19 The Moon at 5 Sagittarius waning sextile Jupiter at 5 Aquarius 22.31 The Moon at 7 Sagittarius waning quincunx Uranus at 7 Taurus

Sunday 10th January 2021

Mercury conjunct Saturn

In the northern hemisphere we are now out of the 40 darkest days ofthe year. 03.18 Mercury conjunction Saturn at 3 Aquarius Hard cold logic. The Moon makes a T-square with Neptune and the Lunar Node 17.00 to 19.00 GMT 17.56 The Moon at 18 Sagittarius opposition the lunar node at 18 Gemini 17.57 Mercury at 4 Aquarius waning semi-square Neptune at 19 Pisces 18.30 The Moon at 19 Sagittarius waning square Neptune at 19 Pisces, moon void 20.40 Venus at 3 Capricorn waning semi-sextile Saturn at 3 Aquarius

Monday 11th January 2021

13.31 The rapidly waning old Moon ingresses Capricorn joining the Sun, Venus and Pluto in this sign. 17.17 The Moon at 2 Capricorn waning trine Mars at 2 Taurus 17.20 Mercury conjunction Jupiter at 5 Aquarius 20.15 The Moon at 4 Capricorn conjunction Venus at 4 Capricorn STATE OF THE SKY:- The Sun is at 21 degrees Capricorn today. The Moon, Venus and Pluto are also in Capricorn. Mars and Uranus are in Taurus. Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn are in Aquarius. There are 75 days to the Vernal Equinox. Neptune is squaring thelunar node at 19 Gemini this week. It is a peculiar influence and in association with the waning square of Saturn and Uranus (Feb 17th, June 16th and Dec 24th 2021), we have on our hands, or rather in our heads, a crisis of consciousness. This is the flavor of 2021, a taste more palatable than those of 2020. Mercury is in Aquarius as an evening star. Mercury has his retrograde phase whilst in this sign this year and is here for a lengthy 66 days. This retrograde phase is strongly coloured by Mercury's triple conjunction with Jupiter, Jan 11th, Feb 14th, and March 5th. Advancement of science, future orientation of thinking and brave new expansive cool logic characterises the collective mind at these times. Mercury has a busy itinerary. He conjuncts Jupiter at 5 Aquarius today, squares Uranus on Jan 12th, enters his shadow on Jan 15th, slows to a speed of less than a degree per day on Jan 24th and turns retrograde on Jan 30th at 26 Aquarius. Mercury is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun at 20 Aquarius on Feb 8th, then as a morning star squares Mars a 2nd time on Feb 10th, and is conjunct Venus at 15 Aquarius on Feb 13th. The following day he is conjunct Jupiter for the 2nd time at 13 Aquarius. Mercury turns direct at 11 Aquarius on Feb 21st. Mercury is conjunct Jupiter a final time at 17 Aquarius on March 5th, is back up to speed on March 6th, comes out of his shadow on March 13th and enters Pisces on March 15th. Lots of learning to do during this period. 'Advancement' and 'education' are the keywords. Venus is a morning star in Capricorn. She resides there for the remainder of January. This is a favorable but very short residence. Venus trines Uranus on Jan 14th, new love, sextiles Neptune on Jan 23rd, idealistic love and is conjunct Pluto, on Jan 28th, fanatic love(!). Venus leaves Capricorn for Aquarius on Feb 1st. Venus is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun on March 26th 2021 at 6 Aries. Venus turns retrograde on Dec 19th 2021 at 26 Capricorn. Mars is direct in Taurus spending a total of 57 days there. Urgency and passion have been replaced with resolution, will and emphasis. The business of getting stuck in, moving mountains, and strong practicality are now with us. Mars squares Saturn, again but in fixed signs now-so much more resolute, on Jan 13th. Mars conjuncts Uranus at 7 degrees Taurus on Jan 20th, the highpoint of the residence and an event of great fiscal significance. Mars squares Jupiter, and as for Saturn, now in Fixed signs-so a greater potential for will and effort, on Jan 23rd 2021. Mars sextiles Neptune, subtle efforts and eventualities, on Feb 14th. Mars trines Pluto on Feb 25th, a wealth of power and determination. Mars enters Gemini on March 4th.He has a meeting with the Moon, Uranus and Black Moon Lilith(square Jupiter) on US inauguration day, a close and hot (0.5 degree alignment) encounter with Venus in Leo on July 13th and a big bash with retrograde Mercury and the Sun in mid Libra on Oct 9th 2021. Much for him to look forward to. Mars next turns retrograde at 25 Gemini on Oct 30th 2022. He resides in Gemini either side of that date for seven months. Jupiter is direct in Aquarius. Jupiter from Aquarius makes a single waning square to Uranus on January 17th 2021 expanding consciousness with new and possibly alien ideas. The Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn at the start of Aquarius occurred on the Winter Solstice 2020. Jupiter is conjunct Neptune at 24 degrees Pisces in 2022 (the Florence Nightingale combination conjunction). Saturn is direct in Aquarius. In 2021 the main outer body aspect is a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This is a difficult aspect, but not in the league of 2020 aspects. This cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with their opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. The 2021 last quarter aspect will induce political, financial and social changes of possibly a drastic nature and a measure of instability. We will observe a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The aspect peaks in 2021 on Feb 17th, June 14th and Dec 24th with a slight return in early October 2022. Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is retrograde in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance and ownership are about to take place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Bitcoin is currently rallying above $30,000 for the first time. Bitcoin had tripled in value over the course of 2020 despite the global pandemic. Neptune is direct in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is now direct in Capricorn. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Much of what occurring in the world currently is very much part of this Pluto in Capricorn process. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. Now 2020 and its 'dense astrology' are over The flavor of the immediate years ahead is potentially promising. Jupiter is in Aquarius from Dec 2020 to Dec 2021. Saturn resides there from Dec 2020 to March 2023, and Pluto is in Aquarius from 2023 for 20 years. There is hope for a more enlightened, democratic, humane altruism here. The next eclipse is a Total Lunar Eclipse at 5 Sagittarius on May 26th 2021, square Jupiter, not visible from the UK. The following event is a Solar Eclipse visible (just) from the UK at 20 Gemini, conjunct retro-Mercury square Neptune, on June 10th 2021. Also in 2021 there is a partial lunar eclipse on Nov 19th at 27 Taurus square Jupiter, and a Total Solar Eclipse, visible from Antarctica, on Dec 4th quincunx Uranus at 12 Sagittarius. The next Total Lunar eclipse visible from the UK is at 26 Scorpio, during the early hours of May 16th 2022. The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024 

Tuesday 12th January 2021

Mercury square Uranus

Day of the old Moon colored by potentially hard hitting and unlooked for shocks and surprises summoned by Mercury square Uranus. 00.52 The rapidly waning ancient Moon decelerating at 7 Capricorn waning trine Uranus at 7 Taurus 15.00 Mercury at 7 Aquarius waning square Uranus at 7 Taurus 21.18 The Moon at 19 Capricorn waning sextile Neptune at 19 Pisces New Moon in Capricorn tomorrow.

Wednesday 13th January 2021

Mars square Saturn

New Moon in Capricorn

02.41 Venus at 6 Capricorn waning semi-sextile Jupiter at 6 Aquarius 05.02 Moment of NEW MOON


The New Moon is conjunct Pluto. Accompanied by Mars square Saturn it has a menacing and controlling quality. This is first New Moon following the Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius on Dec 14th 2020, and the 5th before the Annular Solar Eclipse in Gemini on June 10th 2021. This New Moon opposes the natal Saturn of Donald Trump. Final nail. The New Moon hits (conjuncts) the Mercury of Indonesia (air transport issues), the Sun and Jupiter of Saudi, the Jupiter of China and the MC of the Central African Republic. It hits the Moon and Jupiter of Benjamin Netanyahu. In the popular realm it hits Mercury of Jose Mourinho and Rowan Atkinson, the Suns of Tracy Bingham and Orlando Bloom, the Ascendant of Bono and the Neptune of the Justin Bieber generation. At the exact moment of New Moon today the Sun rises over Luanda and Alexandria. It sets over the Cook islands, it is Moonrise at Kinshasa the Moon and Pluto rise at Cairo. It is Moonset over French Polynesia. The Sun and Moon conjunct the MC of Saigon and it is also high Noon at Ho Chi Min City. It is true midnight at Montreal. Neptune rises at Mumbai and sets at Phoenix Arizona. Mars sets at Caracas After the New Moon... 07.23 The tiny infant Moon at 25 Capricorn conjunction Pluto at 25 Capricorn. The Moon is then void of course for 9.3 hours 11.03 Mars at 3 Taurus waxing square Saturn at 3 Aquarius 16.46 The Moon ingresses Aquarius joining Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn in this sign and starts a 5 hour application to Saturn. 20.10 The Sun at 24 Capricorn waning bi-septile Uranus at 7 Taurus 21.25 Mercury at 9 Aquarius waning novile Neptune at 19 Pisces 22.12 The Moon conjunction Saturn at 3 Aquarius 22.30 The Moon at 3 Aquarius waning square Mars at 3 Taurus. The Moon then applies to Jupiter and Venus applies in trine to Uranus, as the day draws to a close, evoking degrees of sensual/material/cerebral stimulation, after what has been a rather tough going day despite the New Moon vibration.

Thursday 14th January 2021

Venus trine Uranus

Sun conjunct Pluto

The US House of Representatives has impeached President Donald Trump for 'incitement of insurrection' at last week's Capitol riot. Ten Republicans sided with Democrats to impeach the president by 232-197. He is the first president in US history to be impeached twice, or charged with crimes by Congress. Mr Trump, a Republican, will now face a trial in the Senate, where if convicted he could face being barred from ever holding office again. This event has occurred on the day of a New Moon opposite Trump's Saturn. The New Moon conjuncts Jupiter and Mercury this morning (GMT). 00.23 Venus at 7 Capricorn waning trine Uranus at 7 Taurus 01.03 Venus at 7 Capricorn waning quintile Neptune at 19 Pisces 02.55 The decelerating infant Moon conjunction Jupiter at 6 Aquarius 04.30 The Moon at 7 Aquarius waning square stationary Uranus at 7 Taurus 06.32 URANUS TURNS DIRECT All planets now direct in motion. 09.29 The Moon conjunction Mercury at 10 Aquarius. The Moon is then void of course for a very lengthy 37 hours. 14.19 The Sun conjunction Pluto at 25 Capricorn 21.56 Mars at 4 Taurus waxing semi-square Neptune at 19 Pisces

Friday 15th January 2021

The young Moon, decelerating in Aquarius is void of course for most of this (GMT) day. Going nowhere, just sort loose ends and start nothing new today. 00.43 The Moon at 18 Aquarius trines her node from south of the ecliptic.. 22.19 The Moon ingresses Pisces joining Neptune in this sign.

Saturday 16th January 2021

Mars is now 2 degrees and 4 days from his (USA president inauguration day) conjunction with Uranus. Coupled with Jupiter square Uranus which peaks tomorrow we are in a unique position of having to ready ourselves for potentially wilful events and experiences ahead and be prepared to relinquish outdated ideas and preconceptions. This Mars Uranus conjunction in Taurus has not occurred since a spate 4 such aspects in the period 1936 to 1942 and is the first of 3 in 2021, 2022 and 2024. Gird your loins my friends. It's pistols at a new red dawn. A 'dream boat' weekend is in store serving up potentially compassionate responses to all the suffering at large. The young Pisces Moon is pleasantly aspected throughout her journey through this sign. Hope in faith serving as a backdrop to momentous buildups. 06.30 The decelerating and waxing Moon at 4 Pisces waning sextile Mars at 4 Taurus 10.44 The Moon at 7 Pisces waning sextile Uranus at 7 Taurus 11.52 Mercury at 13 Aquarius waning decile Neptune at 19 Pisces 17.03 The Moon at 10 Pisces waxing sextile Venus at 10 Capricorn 20.30 The Moon reaches her waxing crescent phase

Sunday 17th January 2021

Jupiter square Uranus

07.45 The Sun at 27 Capricorn waning septile Neptune at 19 Pisces 07.58 The slowly waxing crescent Moon decelerating at 18 Pisces squares the node from south of the ecliptic. 09.36 The Moon conjunction Neptune at 19 Pisces 20.56 The Moon at 25 Pisces waxing sextile Pluto at 25 Capricorn 22.50 Jupiter at 7 Aquarius waning square Uranus at 7 Taurus Jupiter from Aquarius makes this single waning square to Uranus today expanding consciousness with new and possibly alien ideas. A difficult birth to the year 2021. The Jupiter Uranus synodic cycle has a 13 year period. The current cycle started in 2011 in Pisces and completes in 2024 in Taurus. the softer waning sextile aspect is in 2022.Jupiter Uranus is the most expansive and original and exciting planetary combination. This the the 'life's adventure' cycle. My favorite. Today's aspect, the 'Fixed Last Quarter' corresponds with a shattering of brittle and outdated ideas, breaking with the past and defiant revolution.

Monday 18th January 2021

Today is the last full day of the astrological month of Capricorn. The Sun enters Aquarius tomorrow. Mars is creeping up on Uranus, less than 1.5 degrees of ecliptic longitude separate them now, D-day is Wednesday for this one. Today sets the fuse. 03.45 The slowly waxing crescent Moon at 28 Pisces sextile The Sun at 28 Capricorn. The Moon is void for 3.4 hours 05.32 Mercury at 15 Aquarius waning bi-novile Mars at 5 Taurus 07.09 The Moon ingress Aries inflaming nearly 8 billion spirits. 14.20 The Moon at 4 Aries waxing sextile Saturn at 4 Aquarius 20.45 The Moon at 7 Aries waxing sextile Jupiter at 7 Aquarius STATE OF THE SKY:- The Sun reaches 29 degrees Capricorn today. Venus and Pluto are also in Capricorn. Mars and Uranus are in Taurus and about to kick off big time. Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn are in Aquarius. There are 62 days to the Vernal Equinox. Mercury is in Aquarius as an evening star. Mercury has his retrograde phase whilst in this sign this year and is here for a lengthy 66 days. This retrograde phase is strongly coloured by Mercury's triple conjunction with Jupiter, Jan 11th, Feb 14th, and March 5th. Advancement of science, future orientation of thinking and brave new expansive cool logic characterises the collective mind at these times. Mercury has a busy itinerary. He is already in his shadow and he slows to a speed of less than a degree per day on Jan 24th turning retrograde on Jan 30th at 26 Aquarius. Mercury is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun at 20 Aquarius on Feb 8th, then as a morning star squares Mars a 2nd time on Feb 10th, and is conjunct Venus at 15 Aquarius on Feb 13th. The following day he is conjunct Jupiter for the 2nd time at 13 Aquarius. Mercury turns direct at 11 Aquarius on Feb 21st. Mercury is conjunct Jupiter a final time at 17 Aquarius on March 5th, is back up to speed on March 6th, comes out of his shadow on March 13th and enters Pisces on March 15th. Lots of learning to do during this period. 'Advancement' and 'education' are the keywords. Venus is a morning star in Capricorn. She resides there for the remainder of January. This is a favorable but very short residence. Venus sextiles Neptune on Jan 23rd, idealistic love and is conjunct Pluto, on Jan 28th, fanatic love. Venus leaves Capricorn for Aquarius on Feb 1st. Venus is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun on March 26th 2021 at 6 Aries. Venus turns retrograde on Dec 19th 2021 at 26 Capricorn. Mars is direct in Taurus spending a total of 57 days there. Urgency and passion have been replaced with resolution, will and emphasis. The business of getting stuck in, moving mountains, and strong practicality are now with us. Mars conjuncts Uranus at 7 degrees Taurus on wednesday, the highpoint of the residence and an event of great fiscal significance. Mars squares Jupiter, and as for Saturn, now in Fixed signs-so a greater potential for will and effort, on Jan 23rd 2021. Mars sextiles Neptune, subtle efforts and eventualities, on Feb 14th. Mars trines Pluto on Feb 25th, a wealth of power and determination. Mars enters Gemini on March 4th.He has a meeting with the Moon, Uranus and Black Moon Lilith(square Jupiter) on US inauguration day, a close and hot (0.5 degree alignment) encounter with Venus in Leo on July 13th and a big bash with retrograde Mercury and the Sun in mid Libra on Oct 9th 2021. Much for him to look forward to. Mars next turns retrograde at 25 Gemini on Oct 30th 2022. He resides in Gemini either side of that date for seven months. Jupiter is direct in Aquarius. Jupiter from Aquarius made a single waning square to Uranus on January 17th 2021 expanding consciousness with new and possibly alien ideas. The Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn at the start of Aquarius occurred on the Winter Solstice 2020. Jupiter is conjunct Neptune at 24 degrees Pisces in 2022 (the Florence Nightingale combination conjunction). Saturn is direct in Aquarius. In 2021 the main outer body aspect is a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This is a difficult aspect, but not in the league of 2020 aspects. This cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with their opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. The 2021 last quarter aspect will induce political, financial and social changes of possibly a drastic nature and a measure of instability. We will observe a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The aspect peaks in 2021 on Feb 17th, June 14th and Dec 24th with a slight return in early October 2022. Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is now direct in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance and ownership are about to take place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Bitcoin is currently rallying above $30,000 for the first time. Bitcoin had tripled in value over the course of 2020 despite the global pandemic. Neptune is direct in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is now direct in Capricorn. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Much of what occurring in the world currently is very much part of this Pluto in Capricorn process. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. Now 2020 and its 'dense astrology' are over The flavor of the immediate years ahead is potentially promising. Jupiter is in Aquarius from Dec 2020 to Dec 2021. Saturn resides there from Dec 2020 to March 2023, and Pluto is in Aquarius from 2023 for 20 years. There is hope for a more enlightened, democratic, humane altruism here. The next eclipse is a Total Lunar Eclipse at 5 Sagittarius on May 26th 2021, square Jupiter, not visible from the UK. The following event is a Solar Eclipse visible (just) from the UK at 20 Gemini, conjunct retro-Mercury square Neptune, on June 10th 2021. Also in 2021 there is a partial lunar eclipse on Nov 19th at 27 Taurus square Jupiter, and a Total Solar Eclipse, visible from Antarctica, on Dec 4th quincunx Uranus at 12 Sagittarius. The next Total Lunar eclipse visible from the UK is at 26 Scorpio, during the early hours of May 16th 2022. The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024 

Tuesday 19th January 2021

We are on the verge of an astrologically explosive event. Mars is conjunct Uranus in Taurus tomorrow. The First Quarter Moon consummates the conjunction on Thursday. Humanity holds on tight. With Saturn and Neptune making a one off waning semi square in their 36 year cycle also tomorrow we enter the month of Aquarius and possibly an historic episode in the making. 03.28 Mercury at 17 Aquarius waning bi-novile Uranus at 7 Taurus 09.43 The slowly waxing crescent Moon decelerating at 13 Aries squares Venus at 13 Capricorn 17.54 The Moon at 18 Aries waxing sextile Mercury at 18 Aquarius 18.29 The Moon at 18 Aries sextiles her node from south of the ecliptic. 20.41 The Sun ingress Aquarius joining Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn in this sign and a new astrological month begins. 22.49 Mercury at 18 Aquarius waning trine the lunar node at 18 Gemini

Wednesday 20th January 2021

Mars conjunct Uranus

Mars is conjunct Uranus in Taurus today. The First Quarter Moon joins the conjunction tomorrow. Saturn and Neptune make a one off waning semi square in their 36 year cycle also today. We have entered the astrological month of Aquarius. 08.30 The slowly waxing crescent Moon at 25 Aries waxing square Pluto at 25 Capricorn. The Moon is void for 10.5 hours. 16.58 Saturn at 4 Aquarius waning semi-square Neptune at 19 Pisces The Saturn-Neptune 'history in the making' synodic cycle has a period of 36 years. The current cycle started in 1989 in Capricorn, coinciding with the fall of the USSR. It climaxed at opposition in 2005-2006, across Aquarius leo and coinciding with serious weather events, hit last quarter in 2015-2016, UK voting to leave the EU and the rise of Donald Trump, and completes in 2026 in Aries. The single hit of this waning semi-square (balsamic) aspect colours the difficult birth to 2021 and will coincide with further historic correlations and may well reveal glimpses of future developments. 18.05 Mercury at 19 Aquarius waning semi-sextile Neptune at 19 Pisces 18.58 The Moon ingresses Taurus joining Mars and Uranus in this sign. 20.39 Mars conjunction Uranus at 7 Taurus This conjunction in the robust and unyielding sign of Taurus of two such astrologically dynamic and volatile planets does indeed conjure up symbolism of brutal and wilful activity including violence. This has not occurred since a spate 4 such aspects in the period 1936 to 1942. Today's hit is the first of 3 in 2021, 2022 and 2024. Today's conjunction hits the MC of the Facebook IPO, the Sun of Melania Trump, (and opposes the Sun of Ivanka), the Saturn of Mexico, the MC of Northern Ireland, the Mars of Aung San Suu Kyi, Venus of Prince Philip and of Ian Duncan Smith(opposite his Saturn), the Sun of Togo, 21.02 The Moon at First Quarter

Thursday 21st January 2021


The Moon, Mars and Uranus triple conjunction at 7 Taurus, square Jupiter.

03.01 The very slowly moving first quarter Moon at 4 Taurus waxing square Saturn at 4 Aquarius 08.37 The Moon conjunction Uranus at 7 Taurus 09.09 The Moon conjunction Mars at 7 Taurus 10.15 The Moon at 8 Taurus waxing square Jupiter at 8 Aquarius 13.11 The Moon is at Apogee, furthest from the Earth and slowest this month, conjunct 'Black Moon Lilith'.

Friday 22nd January 2021

Mercifully the Mars Uranus conjunction has passed without the astrologically perceived impulse of brutal energy. What was potentially a day of violent force, was in fact a day of history and hope. The revolutionary power of Mars conjunct Uranus in Taurus has been restrained, internalized and assimilated. We are not yet passed the danger. We still have to negotiate Mars square Jupiter tomorrow, but we move forward a little lighter of heart maybe. Today.. 05.29 The slowly moving and slowly accelerating first quarter Moon at 17 Taurus waxing trine Venus at 17 Capricorn 09.28 The Moon at 19 Taurus waxing sextile Neptune at 19 Pisces 13.59 The Moon at 21 Taurus waxing square Mercury at 21 Aquarius 21.09 Mars at 8 Taurus waxing bi-septile Pluto at 25 Capricorn 21.28 The Moon at 25 Taurus waxing trine Pluto at 25 Capricorn. The Moon is void of course for 10.3 hours

Saturday 23rd January 2021

Venus sextile Neptune. Mars square Jupiter Potentially an eventful day and important day. The consolidating and reserved energy of the past couple of days now modulates to a more diverse and scattered nature. Experiences open up and diversify. Mars Jupiter aspects are eventful, and Mars squares Jupiter this morning. There is an 'edge' and a seriousness to proceedings today as the Sun is almost conjunct Saturn. 07.45 The very slowly waxing and accelerating Moon ingresses Gemini 07.50 Mars at 8 Taurus waxing square Jupiter at 8 Aquarius 14.50 Venus at 19 Capricorn waning tri-decile Uranus at 7 Taurus 15.27 The Moon at 4 Gemini waxing trine The Sun at 4 Aquarius 16.20 The Moon at 4 Gemini waxing trine Saturn at 4 Aquarius 19.30 The Sun at 4 Aquarius waning semi-square Neptune at 19 Pisces 19.50 Venus at 19 Capricorn waning sextile Neptune at 19 Pisces

Sunday 24th January 2021

Sun conjunct Saturn

Russian police have detained more than 2,000 people in a crackdown on protests in support of jailed opposition leader Alexei Navalny. Tens of thousands of people defied a heavy police presence to join some of the largest rallies against President Vladimir Putin in recent years. Transiting Mars was square Jupiter in the sky and transiting Mercury opposed both Putin's Pluto and the Russian natal Venus. In Moscow, riot police were seen beating and dragging away protesters. Mr Navalny, President Putin's most high-profile critic, called for protests after his arrest last Sunday. Transiting Uranus makes a trine to the Russian (1991 chart) Sun 3 times in 2021-2022, the start of the 21st century Russian revolution, and then transiting Pluto opposes the Russian Moon, rousing difficult convulsive population disturbances in 2022-2023, prior to a Progressed New Moon in Libra in 2024, promising a new social order in the 28 year cycle ahead. President Putin has transiting Uranus opposite his Scorpio Venus this year, shaking up his personal popularity. A fast moving, rapidly changing day is in store. 00.04 The slowly waxing and accelerating Moon at 8 Gemini trine Jupiter at 8 Aquarius 03.02 The Sun conjunction Saturn at 4 Aquarius 18.45 The Moon conjunction the mean lunar node at 18 Gemini 21.37 The Moon at 19 Gemini waxing square Neptune at 19 Pisces 23.54 The Moon reaches her waxing gibbous phase The slow build up to Thursday's Full Moon now begins in earnest.

Monday 25th January 2021

00.29 The Moon at 21 Gemini waxing quincunx Venus at 21 Capricorn 07.18 The Moon at 24 Gemini waxing trine Mercury at 24 Aquarius. The Moon is void of course for 11.5 hours. 09.12 The Moon at 25 Gemini waxing quincunx Pluto at 25 Capricorn 12.09 Venus at 21 Capricorn waning tri-decile Mars at 9 Taurus 18.53 The Moon ingresses Cancer STATE OF THE SKY:- The Sun reaches 6 degrees Aquarius today. Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn are also in Aquarius. Venus and Pluto are in Capricorn. Mars and Uranus are in Taurus. There are 55 days to the Vernal Equinox. The waxing gibbous Moon climaxes in her Full phase on Thursday. Mercury is in Aquarius as an evening star. Mercury has his retrograde phase whilst in this sign this year and is here for a lengthy 66 days. This retrograde phase is strongly coloured by Mercury's triple conjunction with Jupiter, Jan 11th, Feb 14th, and March 5th. Advancement of science, future orientation of thinking and brave new expansive cool logic characterises the collective mind at these times. Mercury has a busy itinerary. He is already in his shadow and has slowed to a speed of less than a degree per day. He turns retrograde on Jan 30th at 26 Aquarius. Mercury is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun at 20 Aquarius on Feb 8th, then as a morning star squares Mars a 2nd time on Feb 10th, and is conjunct Venus at 15 Aquarius on Feb 13th. The following day he is conjunct Jupiter for the 2nd time at 13 Aquarius. Mercury turns direct at 11 Aquarius on Feb 21st. Mercury is conjunct Jupiter a final time at 17 Aquarius on March 5th, is back up to speed on March 6th, comes out of his shadow on March 13th and enters Pisces on March 15th. Lots of learning to do during this period. 'Advancement' and 'education' are the keywords. Venus is a morning star in Capricorn. She resides there for the remainder of January. This is a favorable but very short residence. Venus is conjunct Pluto, on Thursday, the day of the Full Moon, fanatic love. Venus leaves Capricorn for Aquarius on Feb 1st. Venus is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun on March 26th 2021 at 6 Aries. Venus turns retrograde on Dec 19th 2021 at 26 Capricorn. Mars is direct in Taurus spending a total of 57 days there. Urgency and passion have been replaced with resolution, will and emphasis. The business of getting stuck in, moving mountains, and strong practicality are now with us. Mars sextiles Neptune, subtle efforts and eventualities, on Feb 14th. Mars trines Pluto on Feb 25th, a wealth of power and determination. Mars enters Gemini on March 4th. He has a close and hot (0.5 degree alignment) encounter with Venus in Leo on July 13th and a big bash with retrograde Mercury and the Sun in mid Libra on Oct 9th 2021. Mars next turns retrograde at 25 Gemini on Oct 30th 2022. He resides in Gemini either side of that date for seven months. Jupiter is direct in Aquarius. Jupiter from Aquarius made a single waning square to Uranus on January 17th 2021 expanding consciousness with new and possibly alien ideas. The Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn at the start of Aquarius occurred on the Winter Solstice 2020. Jupiter is conjunct Neptune at 24 degrees Pisces in 2022 (the Florence Nightingale combination conjunction). Saturn is direct in Aquarius. In 2021 the main outer body aspect is a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This is a difficult aspect, but not in the league of 2020 aspects. This cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with their opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. The 2021 last quarter aspect will induce political, financial and social changes of possibly a drastic nature and a measure of instability. We will observe a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The aspect peaks in 2021 on Feb 17th, June 14th and Dec 24th with a slight return in early October 2022. Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is now direct in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance and ownership are about to take place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Bitcoin is currently rallying above $30,000. Bitcoin had tripled in value over the course of 2020 despite the global pandemic. Neptune is direct in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is now direct in Capricorn. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. Now 2020 and its 'dense astrology' are over The flavor of the immediate years ahead is potentially promising. Jupiter is in Aquarius from Dec 2020 to Dec 2021. Saturn resides there from Dec 2020 to March 2023, and Pluto is in Aquarius from 2023 for 20 years. There is hope for a more enlightened, democratic, humane altruism here. The next eclipse is a Total Lunar Eclipse at 5 Sagittarius on May 26th 2021, square Jupiter, not visible from the UK. The following event is a Solar Eclipse visible (just) from the UK at 20 Gemini, conjunct retro-Mercury square Neptune, on June 10th 2021. Also in 2021 there is a partial lunar eclipse on Nov 19th at 27 Taurus square Jupiter, and a Total Solar Eclipse, visible from Antarctica, on Dec 4th quincunx Uranus at 12 Sagittarius. The next Total Lunar eclipse visible from the UK is at 26 Scorpio, during the early hours of May 16th 2022. The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024 

Tuesday 26th January 2021

Sun square Uranus

The Moon is now 'gaining in light and motion' and is in Cancer. Lunar pressures are building up an emotional head of steam. Mercury is 4 days from his retrograde motion, lots of learning ahead. Venus enters Aquarius next Monday, she 'waits and sees'. The Moon is Full in Leo this Thursday, more on this later. Today is highlighted by the Sun squaring Uranus. Difficult changes to negotiate. 03.38 The waxing gibbous Moon accelerating at 5 Cancer quincunx Saturn at 5 Aquarius 06.09 Mercury at 25 Aquarius waning quintile Uranus at 7 Taurus 07.24 The Moon at 7 Cancer waxing quincunx The Sun at 7 Aquarius 07.50 The Moon at 7 Cancer waxing sextile Uranus at 7 Taurus 11.33 The Moon at 9 Cancer waxing quincunx Jupiter at 9 Aquarius 12.49 The Sun at 7 Aquarius waning square Uranus at 7 Taurus 13.18 The Moon at 10 Cancer waxing sextile Mars at 10 Taurus 14.36 Mercury at 25 Aquarius waxing semi-sextile Pluto at 25 Capricorn

Wednesday 27th January 2021

The Moon opposite Venus and Pluto

06.58 The waxing gibbous accelerating Moon at 19 Cancer waxing trine Neptune at 19 Pisces The Moon opposite Venus and Pluto 15.00 to 18.00 GMT 15.37 The Moon at 24 Cancer opposition Venus at 24 Capricorn 17.56 The Moon at 25 Cancer opposition Pluto at 25 Capricorn, moon void 18.08 Venus at 24 Capricorn waning bi-septile Uranus at 7 Taurus 19.10 The Moon at 26 Cancer waxing quincunx Mercury at 26 Aquarius

Thursday 28th January 2021

Full Moon in Leo

Venus conjunct Pluto

02.49 Mars at 10 Taurus waxing septile Neptune at 19 Pisces 02.56 The almost Full Moon ingresses Leo 04.08 Jupiter at 9 Aquarius waning novile Neptune at 19 Pisces This is a single waning novile in the 13 year synodic cycle of these two planets which began in 2009 in Aquarius. They are again conjunct on April 4th 2022 in Pisces. Jupiter Neptune symbolises the rise or decline of political, social orders and ideologies. The waning novile aspect symbolises a consolidation of harvest. 11.42 The Moon at 5 Leo opposition Saturn at 5 Aquarius 15.12 The Moon at 7 Leo waxing square Uranus at 7 Taurus 16.19 Venus at 25 Capricorn conjunction Pluto at 25 Capricorn 19.17 Moment of FULL MOON

Today's Full Moon is the 2nd following the Penumbral Lunar Eclipse on Nov 29th 2020 and the 4th Full Moon before a Total Lunar Eclipse at 5 Sagittarius on May 26th 2021, (not visible from the UK). This Full Moon forms a tight hostile Fixed T-square with Jupiter, Saturn, and Mars and Uranus. The Candlemass 'Imbolc' Full Moon, the Wolf Moon is accompanied by Venus conjunct Pluto. The Full Moon in Leo forms a Fixed T-square with Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius and Mars and Uranus in Taurus. It's rather an overpowering lunation, strong, unrelenting with a high amperage. The accompanying Venus Pluto conjunction in Capricorn adds a potent fiscal dimension and an intensity of effort to the experience. It's a colourful, extrovert, creative celebration and somewhat overwhelming. At the moment of Full Moon today (19.17 GMT), it is Sunrise (and Jupiter rise) at Sydney. Sunset and Moonrise are occcurring over The Cape Verde Islands. Moonset is over Yukon Territory. It is High Noon at Rocky Mountain park and True Midnight at Omsk. Mercury sets at Lisbon, Neptune culminates at Caracus and Mars and Uranus have just risen at San Fransisco. This Full Moon hits the natal Pluto of many notable 'seniors'. Donald Trump, Joseph Biden, and GW Bush all have their natal Pluto on this degree. As do many of the venerable 'rockers' including Eric Clapton, Keith Richards, Jimmy Page, Nick Mason (Pink Floyd), Pete Townshend, and the ladies, Joanna Lumley and Cher. After the Full Moon moment has climaxed.... 19.40 The Moon at 9 Leo opposition Jupiter at 9 Aquarius 21.09 The Sun at 9 Aquarius waning novile Neptune at 19 Pisces 22.33 The Moon at 11 Leo waxing square Mars at 11 Taurus

Friday 29th January 2021

The Moon is severely hung over after her full moon climax yesterday and is pretty well besieged all day today in Leo. Bluster and blow. In addition Mercury is about to turn retrograde (tomorrow). At these moments stillness of mind can easily and should be sought. Just don't go on making too many plans just yet. 01.40 The Sun at 9 Aquarius conjunction Jupiter at 9 Aquarius 09.57 The waning full Moon at 17 Leo sextiles her node from north of the ecliptic. 13.11 The Moon accelerating at 19 Leo waxing quincunx Neptune at 19 Pisces 17.19 Mercury at 26 Aquarius waxing semi-sextile Venus at 26 Capricorn 23.36 The Moon at 25 Leo waning quincunx Pluto at 25 Capricorn

Saturday 30th January 2021

01.54 The waning full Moon at 26 Leo opposition Mercury at 26 Aquarius. The Moon is void of course for just over 6 hours 02.40 The Moon at 27 Leo waning quincunx Venus at 27 Capricorn A 'practical tasks' focus lies ahead this weekend. The Virgo Moon influence refines and grounds the Sun in Aquarius vision. There is more of this energy ahead as Venus ingresses the sign to join, the Sun, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn, on Monday. This 'concentrated swirl of Aquarius' all culminates with the New Moon in the sign, with no major aspects, on Feb 11th. Science, modernism and future vision holds the way immediately ahead. 08.04 The Moon ingresses Virgo 15.52 MERCURY TURNS RETROGRADE. Mercury turns direct at 11 Aquarius on Feb 21st 16.55 The Moon at 5 Virgo waning quincunx Saturn at 5 Aquarius 19.53 The Moon at 7 Virgo waxing trine Uranus at 7 Taurus 20.05 Venus at 28 Capricorn waning septile Neptune at 19 Pisces

Sunday 31st January 2021

01.01 The waning full Moon at 10 Virgo quincunx Jupiter at 10 Aquarius 03.52 The Moon at 11 Virgo quincunx The Sun at 11 Aquarius 04.57 The Moon at 12 Virgo waxing trine Mars at 12 Taurus The Moon makes a Mutable T-square with Neptune and the Lunar Node 13.00 to 17.30 GMT. 13.43 The Moon at 17 Virgo waxing square the lunar node at 17 Gemini 17.09 The Moon at 19 Virgo opposition Neptune at 19 Pisces

Monday 1st February 2021

Sun square Mars

We witness a modulation to Air today. By sunset there will be 6 bodies and the Lunar Node in Air signs, (3 in Earth, 1 in Water, 0 in Fire). Increased communication, theorising and conceptualising with quite a practical bent. 00.29 Minor lunar occultation of star Nu Virgo, observable from the UK, ends 01.36. 03.18 The rapidly waning Moon at 25 Virgo trines Pluto at 25 Capricorn 05.05 The Moon at 26 Virgo waning quincunx retro-Mercury at 26 Aquarius 07.27 The Moon reaches her disseminating phase 10.34 The Sun at 13 Aquarius waning square Mars at 13 Taurus 11.10 The Moon at 30 Virgo waning trine Venus at 30 Capricorn. The Moon is void for just 17 minutes. 11.27 The Moon ingresses Libra 14.07 Venus ingresses Aquarius joining the Sun, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn in this sign and she resides here for 25 days. We are now in a brief period of concentrated Aquarius planetary energy. Venus is conjunct Saturn on Feb 6th at 6 degrees Aquarius. She is then conjunct Jupiter at 13 degrees of the sign on Feb 11th, the day of the New Moon in Aquarius and the height of this current blast of Aquarius energy. Venus is conjunct Mercury at 15 degrees Aquarius on Feb 13th. Venus squares Mars on Feb 19th, She leaves Aquarius for Pisces on Feb 25th. This period is characterised by an accelerated pushing forward into future vision. A raising of vibration. A new wave. Global perspectives predominate. 20.33 The Moon at 5 Libra waning trine Saturn at 5 Aquarius 22.44 The Sun at 13 Aquarius waning decile Neptune at 19 Pisces 23.05 The Moon at 7 Libra waxing quincunx Uranus at 7 Taurus STATE OF THE SKY:- The Sun reaches 13 degrees Aquarius today. Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn and from today Venus, are also in Aquarius. Mars and Uranus are in Taurus. There are 48 days to the Vernal Equinox. Mercury is now retrograde in Aquarius as an evening star. This retrograde phase is strongly colored by Mercury's triple conjunction with Jupiter, Jan 11th, Feb 14th, and March 5th. Advancement of science, future orientation of thinking and brave new expansive cool logic characterises the collective mind at these times. Mercury has a busy itinerary. He turned retrograde on Jan 30th at 26 Aquarius. Mercury is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun at 20 Aquarius on Feb 8th, then as a morning star squares Mars a 2nd time on Feb 10th, and is conjunct Venus at 15 Aquarius on Feb 13th. The following day he is conjunct Jupiter for the 2nd time at 13 Aquarius. Mercury turns direct at 11 Aquarius on Feb 21st. Mercury is conjunct Jupiter a final time at 17 Aquarius on March 5th, is back up to speed on March 6th, comes out of his shadow on March 13th and enters Pisces on March 15th. Lots of learning to do during this period. 'Advancement' and 'education' are the keywords. Venus is a morning star and from today is in Aquarius,(see above). Venus is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun on March 26th 2021 at 6 Aries. Venus turns retrograde on Dec 19th 2021 at 26 Capricorn. Mars is direct in Taurus. The business of getting stuck in, moving mountains, and strong practicality are now with us. Mars sextiles Neptune, subtle efforts and eventualities, on Feb 14th. Mars trines Pluto on Feb 25th, a wealth of power and determination. Mars enters Gemini on March 4th. He has a close and hot (0.5 degree alignment) encounter with Venus in Leo on July 13th and a big bash with retrograde Mercury and the Sun in mid Libra on Oct 9th 2021. Mars next turns retrograde at 25 Gemini on Oct 30th 2022. He resides in Gemini either side of that date for seven months. Jupiter is direct in Aquarius. Jupiter from Aquarius made a single waning square to Uranus on January 17th 2021 expanding consciousness with new and possibly alien ideas. The Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn at the start of Aquarius occurred on the Winter Solstice 2020. Jupiter is conjunct Neptune at 24 degrees Pisces in 2022 (the Florence Nightingale combination conjunction). Saturn is direct in Aquarius. In 2021 the main outer body aspect is a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This is a difficult aspect, but not in the league of 2020 aspects. This cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with their opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. The 2021 last quarter aspect will induce political, financial and social changes of possibly a drastic nature and a measure of instability. We will observe a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The aspect peaks in 2021 on Feb 17th, June 14th and Dec 24th with a slight return in early October 2022. Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is now direct in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance and ownership are about to take place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Bitcoin is currently rallying above $30,000. Bitcoin had tripled in value over the course of 2020 despite the global pandemic. Neptune is direct in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is now direct in Capricorn. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. Now 2020 and its 'dense astrology' are over The flavor of the immediate years ahead is potentially promising. Jupiter is in Aquarius from Dec 2020 to Dec 2021. Saturn resides there from Dec 2020 to March 2023, and Pluto is in Aquarius from 2023 for 20 years. There is hope for a more enlightened, democratic, humane altruism here. The next eclipse is a Total Lunar Eclipse at 5 Sagittarius on May 26th 2021, square Jupiter, not visible from the UK. The following event is a Solar Eclipse visible (just) from the UK at 20 Gemini, conjunct retro-Mercury square Neptune, on June 10th 2021. Also in 2021 there is a partial lunar eclipse on Nov 19th at 27 Taurus square Jupiter, and a Total Solar Eclipse, visible from Antarctica, on Dec 4th quincunx Uranus at 12 Sagittarius. The next Total Lunar eclipse visible from the UK is at 26 Scorpio, during the early hours of May 16th 2022. The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024 

Tuesday 2nd February 2021

Myanmar's military has seized power after detaining Aung San Suu Kyi and other democratically elected leaders. Troops are patrolling the streets and a night-time curfew is in force, with a one-year state of emergency declared. Astrologically, Burma (Myanmar) is currently undergoing an 80 year long 'retrograde progressed Mars'. Mars is strong in the 1948 Burmese chart (Jan 4th 1948 04.20 NST Rangoon), and the story of Mars is the story of Burma so far. Mars rules the military. This is very much an 'army-ruled nation'. Mars was in Virgo with Saturn and Pluto and was prominent in the natal 9th house of the Burmese chart. Secondary progressed Mars (p.Mars), turned retrograde in 1952, the army took control in 1962 after a coup. P.Mars reversed into Leo in 1987, was at opposition to p.Sun in 1992, and was conjunct p.Saturn in 2009. Ms Suu Kyi was freed from detention after spending 2 decades under house arrest. P.Mars turns direct in 2033, is conjunct P.Saturn again in 2059 and re-enters Virgo in 2083. The astrologers who selected the time and date of the start of the Burmese independent nation chose unwisely a date just 5 days before Mars stationed. 04.58 The rapidly disseminating and accelerating Moon at 10 Libra waning trine Jupiter at 10 Aquarius 07.31 Mars at 13 Taurus waxing tri-decile Pluto at 25 Capricorn 09.59 The Moon at 13 Libra waxing quincunx Mars at 13 Taurus 10.50 The Moon at 14 Libra waning trine The Sun at 14 Aquarius 16.27 The Moon at 17 Libra trines her node from north of the ecliptic. 20.11 The Moon at 19 Libra waning quincunx Neptune at 19 Pisces

Wednesday 3rd February 2021

So Uranus in Taurus square Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius has coincided with an amazing breakthrough in human-plant communication. Spinach sending emails. In simple terms, when the spinach roots detect the presence of nitroaromatics in groundwater, a compound often found in explosives like landmines, the carbon nanotubes within the plant leaves emit a signal. This signal is then read by an infrared camera, sending an email alert to the scientists Venus conjunct Saturn at 6 degrees Aquarius early (GMT) on Saturday is the next planetary aspect in the sky. This close conjunction is cold to the touch, lacking in emotional sympathy, a trifle controlling, depresses the money markets and certainly has clarity and entertains no nonsense. The wave is starting now. 06.16 The very rapidly disseminating Moon at 25 Libra waning trine retro-Mercury at 25 Aquarius. 06.16 The Moon at 25 Libra waning square Pluto at 25 Capricorn. The Moon is void of course for 8 hours 06.23 Mercury at 25 Aquarius waxing semi-sextile Pluto at 25 Capricorn 14.16 The Moon hurtles into Scorpio. 15.00 The Sun reaches 15 degrees Aquarius. We are now midway between Solstice and Equinox. (Imbolc). Summer is ending in the southern hemisphere and the season of 'stirring' (Tolkien) starts in the north. Seasons they change. The beginning of February marks the celebration of Imbolc, (pronounced 'Im-olc') an ancient Celtic celebration to welcome back the return of the Sun and Spring. It is one of the eight festivals that pagans celebrate the cycles and seasons of the year with. Four of the festivals have Celtic origins, these are Imbolc, Beltane, Lughnasadh and Samhain, and are known as the fire festivals. The other four are associated with points on the solar calendar, the Spring and Autumn Equinox, and the Summer and Winter Solstices. 18.56 The Moon at 3 Scorpio waning square Venus at 3 Aquarius 19.02 The Moon is at Perigee. Fastest and closest to the Earth this month. 19.20 Mercury at 25 Aquarius waning quintile Uranus at 7 Taurus 23.48 The Moon at 6 Scorpio waning square Saturn at 6 Aquarius

Thursday 4th February 2021

Today the very rapidly waning Scorpio Moon makes a wide Fixed T-square with Jupiter and Uranus and then one with Mars and the Sun 01.00 to 18.00 GMT. 01.58 The Moon at 7 Scorpio opposition Uranus at 7 Taurus and she squares Uranus on Sunday. 08.40 The Moon at 11 Scorpio waning square Jupiter at 11 Aquarius 10.35 Mercury at 24 Aquarius waning bi-novile Mars at 14 Taurus 14.51 The Moon at 14 Scorpio opposition Mars at 14 Taurus 17.38 The Moon at Last Quarter 21.33 The Sun at 16 Aquarius waxing decile retro-Mercury at 24 Aquarius 23.12 The Moon at 19 Scorpio waning trine Neptune at 19 Pisces

Friday 5th February 2021

Venus applies to a conjunction with Saturn, exact early Saturday (GMT), and then squares Uranus early Sunday. This astro event, something of a sobering experience with a touch of the unusual, serves as a prelude to the amassing of 6 bodies in Aquarius climaxing with the New Moon in this sign next Thursday. We really are living through an acceleration into new energy, a new wave. Mercury retrogrades through this period. Much new information to assimilate, much old stuff to re-learn. 02.24 Venus at 4 Aquarius waning semi-square Neptune at 19 Pisces 06.27 The fast moving but decelerating Last Quarter Moon at 24 Scorpio waning square Mercury at 24 Aquarius 09.21 The Moon at 25 Scorpio waning sextile Pluto at 25 Capricorn. The Moon is void for nearly 8 hours 12.48 The Sun at 17 Aquarius waning bi-novile Uranus at 7 Taurus 13.44 The Sun at 17 Aquarius trines the lunar node at 17 Gemini 17.18 The Moon ingress Sagittarius Venus draws close to Saturn as this day ends. Amid and despite Moon in Sagittarius buoyancy there is a definite sobriety to the hours ahead.

Saturday 6th February 2021

Close conjunction of Venus and Saturn.

Russia has expelled three diplomats from Germany, Sweden and Poland for joining protests in support of opposition activist Alexei Navalny, who was jailed earlier this week. The Russian foreign ministry said the three took part in 'illegal demonstrations' on 23 January. Thursday's New Moon opposes the Russian (1991 chart) 11th house Mercury Venus conjunction in Leo. Ill advised and unfriendly. The new Russian Revolution is underway. That same New Moon opposes the Burmese Saturn, square the nodes. A civil disobedience movement in Myanmar is gaining momentum with teachers and students protesting against Monday's military coup. Similar repression of the population at work in these two countries at this time and experiencing public opposition as the planets amass in Aquarius. A spirited couple of days are ahead coloured by Venus conjunct Saturn in Aquarius both square Uranus. Significant events are at hand. 03.01 The waning Moon decelerating at 6 Sagittarius waning sextile Venus at 6 Aquarius 03.21 The Moon at 6 Sagittarius waning sextile Saturn at 6 Aquarius 05.11 The Moon at 7 Sagittarius waning quincunx Uranus at 7 Taurus 06.55 Closest alignment Venus Saturn 0.38 degrees 07.08 Venus at 6 Aquarius conjunction Saturn at 6 Aquarius 12.46 The Moon at 11 Sagittarius waning sextile Jupiter at 11 Aquarius 20.12 The Moon at 16 Sagittarius waning quincunx Mars at 16 Taurus The Moon makes a Mutable T-square with Neptune and the Lunar Node 22.00 to 03.00 GMT. 22.16 The Moon at 17 Sagittarius opposes her ascending node at 17 Gemini

Sunday 7th February 2021

Venus square Uranus

A day largely going nowhere. A burnt out Moon, slowing and fading. 00.57 The decelerating and waning Moon at 18 Sagittarius waning sextile The Sun at 18 Aquarius 02.41 The Moon at 19 Sagittarius waning square Neptune at 19 Pisces 03.34 Venus at 7 Aquarius waning square Uranus at 7 Taurus 06.17 The Moon at 22 Sagittarius waning sextile Mercury at 22 Aquarius. The Moon is void of course for 14.6 hours 20.53 The Moon ingresses Capricorn joining Pluto in this sign.

Monday 8th February 2021

Inferior Conjunction of Mercury

This coming week will witness a New Moon in Aquarius on Thursday. This event is accompanied by an Aquarius stellium, a close alignment of Venus and Jupiter, a retrograde Mercury applying to Venus and Jupiter and Saturn squaring Uranus. It all adds up to an astrological event of note, a herald to a new wave of experience, and an omen of significant developments on the world stage. 01.33 The Sun at 20 Aquarius waning semi-sextile Neptune at 20 Pisces 04.56 The Moon reaches her balsamic phase. The procession to Thursday's New Moon now starts in earnest. 09.01 The decelerating balsamic Moon at 7 Capricorn waning trine Uranus at 7 Taurus 13.49 Inferior conjunction Mercury and the Sun at 20 Aquarius A 'New Mercury'. The start of a new chapter in the story. 14.11 The Sun at 20 Aquarius waxing novile Mercury at 20 Aquarius 23.36 Mercury at 20 Aquarius waning semi-sextile Neptune at 20 Pisces STATE OF THE SKY:- The Sun reaches 20 degrees Aquarius today. Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn and Venus, are also in Aquarius. Mars and Uranus are in Taurus. There are 41 days to the Vernal Equinox. This week we experience the amassing of 6 bodies in Aquarius climaxing with the New Moon in this sign on Thursday. We really are living through an acceleration into new energy, a new wave. Mercury is retrograde in Aquarius as an evening star. This retrograde phase is strongly coloured by Mercury's triple conjunction with Jupiter, Jan 11th, Feb 14th, and March 5th. Advancement of science, future orientation of thinking and brave new expansive cool logic characterises the collective mind at these times. Mercury has a busy itinerary. He turned retrograde on Jan 30th at 26 Aquarius and is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun at 20 Aquarius today. Then as a morning star he squares Mars a 2nd time on Feb 10th, and is conjunct Venus at 15 Aquarius on Feb 13th. The following day he is conjunct Jupiter for the 2nd time at 13 Aquarius. Mercury turns direct at 11 Aquarius on Feb 21st. Mercury is conjunct Jupiter a final time at 17 Aquarius on March 5th, is back up to speed on March 6th, comes out of his shadow on March 13th and enters Pisces on March 15th. Lots of learning to do during this period. 'Advancement' and 'education' are the keywords. Venus is a morning star in Aquarius. She is conjunct Jupiter at 13 degrees of the sign on Feb 11th, the day of the New Moon in Aquarius and the height of the current blast of Aquarius energy. Venus is conjunct Mercury at 15 degrees Aquarius on Feb 13th. Venus squares Mars on Feb 19th, She leaves Aquarius for Pisces on Feb 25th. This period is characterised by an accelerated pushing forward into future vision. A raising of vibration. A new wave. Global perspectives predominate. Venus is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun on March 26th 2021 at 6 Aries. Venus turns retrograde on Dec 19th 2021 at 26 Capricorn. Mars is direct in Taurus. The business of getting stuck in, moving mountains, and strong practicality are now with us. Mars sextiles Neptune, subtle efforts and eventualities, on Feb 14th. Mars trines Pluto on Feb 25th, a wealth of power and determination. Mars enters Gemini on March 4th. He has a close and hot (0.5 degree alignment) encounter with Venus in Leo on July 13th and a big bash with retrograde Mercury and the Sun in mid Libra on Oct 9th 2021. Mars next turns retrograde at 25 Gemini on Oct 30th 2022. He resides in Gemini either side of that date for seven months. Jupiter is direct in Aquarius. Jupiter from Aquarius made a single waning square to Uranus on January 17th 2021 expanding consciousness with new and possibly alien ideas. The Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn at the start of Aquarius occurred on the Winter Solstice 2020. Jupiter is conjunct Neptune at 24 degrees Pisces in 2022 (the Florence Nightingale combination conjunction). Saturn is direct in Aquarius. In 2021 the main outer body aspect is a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This is a difficult aspect, but not in the league of 2020 aspects. This cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with their opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. The 2021 last quarter aspect will induce political, financial and social changes of possibly a drastic nature and a measure of instability. We will observe a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The aspect peaks in 2021 on Feb 17th, June 14th and Dec 24th with a slight return in early October 2022. Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is now direct in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance and ownership are about to take place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Bitcoin is currently rallying above $30,000. Bitcoin had tripled in value over the course of 2020 despite the global pandemic. Neptune is direct in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is now direct in Capricorn. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. Now 2020 and its 'dense astrology' are over The flavor of the immediate years ahead is potentially promising. Jupiter is in Aquarius from Dec 2020 to Dec 2021. Saturn resides there from Dec 2020 to March 2023, and Pluto is in Aquarius from 2023 for 20 years. There is hope for a more enlightened, democratic, humane altruism here. The next eclipse is a Total Lunar Eclipse at 5 Sagittarius on May 26th 2021, square Jupiter, not visible from the UK. The following event is a Solar Eclipse visible (just) from the UK at 20 Gemini, conjunct retro-Mercury square Neptune, on June 10th 2021. Also in 2021 there is a partial lunar eclipse on Nov 19th at 27 Taurus square Jupiter, and a Total Solar Eclipse, visible from Antarctica, on Dec 4th quincunx Uranus at 12 Sagittarius. The next Total Lunar eclipse visible from the UK is at 26 Scorpio, during the early hours of May 16th 2022. The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024

Tuesday 9th February 2021

Old hard horny goaty moon grafting away in Capricorn. Jobs of work. Nose to the grindstone. 02.22 The Moon at 17 Capricorn waning trine Mars at 17 Taurus 04.49 Venus at 10 Aquarius waning novile Neptune at 20 Pisces 06.55 The Moon at 20 Capricorn waning sextile Neptune at 20 Pisces 17.22 The Moon conjunction Pluto at 25 Capricorn. The Moon is then void of course for 8 hours.

Wednesday 10th February 2021

Retro-Mercury square Mars.


01.22 The ancient Moon ingresses Aquarius joining the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and Saturn in this sign. 12.16 Mercury at 18 Aquarius waning square Mars at 18 Taurus 12.43 The Moon at 6 Aquarius conjunction Saturn at 6 Aquarius 13.52 The Moon at 7 Aquarius waning square Uranus at 7 Taurus 22.11 The Moon at 12 Aquarius conjunction Venus at 12 Aquarius 23.29 The Moon at 12 Aquarius conjunction Jupiter at 12 Aquarius New Moon tomorrow.

Thursday 11th February 2021

New Moon in Aquarius

Saturn square Uranus starting to bite.

02.08 Mercury at 17 Aquarius waning bi-novile Uranus at 7 Taurus 07.08 The Moon at 17 Aquarius waning trine the lunar node at 17 Gemini 07.23 The Moon at 17 Aquarius conjunction Mercury at 17 Aquarius 09.56 The Moon at 18 Aquarius waning square Mars at 18 Taurus 10.28 Mercury at 17 Aquarius waning trine the lunar node at 17 Gemini 14.46 Closest alignment Venus Jupiter 0.46 degrees 15.00 Venus at 13 Aquarius conjunction Jupiter at 13 Aquarius 19.06 Moment of NEW MOON, moon void http://www.globallightminds.com/

This is the second New Moon following the Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius on Dec 14th 2020, and the 4th New Moon before the Annular Solar Eclipse in Gemini on June 10th 2021. Today's New Moon makes no major aspects but is weakly quintile to Uranus which injects an inventive practicality to the event. The event is however accompanied by an Aquarius stellium, a close alignment of Venus and Jupiter, a retrograde Mercury applying to Venus and Jupiter and Saturn squaring Uranus. There is a massive planetary imbalance in both element and quality modes. 8 bodies are in fixed signs, 6 are in Air zero in fire. This is still, cold and clear, visionary but dispassionate. The New Moon is on the Neptune/Pluto midpoint. It all adds up to an astrological event of note, a herald to a new wave of experience, and an omen of significant developments on the world stage. At the moment of New Moon it is sunrise and moonrise over the Marshall Islands. It is sunset over Greenland at Dakar, and moonset at St.Helena. It is high noon at Denver and true midnight is occurring over the K2 mountain. Mars sets at New Delhi. Neptune sets at Amsterdam and culminates at Quito. Today's New Moon hits the Sun of Chile, Japan and the UK Labour Party, the Moon of Ukraine, the Saturn of Johnny Depp and Judy Dench, the Jupiter of Queen Elizabeth, the Neptune of Bitcoin, the Pluto of the New York Stock Exchange and the MC of India. It opposes the Mayanmar Saturn, the UK Saturn and the Russian (1991 chart) Mercury Venus conjunction. There is crystal vision here. This is certainly a New Age Event ushering in higher octaves of future-proof vibrations. It is a lunation worthy of your clear attention. From the moment of New moon the Moon is void of course for 12 hours 19 mins.

Friday 12th February 2021

Before us over the following two days retro-Mercury has conjunction encounters with Venus and Jupiter. There are messages to send and receive, much to put to rights. Mercury turns direct at 11 Aquarius on Feb 21st. 07.25 The slowly moving infant new Moon enters Pisces joining Neptune in this sign. A 'tear drops' ingress, soft, sad and sensitive. Fishy Friday. 11.38 Venus at 14 Aquarius waning decile Neptune at 20 Pisces 20.31 The Moon at 7 Pisces waning sextile Uranus at 7 Taurus

Saturday 13th February 2021

Retrograde Mercury conjunct Venus.

Dreamy day this one as the Moon is conjunct Neptune in Pisces. Eventful day also as Mercury is conjunct Venus first thing. 07.49 Retro-Mercury conjunction Venus at 15 Aquarius This conjunction of Mercury and Venus, always potentially a merry event and often occurring at eventful times, particularly in the personal and professional spheres of life, is the first of 4 this year. The others are on April 25th at 14 Taurus, 29th May at 25 Gemini and Dec 29th at 24 Capricorn. 14.13 The Moon at 17 Pisces waning square her node from south of the ecliptic. 14.43 The Sun at 25 Aquarius waning quintile Uranus at 7 Taurus 19.56 The Moon at 20 Pisces waning sextile Mars at 20 Taurus 20.11 The Moon conjunction Neptune at 20 Pisces 23.54 Mars at 20 Taurus waxing bi-septile Saturn at 7 Aquarius and applies in sextile to Neptune as the (GMT) day ends, creating an astrological atmosphere with a measure of 'the sensational'.

Sunday 14th February 2021

Mars sextile Neptune.

Retrograde Mercury conjunct Jupiter

02.14 Mars at 20 Taurus waxing sextile Neptune at 20 Pisces 02.35 The Sun at 26 Aquarius waxing semi-sextile Pluto at 26 Capricorn 07.29 The slowly waxing young Moon at 26 Pisces waxing sextile Pluto at 26 Capricorn. The Moon is void for nearly 8.5 hours. 10.25 retro-Mercury at 14 Aquarius waning decile Neptune at 20 Pisces 15.56 The Moon enters Aries injecting a little much needed fire into proceedings. 18.00 Venus at 16 Aquarius waning trine the lunar node at 16 Gemini 21.40 Retro-Mercury conjunction Jupiter at 13 Aquarius This is the 2nd of 3 conjunctions of Mercury and Jupiter. The first was on Jan 11th, and the final hit is on March 5th. Advancement of science, future orientation of thinking and brave new expansive cool logic characterises the collective mind right now.

Monday 15th February 2021

05.23 The Moon at 7 Aries waxing sextile Saturn at 7 Aquarius 06.53 Venus at 17 Aquarius waning bi-novile Uranus at 7 Taurus 15.40 The Moon reaches her waxing crescent phase 16.51 The Moon at 13 Aries waxing sextile Mercury at 13 Aquarius 18.23 The Moon at 14 Aries waxing sextile Jupiter at 14 Aquarius STATE OF THE SKY:- The Sun reaches 27 degrees Aquarius today. Retro-Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn and Venus, are also in Aquarius. Mars and Uranus are in Taurus. The Sun enters Pisces on Thursday. There are 34 days to the Vernal Equinox. Mercury is retrograde in Aquarius as a mornning star. This retrograde phase is strongly coloured by Mercury's triple conjunction with Jupiter, Jan 11th, Feb 14th, and March 5th. Advancement of science, future orientation of thinking and brave new expansive cool logic characterises the collective mind at these times. Mercury has a busy itinerary. He turned retrograde on Jan 30th at 26 Aquarius and was at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun at 20 Aquarius. Mercury turns direct at 11 Aquarius on Feb 21st. Mercury is conjunct Jupiter a final time at 17 Aquarius on March 5th, is back up to speed on March 6th, comes out of his shadow on March 13th and enters Pisces on March 15th. Lots of learning to do during this period. 'Advancement' and 'education' are the keywords. Venus is a morning star in Aquarius. Venus squares Mars on Feb 19th, She leaves Aquarius for Pisces on Feb 25th. This period is characterised by an accelerated pushing forward into future vision. A raising of vibration. A new wave. Global perspectives predominate. Venus is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun on March 26th 2021 at 6 Aries. Venus turns retrograde on Dec 19th 2021 at 26 Capricorn. Mars is direct in Taurus. The business of getting stuck in, moving mountains, and strong practicality are now with us. Mars trines Pluto on Feb 25th, a wealth of power and determination. Mars enters Gemini on March 4th. He has a close and hot (0.5 degree alignment) encounter with Venus in Leo on July 13th and a big bash with retrograde Mercury and the Sun in mid Libra on Oct 9th 2021. Mars next turns retrograde at 25 Gemini on Oct 30th 2022. He resides in Gemini either side of that date for seven months. Jupiter is direct in Aquarius. Jupiter from Aquarius made a single waning square to Uranus on January 17th 2021 expanding consciousness with new and possibly alien ideas. The Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn at the start of Aquarius occurred on the Winter Solstice 2020. Jupiter is conjunct Neptune at 24 degrees Pisces in 2022 (the Florence Nightingale combination conjunction). Saturn is direct in Aquarius. In 2021 the main outer body aspect is a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This is a difficult aspect, but not in the league of 2020 aspects. This cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with their opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. The 2021 last quarter aspect will induce political, financial and social changes of possibly a drastic nature and a measure of instability. We will observe a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The aspect peaks in 2021 on Feb 17th, June 14th and Dec 24th with a slight return in early October 2022. Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is now direct in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance and ownership are about to take place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Bitcoin is currently rallying above $30,000. Bitcoin had tripled in value over the course of 2020 despite the global pandemic. Neptune is direct in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is now direct in Capricorn. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. Now 2020 and its 'dense astrology' are over The flavor of the immediate years ahead is potentially promising. Jupiter is in Aquarius from Dec 2020 to Dec 2021. Saturn resides there from Dec 2020 to March 2023, and Pluto is in Aquarius from 2023 for 20 years. There is hope for a more enlightened, democratic, humane altruism here. The next eclipse is a Total Lunar Eclipse at 5 Sagittarius on May 26th 2021, square Jupiter, not visible from the UK. The following event is a Solar Eclipse visible (just) from the UK at 20 Gemini, conjunct retro-Mercury square Neptune, on June 10th 2021. Also in 2021 there is a partial lunar eclipse on Nov 19th at 27 Taurus square Jupiter, and a Total Solar Eclipse, visible from Antarctica, on Dec 4th quincunx Uranus at 12 Sagittarius. The next Total Lunar eclipse visible from the UK is at 26 Scorpio, during the early hours of May 16th 2022. The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024

Tuesday 16th February 2021

00.04 The slowly waxing crescent Moon at 16 Aries sextiles her node from south of the ecliptic. 03.41 The Moon at 18 Aries waxing sextile Venus at 18 Aquarius 18.33 The Moon at 26 Aries waxing square Pluto at 26 Capricorn 20.49 Jupiter at 14 Aquarius waning decile Neptune at 20 Pisces This is a single waning decile in the 13 year synodic cycle of these two planets which began in 2009 in Aquarius. They are again conjunct on April 4th 2022 in Pisces. Jupiter Neptune symbolises the rise or decline of political, social orders and ideologies. The waning decile septile aspect symbolises a last chance for redemption.

Wednesday 17th February 2021

The last full day of the astrological month of Aquarius. The Sun enters Pisces tomorrow. 00.17 The very slowly waxing crescent Moon at 29 Aries waxing sextile The Sun at 29 Aquarius. The Moon is void of course for nearly 3 hours. 03.13 The Moon ingress Taurus joining Mars and Uranus in this sign. 10.01 Venus at 20 Aquarius waning semi-sextile Neptune at 20 Pisces 17.48 The Moon at 7 Taurus waxing square Saturn at 7 Aquarius 17.49 The Moon at 7 Taurus conjunction Uranus at 7 Taurus 19.08 Saturn at 7 Aquarius waning square Uranus at 7 Taurus In 2021 the main outer body aspect is a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This is a difficult aspect, but not in the league of 2020 aspects. This cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with their opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. The 2021 last quarter aspect will induce political, financial and social changes of possibly a drastic nature and a measure of instability. We will observe a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The aspect peaks in 2021 on Feb 17th, June 14th and Dec 24th with a slight return in early October 2022.

Thursday 18th February 2021

02.33 The Moon at 12 Taurus waxing square Mercury at 12 Aquarius 07.51 The Moon at 14 Taurus waxing square Jupiter at 14 Aquarius The Moon is at Apogee, furthest from the Earth and slowest this month, conjunct 'Black Moon Lilith'. 10.46 The Sun ingresses Pisces joining Neptune in this sign and a new astrological month begins. 19.30 The Moon at 20 Taurus waxing sextile Neptune at 20 Pisces 23.22 The Moon at 22 Taurus waxing square Venus at 22 Aquarius

Friday 19th February 2021

Venus squares Mars.

00.49 The very slowly waxing Moon conjunction Mars at 22 Taurus 07.29 The Moon at 26 Taurus waxing trine Pluto at 26 Capricorn. The Moon is void of course for 8.6 hours 16.05 The Moon enters Gemini 18.48 The Moon at mutable First Quarter 23.04 Venus at 23 Aquarius waning square Mars at 23 Taurus

Saturday 20th February 2021

We are now in the process of a planetary modulation from Fixed to Mutable signs. The Sun has led the way with Venus following suit next Thursday. Mars shifts from Taurus to Gemini on March 4th and Mercury enters Pisces on March 15th. The next New Moon on March 13th in Pisces has a universal love potential. The cold fixed Aquarius energy which has been gripping our souls so far this year now starts to gives way to more liquidity starting now. 05.26 The Sun at 2 Pisces waxing decile Pluto at 26 Capricorn 07.16 The first quarter Moon slowly accelerating at 8 Gemini waxing trine Saturn at 8 Aquarius 14.21 The Moon at 11 Gemini waxing trine Mercury at 11 Aquarius 21.47 The Moon at 15 Gemini waxing trine Jupiter at 15 Aquarius

Sunday 21st February 2021

00.36 The slowly waxing and Moon conjunction her node at 16 Gemini 00.46 MERCURY TURNS DIRECT at 11 Aquarius. Mercury is conjunct Jupiter a final time at 17 Aquarius on March 5th. He is back up to speed on March 6th, comes out of his shadow on March 13th and enters Pisces on March 15th. Mercury next turns retrograde on May 29th 2021. 08.11 The Moon at 20 Gemini waxing square Neptune at 20 Pisces 12.15 Mercury at 11 Aquarius waning bi-septile Mars at 24 Taurus 18.40 The Moon at 25 Gemini waxing trine Venus at 25 Aquarius. The Moon is void of course for just 9.25 hours. 19.45 The Moon at 26 Gemini waxing quincunx Pluto at 26 Capricorn 20.01 Venus at 25 Aquarius waning quintile Uranus at 7 Taurus

Monday 22nd February 2021

The Sun in Pisces and the Moon in Cancer on Monday and Tuesday confer emotional and possibly worrisome overtones to the start of this working week. The 'astrological wave of the week' is Mars earth trine Pluto early (GMT) Thursday, the aspect that moves mountains. The Full Moon early Saturday (GMT) in Virgo trines Uranus evoking inventive practical magic. 03.54 The slowly waxing and accelerating Moon enters Cancer 05.32 Venus at 26 Aquarius waxing semi-sextile Pluto at 26 Capricorn 11.48 The Moon at 4 Cancer waxing trine The Sun at 4 Pisces 18.09 The Moon at 7 Cancer waxing sextile Uranus at 7 Taurus 18.56 The Moon at 8 Cancer waxing quincunx Saturn at 8 Aquarius STATE OF THE SKY:- The Sun reaches 4 degrees Pisces today. Neptune is also in Pisces. Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and Saturn are in Aquarius. Mars and Uranus are in Taurus. There are 26 days to the Vernal Equinox. We are now in the process of a modulation from Fixed signs to Mutable. The Sun has led the way with Venus following suit on Thursday of this week, Mars shifts from Taurus to Gemini on March 4th and Mercury enters Pisces on March 15th. The next New Moon on March 13th in Pisces has a universal love potential. The cold fixed Aquarius energy which has been gripping our souls so far this year gives way to more liquidity starting this week. Mercury is now direct morning star in Aquarius. Mercury turned direct at 11 Aquarius yesterday. Mercury is conjunct Jupiter a final time at 17 Aquarius on March 5th, is back up to speed on March 6th, comes out of his shadow on March 13th and enters Pisces on March 15th. Lots of learning to do during this period. 'Advancement' and 'education' are the keywords. Mercury next turns retrograde on May 29th. Venus is a morning star in Aquarius. She leaves Aquarius for Pisces on Thursday. This period is characterised by an accelerated pushing forward into future vision. A raising of vibration. A new wave. Global perspectives predominate. Venus is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun on March 26th 2021 at 6 Aries. Venus turns retrograde on Dec 19th 2021 at 26 Capricorn. Mars is direct in Taurus. The business of getting stuck in, moving mountains, and strong practicality are now with us. Mars trines Pluto on Thursday, a wealth of power and determination. Mars enters Gemini on March 4th. He has a close and hot (0.5 degree alignment) encounter with Venus in Leo on July 13th and a big bash with retrograde Mercury and the Sun in mid Libra on Oct 9th 2021. Mars next turns retrograde at 25 Gemini on Oct 30th 2022. He resides in Gemini either side of that date for seven months. Jupiter is direct in Aquarius. Jupiter from Aquarius made a single waning square to Uranus on January 17th 2021 expanding consciousness with new and possibly alien ideas. The Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn at the start of Aquarius occurred on the Winter Solstice 2020. Jupiter is now really flashing through Aquarius and enters Pisces from May 13th 2021 to July 28th 2021, turning retrograde on June 20th at 2 Pisces. He returns to Aquarius for the remainder of the year finally leaving for Pisces on Dec2 9th 2021. Jupiter is conjunct Neptune at 24 degrees Pisces in 2022 (the 'Florence Nightingale combination conjunction'). Saturn is direct in Aquarius turning retrograde on May 23rd. In 2021 the main outer body aspect is a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This is a difficult aspect, but not in the league of 2020 aspects. This cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with their opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. The 2021 last quarter aspect will induce political, financial and social changes of possibly a drastic nature and a measure of instability. We will observe a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The aspect peaks in 2021 on Feb 17th, June 14th and Dec 24th with a slight return in early October 2022. Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is direct in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking, turning retrograde on Aug 19th. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance and ownership are about to take place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Bitcoin is currently rallying above $30,000. Bitcoin had tripled in value over the course of 2020 despite the global pandemic. Neptune is direct in Pisces turning retrograde on June 25th. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is now direct in Capricorn turning retrograde on April 27th. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. Now 2020 and its 'dense astrology' are over The flavor of the immediate years ahead is potentially promising. Jupiter is in Aquarius from Dec 2020 to Dec 2021. Saturn resides there from Dec 2020 to March 2023, and Pluto is in Aquarius from 2023 for 20 years. There is hope for a more enlightened, democratic, humane altruism here. The next eclipse is a Total Lunar Eclipse at 5 Sagittarius on May 26th 2021, square Jupiter, not visible from the UK. The following event is a Solar Eclipse visible (just) from the UK at 20 Gemini, conjunct retro-Mercury square Neptune, on June 10th 2021. Also in 2021 there is a partial lunar eclipse on Nov 19th at 27 Taurus square Jupiter, and a Total Solar Eclipse, visible from Antarctica, on Dec 4th quincunx Uranus at 12 Sagittarius. The next Total Lunar eclipse visible from the UK is at 26 Scorpio, during the early hours of May 16th 2022. The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024

Tuesday 23rd February 2021

01.32 The Moon at 11 Cancer waxing quincunx Mercury at 11 Aquarius 08.20 The Sun at 5 Pisces waning bi-novile Mars at 25 Taurus 09.14 The Moon at 15 Cancer waxing quincunx Jupiter at 15 Aquarius 18.06 The Moon at 20 Cancer waxing trine Neptune at 20 Pisces 18.41 The Moon reaches her waxing gibbous phase

Wednesday 24th February 2021

We are under the influence of a strongly productive Mars Pluto earth trine. This ramps up to full power today. Lunar pressures too are rising as we approach Saturday's full Moon. Could be a spectacularly prolific few days ahead. 04.00 The waxing gibbous Moon accelerating at 25 Cancer sextiles Mars at 25 Taurus 04.54 The Moon at 26 Cancer opposition Pluto at 26 Capricorn. The Moon is void for 7.5 hours 07.27 The Sun at 6 Pisces waxing novile Pluto at 26 Capricorn 09.47 The Moon at 29 Cancer waxing quincunx Venus at 29 Aquarius 12.24 The Moon enters Leo The remainder of the (GMT) day sees the Mars Pluto earth trine approaching its climax.

Thursday 25th February 2021

Mars trine Pluto

Sun sextile Uranus

A day of surprise. 00.19 The waxing gibbous Moon accelerating at 7 Leo waxing quincunx The Sun at 7 Pisces The Moon makes a Fixed T-square with Saturn and Uranus 01.00 to 03.00 GMT. 01.50 The Moon at 7 Leo waxing square Uranus at 7 Taurus 01.52 Mars at 26 Taurus waxing trine Pluto at 26 Capricorn 02.38 Minor lunar occultation of star Gamma Cancer, observable from the UK, ends 03.37. 02.53 The Moon at 8 Leo opposition Saturn at 8 Aquarius 07.53 Mars at 26 Taurus waxing tri-decile Saturn at 8 Aquarius 09.57 The Moon at 12 Leo opposition Mercury at 12 Aquarius 13.13 Venus still a morning 'star' enters Pisces joining the Sun and Neptune in this sign. Venus resides in this sign for a brief and sweet 23 days. This is a favorable residence. Venus sextiles Uranus on March 3rd, evoking glimmers of sensation, both financial and affectionate. Venus is conjunct Neptune on March 14th at 21 Pisces, the highlight of the residence, evoking a depth charge of emotional and personal outpouring just after the 'Universal Love' New Moon In Pisces. Venus sextiles Pluto on March 18th, making a powerplay. Venus enters Aries on March 21st. Venus is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun on March 26th 2021 at 6 Aries. Venus turns retrograde on Dec 19th 2021 at 26 Capricorn. Venus in Pisces can be soft and silky. A few weeks of sensitive love vibrations now follow. 16.41 The Moon at 16 Leo opposition Jupiter at 16 Aquarius 16.47 The Moon at 16 Leo waxing sextiles her node at 16 from north of the ecliptic. 21.14 The Sun at 7 Pisces waning sextile Uranus at 7 Taurus 21.17 Jupiter at 16 Aquarius trines the mean lunar node at 16 Gemini A season to gather and organise your contacts, your connections and your troops.

Friday 26th February 2021

Lunar pressures are high. Uncompromising recreational energy abounds, discovering self at the center. 00.10 The almost Full Moon accelerating at 20 Leo waxing quincunx Neptune at 20 Pisces 10.13 The Moon at 26 Leo waning quincunx Pluto at 26 Capricorn 11.32 The Moon at 27 Leo waxing square Mars at 27 Taurus. The Moon is void for over 5.5 hours. 14.25 The Sun at 8 Pisces waxing semi-sextile Saturn at 8 Aquarius 17.09 The Moon enters Virgo. The atmosphere changes. Responses both refined and basic. Less drama more realism. 19.51 The Moon at 2 Virgo opposition Venus at 2 Pisces The Moon is Full tonight.

Saturday 27th February 2021

Full Moon in Virgo

03.14 Venus at 2 Pisces waxing decile Pluto at 26 Capricorn 05.55 The Moon at 8 Virgo waxing trine Uranus at 8 Taurus 07.10 The Moon at 8 Virgo waning quincunx Saturn at 8 Aquarius 08.18 Moment of FULL MOON

Today's Full Moon is midway between the Penumbral Lunar Eclipse on Nov 29th 2020 and the Total Lunar Eclipse at 5 Sagittarius on May 26th 2021, (not visible from the UK). We are three months from both eclipses. This Full Moon is trine Uranus, quincunx Saturn. Saturn squares Uranus so this lunation eases the conflict generated by this aspect with moderation, mediation, measure, purification and precision. The event has healing, mending and learning qualities. Always a tense Full Moon this one but with care and preparation the energy can be directed into modest advancement. This 'Full Snow' Moon hits the MC of Poland, the Mars of Myanmar, the Saturn of Iran, the Moon of the Dalai Lama, the Sun and Pluto of Keir Starmer, the Jupiters of Northern Ireland, Bosnia and Marine Le Pen. It squares the USA Uranus and opposes the Uranus of Prince Philip. At the moment of Full Moon today a planetary kite forms at London involving the local MC, Uranus and the Sun Moon opposition. Big pushes for moving out of lockdown evident in that country, hopefully not sowing the seeds of a 3rd wave and future lockdowns. After the Full Moon moment has passed the day and weekend continues in a work-like industrious and practical manner. 15.26 The Moon at 13 Virgo waning quincunx Mercury at 13 Aquarius 19.45 The Moon at 16 Virgo waxing squares her node at 16 Gemini from north of the ecliptic. 20.41 The Moon at 16 Virgo waning quincunx Jupiter at 16 Aquarius

Sunday 28th February 2021

A post full moon 'licking wounds' day. 03.07 The waning full Moon accelerating at 20 Virgo opposition Neptune at 20 Pisces 12.43 The Moon at 26 Virgo waning trine Pluto at 26 Capricorn 15.58 The Moon at 28 Virgo waxing trine Mars at 28 Taurus. The Moon is void of course for 3.3 hours 19.19 The Moon enters Libra.

Monday 1st March 2021

The Saturn square Uranus aspect remains strongly dominating the skies at this time. The greatest manifestation of its affect could be said to be what is happening in Myanmar .Police have fired on protesters in Myanmar killing at least 18, the UN human rights office says, on the deadliest day of anti-coup rallies. Deaths were reported in several cities including Yangon, Dawei and Mandalay as police used live rounds and tear gas. Security forces began the violent crackdown on Saturday, after weeks of largely peaceful protests against the 1 February military takeover. Government leaders, including Aung San Suu Kyi, were overthrown and detained. Transiting Saturn and Uranus hook into the Myanmar natal Mars and the progressed Moon. Solar arc Uranus is conjunct natal Mars too as was the weekend's Full Moon. 02.37 The Moon at 4 Libra waning quincunx Venus at 4 Pisces 05.19 Mercury at 14 Aquarius waning decile Neptune at 20 Pisces 07.49 The Moon at 8 Libra waxing quincunx Uranus at 8 Taurus 09.18 The Moon at 9 Libra waning trine Saturn at 9 Aquarius 10.05 The Sun at 11 Pisces waxing semi-square Pluto at 26 Capricorn 13.42 The Moon at 11 Libra waning quincunx The Sun at 11 Pisces The Moon makes an Air Grand Trine with Mercury,Jupiter and the Lunar Node 19.00 to 23.00 GMT. 19.28 The Moon at 15 Libra waning trine Mercury at 15 Aquarius 21.06 The Moon at 16 Libra waxing trine the lunar node at 16 Gemini 22.58 The Moon at 17 Libra waning trine Jupiter at 17 Aquarius STATE OF THE SKY:- The Sun reaches 11 degrees Pisces today. Venus and Neptune are also in Pisces. Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn are in Aquarius. Mars and Uranus are in Taurus. There are 19 days to the Vernal Equinox. We are now in the process of a modulation from Fixed signs to Mutable. The Sun has led the way with Venus following suit last Thursday. Mars shifts from Taurus to Gemini on Thursday, and Mercury enters Pisces on March 15th. The next New Moon on March 13th in Pisces has a universal love potential. The cold fixed Aquarius energy which has been gripping our souls so far this is giving way to more movement and transmission. Mercury is now direct morning star in Aquarius. Mercury, after recent retrograde motion, is conjunct Jupiter a final time at 17 Aquarius on March 5th, is back up to speed on March 6th, comes out of his shadow on March 13th and enters Pisces on March 15th. Lots of learning to do during this period. 'Advancement' and 'education' are the keywords. Mercury next turns retrograde on May 29th. Venus still a morning 'star' is in Pisces joining the Sun and Neptune. Venus resides in this sign for a brief and sweet 23 days. This is a favorable residence. Venus sextiles Uranus on Wednesday, evoking glimmers of sensation, both financial and affectionate. Venus is conjunct Neptune on March 14th at 21 Pisces, the highlight of the residence, evoking a depth charge of emotional and personal outpouring just after the 'Universal Love' New Moon In Pisces. Venus sextiles Pluto on March 18th, making a powerplay. Venus enters Aries on March 21st. Venus is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun on March 26th 2021 at 6 Aries. Venus turns retrograde on Dec 19th 2021 at 26 Capricorn. Venus in Pisces can be soft and silky. A few weeks of sensitive love vibrations now follow. Mars is direct in Taurus. The business of getting stuck in, moving mountains, and strong practicality are now with us. Mars enters Gemini on Thursday. He has a close and hot (0.5 degree alignment) encounter with Venus in Leo on July 13th and a big bash with retrograde Mercury and the Sun in mid Libra on Oct 9th 2021. Mars next turns retrograde at 25 Gemini on Oct 30th 2022. He resides in Gemini either side of that date for seven months. Jupiter is direct in Aquarius. Jupiter from Aquarius made a single waning square to Uranus on January 17th 2021 expanding consciousness with new and possibly alien ideas. The Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn at the start of Aquarius occurred on the Winter Solstice 2020. Jupiter is now really flashing through Aquarius and enters Pisces from May 13th 2021 to July 28th 2021, turning retrograde on June 20th at 2 Pisces. He returns to Aquarius for the remainder of the year finally leaving for Pisces on Dec2 9th 2021. Jupiter is conjunct Neptune at 24 degrees Pisces in 2022 (the 'Florence Nightingale combination conjunction'). Saturn is direct in Aquarius turning retrograde on May 23rd. In 2021 the main outer body aspect is a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This is a difficult aspect, but not in the league of 2020 aspects. This cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with their opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. The 2021 last quarter aspect will induce political, financial and social changes of possibly a drastic nature and a measure of instability. We will observe a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The aspect peaked in 2021 on Feb 17th, and repeats on June 14th and on Dec 24th with a slight return in early October 2022. Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is direct in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking, turning retrograde on Aug 19th. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance and ownership are about to take place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Bitcoin is currently rallying above $30,000. Bitcoin had tripled in value over the course of 2020 despite the global pandemic. Neptune is direct in Pisces turning retrograde on June 25th. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is now direct in Capricorn turning retrograde on April 27th. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. Now 2020 and its 'dense astrology' are over The flavor of the immediate years ahead is potentially promising. Jupiter is in Aquarius from Dec 2020 to Dec 2021. Saturn resides there from Dec 2020 to March 2023, and Pluto is in Aquarius from 2023 for 20 years. There is hope for a more enlightened, democratic, humane altruism here. The next eclipse is a Total Lunar Eclipse at 5 Sagittarius on May 26th 2021, square Jupiter, not visible from the UK. The following event is a Solar Eclipse visible (just) from the UK at 20 Gemini, conjunct retro-Mercury square Neptune, on June 10th 2021. Also in 2021 there is a partial lunar eclipse on Nov 19th at 27 Taurus square Jupiter, and a Total Solar Eclipse, visible from Antarctica, on Dec 4th quincunx Uranus at 12 Sagittarius. The next Total Lunar eclipse visible from the UK is at 26 Scorpio, during the early hours of May 16th 2022. The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024

Tuesday 2nd March 2021

04.40 The very rapidly waning Moon at 20 Libra quincunx Neptune at 20 Pisces 05.18 The Moon is at Perigee. Fastest and closest to the Earth this month. 09.41 Venus at 6 Pisces waxing novile Pluto at 26 Capricorn 14.10 The Moon at 26 Libra waning square Pluto at 26 Capricorn. The Moon is void of course for 6.5 hours 16.11 The Moon reaches her disseminating phase 19.22 The Moon at 29 Libra waxing quincunx Mars at 29 Taurus 20.40 The Moon enters Scorpio 23.33 Mercury at 16 Aquarius waning trine the lunar node at 16 Gemini

Wednesday 3rd March 2021

Venus sextile Uranus

08.39 The rapidly disseminating Moon at 7 Scorpio waning trine Venus at 7 Pisces The Moon makes a Fixed T-square with Saturn and Uranus 09.00 to 11.30 GMT. 09.22 The Moon at 8 Scorpio opposition Uranus at 8 Taurus 11.05 The Moon at 9 Scorpio waning square Saturn at 9 Aquarius 17.10 Venus at 8 Pisces waning sextile Uranus at 8 Taurus 18.53 The Moon at 13 Scorpio waning trine The Sun at 13 Pisces

Thursday 4th March 2021

Mercury is about to complete his season of three conjunctions with Jupiter. A great deal of learning is underway. Life's lessons, scientific understanding and clarity of vision are on the cards. Deep emotional penetration conjured up with the Sun in Pisces and the Moon in Scorpio also colours this day. 00.02 The rapidly disseminating Moon decelerating at 17 Scorpio waning square Mercury at 17 Aquarius 01.22 The Moon at 17 Scorpio waning square Jupiter at 17 Aquarius 03.31 Mars enters Gemini. Mars at full speed resides in this sign for 50 days and has a very busy time. Mars air trines Saturn on March 22nd just getting things done, so many things. Mercury squares Mars on March 24th, mind and muscle in disharmony. Venus sextiles Mars on April 6th, love-making. Mars squares Neptune on April 9th, aberrations and misdirection. The Sun sextiles Mars on April 13th, fueling New Moon incentives. Mars trines Jupiter and sextiles Mercury on April 17th, great good fortune. Mars enters Cancer on April 23rd. A breath of fresh air this residence. 06.31 The Moon at 20 Scorpio waning trine Neptune at 20 Pisces 15.14 Venus at 9 Pisces waxing semi-sextile Saturn at 9 Aquarius 15.43 Mars at zero Gemini waxing bi-septile Jupiter at 17 Aquarius 16.10 The Moon at 26 Scorpio waning sextile Pluto at 26 Capricorn, moon void The Moon is void of course for just over 6.5 hours 22.44 The Moon enters Sagittarius 23.33 The Moon at zero Sagittarius opposition Mars at zero Gemini. The GMT day ends with a bit of a buzz.

Friday 5th March 2021

Mercury tightly conjuncts Jupiter

Sun in Pisces, Moon in Sagittarius, Mercury conjunct Jupiter. Steamy vapours, expansive urges, breakout. 03.28 Mercury conjunction Jupiter at 18 Aquarius 04.32 Minor lunar occultation of star Omega Scorpio, observable from the UK, ends 06.07. 05.54 Closest alignment Mercury Jupiter 0.32 degrees 06.59 The Sun at 15 Pisces waxing decile Saturn at 9 Aquarius 09.03 Mercury at 18 Aquarius waning bi-novile Uranus at 8 Taurus 11.56 The rapidly disseminating Moon at 8 Sagittarius waning quincunx Uranus at 8 Taurus 13.57 The Moon at 9 Sagittarius waning sextile Saturn at 9 Aquarius 14.52 Mercury at 18 Aquarius waning bi-septile Mars at 1 Gemini 15.59 The Moon at 10 Sagittarius waning square Venus at 10 Pisces 20.21 The Sun at 15 Pisces square the lunar node at 15 Gemini 'Midway between eclipse seasons' marker.

Saturday 6th March 2021

Universal bold optimism abounds but really not going anywhere as the last quarter Moon decelerates void of course for the majority of the day. The Moon makes a tight Mutable T-square with the Sun and the Lunar Node 01.00 to 02.00 GMT. 01.07 The Moon at 15 Sagittarius opposition the lunar node at 15 Gemini 01.31 The Moon at Last Quarter 05.07 The Moon at 18 Sagittarius waning sextile Jupiter at 18 Aquarius 06.36 The Moon at 19 Sagittarius waning sextile Mercury at 19 Aquarius 06.57 Jupiter at 18 Aquarius waning bi-novile Uranus at 8 Taurus 1st of 3 hits this year, dates March 6th, Sept 10th and Nov 4th. The 13 year synodic cycle of Jupiter and Uranus started in Jan 2021 in Pisces and ends April 2024 in Taurus. This aspect brings about a 'consolidation of the harvest of expanded consciousness' symbolised by these two planets. A minor aspect and a minor influence but always an interesting one when Jupiter and Uranus are involved. 09.44 The Moon at 20 Sagittarius waning square Neptune at 20 Pisces. The Moon is void of course for a lengthy 16.67 hours. 11.41 Venus at 11 Pisces waxing semi-square Pluto at 26 Capricorn 18.24 The Sun at 16 Pisces waning septile Uranus at 8 Taurus 18.45 Venus at 12 Pisces waning bi-novile Mars at 2 Gemini

Sunday 7th March 2021

A hard and horny Capricorn Moon oversees much practicality today. 02.22 The fast moving decelerating last quarter Moon enters Capricorn joining Pluto in that sign. 05.29 The Moon at 2 Capricorn waning quincunx Mars at 2 Gemini 16.10 The Moon at 8 Capricorn waning trine Uranus at 8 Taurus 21.47 The Sun at 18 Pisces waxing septile Pluto at 26 Capricorn

Monday 8th March 2021

A 'work and follow' Monday. 01.29 The waning and decelerating Moon at 13 Capricorn sextile Venus at 13 Pisces 02.13 Mercury at 21 Aquarius waning semi-sextile Neptune at 21 Pisces 10.16 The Moon at 18 Capricorn waning sextile The Sun at 18 Pisces 12.12 Mars at 3 Gemini waxing quintile Neptune at 21 Pisces 14.42 The Moon at 21 Capricorn waning sextile Neptune at 21 Pisces 17.04 The Sun at 18 Pisces waxing semi-sextile Jupiter at 18 Aquarius STATE OF THE SKY:- The Sun reaches 18 degrees Pisces today. Venus and Neptune are also in Pisces. The Moon and Pluto are in Capricorn. Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn are in Aquarius. There are 12 days to the Vernal Equinox. We are now in the process of a modulation from Fixed signs to Mutable signs, a shift to more movement and transmission.. The Sun, Venus and Mars have already moved in this direction and Mercury follows suit by entering Pisces on March 15th. The New Moon on Saturday in Pisces, more mutability, has a universal love potential. This lunation is the astrological wave of the astrologically quiet but fast moving week ahead. Mercury is now direct morning star in Aquarius. Mercury, after recent retrograde motion, is now back up to speed, and will be of his shadow on March 13th. He enters Pisces on March 15th. Lots of learning. 'Advancement' and 'education' are the keywords. Mercury next turns retrograde on May 29th. Venus still a morning 'star' is in Pisces with the Sun and Neptune. A sweet triplet. Venus resides in this sign for a brief 23 days. This is a favorable residence. Venus is conjunct Neptune on March 14th at 21 Pisces, the highlight of the residence, evoking a depth charge of emotional and personal outpouring just after the 'Universal Love' New Moon In Pisces. Venus sextiles Pluto on March 18th, making a powerplay. Venus enters Aries on March 21st. Venus is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun on March 26th 2021 at 6 Aries. Venus turns retrograde on Dec 19th 2021 at 26 Capricorn. Venus in Pisces can be soft and silky. A few weeks of sensitive love vibrations now follow. Mars is direct in Gemini. Mars is at full speed resides in this sign for 50 days and has a very busy time. Mars air trines Saturn on March 22nd just getting things done, so many things. Mercury squares Mars on March 24th, mind and muscle in disharmony. Venus sextiles Mars on April 6th, love-making. Mars squares Neptune on April 9th, aberrations and misdirection.The Sun sextiles Mars on April 13th, fueling New Moon incentives. Mars trines Jupiter and sextiles Mercury on April 17th, great good fortune. A breath of fresh air this residence. Mars enters Cancer on April 23rd. He has a close and hot (0.5 degree alignment) encounter with Venus in Leo on July 13th and a big bash with retrograde Mercury and the Sun in mid Libra on Oct 9th 2021. Mars next turns retrograde at 25 Gemini on Oct 30th 2022. He resides in Gemini either side of that date for seven months. Jupiter is direct in Aquarius. Jupiter from Aquarius made a single waning square to Uranus on January 17th 2021 expanding consciousness with new and possibly alien ideas. Jupiter is now really flashing through Aquarius and enters Pisces from May 13th 2021 to July 28th 2021, turning retrograde on June 20th at 2 Pisces. He returns to Aquarius for the remainder of the year finally leaving for Pisces on Dec2 9th 2021. Jupiter is conjunct Neptune at 24 degrees Pisces in 2022 (the 'Florence Nightingale combination conjunction'). Saturn is direct in Aquarius turning retrograde on May 23rd. In 2021 the main outer body aspect is a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This is a difficult aspect, but not in the league of 2020 aspects. This cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with their opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. The 2021 last quarter aspect will induce political, financial and social changes of possibly a drastic nature and a measure of instability. We will observe a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The aspect peaked in 2021 on Feb 17th, and repeats on June 14th and on Dec 24th with a slight return in early October 2022. Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is direct in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking, turning retrograde on Aug 19th. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance and ownership are about to take place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Bitcoin is currently rallying above $30,000. Bitcoin had tripled in value over the course of 2020 despite the global pandemic. Neptune is direct in Pisces turning retrograde on June 25th. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is now direct in Capricorn turning retrograde on April 27th. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. Now 2020 and its 'dense astrology' are over The flavor of the immediate years ahead is potentially promising. Jupiter is in Aquarius from Dec 2020 to Dec 2021. Saturn resides there from Dec 2020 to March 2023, and Pluto is in Aquarius from 2023 for 20 years. There is hope for a more enlightened, democratic, humane altruism here. The next eclipse is a Total Lunar Eclipse at 5 Sagittarius on May 26th 2021, square Jupiter, not visible from the UK. The following event is a Solar Eclipse visible (just) from the UK at 20 Gemini, conjunct retro-Mercury square Neptune, on June 10th 2021. Also in 2021 there is a partial lunar eclipse on Nov 19th at 27 Taurus square Jupiter, and a Total Solar Eclipse, visible from Antarctica, on Dec 4th quincunx Uranus at 12 Sagittarius. The next Total Lunar eclipse visible from the UK is at 26 Scorpio, during the early hours of May 16th 2022. The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024

Tuesday 9th March 2021

00.53 The waning Moon decelerating at 26 Capricorn conjunction Pluto. The Moon is then 'void of course' for nearly 7 hours 03.27 The Moon reaches her balsamic phase. 07.43 The Moon enters Aquarius joining Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn in this sign. 13.24 The Moon at 3 Aquarius waning trine Mars at 3 Gemini 17.50 The Sun at 19 Pisces waxing novile Saturn at 9 Aquarius 18.38 Venus at 15 Pisces waning square the lunar node at 15 Gemini 20.55 Venus at 15 Pisces waxing decile Saturn at 9 Aquarius 22.07 The Moon at 8 Aquarius waning square Uranus at 8 Taurus

Wednesday 10th March 2021

The balsamic moon conjuncts Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius. A freedom loving day. A day for independent thought and activity. Be totally true to yourself. Astrological direction is now headed towards the rather sweet and other worldly New Moon in Pisces on Saturday. Read on constant reader. 00.46 The balsamic decelerating Moon conjunction Saturn at 9 Aquarius 11.25 The Moon at 15 Aquarius trines her node from south of the ecliptic. 17.58 The Moon conjunction Jupiter at 19 Aquarius 19.34 Venus at 17 Pisces waning septile Uranus at 8 Taurus

Thursday 11th March 2021

Sun conjunct Neptune.

00.02 The Sun conjunction Neptune at 21 Pisces 03.32 The old balsamic Moon conjuncts Mercury at 24 Aquarius. The Moon is void of course for 11.2 hours 14.46 The Moon enters Pisces joining the Sun, Venus and Neptune in this sign. 15.55 Venus at 18 Pisces waxing septile Pluto at 26 Capricorn 23.17 The Moon at 5 Pisces waning square Mars at 5 Gemini

Friday 12th March 2021

05.50 The ancient Moon decelerating at 8 Pisces waning sextile Uranus at 8 Taurus 19.11 The Moon at 15 Pisces squares her node from south of the ecliptic. 21.17 Mercury at 26 Aquarius waning quintile Uranus at 8 Taurus 23.54 Venus at 19 Pisces waxing semi-sextile Jupiter at 19 Aquarius

Saturday 13th March 2021

New Moon in Pisces

01.42 Mercury at 26 Aquarius waxing semi-sextile Pluto at 26 Capricorn 03.30 The Moon at 19 Pisces conjunction Venus at 19 Pisces 05.53 The Moon at 21 Pisces conjunction Neptune at 21 Pisces 08.29 Venus at 20 Pisces waxing novile Saturn at 10 Aquarius 10.22 Moment of NEW MOON


Today's New Moon is midway between the Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius on Dec 14th 2020, and the Annular Solar Eclipse in Gemini on June 10th 2021. We are midway between saros series, midway between worlds. It is a potentially sweet New Moon quintile Mars conjunct Venus and Neptune. With the Sun, Moon, Venus and Neptune in Pisces and the New Moon conjunct Venus and Neptune we can say that universal Love is in the air. Mutable Water and Air predominate conferring a 'fizzy' fast moving atmosphere on this lunation. The New Moon is a degree from Saturn/Uranus midpoint, semi-square both indicating the connection of this New Moon to the Zeitgeist of the current time. This is an interesting New Moon. Today's New Moon hits the Sun and MC of Egypt, the MC of Greece, the Mercury and Pluto of the Netherlands, the Mars of Belgium, the Mars of Yemen, the MC of the New York Stock Exchange and the Pluto of Chile. On the personal level it hits the Moon of Alex Salmond (a wide conjunction), the MC of the Dalai Lama, the Mars of Rowan Atkinson the Saturn of Jeremy Hunt, the Mercury and Saturn of Chris Evans (DJ) and it squares the Sun of Donald Trump. At the exact moment of New Moon it is sunrise at Cape Horn, Sunset and Moonset are at Hong Kong. Moonrise is happening over Greenland, it is High Noon at Izmir and true midnight at Anchorage. Mercury rises at Washington. Mars culminates at Rangoon and at Mandalay. Mercury rises at Miami. The Moon culminates at Istanbul, Jupiter culminates at Paris. After the New Moon has passed the Moon applies sextile Pluto indicating the emergence of positive new changes associated with today's New Moon. 11.32 The Sun at 23 Pisces waning semi-square Uranus at 8 Taurus 16.38 The Moon at 26 Pisces waxing sextile Pluto at 26 Capricorn. The Moon is void of course for just over 7 hours 23.46 The Moon enters Aries

Sunday 14th March 2021

Venus conjunct Neptune.

The New Moon 'rush' is today coloured with enchantment, urgency, spirit and activity . This is very much a 'moving forward' day. 04.08 Venus conjunction Neptune at 21 Pisces 04.09 Closest alignment Venus Neptune 0.37 degrees 07.36 The Sun at 24 Pisces waning quintile Mars at 6 Gemini 11.29 The baby New Moon deceleration at 6 Aries waning sextile Mars at 6 Gemini 18.59 The Moon at 10 Aries waxing sextile Saturn at 10 Aquarius

Monday 15th March 2021

05.02 The decelerating very young Moon at 15 Aries waning sextile the lunar node at 15 Gemini 07.07 The Sun at 25 Pisces waxing semi-square Saturn at 10 Aquarius 14.41 The Moon at 20 Aries waxing sextile Jupiter at 20 Aquarius 22.28 Mercury enters Pisces joining the Sun, Venus and Neptune in this sign. Fathomless thinking, sensitized intellectualism and deep thought colour this residence. Mercury as a morning star shuttles through this sign in a rapid 20 days. He sextiles Uranus next Sunday, invoking streaks of genius. He squares Mars on March 23rd, mind and muscle at variance. He is conjunct Neptune at 20 Pisces, the highlight of the residence on March 30th, a dream boat of experiences. Mercury sextiles Pluto on April 2nd, penetratingly, and enters Aries on April 4th. Mercury next turns retrograde on May 29th. STATE OF THE SKY:- The Sun reaches 25 degrees Pisces today. Venus, Neptune and from later today, Mercury are also in Pisces. Jupiter and Saturn are in Aquarius. There are 5 days to the Vernal Equinox. Mercury is a direct morning star entering Pisces later today. Mercury next turns retrograde on May 29th. Venus still a morning 'star' is in Pisces with the Sun and Neptune. This is a favorable residence. Venus sextiles Pluto on March 18th, making a powerplay. Venus enters Aries on March 21st. Venus is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun on March 26th 2021 at 6 Aries. Venus turns retrograde on Dec 19th 2021 at 26 Capricorn. Venus in Pisces can be soft and silky. A few weeks of sensitive love vibrations now follow. Mars is direct in Gemini. Mars is at full speed resides in this sign for 50 days and has a very busy time. Mars air trines Saturn on March 22nd just getting things done, so many things. Mercury squares Mars on March 24th, mind and muscle in disharmony. Venus sextiles Mars on April 6th, love-making. Mars squares Neptune on April 9th, aberrations and misdirection.The Sun sextiles Mars on April 13th, fueling New Moon incentives. Mars trines Jupiter and sextiles Mercury on April 17th, great good fortune. A breath of fresh air this residence. Mars enters Cancer on April 23rd. He has a close and hot (0.5 degree alignment) encounter with Venus in Leo on July 13th and a big bash with retrograde Mercury and the Sun in mid Libra on Oct 9th 2021. Mars next turns retrograde at 25 Gemini on Oct 30th 2022. He resides in Gemini either side of that date for seven months. Jupiter is direct in Aquarius. Jupiter from Aquarius made a single waning square to Uranus on January 17th 2021 expanding consciousness with new and possibly alien ideas. Jupiter is now really flashing through Aquarius and enters Pisces from May 13th 2021 to July 28th 2021, turning retrograde on June 20th at 2 Pisces. He returns to Aquarius for the remainder of the year finally leaving for Pisces on Dec2 9th 2021. Jupiter is conjunct Neptune at 24 degrees Pisces in 2022 (the 'Florence Nightingale combination conjunction'). Saturn is direct in Aquarius turning retrograde on May 23rd. In 2021 the main outer body aspect is a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This is a difficult aspect, but not in the league of 2020 aspects. This cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with their opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. The 2021 last quarter aspect will induce political, financial and social changes of possibly a drastic nature and a measure of instability. We will observe a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The aspect peaked in 2021 on Feb 17th, and repeats on June 14th and on Dec 24th with a slight return in early October 2022. Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is direct in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking, turning retrograde on Aug 19th. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance and ownership are about to take place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Bitcoin is currently rallying above $30,000. Bitcoin had tripled in value over the course of 2020 despite the global pandemic. Neptune is direct in Pisces turning retrograde on June 25th. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is now direct in Capricorn turning retrograde on April 27th. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. Now 2020 and its 'dense astrology' are over The flavor of the immediate years ahead is potentially promising. Jupiter is in Aquarius from Dec 2020 to Dec 2021. Saturn resides there from Dec 2020 to March 2023, and Pluto is in Aquarius from 2023 for 20 years. There is hope for a more enlightened, democratic, humane altruism here. The next eclipse is a Total Lunar Eclipse at 5 Sagittarius on May 26th 2021, square Jupiter, not visible from the UK. The following event is a Solar Eclipse visible (just) from the UK at 20 Gemini, conjunct retro-Mercury square Neptune, on June 10th 2021. Also in 2021 there is a partial lunar eclipse on Nov 19th at 27 Taurus square Jupiter, and a Total Solar Eclipse, visible from Antarctica, on Dec 4th quincunx Uranus at 12 Sagittarius. The next Total Lunar eclipse visible from the UK is at 26 Scorpio, during the early hours of May 16th 2022. The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024

Tuesday 16th March 2021

Sun sextile Pluto

This day slowly turns to an astrological atmosphere of fertility and positive support. Changes for the better may be evident. 03.41 The very slowly waxing young Moon at 26 Aries waxing square Pluto at 26 Capricorn. The Moon is void of course for 7.3 hours. 03.49 Venus at 23 Pisces waning semi-square Uranus at 8 Taurus 09.42 The Sun at 26 Pisces waxing decile Jupiter at 20 Aquarius 10.58 The Moon enters Taurus 12.31 The Moon at 1 Taurus waxing sextile Mercury at 1 Pisces 18.26 The Sun at 26 Pisces waxing sextile Pluto at 26 Capricorn

Wednesday 17th March 2021

A slow but determined atmosphere prevails. Sun in Pisces and Moon in Taurus sensitive and sensual, acceptance and constancy. 03.38 The very slowly waxing Moon conjunction Uranus at 8 Taurus 07.20 The Moon at 10 Taurus waxing square Saturn at 10 Aquarius 11.21 The Moon reaches her waxing crescent phase 16.44 Venus at 25 Pisces waxing semi-square Saturn at 10 Aquarius 17.07 Mercury at 2 Pisces waxing decile Pluto at 26 Capricorn

Thursday 18th March 2021

Venus sextile Pluto

04.15 The very slowly waxing crescent Moon at 20 Taurus waxing square Jupiter at 20 Aquarius 05.03 The Moon is at Apogee, furthest from the Earth and slowest this month, conjunct 'Black Moon Lilith'. 05.16 The Moon at 21 Taurus waxing sextile Neptune at 21 Pisces 08.49 Mars at 8 Gemini waxing semi-sextile Uranus at 8 Taurus 15.48 Mars at 9 Gemini waxing tri-decile Jupiter at 21 Aquarius 16.25 The Moon at 26 Taurus waxing sextile Venus at 26 Pisces 16.30 The Moon at 26 Taurus waxing trine Pluto at 26 Capricorn 17.20 Venus at 26 Pisces waxing sextile Pluto at 26 Capricorn 17.47 The Sun at 28 Pisces waning novile Uranus at 8 Taurus 19.31 Venus at 27 Pisces waxing decile Jupiter at 21 Aquarius 20.41 The Moon at 28 Taurus waxing sextile The Sun at 28 Pisces, moon void 21.41 Venus at 27 Pisces waning quintile Mars at 9 Gemini 23.49 The Moon enters Gemini

Friday 19th March 2021

Today is the last day of the astrological month of Pisces. The Sun enters Aries tomorrow, the day of the Vernal Equinox. The deep dream sleep of Pisces will shortly give way to the awakening new life birth that is Aries. The young Moon in Gemini today evokes a 'bustle in the hedgerow', in preparation, so to speak. 09.28 The very slowly waxing crescent Moon slowly accelerating at 5 Gemini square Mercury at 5 Pisces 18.26 The Moon conjunction Mars at 9 Gemini 20.50 The Moon at 10 Gemini waxing trine Saturn at 10 Aquarius

Saturday 20th March 2021

The Vernal Equinox

05.41 The slowly waxing crescent Moon slowly accelerating at 15 Gemini conjuncts her node at 15 Gemini 07.54 Venus at 28 Pisces waning novile Uranus at 8 Taurus 09.37 The Sun enters Aries at this moment of Equinox and crosses the Celestial Equater. Light and darkness are finely balance worldwide. Spring starts in the northern hemisphere, Autumn starts in the south.


At this equinoctial sacred moment the Aries Sun is rising over Greenland. Sunset is at Seoul. Moonrise is occurring at Seville and it is Moonset over Tonga. High Noon is at Aleppo. True midnight is over the Gulf of Alaska. Mercury rises at Lima. This year's Vernal Equinox occurs as Mars in Gemini 'air trines' Saturn. The Sun is conjunct Venus, Saturn squares Uranus, and Mercury in Pisces sextiles Uranus and squares Mars. Mutable Air and Water predominate. The young Moon is gaining in light and motion. The three months ahead holds great deduction and intellectual discovery. There may well be a shift in consciousness and the development of new understandings. Emotional intelligence predominates. Changes, modulations and transmissions energize our souls. This is a positive if not restless time. 14.02 Mercury at 6 Pisces waxing novile Pluto at 26 Capricorn 18.14 The Moon at 21 Gemini waxing trine Jupiter at 21 Aquarius 18.21 The Moon at 21 Gemini waxing square Neptune at 21 Pisces https://earthsky.org/tonight?offset=4

Sunday 21st March 2021

Mercury sextile Uranus

The Sun now in Aries is joined by Venus today. The Moon enters Cancer augmenting the current change to cardinality. Initiatives are being generated. 'Impelling energy' now manifests. 01.52 Jupiter at 21 Aquarius waning semi-sextile Neptune at 21 Pisces This is a single waning semi-sextile in the 13 year synodic cycle of these two planets which began in 2009 in Aquarius. They are again conjunct on April 4th 2022 in Pisces. Today's aspect is the final one before their conjunction next year. Jupiter Neptune symbolises the rise or decline of political, social orders and ideologies. This aspect symbolises a meaningful prelude to a new tomorrow. 05.17 The slowly waxing and accelerating Moon at 26 Gemini waxing quincunx Pluto at 26 Capricorn 12.05 The Moon at 30 Gemini waxing square Venus at 30 Pisces. The Moon is void of course for just 14 mins. 12.19 The Moon enters Cancer 12.20 The Sun at 1 Aries waxing novile Jupiter at 21 Aquarius 14.18 Venus enters Aries joining the Sun in this sign. Venus resides for 24 days in Aries and has, other than a square to Pluto, an easy ride here. Venus is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun on 26th March at 6 degrees Aries. A 'Full Venus', 'love's illumination'. Then as an 'evening star' she sextiles Saturn on 30th March, love's harbor, money's trust fund. Venus sextiles Mars on April 6th, red hot sexual dynamics, she sextiles Jupiter on April 10th, beatific, and she squares Pluto, debauch, on April 12th. Venus enters Taurus on 14th April. Venus turns retrograde on Dec 19th 2021 at 26 Capricorn. 14.41 The Moon at First Quarter 23.35 Mercury at 9 Pisces waning sextile Uranus at 9 Taurus

Monday 22nd March 2021

Mars trines Saturn.

02.35 Mars at 11 Gemini waxing trine Saturn at 11 Aquarius 05.03 The accelerating First Quarter Moon at 9 Cancer waxing sextile Uranus at 9 Taurus 05.46 The Moon at 9 Cancer waxing trine Mercury at 9 Pisces 07.48 The Sun at 2 Aries waxing septile Saturn at 11 Aquarius 09.03 The Moon at 11 Cancer waxing quincunx Saturn at 11 Aquarius 16.16 Venus at 1 Aries waxing novile Jupiter at 21 Aquarius 23.20 The Sun at 3 Aries waning decile Uranus at 9 Taurus STATE OF THE SKY:- The Sun reaches 2 degrees Aries today. Venus is also in Aries. Mercury and Neptune are in Pisces. Jupiter and Saturn are in Aquarius. There are 88 days to the Solstice. Mercury is a direct morning star in Pisces. Fathomless thinking, sensitized intellectualism and deep thought colour this residence. Mercury as a morning star shuttles through this sign in a rapid 20 days. He squares Mars on Wednesday, mind and muscle at variance. He is conjunct Neptune at 20 Pisces, the highlight of the residence, on March 30th, a dream boat of experiences. Mercury sextiles Pluto on April 2nd, penetratingly, and enters Aries on April 4th. Mercury next turns retrograde on May 29th. Venus is now an evening 'star' in Aries. Venus resides for 24 days in Aries and has, other than a square to Pluto, an easy ride here. Venus is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun on 26th March at 6 degrees Aries. A 'Full Venus', love's illumination. Then as an 'evening star' she sextiles Saturn on 30th March, love's harbor, money's trust fund. Venus sextiles Mars on April 6th, red hot sexual dynamics, she sextiles Jupiter on April 10th, beatific, and she squares Pluto, debauch, on April 12th. Venus enters Taurus on 14th April. Venus at greatest brightness on Dec 7th and she turns retrograde on Dec 19th 2021 at 26 Capricorn. Venus is at inferior solar conjunction on Jan 8th 2022. Mars is direct in Gemini. Mars is at full speed resides in this sign for 50 days and has a very busy time. Mars air trines Saturn today just getting things done, so many things. Mercury squares Mars on Wednesday. Venus sextiles Mars on April 6th, love-making. Mars squares Neptune on April 9th, aberrations and misdirection.The Sun sextiles Mars on April 13th, fueling New Moon incentives. Mars trines Jupiter and sextiles Mercury on April 17th, great good fortune. A breath of fresh air this residence. Mars enters Cancer on April 23rd. He has a close and hot (0.5 degree alignment) encounter with Venus in Leo on July 13th and a big bash with retrograde Mercury and the Sun in mid Libra on Oct 9th 2021. Mars next turns retrograde at 25 Gemini on Oct 30th 2022. He resides in Gemini either side of that date for seven months. Jupiter is direct in Aquarius. Jupiter from Aquarius made a single waning square to Uranus on January 17th 2021 expanding consciousness with new and possibly alien ideas. Jupiter is now really flashing through Aquarius and enters Pisces from May 13th 2021 to July 28th 2021, turning retrograde on June 20th at 2 Pisces. He returns to Aquarius for the remainder of the year finally leaving for Pisces on Dec2 9th 2021. Jupiter is conjunct Neptune at 24 degrees Pisces in 2022 (the 'Florence Nightingale combination conjunction'). Saturn is direct in Aquarius turning retrograde on May 23rd. In 2021 the main outer body aspect is a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This is a difficult aspect, but not in the league of 2020 aspects. This cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with their opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. The 2021 last quarter aspect will induce political, financial and social changes of possibly a drastic nature and a measure of instability. We will observe a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The aspect peaked in 2021 on Feb 17th, and repeats on June 14th and on Dec 24th with a slight return in early October 2022. Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is direct in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking, turning retrograde on Aug 19th. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance and ownership are about to take place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Bitcoin is currently rallying above $30,000. Bitcoin had tripled in value over the course of 2020 despite the global pandemic. Neptune is direct in Pisces turning retrograde on June 25th. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is now direct in Capricorn turning retrograde on April 27th. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. Now 2020 and its 'dense astrology' are over The flavor of the immediate years ahead is potentially promising. Jupiter is in Aquarius from Dec 2020 to Dec 2021. Saturn resides there from Dec 2020 to March 2023, and Pluto is in Aquarius from 2023 for 20 years. There is hope for a more enlightened, democratic, humane altruism here. The next eclipse is a Total Lunar Eclipse at 5 Sagittarius on May 26th 2021, square Jupiter, not visible from the UK. The following event is a Solar Eclipse visible (just) from the UK at 20 Gemini, conjunct retro-Mercury square Neptune, on June 10th 2021. Also in 2021 there is a partial lunar eclipse on Nov 19th at 27 Taurus square Jupiter, and a Total Solar Eclipse, visible from Antarctica, on Dec 4th quincunx Uranus at 12 Sagittarius. The next Total Lunar eclipse visible from the UK is at 26 Scorpio, during the early hours of May 16th 2022. The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024 The week ahead of us sees the build up to the Full Moon in Libra with an accompanying Grand Trine in Air and an event of magnificent communication.

Tuesday 23rd March 2021

00.21 Mars at 11 Gemini waxing bi-novile Neptune at 21 Pisces 04.36 Venus, hot and urgent, at 2 Aries waxing septile Saturn at 11 Aquarius 05.15 The First Quarter Moon 'gaining in light and motion' at 21 Cancer waxing trine Neptune at 21 Pisces 05.57 The Moon at 21 Cancer waxing quincunx Jupiter at 21 Aquarius 10.13 Mercury at 11 Pisces waxing semi-sextile Saturn at 11 Aquarius 15.27 The Moon at 27 Cancer opposition Pluto at 27 Capricorn. The Moon is then void of course for 6.5 hours 16.11 Venus at 3 Aries waning decile Uranus at 9 Taurus 17.32 Mars at 12 Gemini waxing sesuiquadrate Pluto at 27 Capricorn 21.58 The Moon enters Leo 23.40 Mercury at 12 Pisces waxing semi-square Pluto at 27 Capricorn

Wednesday 24th March 2021

Mercury square Mars

Entrenched stances and standoffs maybe evident once today gets going. The Moon gaining in light and motion in uncompromising Leo is under planetary stress for most of the day. Wise to function in a 'softly softly' manner and avoid conflict. Recreational energy is to the fore. The Libran Full Moon is on Saturday. 03.27 Mercury at 12 Pisces waning square Mars at 12 Gemini 03.50 The Moon at 3 Leo waxing trine Venus at 3 Aries 04.55 The Moon at 4 Leo waxing trine The Sun at 4 Aries The Moon makes a Fixed T-square with Saturn and Uranus 13.00 to 18.00 GMT. 13.46 The Moon at 9 Leo waxing square Uranus at 9 Taurus 17.39 The Moon at 11 Leo opposition Saturn at 11 Aquarius 20.09 The Moon at 12 Leo waxing sextile Mars at 12 Gemini 21.29 The Moon at 13 Leo waxing quincunx Mercury at 13 Pisces

Thursday 25th March 2021

00.15 The Moon accelerating at 14 Leo sextiles her node from north of the ecliptic. 10.01 The Moon reaches her waxing gibbous phase The procession to the Full Moon phase now begins in earnest. 12.08 The Moon at 21 Leo waxing quincunx Neptune at 21 Pisces 13.28 The Moon at 22 Leo opposition Jupiter at 22 Aquarius. The Moon is void of course for 14 hours 20.38 Mercury at 14 Pisces waning square the lunar node at 14 Gemini 21.29 The Moon at 27 Leo waning quincunx Pluto at 27 Capricorn

Friday 26th March 2021

Superior Conjunction of Venus and The Sun

Lunar pressures really kicking in. A universal mesh of intricate detail for two days, cosmic cogs and wheels. 03.27 The waxing gibbous Moon accelerates into Virgo 06.58 Superior Conjunction of Venus and The Sun at 6 Aries A 'Full Venus'. Climax of love and desire. 13.52 The Moon at 6 Virgo waxing quincunx The Sun at 6 Aries 14.01 The Moon at 6 Virgo waxing quincunx Venus at 6 Aries 18.17 The Moon at 9 Virgo waxing trine Uranus at 9 Taurus 22.01 The Moon at 11 Virgo waning quincunx Saturn at 11 Aquarius

Saturday 27th March 2021

Full Moon weekend ahead. This is the penultimate lunation before the Total Lunar Eclipse on May 26th. This weekend's Full Moon lies across the focus of an astrological 'Kite' pattern in the skies of Earth, involving a grand tine in Air with the Moon in Libra, Mars in Gemini and Saturn in Aquarius. It enriches the experience with a fusion of social versatility and future orientated communication, with a harnessing of cool logic. This is a heady experience involving clear vision, uncluttered thinking, new contacts, diplomacy, poise, and balance. Today the almost Full Moon makes a Mutable T-square with Mercury, Mars and the Lunar Node 02.00 to 04.30 GMT. Today is the practical day, tomorrow the social. 02.17 The Moon at 14 Virgo waxing square Mars at 14 Gemini 03.40 The Moon at 14 Virgo waxing square the lunar node at 14 Gemini 07.38 The Moon at 17 Virgo opposition Mercury at 17 Pisces 11.46 Venus at 7 Aries waxing semi-square Jupiter at 22 Aquarius 11.48 Mercury at 17 Pisces waxing decile Saturn at 11 Aquarius 15.06 The Moon at 21 Virgo opposition Neptune at 21 Pisces 16.56 The Moon at 22 Virgo waning quincunx Jupiter at 22 Aquarius 17.04 Mercury at 17 Pisces waning septile Uranus at 9 Taurus 18.33 Minor lunar occultation of star Nu Virgo, observable from the UK, ends 19.28. 21.02 The Sun at 7 Aries waxing semi-square Jupiter at 22 Aquarius 23.49 The Moon at 27 Virgo waning trine Pluto at 27 Capricorn, moon void

Sunday 28th March 2021

Full Moon in Libra

01.22 Mercury at 18 Pisces waxing septile Pluto at 27 Capricorn 05.24 The Full Moon enters Libra 09.14 Mars conjunction the lunar node at 14 Gemini 11.59 Venus at 9 Aries waxing quintile Pluto at 27 Capricorn 16.54 Venus at 9 Aries waning semi-sextile Uranus at 9 Taurus 18.49 Moment of FULL MOON

Today's Full Moon is 4th following the Penumbral Lunar Eclipse on Nov 29th 2020 and the penumtimate before the Total Lunar Eclipse at 5 Sagittarius on May 26th 2021, (not visible from the UK). This Full Moon trines Saturn, trine Mars and the lunar node. A loose Air Grand Trine Full Moon. Communication cubed. Today's Full Moon hits the Sun of China, Nigeria, Jimmy Carter and Teresa May. It hits the Mercury of North Korea, the Mercury and Jupiter conjunctions of the Internet chart, and the Libyan chart. It hits the Venus of Poland, and David Cameron, the Mars of Turkey, the Jupiter of Harry Kane and Miley Cyrus, the Saturn of Beyonce, the Neptune of the Indian independence chart, the Pluto of the Leonardo DiCaprio generation, the MC ofthe Gaza strip chart and the ascendant of the UK. The Full Moon trines the USA Uranus (sextile the US ascendant and sextile the US lunar node). At the moment of Full Moon today it is sunrise at Wellington, sunset at Cape Wrath (Scotland). Moonrise is occurring at Lisbon and it is moonset over The Marshall Islands. It is high noon at Winnipeg and and true midnight at Hyderabad. Pluto rises at Kuala Lumpur. 19.41 The Moon at 9 Libra waxing quincunx Uranus at 9 Taurus 19.55 The Moon at 9 Libra opposition Venus at 9 Aries 23.21 The Moon at 11 Libra waning trine Saturn at 11 Aquarius

Monday 29th March 2021

Post full moon in Libra lunar hangover. Mercury applies to Neptune in Pisces, exact tomorrow, increasing deep thinking and dreamy sensitivity. The Sun and Venus close in Aries both sextile Saturn this coming week, the harnessing of the power of love. 01.47 The Sun at 9 Aries waxing quintile Pluto at 27 Capricorn 04.21 The waning full Moon at 14 Libra trines her node from north of the ecliptic 05.13 The Moon at 15 Libra waxing trine Mars at 15 Gemini 08.34 The Sun at 9 Aries waning semi-sextile Uranus at 9 Taurus 09.00 Mars at 15 Gemini waxing decile Uranus at 9 Taurus 14.17 The Moon at 20 Libra waning quincunx Mercury at 20 Pisces 15.42 The Moon at 21 Libra waning quincunx Neptune at 21 Pisces 18.02 The Moon at 23 Libra waning trine Jupiter at 23 Aquarius STATE OF THE SKY:- The Sun reaches 9 degrees Aries today. Venus is also in Aries. Mercury and Neptune are in Pisces. Jupiter and Saturn are in Aquarius. There are 81 days to the Solstice. Mercury is a direct morning star in Pisces. Fathomless thinking, sensitized intellectualism and deep thought colour this residence. Mercury as a morning star shuttles through this sign in a rapid 20 days. He is conjunct Neptune at 20 Pisces, the highlight of the residence, tomorrow, a dream boat of experiences. Mercury sextiles Pluto on April 2nd, penetratingly, and enters Aries on April 4th. Mercury next turns retrograde on May 29th. Venus is now an evening 'star' in Aries. Venus resides for 24 days in Aries and has, other than a square to Pluto, an easy ride here. Now an 'evening star' she sextiles Saturn tomorrow, love's harbor, money's trust fund. Venus sextiles Mars on April 6th, red hot sexual dynamics, she sextiles Jupiter on April 10th, beatific, and she squares Pluto, debauch, on April 12th. Venus enters Taurus on 14th April. Venus at greatest brightness on Dec 7th and she turns retrograde on Dec 19th 2021 at 26 Capricorn. Venus is at inferior solar conjunction on Jan 8th 2022. Mars is direct in Gemini. Mars is at full speed resides in this sign for 50 days and has a very busy time. Venus sextiles Mars on April 6th, love-making. Mars squares Neptune on April 9th, aberrations and misdirection.The Sun sextiles Mars on April 13th, fueling New Moon incentives. Mars trines Jupiter and sextiles Mercury on April 17th, great good fortune. A breath of fresh air this residence. Mars enters Cancer on April 23rd. He has a close and hot (0.5 degree alignment) encounter with Venus in Leo on July 13th and a big bash with retrograde Mercury and the Sun in mid Libra on Oct 9th 2021. Mars next turns retrograde at 25 Gemini on Oct 30th 2022. He resides in Gemini either side of that date for seven months. Jupiter is direct in Aquarius. Jupiter from Aquarius made a single waning square to Uranus on January 17th 2021 expanding consciousness with new and possibly alien ideas. Jupiter is now really flashing through Aquarius and enters Pisces from May 13th 2021 to July 28th 2021, turning retrograde on June 20th at 2 Pisces. He returns to Aquarius for the remainder of the year finally leaving for Pisces on Dec2 9th 2021. Jupiter is conjunct Neptune at 24 degrees Pisces in 2022 (the 'Florence Nightingale combination conjunction'). Saturn is direct in Aquarius turning retrograde on May 23rd. In 2021 the main outer body aspect is a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This is a difficult aspect, but not in the league of 2020 aspects. This cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with their opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. The 2021 last quarter aspect will induce political, financial and social changes of possibly a drastic nature and a measure of instability. We will observe a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The aspect peaked in 2021 on Feb 17th, and repeats on June 14th and on Dec 24th with a slight return in early October 2022. Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is direct in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking, turning retrograde on Aug 19th. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance and ownership are about to take place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Bitcoin is currently rallying above $30,000. Bitcoin had tripled in value over the course of 2020 despite the global pandemic. Neptune is direct in Pisces turning retrograde on June 25th. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is now direct in Capricorn turning retrograde on April 27th. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. The next eclipse is a Total Lunar Eclipse at 5 Sagittarius on May 26th 2021, square Jupiter, not visible from the UK. The following event is a Solar Eclipse visible (just) from the UK at 20 Gemini, conjunct retro-Mercury square Neptune, on June 10th 2021. Also in 2021 there is a partial lunar eclipse on Nov 19th at 27 Taurus square Jupiter, and a Total Solar Eclipse, visible from Antarctica, on Dec 4th quincunx Uranus at 12 Sagittarius. The next Total Lunar eclipse visible from the UK is at 26 Scorpio, during the early hours of May 16th 2022. The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024

Tuesday 30th March 2021

Mercury conjunct Neptune.

Venus sextile Saturn.

00.08 The very rapidly waning full Moon at 27 Libra squares Pluto at 27 Capricorn. The Moon is then void of course for 5.5 hours 01.33 Mercury at 21 Pisces waxing novile Saturn at 11 Aquarius 03.24 Mercury conjunction Neptune at 21 Pisces 05.35 The Moon enters Scorpio. A couple of days characterised by compulsion and wilful intensity are ahead. 07.16 The Moon is at Perigee. Fastest and closest to the Earth this month. 15.48 Venus at 11 Aries waxing sextile Saturn at 11 Aquarius A Fixed T-Square is manifest involving the Moon, Saturn and Uranus. 19.00 to 24.00 GMT. 19.54 The Moon at 9 Scorpio opposition Uranus at 9 Taurus 22.16 The Moon at 10 Scorpio waning quincunx The Sun at 10 Aries 23.40 The Moon at 11 Scorpio waning square Saturn at 11 Aquarius and forms a finger of fate 'yod' pattern with Mars and her node.

Wednesday 31st March 2021

The Sun sextile Saturn.

00.20 The very rapidly waning full Moon at 12 Scorpio quincunx Venus at 12 Aries 03.55 Mercury at 23 Pisces waxing semi-sextile Jupiter at 23 Aquarius 07.17 The Moon at 16 Scorpio waxing quincunx Mars at 16 Gemini 15.59 The Moon at 21 Scorpio waning trine Neptune at 21 Pisces 17.05 Mercury at 24 Pisces waning semi-square Uranus at 9 Taurus 18.53 The Moon at 23 Scorpio waning square Jupiter at 23 Aquarius 20.36 The Moon at 24 Scorpio waning trine Mercury at 24 Pisces 21.05 The Sun at 11 Aries waxing sextile Saturn at 11 Aquarius

Thursday 1st April 2021

From 06.00 GMT today the Sun and Moon, together with Venus, are in Fire signs. A couple of high spirited days now follow. Saturn air trines the Lunar Node all month securing ties and connections. 00.16 The rapidly waning Moon reaches her disseminating phase 00.29 The Moon at 27 Scorpio waning sextile Pluto at 27 Capricorn. The Moon is void of course for 5.5 hours. 06.00 The Moon enters Sagittarius 20.55 The Moon at 9 Sagittarius waning quincunx Uranus at 9 Taurus 21.28 Venus at 14 Aries waning sextile the lunar node at 14 Gemini

Friday 2nd April 2021

Mercury sextile Pluto

00.53 The rapidly disseminating Moon at 11 Sagittarius waning sextile Saturn at 11 Aquarius 01.28 Saturn at 11 Aquarius waning novile Neptune at 21 Pisces This is the 1st of 3 hits of this aspect in 2021 in the 36 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Neptune. The dates in 2021 are April 2nd, June 13th and Dec 18th. Largely an historical cycle, this astrology's 'tough one', concerned with dissolution, suffering and deep tests of faith. The current cycle started in 1989, in Capricorn, with the fall of the Soviet Empire. It reached the opposition phase in 2006-2007 preceded in late 2004 by the Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami that killed an estimated 227,898 people in 14 countries, death by water, wave of grief and in August 2005 by catastrophic flooding in New Orleans after the Gulf Coast hurricane Katrina, 1,464 people died. The last quarter phase in 2016 was preceded in 2015 by Ebola outbreaks in Africa,and in 2016 itself with North Korean Korean missile tests, the UK voting to leave the EU and Russia interfering in USA elections. The cycle ends in Feb. 2026 at 1 degree Aries. The waning Novile aspects this year are concerned with the consolidation of the 'grim' harvest of the closing cycle, and an evaluation of its consequence. This is a time to reckon with. 02.47 The Moon at 13 Sagittarius waning trine The Sun at 13 Aries 03.29 Mercury at 26 Pisces waxing semi-square Saturn at 11 Aquarius 05.11 The Moon at 14 Sagittarius opposition the lunar node at 14 Gemini 05.57 The Moon at 14 Sagittarius waning trine Venus at 14 Aries 06.04 Mercury at 27 Pisces waxing sextile Pluto at 27 Capricorn 10.41 The Moon at 17 Sagittarius opposition Mars at 17 Gemini 13.32 Venus at 15 Aries waxing septile Jupiter at 24 Aquarius 17.27 Mercury at 27 Pisces waning bi-novile Mars at 17 Gemini 17.43 The Moon at 21 Sagittarius waning square Neptune at 21 Pisces 21.18 The Moon at 24 Sagittarius waning sextile Jupiter at 24 Aquarius

Saturday 3rd April 2021

05.24 The decelerating disseminating Moon at 28 Sagittarius waning square Mercury at 28 Pisces. The Moon is void of course for 7.8 hours. The two days that follow are characterised by involvement and incentive. Motivational energy abounds. Just do it. 08.15 The Moon enters Capricorn joining Pluto in this sign. 12.15 The Sun at 14 Aries waning sextile the lunar node at 14 Gemini (The eclipse 'marker' heralding the approaching eclipse season). 16.17 Mercury at 29 Pisces waning novile Uranus at 9 Taurus

Sunday 4th April 2021


00.05 The decelerating Moon at 9 Capricorn waning trine Uranus at 9 Taurus 00.15 Venus at 17 Aries waxing bi-novile Pluto at 27 Capricorn 01.16 Mercury at 30 Pisces waxing decile Jupiter at 24 Aquarius 03.43 Mercury enters Aries joining the Sun and Venus in this sign. 10.03 The Moon is at Last Quarter 14.34 The Moon at 17 Capricorn waning square Venus at 17 Aries 16.46 The Moon at 19 Capricorn waning quincunx Mars at 19 Gemini 21.28 The Sun at 15 Aries waxing septile Jupiter at 24 Aquarius 21.55 The Moon at 22 Capricorn waning sextile Neptune at 22 Pisces

Monday 5th April 2021

07.06 The Moon conjunction Pluto at 27 Capricorn. The Moon is void of course for 6 hours. 13.05 The Moon enters Aquarius 16.53 Mars at 19 Gemini waxing novile Uranus at 9 Taurus 18.20 The Moon at 3 Aquarius waning sextile Mercury at 3 Aries 20.39 Mercury at 3 Aries waxing septile Saturn at 12 Aquarius 23.14 Mercury at 3 Aries waning decile Uranus at 9 Taurus STATE OF THE SKY:- The Sun reaches 16 degrees Aries today. Venus and Mercury are also in Aries. Jupiter and Saturn are in Aquarius. There are 74 days to the Solstice. Mercury is a morning star in Aries and has a rapid but significant residence here this year. He is sextile Saturn April 10th. On April 17th Mercury is on the Mars/Jupiter midpoint and is sextile both, the height of the 'significance',in addition Mercury also is square Pluto on that day, there is the potential for astrological 'high jinx' ion that day. Mercury is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun at 29 Aries on April 19th. Mercury, then an 'evening star', leads the Sun into Taurus on that day. This is a red hot residence, sharp, quickening of spirit, future orientating and pioneering. Mercury next turns retrograde on May 29th. Venus is now an evening 'star' in Aries. Venus resides for 24 days in Aries and has, other than a square to Pluto, an easy ride here. Now an 'evening star' Venus sextiles Mars tomorrow, red hot sexual dynamics, she sextiles Jupiter on April 10th, beatific, and she squares Pluto, debauch, on April 12th. Venus enters Taurus on 14th April. Venus at greatest brightness on Dec 7th and she turns retrograde on Dec 19th 2021 at 26 Capricorn. Venus is at inferior solar conjunction on Jan 8th 2022. Mars is direct in Gemini. Mars is at full speed resides in this sign for 50 days and has a very busy time. Venus sextiles Mars tomorrow, love-making. Mars squares Neptune on April 9th, aberrations and misdirection.The Sun sextiles Mars on April 13th, fueling New Moon incentives. Mars trines Jupiter and sextiles Mercury on April 17th, great good fortune. A breath of fresh air this residence. Mars enters Cancer on April 23rd. He has a close and hot (0.5 degree alignment) encounter with Venus in Leo on July 13th and a big bash with retrograde Mercury and the Sun in mid Libra on Oct 9th 2021. Mars next turns retrograde at 25 Gemini on Oct 30th 2022. He resides in Gemini either side of that date for seven months. Jupiter is direct in Aquarius. Jupiter from Aquarius made a single waning square to Uranus on January 17th 2021 expanding consciousness with new and possibly alien ideas. Jupiter is now really flashing through Aquarius and enters Pisces from May 13th 2021 to July 28th 2021, turning retrograde on June 20th at 2 Pisces. He returns to Aquarius for the remainder of the year finally leaving for Pisces on Dec2 9th 2021. Jupiter is conjunct Neptune at 24 degrees Pisces in 2022 (the 'Florence Nightingale combination conjunction'). Saturn is direct in Aquarius turning retrograde on May 23rd. In 2021 the main outer body aspect is a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This is a difficult aspect, but not in the league of 2020 aspects. This cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with their opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. The 2021 last quarter aspect will induce political, financial and social changes of possibly a drastic nature and a measure of instability. We will observe a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The aspect peaked in 2021 on Feb 17th, and repeats on June 14th and on Dec 24th with a slight return in early October 2022. Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is direct in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking, turning retrograde on Aug 19th. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance and ownership are about to take place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Bitcoin is currently rallying above $30,000. Bitcoin had tripled in value over the course of 2020 despite the global pandemic. Neptune is direct in Pisces turning retrograde on June 25th. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is now direct in Capricorn turning retrograde on April 27th. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. The next eclipse is a Total Lunar Eclipse at 5 Sagittarius on May 26th 2021, square Jupiter, not visible from the UK. The following event is a Solar Eclipse visible (just) from the UK at 20 Gemini, conjunct retro-Mercury square Neptune, on June 10th 2021. Also in 2021 there is a partial lunar eclipse on Nov 19th at 27 Taurus square Jupiter, and a Total Solar Eclipse, visible from Antarctica, on Dec 4th quincunx Uranus at 12 Sagittarius. The next Total Lunar eclipse visible from the UK is at 26 Scorpio, during the early hours of May 16th 2022. The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024. Earlier that same year, 2024, we can also look forward to the next 'American Total Solar Eclipse' on April 8th 2024. See you, possibly in Texas. The next New Moon is one week today. In Aries this New moon is conjunct Venus sextile Jupiter. Promising prospects.

Tuesday 6th April 2021

05.59 The decelerating Last Quarter Moon at 9 Aquarius waning square Uranus at 9 Taurus 06.56 The Sun at 17 Aries waxing bi-novile Pluto at 27 Capricorn 10.33 The Moon conjunction Saturn at 12 Aquarius 11.18 Venus at 20 Aries waning sextile Mars at 20 Gemini 12.27 Mercury at 4 Aries waxing novile Jupiter at 24 Aquarius 14.16 The Moon at 14 Aquarius trines her node from south of the ecliptic 20.40 The Moon at 17 Aquarius waning sextile The Sun at 17 Aries

Wednesday 7th April 2021

01.56 The waning Moon decelerating at 20 Aquarius waning trine Mars at 20 Gemini 02.44 The Moon at 21 Aquarius waning sextile Venus at 21 Aries 10.05 The Moon conjunction Jupiter at 24 Aquarius. The Moon is then void of course for 10.5 hours 20.32 The Moon enters Pisces joining Neptune in this sign.

Thursday 8th April 2021

Subliminal impression and universal projection. A cloud of agitated confusion hangs over the next 2 days as Mars squares Neptune tomorrow. Crazy scenes. 00.55 Venus at 22 Aries waxing semi-sextile Neptune at 22 Pisces 02.53 Mars at 21 Gemini waxing biquintile Pluto at 27 Capricorn 03.09 The Moon reaches her balsamic phase. 14.24 The Moon decelerating at 9 Pisces waning sextile Uranus at 9 Taurus 21.21 Mercury at 9 Aries waxing quintile Pluto at 27 Capricorn 22.33 The Moon at 14 Pisces squares her node from south of the ecliptic

Friday 9th April 2021

Mars square Neptune.

Mars squares a conjunction of the balsamic Moon and Neptune. A potential 'layer cake' of craziness. 05.45 Mercury at 9 Aries waning quintile Mars at 21 Gemini 06.38 Mercury at 9 Aries waning semi-sextile Uranus at 9 Taurus 11.22 Mercury at 10 Aries waxing semi-square Jupiter at 25 Aquarius 13.49 The balsamic decelerating Moon at 22 Pisces waning square Mars at 22 Gemini 14.05 The Moon conjunction Neptune at 22 Pisces 19.19 Mars at 22 Gemini waxing square Neptune at 22 Pisces 22.29 Venus at 24 Aries waxing quintile Saturn at 12 Aquarius 23.49 The Moon at 27 Pisces waxing sextile Pluto at 27 Capricorn. The Moon is void of course for 6.4 hours. Old Moon weekend ahead.

Saturday 10th April 2021

Mercury sextile Saturn

Venus sextile Jupiter

The soporific rather inert passivity of the last couple of days now gives way today to more sensible, fortunate and constructive initiatives. This old Moon weekend has a positive quality. 06.13 The old balsamic Moon enters Aries joining the Sun, Mercury and Venus in this sign. A fiery mix. The Moon spends the next hours applying to Mercury. 15.09 Mercury at 12 Aries waxing sextile Saturn at 12 Aquarius The practical thinking. 18.54 Venus at 25 Aries waxing sextile Jupiter at 25 Aquarius The beneficial fortune.

Sunday 11th April 2021

06.01 The ancient Moon decelerating at 12 Aries waxing sextile Saturn at 12 Aquarius 08.47 The Moon conjunction Mercury at 13 Aries 08.52 The Moon at 14 Aries waning sextile her lunar node at from south of the ecliptic. 09.20 Mercury at 14 Aries waning sextile the lunar node at 14 Gemini 11.11 The Sun at 22 Aries waxing semi-sextile Neptune at 22 Pisces 22.45 Uranus at 10 Taurus waxing bi-septile Pluto at 27 Capricorn. Uranus-Pluto conjunction occurs approximately every 125 years or so. The current Uranus Pluto cycle of 'revolution and rebellion' started in 1965-1966 in Virgo, underwent a difficult prolonged waxing square 2012-2015 and has undergone a total of 7 waxing biseptiles (102 degrees aspects) between July 2018 and April 2021. Today's aspect is the last of these. The biseptile aspect represents 'difficulties well met with a little transcendental help'. We are at a fork in the road. Ahead of us, in this cycle, is the 'catalyzing outward activity' of the waxing tri-decile aspect from July 2021 to April 2023 followed by a very intellectually refreshing waxing trine aspects in Air signs from 2026 to 2028. The next conjunction of these two planets is on April 24th 2104. The New Moon in Aries is almost upon us.

Monday 12th April 2021

New Moon in Aries

02.32 Moment of NEW MOON


Today's New Moon is the 4th New Moon following on from the Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius on Dec 14th 2020, and the penultimate before the Annular Solar Eclipse in Gemini on June 10th 2021. The New Moon is sextile Mars and is conjunct Venus accompanied by Venus square Pluto, Mars square Neptune, Venus sextile Jupiter and Mars trine Jupiter. Needless to say this a colourful lunation, lots going on, from generosity to scandal and from creative initiative to rampant growth. This is a largely positive time but this particular event has whirlpools of glamour and unreality. Lead us not into temptation. At the moment of New Moon Pluto rises at London, Saturn rises at Barcelona and at Stockholm. Neptune culminates at Hong Kong. The Sun and Moon set at San-Fransisco. This New Moon hits the Uranus of Thailand, the Mars of the Syrian Independence chart and the Neptune of the National Rifle Association chart. 03.21 Venus at 27 Aries waxing square Pluto at 27 Capricorn 04.00 The Moon at 23 Aries waning sextile Mars at 23 Gemini 08.25 The Moon at 25 Aries waxing sextile Jupiter at 25 Aquarius 11.13 The Moon at 27 Aries waxing square Pluto at 27 Capricorn 12.07 The Moon conjunction Venus at 27 Aries. The Moon is then void of course for 5.6 hours 17.45 The Moon enters Taurus joining Uranus in this sign and setting a steadier vibration for a couple of days ahead. STATE OF THE SKY:- The Sun reaches 23 degrees Aries today. The New Moon, Venus and Mercury are also in Aries. Jupiter and Saturn are in Aquarius. There are 67 days to the Solstice. Mercury is a morning star in Aries and has a rapid but significant residence here this year. On April 17th Mercury is on the Mars/Jupiter midpoint and is sextile both, the height of the 'significance',in addition Mercury also is square Pluto on that day, there is the potential for astrological 'high jinx' on that day. Mercury is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun at 29 Aries on April 19th. Mercury, then an 'evening star', leads the Sun into Taurus on that day. This is a red hot residence, sharp, quickening of spirit, future orientating and pioneering. Mercury next turns retrograde on May 29th. Venus is now an evening 'star' in Aries. Venus resides in this sign for only 2 more days. She squares Pluto today. Venus enters Taurus on Wednesday. Venus is at greatest brightness on Dec 7th and she turns retrograde on Dec 19th 2021 at 26 Capricorn. Venus is at Inferior Solar Conjunction on Jan 8th 2022. Mars is direct in Gemini. Mars is at full speed resides in this sign for 50 days and has a very busy time. The Sun sextiles Mars tomorrow, fueling the New Moon incentives. Mars trines Jupiter and sextiles Mercury on April 17th, great good fortune. A breath of fresh air this residence. Mars enters Cancer on April 23rd. He has a close and hot (0.5 degree alignment) encounter with Venus in Leo on July 13th and a big bash with retrograde Mercury and the Sun in mid Libra on Oct 9th 2021. Mars next turns retrograde at 25 Gemini on Oct 30th 2022. He resides in Gemini either side of that date for seven months. Jupiter is direct in Aquarius. Jupiter from Aquarius made a single waning square to Uranus on January 17th 2021 expanding consciousness with new and possibly alien ideas. Jupiter is now really flashing through Aquarius and enters Pisces from May 13th 2021 to July 28th 2021, turning retrograde on June 20th at 2 Pisces. He returns to Aquarius for the remainder of the year finally leaving for Pisces on Dec2 9th 2021. Jupiter is conjunct Neptune at 24 degrees Pisces in 2022 (the 'Florence Nightingale combination conjunction'). Saturn is direct in Aquarius turning retrograde on May 23rd. In 2021 the main outer body aspect is a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This is a difficult aspect, but not in the league of 2020 aspects. This cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with their opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. The 2021 last quarter aspect will induce political, financial and social changes of possibly a drastic nature and a measure of instability. We will observe a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The aspect peaked in 2021 on Feb 17th, and repeats on June 14th and on Dec 24th with a slight return in early October 2022. Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is direct in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking, turning retrograde on Aug 19th. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance and ownership are about to take place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Bitcoin is currently rallying above £41,000. Bitcoin had tripled in value over the course of 2020 despite the global pandemic. Neptune is direct in Pisces turning retrograde on June 25th. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is now direct in Capricorn turning retrograde on April 27th. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. The next eclipse is a Total Lunar Eclipse at 5 Sagittarius on May 26th 2021, square Jupiter, not visible from the UK. The following event is a Solar Eclipse visible (just) from the UK at 20 Gemini, conjunct retro-Mercury square Neptune, on June 10th 2021. Also in 2021 there is a partial lunar eclipse on Nov 19th at 27 Taurus square Jupiter, and a Total Solar Eclipse, visible from Antarctica, on Dec 4th quincunx Uranus at 12 Sagittarius. The next Total Lunar eclipse visible from the UK is at 26 Scorpio, during the early hours of May 16th 2022. The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024. Earlier that same year, 2024, we can also look forward to the next 'American Total Solar Eclipse' on April 8th 2024. See you, possibly in Texas.

Tuesday 13th April 2021

Steadier vibrations permeate the biosphere. A constructive couple of days now follow. Venus slipping into Taurus tomorrow consolidates the reassuring, comfort seeking, materially accumulating atmosphere. The young Moon conjunct Uranus in Taurus enlivens spirit and inspiration. 00.19 Mercury at 17 Aries waxing bi-novile Pluto at 27 Capricorn 00.26 Venus at 28 Aries waxing decile Neptune at 22 Pisces 01.06 Mercury at 17 Aries waxing septile Jupiter at 25 Aquarius 13.18 The baby new Moon very slowly waxing and decelerating at 10 Taurus is conjunct Uranus 18.31 The Moon at 12 Taurus waxing square Saturn at 12 Aquarius 23.10 The Sun at 24 Aries waning sextile Mars at 24 Gemini

Wednesday 14th April 2021

A measured 'steady as she goes' sort of day. Gentleness wins through right now. Saturday is an 'astrological hotspot'. Lots going on then, enjoy some peace now if you can. 00.15 The Sun at 24 Aries waxing quintile Saturn at 12 Aquarius 14.04 The very slow young Moon at 22 Taurus waxing sextile Neptune at 22 Pisces 18.24 Venus enters Taurus as an evening star joining the Moon and Uranus in this sign and providing a period of comfort seeking and reassurance. Venus resides here for a brief and maybe quite pleasant 25 days. Venus is conjunct Uranus on April 23rd at 10 degrees Taurus energising the financial world with vibrations of changing values and accumulations. Two days later Mercury is conjunct Venus at 14 degrees Taurus, both square Saturn, a day of significance and the highpoint of the residence. Venus sexiles Neptune on May 2nd, artistic hues. She trines Pluto on May 6th, empowering females, and squares Jupiter on May 8th with over indulgence. Venus breezes into Gemini on May 9th. Looking ahead, Venus is at greatest evening star brightness on Dec 7th and she turns retrograde on Dec 19th 2021 at 26 Capricorn. Venus is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on Jan 8th 2022. 18.45 The Moon is at Apogee, furthest from the Earth and slowest this month, conjunct 'Black Moon Lilith'. 20.17 Mars at 25 Gemini waxing semi-square Uranus at 10 Taurus 22.03 The Moon at 26 Taurus waxing square Jupiter at 26 Aquarius

Thursday 15th April 2021

Sun sextile Jupiter

00.00 The very slow young Moon at 27 Taurus waxing trine Pluto at 27 Capricorn. The Moon is void of course for 7 hours. 06.37 The Moon enters Gemini joining Mars in this sign. Get up and move. Reasonably positive fortunes manifest today as the Sun, now in the last five degrees of Aries, sextiles Jupiter. The Moon is slowly waxing towards a fairly close alignment with Mars around noon (GMT) on Saturday which ties in with interesting planetary geometry on that day. 13.33 Mercury at 22 Aries waxing semi-sextile Neptune at 22 Pisces 16.59 The Sun at 26 Aries waxing sextile Jupiter at 26 Aquarius 20.42 Minor lunar occultation of star Omega Tau, observable from the UK, ends 21.04.

Friday 16th April 2021

The Sun squares Pluto

Overtones of 'having to face and square up to difficult changes' today as the Sun squares Pluto. 05.58 The slowly accelerating and waxing Moon, drawing ever close to her occultation of Mars tomorrow, reaches her waxing crescent phase 07.53 The Moon at 12 Gemini waxing trine Saturn at 12 Aquarius 08.07 Venus at 2 Taurus waxing novile Neptune at 22 Pisces 09.38 The Moon conjunction her node at 13 Gemini 13.27 The Sun at 27 Aries waxing square Pluto at 27 Capricorn 17.44 Venus at 2 Taurus waxing bi-novile Saturn at 12 Aquarius 18.53 Mercury at 24 Aries waxing quintile Saturn at 12 Aquarius

Saturday 17th April 2021

Sun squares Pluto.

Mercury sextiles Mars and Jupiter.

Mars trines Jupiter.

The Moon aligns to Mars.

Bit of an astrological hotspot today. The exuberance of Mars trine Jupiter further energised by an alignment of the Moon and Mars. Mercury too is part of the geometry. Interesting hours. 03.16 The waxing crescent Moon at 22 Gemini waxing square Neptune at 22 Pisces 05.14 Mars at 26 Gemini waxing trine Jupiter at 26 Aquarius 11.05 The Moon at 26 Gemini waxing sextile Mercury at 26 Aries 11.30 Closest alignment Moon Mars 0.52 degrees 11.54 The Moon at 26 Gemini waxing trine Jupiter at 26 Aquarius 12.09 The Moon at 26 Gemini conjunction Mars at 26 Gemini 12.58 The Moon at 27 Gemini waxing quincunx Pluto at 27 Capricorn 15.03 The Moon at 28 Gemini waxing sextile The Sun at 28 Aries. The Moon is void of course for 4.4 hours. 16.01 Mercury at 26 Aries waxing sextile Jupiter at 26 Aquarius 19.10 Mercury at 27 Aries waning sextile Mars at 27 Gemini 19.18 The Sun at 28 Aries waxing decile Neptune at 22 Pisces 19.27 The Moon enters Cancer 21.50 Mercury at 27 Aries waxing square Pluto at 27 Capricorn

Sunday 18th April 2021

Today is the last full day of the astrological month of Aries. The Sun enters Taurus tomorrow. Times are moving on. 03.50 The slowly waxing crescent Moon at 4 Cancer waxing sextile Venus at 4 Taurus 04.27 Mars at 27 Gemini waxing quincunx Pluto at 27 Capricorn 11.55 Mercury at 28 Aries waxing decile Neptune at 22 Pisces 15.19 The Moon at 10 Cancer waxing sextile Uranus at 10 Taurus 20.24 The Moon at 13 Cancer waxing quincunx Saturn at 13 Aquarius

Monday 19th April 2021

Mercury and the Sun enter Taurus.

01.50 The Sun at 29 Aries Superior Conjunction Mercury. A 'Full Mercury'. The universal mind's illumination. 10.31 Mercury now an evening star, enters Taurus joining Venus and Uranus in this sign. He resides here for a very brief 15 days. Mercury is conjunct Uranus at 10 Taurus on Saturday. A day of inspirational exactitude. He squares Uranus next Sunday and is conjunct Venus at 14 Taurus that same day inducing shocks and surprises. Mercury sextiles Neptune on April 30th, initiating a dreamy May Eve. He trines Pluto on May 2nd, evoking thoughts of transformation, squares Jupiter on May 3rd, over estimation, and leaves Taurus for Gemini on May 4th. Mercury next turns retrograde on May 29th. 12.33 Mars at 28 Gemini waxing sesuiquadrate Saturn at 13 Aquarius 14.56 The waxing crescent Moon slowly accelerating at 22 Cancer waxing trine Neptune at 22 Pisces 20.35 The Sun enters Taurus and a new astrological month begins. 23.24 Venus at 6 Taurus waning septile Mars at 28 Gemini 23.49 The Moon at 27 Cancer waxing quincunx Jupiter at 27 Aquarius STATE OF THE SKY:- The Sun reaches zero degrees Taurus today. Mercury, Venus and Uranus are also, from today, in Taurus. Jupiter and Saturn are in Aquarius. There are 60 days to the Solstice. Mercury now an 'evening star', leads the Sun into Taurus today. See above Venus is in Taurus as an evening star with the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Uranus in this sign and providing a period of comfort seeking and reassurance. Venus resides here for a brief and maybe quite pleasant 25 days. Venus is conjunct Uranus on April 23rd at 10 degrees Taurus energising the financial world with vibrations of changing values and accumulations. Two days later Mercury is conjunct Venus at 14 degrees Taurus, both square Saturn, a day of significance and the highpoint of the residence. Venus sexiles Neptune on May 2nd, artistic hues. She trines Pluto on May 6th, empowering females, and squares Jupiter on May 8th with over indulgence. Venus breezes into Gemini on May 9th. Looking ahead, Venus is at greatest evening star brightness on Dec 7th and she turns retrograde on Dec 19th 2021 at 26 Capricorn. Venus is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on Jan 8th 2022. Mars is direct in Gemini. Mars is at full speed will have resided in this sign for 50 days and has had a very busy time. Mars enters Cancer on Friday. He has a close and hot (0.5 degree alignment) encounter with Venus in Leo on July 13th and a big bash with retrograde Mercury and the Sun in mid Libra on Oct 9th 2021. Mars next turns retrograde at 25 Gemini on Oct 30th 2022. He resides in Gemini either side of that date for seven months. Jupiter is direct in Aquarius. Jupiter from Aquarius made a single waning square to Uranus on January 17th 2021 expanding consciousness with new and possibly alien ideas. Jupiter is now really flashing through Aquarius and enters Pisces from May 13th 2021 to July 28th 2021, turning retrograde on June 20th at 2 Pisces. He returns to Aquarius for the remainder of the year finally leaving for Pisces on Dec2 9th 2021. Jupiter is conjunct Neptune at 24 degrees Pisces in 2022 (the 'Florence Nightingale combination conjunction'). Saturn is direct in Aquarius turning retrograde on May 23rd. In 2021 the main outer body aspect is a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This is a difficult aspect, but not in the league of 2020 aspects. This cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with their opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. The 2021 last quarter aspect will induce political, financial and social changes of possibly a drastic nature and a measure of instability. We will observe a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The aspect peaked in 2021 on Feb 17th, and repeats on June 14th and on Dec 24th with a slight return in early October 2022. Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is direct in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking, turning retrograde on Aug 19th. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance and ownership are about to take place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Neptune is direct in Pisces turning retrograde on June 25th. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is now direct in Capricorn turning retrograde on April 27th. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. The next eclipse is a Total Lunar Eclipse at 5 Sagittarius on May 26th 2021, square Jupiter, not visible from the UK. The following event is a Solar Eclipse visible (just) from the UK at 20 Gemini, conjunct retro-Mercury square Neptune, on June 10th 2021. Also in 2021 there is a partial lunar eclipse on Nov 19th at 27 Taurus square Jupiter, and a Total Solar Eclipse, visible from Antarctica, on Dec 4th quincunx Uranus at 12 Sagittarius. The next Total Lunar eclipse visible from the UK is at 26 Scorpio, during the early hours of May 16th 2022. The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024. Earlier that same year, 2024, we can also look forward to the next 'American Total Solar Eclipse' on April 8th 2024. See you, possibly in Texas.

Tuesday 20th April 2021

The Sun, the Moon (from 06.12 GMT today), Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus now all in Fixed signs. Much more steady, concentrated and focused energy now prevails. A dissociate T-square is manifest involving the Taurus Sun, Cancer/Leo Moon and Capricorn Pluto 00.00 to 07.00 GMT 00.04 The Moon gaining in light and motion at 27 Cancer opposition Pluto at 27 Capricorn. The Moon is void of course for jut over 6 hours. 06.12 The Moon enters Leo. Perfect for children. Sun in Taurus, Moon in Leo. 07.00 The Moon at First Quarter Crisis in action. 10.01 Mercury at 2 Taurus waxing novile Neptune at 22 Pisces 10.09 The Moon at 2 Leo waxing square Mercury at 2 Taurus 11.45 Venus at 7 Taurus waxing semi-square Neptune at 22 Pisces 16.34 Mercury at 3 Taurus waxing bi-novile Saturn at 13 Aquarius 19.09 Jupiter at 27 Aquarius waxing semi-sextile Pluto at 27 Capricorn The current 13 year Jupiter/Pluto synodic cycle of of 'power plays' started in 2020 in Capricorn. This year the cycle reaches its waxing semi-sextile phase, (April 20th, Sept 11th and 27th Nov), and its waxing decile phase, (June 20th, July 4th and Jan 9th 2022). The new 'power evolution' established in 2020 now undergoes with the semi-sextile 'the urge to be' and with the decile aspect, the decision process 'what to be'. We are dealing here with new power structures, set in motion last year now gaining purchase. 20.22 The Moon at 8 Leo waxing square Venus at 8 Taurus

Wednesday 21st April 2021

Large scale, big time, real time, formative, playful creativity abounds today. An abundance of Fixity and of Earth. The next cosmic event is a close alignment of Venus and Uranus on in the very early hours of Friday (GMT). There are possible financial shakeups and realignments of allegiances associated with this one. Rumbles and wobbles. A Fixed T-square is manifest involving the Moon, Saturn and Uranus 01.00 to 06.00 GMT. Imponderables. 01.12 The first quarter Moon gaining in motion at 10 Leo waxing square Uranus at 10 Taurus 05.56 The Moon at 13 Leo opposition Saturn at 13 Aquarius 06.33 The Moon at 13 Leo sextile her node from north of the ecliptic. 23.08 The Moon at 22 Leo waxing quincunx Neptune at 22 Pisces

Thursday 22nd April 2021

This day largely colored by Venus applying to a near alignment to Uranus in the early hours (GMT) of Friday, the closest conjunction of these two planets all decade. Feel it coming. At least a 'bustle in your hedgerow' and it could evoke more substantial rearrangements of both affections and attachments.. 00.52 The Sun at 2 Taurus waxing novile Neptune at 22 Pisces 01.01 Venus at 9 Taurus waxing quintile Jupiter at 27 Aquarius 07.29 The Moon at 27 Leo waning quincunx Pluto at 27 Capricorn 07.55 The Moon at 27 Leo opposition Jupiter at 27 Aquarius 12.05 The Moon at 29 Leo waxing sextile Mars at 29 Gemini. The Moon is void of course for an hour and five minutes. 13.10 The Moon enters Virgo 13.53 Venus at 10 Taurus waxing bi-septile Pluto at 27 Capricorn 16.22 The Sun at 3 Taurus waxing bi-novile Saturn at 13 Aquarius 18.07 The Moon at 3 Virgo waxing trine The Sun at 3 Taurus 19.10 Mercury at 7 Taurus waxing semi-square Neptune at 22 Pisces Venus now aligns to Uranus.

Friday 23rd April 2021

01.02 Venus at 10 Taurus conjunction Uranus at 10 Taurus 01.11 Closest alignment Venus Uranus 0.24 degrees, closest conjunction of these two all decade. 2nd closest planetary conjunction all year. The closest planetary conjunction this year is that of Mercury and Mars at 13 Virgo on August 19th. 02.48 The Moon at 8 Virgo waxing trine Mercury at 8 Taurus 06.58 The Moon at 10 Virgo waxing trine Uranus at 10 Taurus 07.31 The Moon at 11 Virgo waxing trine Venus at 11 Taurus 10.57 Mercury at 9 Taurus waning septile Mars at 30 Gemini 11.19 The Moon at 13 Virgo waning quincunx Saturn at 13 Aquarius 11.30 The Moon at 13 Virgo waxing squares her node from north of the ecliptic. 11.51 Mars enters Cancer Mars resides in Cancer for 49 days. He sextiles Uranus on May 12th, considered unconventionality with an edge. He trines Neptune on May 6th, feasts of procurement and a rich stream of glamorous incitement, and opposes Pluto, a bitter struggle, and the worst feature of this residence, on June 5th. Mars enters Leo on June 11th. We have ahead of us 7 weeks of shrewd activity. A profitable time, home making, family making domestic energy. Not so bad. Mars has a close and hot (0.5 degree alignment) encounter with Venus in Leo on July 13th and a big bash with retrograde Mercury and the Sun in mid Libra on Oct 9th 2021. Mars next turns retrograde at 25 Gemini on Oct 30th 2022. He resides in Gemini either side of that date for seven months. 19.07 Mercury at 9 Taurus waxing quintile Jupiter at 27 Aquarius 21.45 The Moon reaches her waxing gibbous phase 23.28 Mercury at 10 Taurus waxing bi-septile Pluto at 27 Capricorn

Saturday 24th April 2021

Mercury conjunct Uranus.

A weekend strongly colored by the triplet of Mercury, Venus and Uranus all quite tightly packed in Taurus square Saturn in Aquarius. The need for material comfort and security challenge by social, communal and global constraint. A tough one. India's healthcare system is buckling as a record surge in Covid-19 cases puts pressure on hospital beds and drains oxygen supplies. Transiting Pluto opposes India's natal Moon right now. 03.11 The waxing gibbous Moon accelerating at 22 Virgo opposition Neptune at 22 Pisces 05.58 Closest alignment Mercury Uranus 0.74 degrees Not as close as the Venus and Uranus conjunction but still a harbinger os surprises and mental shocks. 06.43 Mercury conjunction Uranus at 10 Taurus 10.51 The Moon at 27 Virgo waning trine Pluto at 27 Capricorn. The Moon is void for 5.25 hours 11.48 The Moon at 27 Virgo waning quincunx Jupiter at 27 Aquarius 13.17 Saturn at 13 Aquarius waning trine the mean lunar node at 13 Gemini 16.08 The Moon enters Libra, trying to smooth it all out. 17.20 The Moon at 1 Libra waxing square Mars at 1 Cancer

Sunday 25th April 2021

Mercury conjunct Venus, both square Saturn..

Suddenly there is a lot going on, Mercury, Venus and Uranus are all conjunct 10-12 degrees Taurus. Saturn squares this triplet constraining and resisting and lunar pressures are rising with the Moon Full early Tuesday (GMT). The day is brimming over with astrological energy. An eventful time is upon us. 00.20 The Moon at 5 Libra waxing quincunx The Sun at 5 Taurus 04.22 Venus at 13 Taurus waxing square Saturn at 13 Aquarius 07.06 Mars at 1 Cancer waxing tri-septile Pluto at 27 Capricorn 08.59 The Moon at 10 Libra waxing quincunx Uranus at 10 Taurus An Air Grand Trine is manifest involving the Moon, Saturn and the lunar node 01.00 to 06.00 GMT 11.59 Mercury at 13 Taurus waxing square Saturn at 13 Aquarius 12.54 The Moon at 13 Libra waxing trine the lunar node at 13 Gemini 13.03 The Moon at 13 Libra waning trine Saturn at 13 Aquarius 13.14 The Moon at 13 Libra waxing quincunx Mercury at 13 Taurus 13.48 The Moon at 13 Libra waxing quincunx Venus at 13 Taurus 18.09 Venus at 14 Taurus waxing septile Neptune at 22 Pisces 19.55 Mercury at 14 Taurus waxing septile Neptune at 22 Pisces 22.20 Mercury at 14 Taurus conjunction Venus at 14 Taurus

Monday 26th April 2021

We have nearly arrived as the Walpurgis Full Moon. Already this difficult lunation has wreaked havoc in some quarters. At least 82 people have been killed in a fire at a hospital treating coronavirus patients in the capital of Iraq, Baghdad. More than 100 others were injured in the blaze, which erupted at the Ibn Khatib hospital on Saturday night. Fighting has broken out in the Somali capital, Mogadishu, between different sections of the security forces. International efforts are under way to help India as the country suffers critical oxygen shortages amid a devastating surge in Covid cases. The impending Full Moon is as I say a tough one. It is in Scorpio opposite Uranus and square Saturn. It has an intensity, an edge and a cost. 04.01 The rapidly waxing almost Full Moon at 22 Libra waning quincunx Neptune at 22 Pisces 09.50 Mars at 2 Cancer waxing septile Uranus at 10 Taurus 09.53 Mercury at 15 Taurus waxing tri-decile Pluto at 27 Capricorn 11.16 The Moon at 27 Libra waning square Pluto at 27 Capricorn 12.40 The Moon at 28 Libra waning trine Jupiter at 28 Aquarius. The Moon is then void of course for 3h40m. 16.20 The Moon enters Scorpio 18.00 Venus at 15 Taurus waxing tri-decile Pluto at 27 Capricorn 19.30 The Moon at 2 Scorpio waxing trine Mars at 2 Cancer. The Moon is full tonight. STATE OF THE SKY:- The Sun reaches 7 degrees Taurus today. Mercury, Venus and Uranus are also in Taurus. Jupiter and Saturn are in Aquarius. There are 53 days to the Solstice. Tomorrows Full Moon, hooked into the current Saturn square Uranus aspect, is the ultimate before a Total Lunar Eclipse at 5 Sagittarius on May 26th 2021. With it's passing we enter the foothills of a new eclipse season. The 'passing' of this imminent Full Moon is not an easy one. In addition Pluto turns retrograde on April 27, adding to the intensity of the time of this Full Moon. Mercury is now an evening star in Taurus with the Sun, Venus and Uranus in this sign. He resides here for a very brief 15 days. Mercury sextiles Neptune on April 30th, initiating a dreamy May Eve. He trines Pluto on May 2nd, evoking thoughts of transformation, squares Jupiter on May 3rd, over estimation, and leaves Taurus for Gemini on May 4th. Mercury next turns retrograde on May 29th. Venus is in Taurus as an evening star with the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Uranus in this sign and providing a period of comfort seeking and reassurance. Venus resides here for a brief and maybe quite pleasant 25 days. Venus sexiles Neptune on May 2nd, artistic hues. She trines Pluto on May 6th, empowering females, and squares Jupiter on May 8th with over indulgence. Venus breezes into Gemini on May 9th. Looking ahead, Venus is at greatest evening star brightness on Dec 7th and she turns retrograde on Dec 19th 2021 at 26 Capricorn. Venus is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on Jan 8th 2022. Mars resides in Cancer for 49 days. He sextiles Uranus on May 12th, considered unconventionality with an edge. He trines Neptune on May 6th, feasts of procurement and a rich stream of glamorous incitement, and opposes Pluto, a bitter struggle, and the worst feature of this residence, on June 5th. Mars enters Leo on June 11th. We have ahead of us 7 weeks of shrewd activity. A profitable time, home making, family making domestic energy. Not so bad. Mars has a close and hot (0.5 degree alignment) encounter with Venus in Leo on July 13th and a big bash with retrograde Mercury and the Sun in mid Libra on Oct 9th 2021. Mars next turns retrograde at 25 Gemini on Oct 30th 2022. He resides in Gemini either side of that date for seven months. Jupiter is direct in Aquarius. Jupiter from Aquarius made a single waning square to Uranus on January 17th 2021 expanding consciousness with new and possibly alien ideas. Jupiter is now really flashing through Aquarius and enters Pisces from May 13th 2021 to July 28th 2021, turning retrograde on June 20th at 2 Pisces. He returns to Aquarius for the remainder of the year finally leaving for Pisces on Dec2 9th 2021. Jupiter is conjunct Neptune at 24 degrees Pisces in 2022 (the 'Florence Nightingale combination conjunction'). Saturn is direct in Aquarius turning retrograde on May 23rd. In 2021 the main outer body aspect is a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This is a difficult aspect, but not in the league of 2020 aspects. This cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with their opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. The 2021 last quarter aspect will induce political, financial and social changes of possibly a drastic nature and a measure of instability. We will observe a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The aspect peaked in 2021 on Feb 17th, and repeats on June 14th and on Dec 24th with a slight return in early October 2022. Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is direct in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking, turning retrograde on Aug 19th. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance and ownership are about to take place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Neptune is direct in Pisces turning retrograde on June 25th. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is now direct in Capricorn turning retrograde tomorrow. Pluto retrograde 2021 begins on April 27th at 26 Capricorn and ends on October 6th at 24 Capricorn. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. The next eclipse is a Total Lunar Eclipse at 5 Sagittarius on May 26th 2021, square Jupiter, not visible from the UK. The following event is a Solar Eclipse visible (just) from the UK at 20 Gemini, conjunct retro-Mercury square Neptune, on June 10th 2021. Also in 2021 there is a partial lunar eclipse on Nov 19th at 27 Taurus square Jupiter, and a Total Solar Eclipse, visible from Antarctica, on Dec 4th quincunx Uranus at 12 Sagittarius. The next Total Lunar eclipse visible from the UK is at 26 Scorpio, during the early hours of May 16th 2022. The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024. Earlier that same year, 2024, we can also look forward to the next 'American Total Solar Eclipse' on April 8th 2024. See you, possibly in Texas.

Tuesday 27th April 2021

Full Moon in Scorpio

03.32 Moment of FULL MOON

'Firedance' from the artist Julia CR Gray

Today's Full Moon is 5th following on from the Penumbral Lunar Eclipse on Nov 29th 2020 and the ultimate before the Total Lunar Eclipse at 5 Sagittarius on May 26th 2021. With it's passing we are in the foothills of a new eclipse season. The Full Moon is opposite Uranus and square Saturn in a difficult Fixed T-square. This Super Full Pink Moon has an intensity, an edge and a cost. The Full Moon squares J.Biden's Pluto, squares India's Mercury, conjunct Prince Charles' Mercury, trines Keir Starmer's Mars and Jupiter, conjuncts the Pluto of the Lady Gaga generation and conjuncts Ivanka Trump's Sun. After the Full Moon has peaked the Moon then, beseiged in Scorpio races through an obstacle course of harsh aspects. 08.01 The Sun at 7 Taurus waxing semi-square Neptune at 22 Pisces 08.52 The Moon at 10 Scorpio opposition Uranus at 10 Taurus 12.48 The Moon at 13 Scorpio waning square Saturn at 13 Aquarius 16.22 The Moon is at Perigee. Fastest and closest to the Earth this month. 17.36 The Moon at 16 Scorpio opposition Venus at 16 Taurus 17.51 Mercury at 18 Taurus waning semi-square Mars at 3 Cancer 20.24 The Moon at 18 Scorpio opposition Mercury at 18 Taurus 21.38 Mercury at 18 Taurus waxing bi-novile Jupiter at 28 Aquarius

Wednesday 28th April 2021

03.32 The very rapidly waning full Moon at 22 Scorpio trine Neptune at 22 Pisces 10.39 The Moon at 27 Scorpio waning sextile Pluto at 27 Capricorn 12.32 The Moon at 28 Scorpio waning square Jupiter at 28 Aquarius. The Moon is void for 3.2 hours. 15.44 The Moon enters Sagittarius bringing the potential for breakthrough and adventure and the likelihood of some relief after the full moon in Scorpio traumas of the past few days. 20.55 The Moon at 3 Sagittarius waxing quincunx Mars at 3 Cancer

Thursday 29th April 2021

Lighter vibrations as the moon laughs as us from tropical Sagittarius. The Moon entering Sagittarius brings the potential for breakthrough, adventure and the likelihood of some relief after the Scorpio full moon trauma of recent days subsides. Introducing lighter vibrations, imagination, if nothing else, running high as Mercury sextiles Neptune early Friday (GMT). 06.20 The rapidly waning full Moon at 9 Sagittarius quincunx The Sun at 9 Taurus 08.39 The Moon at 11 Sagittarius waning quincunx Uranus at 11 Taurus 10.40 Venus at 18 Taurus waxing bi-novile Jupiter at 28 Aquarius 11.51 The Moon at 13 Sagittarius opposition her ascending node. 12.36 The Moon at 13 Sagittarius waning sextile Saturn at 13 Aquarius 18.48 The Sun at 10 Taurus waxing bi-septile Pluto at 27 Capricorn 21.44 The Moon at 19 Sagittarius waning quincunx Venus at 19 Taurus. Imagination, if nothing else, running high as Mercury sextiles Neptune tonight.

Friday 30th April 2021

Mercury sextile Neptune.

The Sun conjunct Uranus.

May Eve surprises as the Sun conjuncts Uranus. 01.50 Minor lunar occultation of star Theta Ophiuchus, observable from the UK, ends 02.57. 02.27 Mercury at 22 Taurus waxing sextile Neptune at 22 Pisces There's the imagination. 03.43 The fast moving Moon decelerating at 22 Sagittarius waning square Neptune at 22 Pisces 03.55 The Moon at 22 Sagittarius waning quincunx Mercury at 22 Taurus 05.10 Venus at 19 Taurus waning semi-square Mars at 4 Cancer 08.23 The Moon reaches her disseminating phase 09.44 The Sun at 10 Taurus waxing quintile Jupiter at 28 Aquarius 13.27 The Moon at 28 Sagittarius waning sextile Jupiter at 28 Aquarius. The moon is void of course for 2.8 hours 16.18 The Moon enters Capricorn joining Pluto in this sign. 19.55 The Sun at 11 Taurus conjunction Uranus at 11 Taurus and there's the surprise. 23.51 The Moon at 5 Capricorn opposition Mars at 5 Cancer

Saturday 1st May 2021

Mayday workout. A practical and positive weekend is at hand, supportive of any well planned and well provisioned event. 07.36 Mercury at 25 Taurus waning novile Mars at 5 Cancer 10.13 The disseminating and decelerating Moon at 11 Capricorn waning trine Uranus at 11 Taurus 11.12 The Moon at 11 Capricorn waning trine The Sun at 11 Taurus 23.12 Mercury at 26 Taurus waxing bi-septile Saturn at 13 Aquarius

Sunday 2nd May 2021

Mercury trine Pluto

Venus sextile Neptune

Sound, penetrative and transforming thinking coupled with enchanting incitements. Quite a day is in store. 04.31 Mars at 5 Cancer waxing bi-septile Neptune at 22 Pisces 04.43 The disseminating decelerating Moon at 22 Capricorn waning trine Venus at 22 Taurus 06.16 The Moon at 22 Capricorn waning sextile Neptune at 22 Pisces 09.19 Mercury at 27 Taurus waxing trine Pluto at 27 Capricorn 13.54 The Moon conjunction Pluto at 27 Capricorn 14.38 The Moon at 27 Capricorn waning trine Mercury at 27 Taurus. The Moon is void of course for nearly 5 hours 19.33 The Moon enters Aquarius joining Jupiter and Saturn in this sign. 22.39 Venus at 22 Taurus waxing sextile Neptune at 22 Pisces

Monday 3rd May 2021

Sun square Saturn

Mercury square Jupiter

Clear concentrated thinking, making difficult decisions, seeing matters through. Quite a resolute time this and another important day on our hands. The Moon decelerating towards her last quarter phase is conjunct Saturn square the Sun and Uranus. 06.03 The Moon at 6 Aquarius waning quincunx Mars at 6 Cancer 09.34 Mercury at 29 Taurus waxing square Jupiter at 29 Aquarius 10.02 The Sun at 13 Taurus waxing square Saturn at 13 Aquarius 14.52 The Moon at 11 Aquarius waning square Uranus at 11 Taurus 17.37 The Moon at 12 Aquarius waning trine the lunar node at 12 Gemini 19.09 The Moon at 13 Aquarius conjunction Saturn at 13 Aquarius 19.51 The Moon at Last Quarter STATE OF THE SKY:- The Sun reaches 14 degrees Taurus today. Mercury, Venus and Uranus are also in Taurus. The last quarter Moon, Jupiter and Saturn are in Aquarius. There are 46 days to the Solstice. We are in the foothills of an eclipse season with the next Full Moon on May 2th being a Total Lunar Eclipse. Mercury is now an evening star in Taurus with the Sun, Venus and Uranus in this sign. He has resided here for a very brief 15 days. Mercury squares Jupiter today, over estimation, and leaves Taurus for Gemini on tomorrow. Mercury next turns retrograde on May 29th. Venus is in Taurus as an evening star with the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Uranus in this sign and providing a period of comfort seeking and reassurance. Venus resides here for a brief and maybe quite pleasant 25 days. She trines Pluto on May 6th, empowering females, and squares Jupiter on May 8th with over indulgence. Venus breezes into Gemini on May 9th. Looking ahead, Venus is at greatest evening star brightness on Dec 7th and she turns retrograde on Dec 19th 2021 at 26 Capricorn. Venus is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on Jan 8th 2022. Mars resides in Cancer for 49 days. He sextiles Uranus on May 12th, considered unconventionality with an edge. He trines Neptune on May 6th, feasts of procurement and a rich stream of glamorous incitement, and opposes Pluto, a bitter struggle, and the worst feature of this residence, on June 5th. Mars enters Leo on June 11th. We have ahead of us 7 weeks of shrewd activity. A profitable time, home making, family making domestic energy. Not so bad. Mars has a close and hot (0.5 degree alignment) encounter with Venus in Leo on July 13th and a big bash with retrograde Mercury and the Sun in mid Libra on Oct 9th 2021. Mars next turns retrograde at 25 Gemini on Oct 30th 2022. He resides in Gemini either side of that date for seven months. Jupiter is direct in Aquarius. Jupiter from Aquarius made a single waning square to Uranus on January 17th 2021 expanding consciousness with new and possibly alien ideas. Jupiter is now really flashing through Aquarius and enters Pisces from May 13th 2021 to July 28th 2021, turning retrograde on June 20th at 2 Pisces. He returns to Aquarius for the remainder of the year finally leaving for Pisces on Dec2 9th 2021. Jupiter is conjunct Neptune at 24 degrees Pisces in 2022 (the 'Florence Nightingale combination conjunction'). Saturn is direct in Aquarius turning retrograde on May 23rd. In 2021 the main outer body aspect is a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This is a difficult aspect, but not in the league of 2020 aspects. This cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with their opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. The 2021 last quarter aspect will induce political, financial and social changes of possibly a drastic nature and a measure of instability. We will observe a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The aspect peaked in 2021 on Feb 17th, and repeats on June 14th and on Dec 24th with a slight return in early October 2022. Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is direct in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking, turning retrograde on Aug 19th. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance and ownership are about to take place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Neptune is direct in Pisces turning retrograde on June 25th. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is now retrograde in Capricorn turning retrograde tomorrow. Pluto retrograde 2021 begins on April 27th at 26 Capricorn and ends on October 6th at 24 Capricorn. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. The next eclipse is a Total Lunar Eclipse at 5 Sagittarius on May 26th 2021, square Jupiter, not visible from the UK. The following event is a Solar Eclipse visible (just) from the UK at 20 Gemini, conjunct retro-Mercury square Neptune, on June 10th 2021. Also in 2021 there is a partial lunar eclipse on Nov 19th at 27 Taurus square Jupiter, and a Total Solar Eclipse, visible from Antarctica, on Dec 4th quincunx Uranus at 12 Sagittarius. The next Total Lunar eclipse visible from the UK is at 26 Scorpio, during the early hours of May 16th 2022. The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024. Earlier that same year, 2024, we can also look forward to the next 'American Total Solar Eclipse' on April 8th 2024. See you, possibly in Texas.

Tuesday 4th May 2021

We are moving deeper into the eclipse season and inching closer to the Total Lunar Eclipse on May 26th. Mercury's entry into Gemini defines today's astrology and commences the breakdown of the astrological fixity of recent weeks. Movement and change ahead. 01.27 The Sun at 14 Taurus waxing septile Neptune at 22 Pisces 02.51 Mercury currently an evening star ingresses Gemini. He resides for a lengthy 66 days in this sign because of his retrograde phase. Mercury trines Saturn on May 12th, which is entirely logical and constructive but he enters his shadow on May 14th, and he squares Neptune on May 23rd, which are both quite the opposite to 'logical and constructive', in fact they 'cloud up' the entire retrograde phase ahead. Mercury is conjunct Venus, who overtakes him, at 25 Gemini on May 29th, possible moments of mad mirth, and turns retrograde 5.25 hours later on that day. As a retrograde morning star he squares Neptune a 2nd time on June 5th increased confused developments, and is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun at 20 Gemini, a 'New Mercury' and a new chapter in the story, on June 11th. Mercury turns direct at 16 Gemini on June 22nd. He squares Neptune a final time on July 6th, is out of his shadow on July 7th and enters Cancer on July 11th. This is a beguiling and at times confusing residence because of Mercury's triple square to Neptune. 12.00 Mercury at 1 Gemini waning decile Mars at 7 Cancer 16.00 The last quarter Moon decelerating at 25 Aquarius waning square Venus at 25 Taurus 16.22 Mars at 7 Cancer waxing quad-novile Pluto at 27 Capricorn 19.26 Mercury at 1 Gemini waxing tri-decile Saturn at 13 Aquarius

Wednesday 5th May 2021

Sun sextile Neptune.

The slowly waning Moon conjunct Jupiter is quintile the Sun and Uranus. Expansive emotions. All encompassing and embracing. 00.06 The Moon conjunction Jupiter at 29 Aquarius. The Moon is void of course for 2 hours. 01.44 The Sun at 15 Taurus waxing tri-decile Pluto at 27 Capricorn 02.10 The Moon enters Pisces joining Neptune in this sign. 05.15 Jupiter at 29 Aquarius waning quintile Uranus at 11 Taurus The current 13 year synodic cycle of these 2 planets started in 2010-2011 in Pisces and ends on the 21st April 2024 in Taurus,(just 2 weeks after the American Total Solar Eclipse on April 8th 2024). The opposition occurred in 2016-2017. Today's waning quintile aspect is the first of three, all in 2021, May 5th, July 3rd and Dec 24th. The waning quintile aspect is all about 'contributing one's capacities and capabilities to the service of a greater whole'. Jupiter Uranus is all about consciousness expansion. Put the two meanings together and the result is one of discipleship. Always a good one when these two planets are involved. 05.55 The Moon at 2 Pisces waning square Mercury at 2 Gemini 06.47 The Sun reaches 15 degrees Taurus. We are midway between Equinox and Solstice. In the northern hemisphere early summer and the lightest quarter of the year are upon us, in the south is the start of the season of 'fading'. 10.24 Mars at 7 Cancer waxing biquintile Saturn at 13 Aquarius 16.08 The Moon at 7 Pisces waning trine Mars at 7 Cancer 22.29 Venus at 26 Taurus waxing bi-septile Saturn at 13 Aquarius 22.57 The Moon at 11 Pisces waning sextile Uranus at 11 Taurus

Thursday 6th May 2021

Venus trine Pluto

The power of (universal) love flows out amid the deep dream of life. Venus trines Pluto and the Moon conjuncts Neptune in Pisces. More changes and alterations now. 01.22 The waning decelerating Moon at 12 Pisces squares her node from south of the ecliptic. 08.42 The Moon at 16 Pisces waning sextile The Sun at 16 Taurus 11.25 Venus at 27 Taurus waxing trine Pluto at 27 Capricorn 17.43 Mercury at 5 Gemini waxing quintile Neptune at 23 Pisces 21.18 The Moon conjunction Neptune at 23 Pisces

Friday 7th May 2021

05.35 The old decelerating Moon at 27 Pisces waxing sextile Pluto at 27 Capricorn 07.37 The Moon at 28 Pisces waning sextile Venus at 28 Taurus. The Moon is void of course for 4.3 hours. 08.01 The Sun at 17 Taurus waning septile Mars at 8 Cancer 11.54 The Moon enters Aries 16.28 The Moon reaches her balsamic phase. Old slow Moon in Aries weekend. New Moon in Taurus on Tuesday.

Saturday 8th May 2021

Venus square Jupiter

Venus in Taurus squaring Jupiter today smacks of over indulgence. The old Moon in Aries kindles dying embers as we venture further into the new eclipse season. There is a sublime and artistic New Moon early Tuesday sextile Neptune followed by a dynamic Total Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius in 18 days time. 01.01 The slow balsamic Moon at 7 Aries waning sextile Mercury at 7 Gemini 05.36 The Moon at 9 Aries waning square Mars at 9 Cancer 05.53 Venus at 29 Taurus waning novile Mars at 9 Cancer 11.52 The Moon at 12 Aries sextiles her node from south of the ecliptic 13.39 Venus at 29 Taurus waxing square Jupiter at 29 Aquarius 14.19 The Moon at 13 Aries waxing sextile Saturn at 13 Aquarius

Sunday 9th May 2021

Transiting Uranus opposes Keir Starmer's natal Neptune exactly today. Yesterday he sacked Labour's deputy Angela Rayner from her roles as party chair and campaign coordinator following poor results in the English local elections. 02.03 Venus currently an evening 'star' ingress Gemini joining Mercury in this sign. She resides in this sign for just 24 days in a flighty, lightweight, pleasure seeking three weeks. Venus trines Saturn on May 20th with cool determined desire. She squares Neptune on May 27th with beguiling glamour. Venus overtakes a faltering, almost stationary, Mercury at 25 degrees Gemini on May 29th, possibly an eventful day and certainly the highlight of the residence. Venus leaves Gemini for Cancer on June 2nd. Looking ahead, Venus is at greatest evening star brightness on Dec 7th and she turns retrograde on Dec 19th 2021 at 26 Capricorn. Venus is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on Jan 8th 2022. 17.16 The old slow balsamic Moon at 27 Aries waxing square Pluto at 27 Capricorn 22.51 The Moon at 30 Aries waxing sextile Jupiter at 30 Aquarius. The Moon is void of course for just an hour. 23.19 The Sun at 20 Taurus waxing bi-novile Jupiter at 30 Aquarius 23.48 The Moon enters Taurus joining the Sun and Uranus in this sign.

Monday 10th May 2021

A really quick talking but slow going day. 04.52 Venus at 1 Gemini waxing tri-decile Saturn at 13 Aquarius 11.48 Mercury at 10 Gemini waning semi-sextile Mars at 10 Cancer 21.13 The ancient very slowly waning Moon at 11 Taurus waning sextile Mars at 11 Cancer 22.36 The Moon conjunction Uranus at 11 Taurus 23.53 Mars at 11 Cancer waxing tri-decile Neptune at 23 Pisces STATE OF THE SKY:- The Sun reaches 21 degrees Taurus today. The Moon and Uranus are also in Taurus. Mercury and Venus are in Gemini. Jupiter and Saturn are in Aquarius. There are 39 days to the Solstice. We are in the foothills of an eclipse season with the next Full Moon on May 26th being a Total Lunar Eclipse. There is a New Moon early evening (GMT) tomorrow in Taurus. Mercury is now an evening star in Gemini. He resides for a lengthy 66 days in this sign because of his retrograde phase. Mercury trines Saturn on Wednesday, which is entirely logical and constructive but he enters his shadow on May 14th, and he squares Neptune on May 23rd, which are both quite the opposite to 'logical and constructive', in fact they 'cloud up' the entire retrograde phase ahead. Mercury is conjunct Venus, who overtakes him, at 25 Gemini on May 29th, possible moments of mad mirth, and turns retrograde 5.25 hours later on that day. As a retrograde morning star he squares Neptune a 2nd time on June 5th increased confused developments, and is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun at 20 Gemini, a 'New Mercury' and a new chapter in the story, on June 11th. Mercury turns direct at 16 Gemini on June 22nd. He squares Neptune a final time on July 6th, is out of his shadow on July 7th and enters Cancer on July 11th. This is a beguiling and at times confusing residence because of Mercury's triple square to Neptune. Venus currently an evening 'star' is in Gemini with Mercury. She resides in this sign for just 24 days in a flighty, lightweight, pleasure seeking three weeks. Venus trines Saturn on May 20th with cool determined desire. She squares Neptune on May 27th with beguiling glamour. Venus overtakes a faltering, almost stationary, Mercury at 25 degrees Gemini on May 29th, possibly an eventful day and certainly the highlight of the residence. Venus leaves Gemini for Cancer on June 2nd.Looking ahead, Venus is at greatest evening star brightness on Dec 7th and she turns retrograde on Dec 19th 2021 at 26 Capricorn. Venus is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on Jan 8th 2022. Mars resides in Cancer for 49 days. He sextiles Uranus on Wednesday, considered unconventionality with an edge. He trines Neptune on May 31st, feasts of procurement and a rich stream of glamorous incitement, and opposes Pluto, a bitter struggle, and the worst feature of this residence, on June 5th. Mars enters Leo on June 11th. We have ahead of a few weeks of shrewd activity. A profitable time, home making, family making domestic energy. Not so bad. Mars has a close and hot (0.5 degree alignment) encounter with Venus in Leo on July 13th and a big bash with retrograde Mercury and the Sun in mid Libra on Oct 9th 2021. Mars next turns retrograde at 25 Gemini on Oct 30th 2022. He resides in Gemini either side of that date for seven months. Jupiter is direct in Aquarius. Jupiter from Aquarius made a single waning square to Uranus on January 17th 2021 expanding consciousness with new and possibly alien ideas. Jupiter enters Pisces from May 13th 2021 to July 28th 2021, turning retrograde on June 20th at 2 Pisces. He returns to Aquarius for the remainder of the year finally leaving for Pisces on Dec2 9th 2021. Jupiter is conjunct Neptune at 24 degrees Pisces in 2022 (the 'Florence Nightingale combination conjunction'). Saturn is direct in Aquarius turning retrograde on May 23rd. In 2021 the main outer body aspect is a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This is a difficult aspect, but not in the league of 2020 aspects. This cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with their opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. The 2021 last quarter aspect will induce political, financial and social changes of possibly a drastic nature and a measure of instability. We will observe a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The aspect peaked in 2021 on Feb 17th, and repeats on June 14th and on Dec 24th with a slight return in early October 2022. Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is direct in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking, turning retrograde on Aug 19th. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance and ownership are about to take place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Neptune is direct in Pisces turning retrograde on June 25th. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is now retrograde in Capricorn turning retrograde tomorrow. Pluto retrograde 2021 begins on April 27th at 26 Capricorn and ends on October 6th at 24 Capricorn. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. The next eclipse is a Total Lunar Eclipse at 5 Sagittarius on May 26th 2021, square Jupiter, not visible from the UK. The following event is a Solar Eclipse visible (just) from the UK at 20 Gemini, conjunct retro-Mercury square Neptune, on June 10th 2021. Also in 2021 there is a partial lunar eclipse on Nov 19th at 27 Taurus square Jupiter, and a Total Solar Eclipse, visible from Antarctica, on Dec 4th quincunx Uranus at 12 Sagittarius. The next Total Lunar eclipse visible from the UK is at 26 Scorpio, during the early hours of May 16th 2022. The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024. Earlier that same year, 2024, we can also look forward to the next 'American Total Solar Eclipse' on April 8th 2024. See you, possibly in Texas.

Tuesday 11th May 2021

New Moon in Taurus

02.56 The Moon at 13 Taurus waxing square Saturn at 13 Aquarius 03.48 Mercury at 11 Gemini waxing semi-sextile Uranus at 11 Taurus 12.21 Mercury at 12 Gemini waxing sesuiquadrate Pluto at 27 Capricorn 15.28 Mercury at 12 Gemini conjunction the lunar node at 12 Gemini 19.00 Moment of NEW MOON

The New Moon is sextile Neptune and trine Pluto. Saturn trines Mercury and the Lunar Node. Mars is sextile Uranus. There are zero planets in Fire signs. Fixed Earth and Air predominate. This is a favorable lunation with enough practical and inspirational energy surrounding it to make it a productive and positive experience. Today's New Moon is conjunct Nicola Sturgeon's Saturn, Oman's Saturn, Bill Clinton's Moon, Prince Harry's Moon (very close), George Clooney's Mercury, Orlando Bloom's Jupiter, Jamaica's Ascendant. It is conjunct the Uranus of the Henry Blofeld, John Cleese Ayatollah Khamanei generation. It opposes Jo Biden's Mercury, squares Kamala Harris' Mars and is opposite Michael Gove's Mars Neptune conjunction. At the exact moment of New Moon today, it is sunrise over Vanuatu. Sunset is at Hamburg, Koln and Copenhagen. Moonrise is over Vanuatu. Moonset is at Goteborg and Brussels. High Noon is at Santa Fe and over Rocky Mountain park. True midnight occurs at Omsk. Venus rises over Tonga. Pluto rises at Kabul. Saturn rises over India. Pluto culminates at Melbourne. Mercury sets at Istanbul, Neptune sets at Washington, Saturn sets at San Francisco. Today's New Moon is the 5th New Moon following on from the Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius on Dec 14th 2020, and the ultimate before the Annular Solar Eclipse in Gemini on June 10th 2021. We are now truly in a new eclipse season. 21.48 The Moon at 23 Taurus waxing sextile Neptune at 23 Pisces 22.53 The Moon is at Apogee, furthest from the Earth and slowest this month, conjunct 'Black Moon Lilith'.

Wednesday 12th May 2021

Mars sextile Uranus.

Mercury trine Saturn.

The Moon, Mercury and Venus in Gemini

There is always something of a 'lift' with a New Moon. Deft actions and practical thinking highlight this day which starts a little stodgily but really opens up when the Moon joins Mercury and Venus in Gemini. 02.48 Mars at 11 Cancer waxing sextile Uranus at 11 Taurus 04.23 Mercury at 13 Gemini waxing bi-septile Jupiter at 30 Aquarius 04.39 Mercury at 13 Gemini waxing bi-novile Neptune at 23 Pisces 06.08 The 'infant' new Moon very slowly waxing at 27 Taurus waxing trine Pluto at 27 Capricorn 12.24 The Moon at 30 Taurus waxing square Jupiter at 30 Aquarius. The Moon is void of course for only 21 minutes. 12.45 The Moon enters Gemini joining Venus and Mercury in this sign. 18.34 Mercury at 13 Gemini waxing trine Saturn at 13 Aquarius 21.34 Venus at 5 Gemini waxing quintile Neptune at 23 Pisces 22.21 The Moon conjunction Venus at 5 Gemini

Thursday 13th May 2021

The Sun sextiles Neptune.

05.46 The Sun at 23 Taurus waxing sextile Neptune at 23 Pisces 12.49 The very slowly moving infant Moon conjunction her ascending node at 12 Gemini 16.04 The Moon at 13 Gemini waxing trine Saturn at 13 Aquarius 18.33 The Moon conjunction Mercury at 15 Gemini 22.38 Jupiter enters Pisces joining Neptune in this sign and heralding a change in the fortunes and destinies of all people and all nations. Jupiter turns retrograde at 2 degrees Pisces on June 20th and re-enters Aquarius on July 28th. This first phase is a taste of what is to come. Then on October 18th 2021 Jupiter turns direct at 22 degrees Aquarius. He re-enters Pisces on Dec 29th 2021 when the real business starts. Jupiter then sextiles Uranus, a fine expansive, progressive and creative aspect on Feb 18th 2022. He conjuncts Neptune at 24 Pisces on April 12th, the highlight of the residence, and he sextiles Pluto in an embrace of power and transformation on May 3rd 2022. Jupiter leaves Pisces for Aries on May 10th 2022. He returns again to Pisces from Oct 28th 2022 to Dec 20th 2022 with a direct station on Nov 23rd at 28 Pisces. By the time of the Northern Hemisphere Winter Solstice 2022 Jupiter has left Pisces for good. Today's ingress is 'first blood'. Love like blood. Stay tuned. Jupiter conjunct Neptune in Pisces last occurred on March 17th 1856. Two major events were occurring at that time, the birth of the Chemical Industry and the ending of the Crimean War with 'saviour' Florence Nightingale overtones. Before that the conjunction in Pisces occurred in 1690 and in 1524. The later time was one of seeking sea routes to the 'New World'. All events very symbolic of Jupiter, Neptune and Pisces.

Friday 14th May 2021

12 days to the Total Lunar Eclipse. A Friday of talk, some idle, some just venting steam. The weekend ahead is dominated by a close conjunction of the crescent Moon and Mars in Cancer. 10.52 The slowly accelerating slow moving young Moon at 23 Gemini waxing square Neptune at 23 Pisces. The Moon is then void of course for nearly 15 hours. 17.00 Venus at 7 Gemini waning decile Mars at 13 Cancer 18.58 The Moon at 27 Gemini waxing quincunx Pluto at 27 Capricorn

Saturday 15th May 2021

11 days to the Total Lunar Eclipse. Saturn square Uranus is biting all year. Transiting Uranus is conjunct the Israeli natal lunar node square her natal Pluto, all part of the destiny of nations. The New Moon on May 5th 2021 at 21 Taurus kicked into the Israel natal Sun opposite her natal Chiron and also kicked into the Gaza Strip natal Sun square Gaza Uranus, all a veritable cauldron of mistrust hatred and fearfulness. Furthermore the Palestine secondary progressed chart right now has progressed Moon almost conjunct progressed Mars in Aries quincunx natal Pluto, a state of serious agitation and aggression. Transiting Mars in cancer is stirring up fervent nationalism all round. Transiting Jupiter has just entered Pisces and is now conjunct the Israel/Gaza relationship chart MC at 1 Pisces, hopefully inducing the brokering of a peace deal in the weeks to come. The Solar eclipse on June 10th is close to Israel's 9th house Uranus so maybe her expansionism in Jerusalem, possibly the root cause of the current trouble is all attributable to this. Mercury is now in his shadow as he approaches his retrograde phase on May 29th. 01.32 The Moon enters Cancer. A 'simple pleasures weekend' the best option to strive for. 01.46 The Moon at zero Cancer waxing trine Jupiter at zero Pisces 14.50 Mars at 13 Cancer waxing quincunx Saturn at 13 Aquarius 22.04 The Moon reaches her waxing crescent phase The Moon draws to a close conjunction with Mars as the GMT day ends.

Sunday 16th May 2021

Moon closely conjunct Mars in Cancer.


10 days to the Total Lunar Eclipse. Mercury in Gemini is now in his shadow with Venus less than 10 degrees behind and chasing him, meeting up just hours before he turns retrograde on May 29th. Before that he makes the first of three squares to Neptune over the period from now and into July. We are dealing with an undermining lack of transparent clarity and a measure of confusion over these weeks. 00.35 The waning crescent Moon at 12 Cancer waxing sextile Uranus at 12 Taurus 04.24 The Moon at 13 Cancer waxing quincunx Saturn at 13 Aquarius 04.29 Closest alignment Moon Mars 0.35 degrees 05.07 The Moon conjunction Mars at 14 Cancer 08.33 Mercury at 18 Gemini waxing decile Uranus at 12 Taurus 22.42 The Moon at 23 Cancer waxing trine Neptune at 23 Pisces

Monday 17th May 2021

Sun trine Pluto

00.28 The Sun at 26 Taurus waxing bi-septile Saturn at 13 Aquarius 02.57 Mercury at 18 Gemini waxing tri-decile Jupiter at zero Pisces 06.06 The waxing crescent Moon accelerating at 27 Cancer waxing sextile The Sun at 27 Taurus 06.23 The Moon at 27 Cancer opposition Pluto at 27 Capricorn. The Moon is then void of course for 6.4 hours. 09.49 The Sun at 27 Taurus waxing trine Pluto at 27 Capricorn 12.46 The Moon enters Leo 13.29 The Moon at zero Leo waxing quincunx Jupiter at zero Pisces STATE OF THE SKY:- The Sun reaches 28 degrees Taurus today. Uranus is also in Taurus. Mercury and Venus are in Gemini. Jupiter and Neptune are in Pisces. The Sun enters Gemini on Thursday. There are then 30 days to the Solstice. We are now in an eclipse season with the next Full Moon on May 26th being a Total Lunar Eclipse and the next New Moon on June 10th being a Annular Solar Eclipse.. Mercury is now an evening star in Gemini turning retrograde in 12 days time. He resides for a lengthy 66 days in this sign because of his retrograde phase. Mercury entered his shadow on May 14th, and he squares Neptune on May 23rd, 'clouding up' the entire retrograde phase ahead. Mercury is conjunct Venus, who overtakes him, at 25 Gemini on May 29th, possible moments of mad mirth, and turns retrograde 5.25 hours later on that day. As a retrograde morning star he squares Neptune a 2nd time on June 5th increased confused developments, and is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun at 20 Gemini, a 'New Mercury' and a new chapter in the story, on June 11th. Mercury turns direct at 16 Gemini on June 22nd. He squares Neptune a final time on July 6th, is out of his shadow on July 7th and enters Cancer on July 11th. This is a beguiling and at times confusing residence because of Mercury's triple square to Neptune. Venus currently an evening 'star' is in Gemini with Mercury. She resides in this sign for just 24 days in a flighty, lightweight, pleasure seeking three weeks. Venus trines Saturn on May 20th with cool determined desire. She squares Neptune on May 27th with beguiling glamour. Venus overtakes a faltering, almost stationary, Mercury at 25 degrees Gemini on May 29th, possibly an eventful day and certainly the highlight of the residence. Venus leaves Gemini for Cancer on June 2nd.Looking ahead, Venus is at greatest evening star brightness on Dec 7th and she turns retrograde on Dec 19th 2021 at 26 Capricorn. Venus is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on Jan 8th 2022. Mars resides in Cancer for 49 days. He trines Neptune on May 31st, feasts of procurement and a rich stream of glamorous incitement, and opposes Pluto, a bitter struggle, and the worst feature of this residence, on June 5th. Mars enters Leo on June 11th. We have ahead of us a few weeks of shrewd activity. A profitable time, home making, family making domestic energy. Not so bad. Mars has a close and hot (0.5 degree alignment) encounter with Venus in Leo on July 13th and a big bash with retrograde Mercury and the Sun in mid Libra on Oct 9th 2021. Mars next turns retrograde at 25 Gemini on Oct 30th 2022. He resides in Gemini either side of that date for seven months. Jupiter since May 13th is in Pisces residing there with Neptune. Jupiter turns retrograde at 2 degrees Pisces on June 20th and re-enters Aquarius on July 28th. This first phase of Jupiter in Pisces is a strong taste of what is to follow next year. Then on October 18th 2021 Jupiter turns direct at 22 degrees Aquarius. He re-enters Pisces on Dec 29th 2021 when the real business starts. Jupiter then sextiles Uranus, a fine expansive, progressive and creative aspect on Feb 18th 2022. He conjuncts Neptune at 24 Pisces on April 12th, the highlight of the residence, (the 'Florence Nightingale combination conjunction', more to follow on this one), and he sextiles Pluto in an embrace of power and transformation on May 3rd 2022. Jupiter leaves Pisces for Aries on May 10th 2022. He returns again to Pisces from Oct 28th 2022 to Dec 20th 2022 with a direct station on Nov 23rd at 28 Pisces. By the time of the Northern Hemisphere Winter Solstice 2022 Jupiter has left Pisces for good. Today's ingress is 'first blood'. Love like blood. Stay tuned. . Saturn is direct in Aquarius turning retrograde on May 23rd. In 2021 the main outer body aspect is a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This is a difficult aspect, but not in the league of 2020 aspects. This cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with their opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. The 2021 last quarter aspect will induce political, financial and social changes of possibly a drastic nature and a measure of instability. We will observe a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The aspect peaked in 2021 on Feb 17th, and repeats on June 14th and on Dec 24th with a slight return in early October 2022. Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is direct in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking, turning retrograde on Aug 19th. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance and ownership are about to take place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Neptune is direct in Pisces turning retrograde on June 25th. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is now retrograde in Capricorn turning retrograde tomorrow. Pluto retrograde 2021 begins on April 27th at 26 Capricorn and ends on October 6th at 24 Capricorn. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. The next eclipse is a Total Lunar Eclipse at 5 Sagittarius on May 26th 2021, square Jupiter, not visible from the UK. The following event is a Solar Eclipse visible (just) from the UK at 20 Gemini, conjunct retro-Mercury square Neptune, on June 10th 2021. Also in 2021 there is a partial lunar eclipse on Nov 19th at 27 Taurus square Jupiter, and a Total Solar Eclipse, visible from Antarctica, on Dec 4th quincunx Uranus at 12 Sagittarius. The next Total Lunar eclipse visible from the UK is at 26 Scorpio, during the early hours of May 16th 2022. The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024. Earlier that same year, 2024, we can also look forward to the next 'American Total Solar Eclipse' on April 8th 2024. See you, possibly in Texas. The astrological wave of the weekahead as we traverse the build up to the Total Lunar Eclipse is the ingress of the Sun into Gemini on Thursday accompanied by Venus trine Saturn, evoking a 'love steady' start to a new astrological month.

Tuesday 18th May 2021

The waxing crescent Moon approaching her Fixed First Quarter phase in Leo envelops us all in an uncompromising resolute unmoving fixity. Find yourself at the center. 10.43 The Moon 8 days from a Total Lunar eclipse and accelerating at 12 Leo sextiles Venus at 12 Gemini 10.52 The Moon at 12 Leo waxing sextile her node from north of the ecliptic A Fixed T-square is manifest involving the Moon, Saturn and Uranus 10.30 to 14.30 GMT A tough, almost Mexican, standoff. 11.04 The Moon at 12 Leo waxing square Uranus at 12 Taurus 12.11 Venus conjunction the lunar node at 12 Gemini 14.29 The Moon at 13 Leo opposition Saturn at 13 Aquarius 14.31 Venus at 12 Gemini waxing semi-sextile Uranus at 12 Taurus 14.44 Venus at 12 Gemini waxing sesuiquadrate Pluto at 27 Capricorn 23.43 Mars at 16 Cancer waxing sesuiquadrate Jupiter at 1 Pisces

Wednesday 19th May 2021

Today is the last day of the astrological month of Taurus. The Sun enters Gemini tomorrow. 02.56 The Moon at 20 Leo waxing sextile Mercury at 20 Gemini 07.52 The Moon at 23 Leo waxing quincunx Neptune at 23 Pisces 12.41 Venus at 13 Gemini waxing bi-novile Neptune at 23 Pisces 14.59 The Moon at 27 Leo waning quincunx Pluto at 27 Capricorn 18.53 Mercury at 21 Gemini waxing biquintile Pluto at 27 Capricorn A T-square is manifest involving the Moon, the Sun and Jupiter 19.00 to 22.30 GMT 19.13 The Moon at 'Fixed First Quarter'. The Moon is void of course for 1.8 hours 21.01 The Moon enters Virgo 22.07 The Moon at 1 Virgo opposition Jupiter at 1 Pisces

Thursday 20th May 2021

The Sun enters Gemini.

Venus trines Saturn

Six days to the Total Eclipse of the Moon. Work to be done. 01.40 Venus at 13 Gemini waxing bi-septile Jupiter at 1 Pisces 01.59 Venus at 14 Gemini waxing trine Saturn at 14 Aquarius 17.31 The first quarter Moon accelerating at 11 Virgo squares her node from north of the ecliptuc. 18.09 The Moon at 12 Virgo waxing trine Uranus at 12 Taurus 19.39 The Sun ingress Gemini joining Mercury and Venus in that sign and a new astrological month begins. There are 30 days to the Solstice. The Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus Jupiter and Neptune are now in mutable signs. We have transmission, movement, give, change. 21.09 The Moon at 14 Virgo waning quincunx Saturn at 14 Aquarius 23.01 The Moon at 15 Virgo waxing square Venus at 15 Gemini

Friday 21st May 2021

Sun square Jupiter

Five days to the Total Eclipse of the Moon. The Sun 'mutable squaring' Jupiter today is the road to excess. There is much new data and energy to assimilate. Mismanagement and 'not seeing the wood for the trees' possibly evident today. Lots of movement, restlessness and transmission now evident. 02.58 The Moon 'gaining in light and motion' at 17 Virgo waxing sextile Mars at 17 Cancer 09.00 Mercury at 22 Gemini, and only 8 days from turning retrograde, waxing novile Uranus at 12 Taurus A Mutable T-square is manifest involving the Moon, Mercury and Neptune 11.00 to 13.30 GMT 11.48 The Moon at 22 Virgo waxing square Mercury at 22 Gemini 13.25 The Moon at 23 Virgo opposition Neptune at 23 Pisces 15.04 The Sun at 1 Gemini waxing square Jupiter at 1 Pisces 19.57 The Moon at 27 Virgo waning trine Pluto at 27 Capricorn. The Moon is void of course for 5.7 hours

Saturday 22nd May 2021

01.37 The waxing and accelerating Moon 4 days from Total lunar Eclipse enters Libra. Times and tides are approaching a high. Mercury, one week from his station turning retrograde, is square Neptune early (GMT) Sunday. (1st of 3). Venus is less than 5 degrees from 'faltering' Mercury, and on the chase. A weekend of uncertainty, indecision, possibly laziness and conviviality is ahead. Underlying this is the inescapable sense that lunar pressures are rising. 03.00 The Moon at 1 Libra waning quincunx Jupiter at 1 Pisces 03.47 The Moon at 1 Libra waxing trine The Sun at 1 Gemini 09.28 The Sun at 2 Gemini waxing tri-decile Saturn at 14 Aquarius 16.55 Mars at 18 Cancer waxing tri-septile Saturn at 14 Aquarius An Air Grand Trine is manifest involving the Moon, her node and Saturn 20.00 to 00.30 GMT 20.36 The Moon at 11 Libra waxing trine the lunar node at 11 Gemini 21.35 The Moon at 12 Libra waxing quincunx Uranus at 12 Taurus

Sunday 23rd May 2021

Mercury square Neptune.

00.12 The Moon gaining in much light and motion at 14 Libra waning trine Saturn at 14 Aquarius 02.44 Mercury at 23 Gemini waxing square Neptune at 23 Pisces 06.30 The Moon reaches her waxing gibbous phase The procession to the Full phase and a Total Lunar Eclipse now starts in earnest. 06.37 The Moon at 17 Libra waxing trine Venus at 17 Gemini 07.52 The Moon at 18 Libra waxing square Mars at 18 Cancer 08.07 SATURN TURNS RETROGRADE at 13.5 Aquarius. 15.33 The Moon at 23 Libra waning quincunx Neptune at 23 Pisces 16.00 The Moon at 23 Libra waxing trine Mercury at 23 Gemini 17.32 Venus at 18 Gemini waxing decile Uranus at 12 Taurus 21.37 The Moon at 27 Libra waning square Pluto at 27 Capricorn, moon void

Monday 24th May 2021

03.02 The waxing accelerating gibbous Moon enters Scorpio The weekend's ambivalence is now replaced by the seething intensity of a pre-eclipse Moon in Scorpio. A vampish vibration now prevails. Light digs and penetrations. 04.38 The Moon at 1 Scorpio waning trine Jupiter at 1 Pisces 08.28 The Moon at 3 Scorpio waxing quincunx The Sun at 3 Gemini 11.16 Venus at 19 Gemini waning semi-sextile Mars at 19 Cancer 14.15 Venus at 19 Gemini waxing tri-decile Jupiter at 1 Pisces A Fixed T-square is manifest involving the Moon, Saturn and Uranus 22.00 to 00.36 GMT 22.16 The Moon at 12 Scorpio opposition Uranus at 12 Taurus STATE OF THE SKY:- The Sun reaches 4 degrees Gemini today. Mercury and Venus are also in Gemini. Less than 5 degrees separate them. Jupiter and Neptune are in Pisces. There are 26 days to the Solstice. We are now in an eclipse season with the next Full Moon on Wednesday being a Total Lunar Eclipse and the next New Moon on June 10th being a Annular Solar Eclipse. Mercury is now an evening star in Gemini turning retrograde in 5 days time. He is residing for a lengthy 66 days in this sign because of his retrograde phase. Mercury entered his shadow on May 14th, and he squared Neptune on May 23rd, 'clouding up' the entire retrograde phase ahead. Mercury is conjunct Venus, who overtakes him, at 25 Gemini on May 29th, possible moments of mad mirth, and turns retrograde 5.25 hours later on that day. As a retrograde morning star he squares Neptune a 2nd time on June 5th increased confused developments, and is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun at 20 Gemini, a 'New Mercury' and a new chapter in the story, on June 11th. Mercury turns direct at 16 Gemini on June 22nd. He squares Neptune a final time on July 6th, is out of his shadow on July 7th and enters Cancer on July 11th. This is a beguiling and at times confusing residence because of Mercury's triple square to Neptune. Venus currently an evening 'star' is in Gemini with Mercury. She resides in this sign for just 24 days in a flighty, lightweight, pleasure seeking three weeks. She squares Neptune on May 27th with beguiling glamour. Venus overtakes a faltering, almost stationary, Mercury at 25 degrees Gemini on May 29th, possibly an eventful day and certainly the highlight of the residence. Venus leaves Gemini for Cancer on June 2nd. Looking ahead, Venus is at greatest evening star brightness on Dec 7th and she turns retrograde on Dec 19th 2021 at 26 Capricorn. Venus is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on Jan 8th 2022. Mars resides in Cancer for 49 days. He trines Neptune on May 31st, feasts of procurement and a rich stream of glamorous incitement, and opposes Pluto, a bitter struggle, and the worst feature of this residence, on June 5th. Mars enters Leo on June 11th. We have ahead of us a few weeks of shrewd activity. A profitable time, home making, family making domestic energy. Not so bad. Mars has a close and hot (0.5 degree alignment) encounter with Venus in Leo on July 13th and a big bash with retrograde Mercury and the Sun in mid Libra on Oct 9th 2021. Mars next turns retrograde at 25 Gemini on Oct 30th 2022. He resides in Gemini either side of that date for seven months. Jupiter since May 13th is in Pisces residing there with Neptune. Jupiter turns retrograde at 2 degrees Pisces on June 20th and re-enters Aquarius on July 28th. This first phase of Jupiter in Pisces is a strong taste of what is to follow next year. Then on October 18th 2021 Jupiter turns direct at 22 degrees Aquarius. He re-enters Pisces on Dec 29th 2021 when the real business starts. Jupiter then sextiles Uranus, a fine expansive, progressive and creative aspect on Feb 18th 2022. He conjuncts Neptune at 24 Pisces on April 12th, the highlight of the residence, (the 'Florence Nightingale combination conjunction', more to follow on this one), and he sextiles Pluto in an embrace of power and transformation on May 3rd 2022. Jupiter leaves Pisces for Aries on May 10th 2022. He returns again to Pisces from Oct 28th 2022 to Dec 20th 2022 with a direct station on Nov 23rd at 28 Pisces. By the time of the Northern Hemisphere Winter Solstice 2022 Jupiter has left Pisces for good. Today's ingress is 'first blood'. Love like blood. Stay tuned. Saturn is now retrograde in Aquarius. In 2021 the main outer body aspect is a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This is a difficult aspect, but not in the league of 2020 aspects. This cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with their opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. The 2021 last quarter aspect will induce political, financial and social changes of possibly a drastic nature and a measure of instability. We will observe a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The aspect peaked in 2021 on Feb 17th, and repeats on June 14th and on Dec 24th with a slight return in early October 2022. Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is direct in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking, turning retrograde on Aug 19th. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance and ownership are about to take place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Neptune is direct in Pisces turning retrograde on June 25th. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is now retrograde in Capricorn turning retrograde tomorrow. Pluto retrograde 2021 begins on April 27th at 26 Capricorn and ends on October 6th at 24 Capricorn. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. The next eclipse is a Total Lunar Eclipse at 5 Sagittarius this Wednesday May 26th 2021, square Jupiter, not visible from the UK. The following event is a Solar Eclipse visible (just) from the UK at 20 Gemini, conjunct retro-Mercury square Neptune, on June 10th 2021. Also in 2021 there is a partial lunar eclipse on Nov 19th at 27 Taurus square Jupiter, and a Total Solar Eclipse, visible from Antarctica, on Dec 4th quincunx Uranus at 12 Sagittarius. The next Total Lunar eclipse visible from the UK is at 26 Scorpio, during the early hours of May 16th 2022. The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024. Earlier that same year, 2024, we can also look forward to the next 'American Total Solar Eclipse' on April 8th 2024. See you, possibly in Texas.

Tuesday 25th May 2021

Venus is chasing Mercury, both in Gemini, overtaking him on May 29th at 25 Gemini. Mercury then turns retrograde. Tomorrow there is a Total Lunar Eclipse. 00.36 The Moon at 14 Scorpio waning square Saturn at 14 Aquarius A Water Grand trine is manifest involving the Moon, Mars and Neptune 10.00 to 16.00 GMT 10.01 The Moon at 19 Scorpio waxing trine Mars at 19 Cancer 11.01 The Moon at 20 Scorpio waxing quincunx Venus at 20 Gemini 13.08 The Sun at 5 Gemini waning semi-square Mars at 20 Cancer 15.31 The Moon at 23 Scorpio waning trine Neptune at 23 Pisces 17.14 The Moon at 24 Scorpio waxing quincunx Mercury at 24 Gemini 21.18 Minor lunar occultation of star 41 Libra, observable from the UK, ends 22.09. 21.20 The Moon at 27 Scorpio waning sextile Pluto at 27 Capricorn, moon void 21.23 Venus at 21 Gemini waxing biquintile Pluto at 27 Capricorn 23.06 Minor lunar occultation of star Kappa Libra, observable from the UK, ends 23.30. 23.07 The Sun at 5 Gemini waxing quintile Neptune at 23 Pisces

Wednesday 26th May 2021


in Sagittarius

Today's Total Lunar Eclipse in sagittarius has the Moon at perigee. This means the eclipse is fast moving and the Moon, when you see her tonight, will appear larger than usual. Totality lasts only 14 minutes 30 seconds. This is a 'wild west' event, conducive to adventure, exploration and discovery. The eclipse makes no tight aspects but makes a wide separating square to Jupiter in Pisces. 02.41 The Moon enters Sagittarius 02.50 The Moon is at Perigee. Fastest and closest to the Earth this month. Today's eclipse is a very fast moving event. Totality lasts only 14m 20s. 04.30 The Moon at 1 Sagittarius waning square Jupiter at 1 Pisces 08:47:31 Penumbral Eclipse starts 09:44:57 Umbral Eclipse starts 11:11:25 START OF TOTALITY 11.15 Moment of FULL MOON 11:19:52 GREATEST ECLIPSE 11:25:55 END OF TOTALITY 12:52:22 Umbral Eclipse ends 13:49:41 Penumbral Eclipse ends. Today's eclipse is conjunct the Mars of the EU, the Mercury and MC of the Johnson Government chart, the Mercury of Judi Dench and the Neptune of Amy Coney Barrett and Pritti Patel. It squares Boris Johnson's Saturn. LUNAR SAROS SERIES 121 Today's eclipse is member 56 of the 84 eclipses which make up Lunar Saros 121. This family of eclipses started on October 16th 1047. The chart below is set for the moment of greatest eclipse for this event arbitrarily set for london. I use it to judge the quality and nature of the entire series. The south node penumbral eclipse in Aries is opposite retrograde Mercury. Venus and Mars in Scorpio are square Pluto. Jupiter and Saturn are widely conjunct on the Sagittarius/Capricorn cusp and Saturn squares Uranus. Air and Cardinality predominate. The essential meaning of this Saros is 'Waging Peace'. The energy serves to draw together and unify. There is a manic quality and an urgency in there and an evocation and forcing through of changes of direction. Today's eclipse is the final Total eclipse (of 29) in the series. 20.16 The Moon at 11 Sagittarius opposition the lunar node at 11 Gemini 21.53 The Moon at 12 Sagittarius waning quincunx Uranus at 12 Taurus

Thursday 27th May 2021

Venus square Neptune


00.02 The Moon at 14 Sagittarius waning sextile Saturn at 14 Aquarius 03.34 Venus at 22 Gemini waxing novile Uranus at 12 Taurus 11.32 The Moon at 21 Sagittarius waxing quincunx Mars at 21 Cancer A Mutable T-square is manifest involving the Moon, Mercury, Venus and Neptune 14.00 to 19.30 GMT 14.44 The Moon at 23 Sagittarius opposition Venus at 23 Gemini 15.06 The Moon at 23 Sagittarius waning square Neptune at 23 Pisces 17.36 The Moon at 25 Sagittarius opposition Mercury at 25 Gemini, moon void 19.25 Venus at 23 Gemini waxing square Neptune at 23 Pisces

Friday 28th May 2021

Post eclipse numbness seems to surround us. Venus is about to conjunct 'faltering' Mercury, himself about to turn retrograde. Stillness of mind amid much movement is evident. A 'down to brass tacks' day is on the cards, brought on by the Capricorn Moon, but a possible approaching merriment and eventfulness, brought on by Venus conjunct Mercury, colour the next two days. 02.25 The waning full Moon enters Capricorn joining Pluto in this sign. 04.32 The Moon at 1 Capricorn waning sextile Jupiter at 1 Pisces 14.32 The Moon at 7 Capricorn waning quincunx The Sun at 7 Gemini 22.22 The Moon at 12 Capricorn waning trine Uranus at 12 Taurus

Saturday 29th May 2021

Possibly an eventful day. Venus has a close conjunction with Mercury followed 17.2 hours later by him turning retrograde. The news she brings to him is mortifying. 03.16 Closest alignment Mercury Venus 0.40 degrees 05.14 Mercury conjunction Venus at 25 Gemini 14.37 The decelerating waning Moon at 22 Capricorn opposition Mars at 22 Cancer 16.14 The Moon at 23 Capricorn waning sextile Neptune at 23 Pisces 17.09 The Moon reaches her disseminating phase 19.07 The Moon at 25 Capricorn waning quincunx Mercury at 25 Gemini 20.23 The Moon at 25 Capricorn waning quincunx Venus at 25 Gemini 22.15 The Moon conjunction Pluto at 27 Capricorn. 22.28 MERCURY TURNS RETROGRADE at 25 Gemini.(Mercury turns direct at 16 Gemini on June 22nd.) The Moon is void of course for nearly 6 hours.

Sunday 30th May 2021

Mercury is now retrograde. 04.06 The disseminating decelerating Moon enters Aquarius joining Saturn in this sign. We have a couple of 'clear blue air' kind of days on our hands. The Sun and Moon together with retro-Mercury Venus and Saturn are in Air signs. Communication that is at once both clear and contrary abounds. Muse on the changing air currents. 17.47 Venus at 27 Gemini waxing quincunx Pluto at 27 Capricorn 20.44 The Moon at 10 Aquarius waning trine The Sun at 10 Gemini 22.57 The Moon at 11 Aquarius trines her node from south of the ecliptic.

Monday 31st May 2021

Mars trine Neptune.

01.30 The decelerating and disseminating Moon at 12 Aquarius waning square Uranus at 12 Taurus 03.26 The Moon conjunction Saturn at 13 Aquarius 05.16 Mars at 23 Cancer waxing trine Neptune at 23 Pisces 10.08 Venus at 27 Gemini waxing semi-square Uranus at 12 Taurus 21.11 The Moon at 23 Aquarius waning quincunx Mars at 23 Cancer 22.17 Mars at 23 Cancer waxing quad-novile Saturn at 13 Aquarius 23.14 The Moon at 25 Aquarius waning trine Mercury at 25 Gemini STATE OF THE SKY:- The Sun reaches 11 degrees Gemini today. Retro-Mercury and Venus are also in Gemini. Jupiter and Neptune are in Pisces. There are 19 days to the Solstice. We are now in an eclipse fortnight, poised between the Total Lunar Eclipse on May 26th and the next New Moon on June 10th being a Annular Solar Eclipse. Mercury is now a retrograde evening star in Gemini. He is residing for a lengthy 66 days in this sign because of this retrograde phase. As a retrograde evening star Mercury squares Neptune a 2nd time on June 5th increased confused developments, and is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun at 20 Gemini, a 'New Mercury' and a new chapter in the story, on June 11th. Mercury turns direct at 16 Gemini on June 22nd. He squares Neptune a final time on July 6th, is out of his shadow on July 7th and enters Cancer on July 11th. This is a beguiling and at times confusing residence because of Mercury's triple square to Neptune. Venus currently an evening 'star' is in Gemini with Mercury. She resides in this sign for just 24 days in a flighty, lightweight, pleasure seeking three weeks. Venus leaves Gemini for Cancer on June 2nd. Looking ahead, Venus is at greatest evening star brightness on Dec 7th and she turns retrograde on Dec 19th 2021 at 26 Capricorn. Venus is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on Jan 8th 2022. Mars resides in Cancer for 49 days. He trines Neptune today, feasts of procurement and a rich stream of glamorous incitement, and opposes Pluto, a bitter struggle, and the worst feature of this residence, on June 5th. Mars enters Leo on June 11th. We have ahead of us 12 more days of shrewd activity. A profitable time, home making, family making domestic energy. Not so bad. Mars has a close and hot (0.5 degree alignment) encounter with Venus in Leo on July 13th and a big bash with retrograde Mercury and the Sun in mid Libra on Oct 9th 2021. Mars next turns retrograde at 25 Gemini on Oct 30th 2022. He resides in Gemini either side of that date for seven months. Jupiter since May 13th is in Pisces residing there with Neptune. Jupiter turns retrograde at 2 degrees Pisces on June 20th and re-enters Aquarius on July 28th. This first phase of Jupiter in Pisces is a strong taste of what is to follow next year. Then on October 18th 2021 Jupiter turns direct at 22 degrees Aquarius. He re-enters Pisces on Dec 29th 2021 when the real business starts. Jupiter then sextiles Uranus, a fine expansive, progressive and creative aspect on Feb 18th 2022. He conjuncts Neptune at 24 Pisces on April 12th, the highlight of the residence, (the 'Florence Nightingale combination conjunction', more to follow on this one), and he sextiles Pluto in an embrace of power and transformation on May 3rd 2022. Jupiter leaves Pisces for Aries on May 10th 2022. He returns again to Pisces from Oct 28th 2022 to Dec 20th 2022 with a direct station on Nov 23rd at 28 Pisces. By the time of the Northern Hemisphere Winter Solstice 2022 Jupiter has left Pisces for good. Today's ingress is 'first blood'. Love like blood. Stay tuned. Saturn is now retrograde in Aquarius. In 2021 the main outer body aspect is a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This is a difficult aspect, but not in the league of 2020 aspects. This cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with their opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. The 2021 last quarter aspect will induce political, financial and social changes of possibly a drastic nature and a measure of instability. We will observe a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The aspect peaked in 2021 on Feb 17th, and repeats on June 14th and on Dec 24th with a slight return in early October 2022. Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is direct in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking, turning retrograde on Aug 19th. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance and ownership are about to take place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Neptune is direct in Pisces turning retrograde on June 25th. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is now retrograde in Capricorn. he turns direct on October 6th at 24 Capricorn. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. The next eclipse event is a Solar Eclipse visible (just) from the UK at 20 Gemini, conjunct retro-Mercury square Neptune, on June 10th 2021. Also in 2021 there is a partial lunar eclipse on Nov 19th at 27 Taurus square Jupiter, and a Total Solar Eclipse, visible from Antarctica, on Dec 4th quincunx Uranus at 12 Sagittarius. The next Total Lunar eclipse is visible from the UK and is at 26 Scorpio, during the early hours of May 16th 2022. A blisteringly big eclipse. There is another Total Lunar eclipse in 2022 on November 8th. This is a daytime event for the UK. The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024. Earlier that same year, 2024, we can also look forward to the next 'American Total Solar Eclipse' on April 8th 2024. See you, possibly in Texas.

Tuesday 1st June 2021

June starts with Saturn square Uranus. The aspect peaked in 2021 on Feb 17th, and repeats on June 14th and on Dec 24th with a slight return in early October 2022 The Sun at 11 Gemini conjunction the lunar node at 11 Gemini 06.14 The disseminating and decelerating Moon at 28 Aquarius waning trine Venus at 28 Gemini The Moon is void of course for nearly 3 hours 06.58 Venus at 28 Gemini waxing sesuiquadrate Saturn at 13 Aquarius 09.09 The Moon enters Pisces joining Jupiter and Neptune in this sign. 12.05 The Moon at 2 Pisces conjunction Jupiter at 2 Pisces 19.55 The Sun at 12 Gemini waxing sesuiquadrate Pluto at 27 Capricorn

Wednesday 2nd June 2021

Venus and Mars are both in Cancer for 9 days.

Mars is building towards an opposition to Pluto which peaks Saturday evening GMT. The week leads to almost inevitable terrorisim and brutality somewhere. 05.11 The Moon at 11 Pisces decelerating towards her last quarter phase squares her node at 11 Gemini from south of the ecliptic. 07.14 Retro-Mercury at 24 Gemini waning semi-sextile Mars at 24 Cancer 07.25 The Moon is at Last Quarter 08.22 The Moon at 12 Pisces waning sextile Uranus at 12 Taurus 13.20 Venus enters Cancer. She resides there as an evening star for a brief but endearing 25 days. Venus water trines Jupiter tomorrow, the sweetest of all love songs. Venus sextiles Uranus on June 13th with mild amusement. She trines Neptune on June 21st with grace and flair and woefully opposes Pluto on June 23rd. Venus enters Leo on June 27th. 15.19 Mars at 25 Cancer waxing quintile Uranus at 13 Taurus 20.44 The Sun at 13 Gemini waxing semi-sextile Uranus at 13 Taurus

Thursday 3rd June 2021

Sun trine Saturn.

Venus trine Jupiter

Mars opposite Pluto is starting to bite, (Exact Saturday evening GMT), underlying venom right now, but love wins this day with Venus in Cancer now 'water trine' Jupiter. Also the Gemini Sun trines Saturn. Despite Mars and Pluto building up to a head of steam , Mercury badly retrograde and a 'pretty vacant' Moon drifting through Pisces, today has a constructive and loving dimension which get things done. Mars is quintile Uranus quintile Jupiter, with panache. 04.32 The last quarter Moon conjunction Neptune at 23 Pisces 04.56 Venus at 1 Cancer waxing tri-septile Pluto at 27 Capricorn 06.25 The Moon at 24 Pisces waning square retro-Mercury at 24 Gemini 08.09 The Moon at 25 Pisces waning trine Mars at 25 Cancer 10.23 The Sun at 13 Gemini waxing bi-novile Neptune at 23 Pisces 11.11 The Moon at 27 Pisces waxing sextile Pluto at 27 Capricorn. The Moon is void of course for nearly 7 hours. 18.00 The Moon enters Aries 19.06 The Sun at 13 Gemini waxing trine Saturn at 13 Aquarius 21.09 The Moon at 2 Aries waning square Venus at 2 Cancer 23.33 Venus at 2 Cancer waxing trine Jupiter at 2 Pisces

Friday 4th June 2021

Mars is applying in opposition to Pluto, exact tomorrow. This aspect provides a fearsome and potent astrological impulse as we stand six days from a Solar Eclipse. Mercury retrogrades towards another square to Neptune. Venus and Mars are both in Cancer. Today is pointed and direct but confusion and uncertainty are arising. Strange days. 15.00 The post last quarter Moon decelerating at 11 Aries sextiles her node from south of the ecliptic 17.00 Mars at 26 Cancer waxing biquintile Jupiter at 2 Pisces 20.25 The Moon at 13 Aries waxing sextile Saturn at 13 Aquarius 22.39 The Moon at 15 Aries waning sextile The Sun at 15 Gemini

Saturday 5th June 2021

Mars opposite Pluto

retro-Mercury squares Neptune

An astrologically hot spot today. Go carefully. 02.18 The Sun at 15 Gemini waxing bi-septile Jupiter at 2 Pisces 15.57 The slowly waning Moon 5 days from a solar eclipse at 23 Aries waning sextile Mercury at 23 Gemini 19.05 Mercury at 23 Gemini waxing square Neptune at 23 Pisces A Cardinal T-Square is manifest involving the Moon, Mars and Pluto 19.00 to 23.00 GMT 19.46 Mars at 26 Cancer opposition Pluto at 26 Capricorn 20.13 Venus at 4 Cancer waxing septile Uranus at 13 Taurus 22.38 The Moon at 26 Aries waxing square Pluto at 26 Capricorn 22.48 The Moon at 27 Aries waning square Mars at 27 Cancer. The Moon is void of course for 7 hours.

Sunday 6th June 2021

Woah! Steady as ahe goes now. Hopefully a smooth run down to Thursday's eclipse. 05.48 The slowly waning Moon enters Taurus joining Uranus in this sign. 07.27 The Moon 4 days from a solar eclipse reaches her balsamic phase. 09.33 The Moon at 2 Taurus waxing sextile Jupiter at 2 Pisces 15.02 retro-Mercury at 23 Gemini waxing novile Uranus at 13 Taurus 15.58 The Moon at 5 Taurus waning sextile Venus at 5 Cancer

Monday 7th June 2021

07.40 The slow old Moon conjunction Uranus at 13 Taurus 08.52 The Moon at 13 Taurus waxing square Saturn at 13 Aquarius 10.34 Venus at 6 Cancer waxing bi-septile Neptune at 23 Pisces 19.43 Venus at 6 Cancer waxing quad-novile Pluto at 26 Capricorn STATE OF THE SKY:- The Sun reaches 18 degrees Gemini today. Retro-Mercury is also in Gemini. Jupiter and Neptune are in Pisces. The Moon and Uranus are in Taurus. There are 12 days to the Solstice. We are now in an eclipse fortnight, poised between the Total Lunar Eclipse on May 26th and the next New Moon on Thursday being a Annular Solar Eclipse. The next 3 days witness the final crescendo of the eclipse season. Mercury is now a retrograde evening star in Gemini, a singularly important astrological feature of the impending solar eclipse. He is residing for a lengthy 66 days in this sign because of this retrograde phase. As a retrograde evening star Mercury is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun at 20 Gemini, a 'New Mercury' and a new chapter in the story, on Friday. Mercury turns direct at 16 Gemini on June 22nd. He squares Neptune a final time on July 6th, is out of his shadow on July 7th and enters Cancer on July 11th. This is a beguiling and at times confusing residence because of Mercury's triple square to Neptune. Venus is currently an evening 'star' is in Cancer for a brief but endearing 25 days. Venus sextiles Uranus on June 13th with mild amusement. She trines Neptune on June 21st with grace and flair and woefully opposes Pluto on June 23rd. Venus enters Leo on June 27th. Looking ahead, Venus is at greatest evening star brightness on Dec 7th and she turns retrograde on Dec 19th 2021 at 26 Capricorn. Venus is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on Jan 8th 2022. Mars resides in Cancer for 49 days. Mars enters Leo on June 11th. We have ahead of us 12 more days of shrewd activity. A profitable time, home making, family making domestic energy. Mars has a close and hot (0.5 degree alignment) encounter with Venus in Leo on July 13th and a big bash with retrograde Mercury and the Sun in mid Libra on Oct 9th 2021. Mars next turns retrograde at 25 Gemini on Oct 30th 2022. He resides in Gemini either side of that date for seven months. Jupiter since May 13th is in Pisces residing there with Neptune. Jupiter turns retrograde at 2 degrees Pisces on June 20th and re-enters Aquarius on July 28th. This first phase of Jupiter in Pisces is a strong taste of what is to follow next year. Then on October 18th 2021 Jupiter turns direct at 22 degrees Aquarius. He re-enters Pisces on Dec 29th 2021 when the real business starts. Jupiter then sextiles Uranus, a fine expansive, progressive and creative aspect on Feb 18th 2022. He conjuncts Neptune at 24 Pisces on April 12th, the highlight of the residence, (the 'Florence Nightingale combination conjunction', more to follow on this one), and he sextiles Pluto in an embrace of power and transformation on May 3rd 2022. Jupiter leaves Pisces for Aries on May 10th 2022. He returns again to Pisces from Oct 28th 2022 to Dec 20th 2022 with a direct station on Nov 23rd at 28 Pisces. By the time of the Northern Hemisphere Winter Solstice 2022 Jupiter has left Pisces for good. Today's ingress is 'first blood'. Love like blood. Stay tuned. Saturn is now retrograde in Aquarius. In 2021 the main outer body aspect is a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This is a difficult aspect, but not in the league of 2020 aspects. This cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with their opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. The 2021 last quarter aspect will induce political, financial and social changes of possibly a drastic nature and a measure of instability. We will observe a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The aspect peaked in 2021 on Feb 17th, and repeats on June 14th and on Dec 24th with a slight return in early October 2022. Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is direct in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking, turning retrograde on Aug 19th. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance and ownership are about to take place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Neptune is direct in Pisces turning retrograde on June 25th. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is now retrograde in Capricorn. he turns direct on October 6th at 24 Capricorn. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. The next eclipse event is a Solar Eclipse visible (just) from the UK at 20 Gemini, conjunct retro-Mercury square Neptune, on June 10th 2021. Also in 2021 there is a partial lunar eclipse on Nov 19th at 27 Taurus square Jupiter, and a Total Solar Eclipse, visible from Antarctica, on Dec 4th quincunx Uranus at 12 Sagittarius. The next Total Lunar eclipse is visible from the UK and is at 26 Scorpio, during the early hours of May 16th 2022. A blisteringly big eclipse. There is another Total Lunar eclipse in 2022 on November 8th. This is a daytime event for the UK. The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024. Earlier that same year, 2024, we can also look forward to the next 'American Total Solar Eclipse' on April 8th 2024. See you, possibly in Texas.

Tuesday 8th June 2021

Pre-eclipse silences. Something around the corner. 03.27 The old Moon is at Apogee, furthest from the Earth and slowest this month, conjunct 'Black Moon Lilith'. 04.42 retro-Mercury at 22 Gemini waning decile Mars at 28 Cancer 04.47 The Moon at 23 Taurus waxing sextile Neptune at 23 Pisces 11.31 The Moon at 26 Taurus waxing trine Pluto at 26 Capricorn 12.57 Venus at 7 Cancer waxing biquintile Saturn at 13 Aquarius 15.07 The Moon at 28 Taurus waning sextile Mars at 28 Cancer. The Moon is then void of course for 3.7 hours 18.49 The Moon enters Gemini joining the Mercury and the Sun in this sign. 22.48 The Moon at 2 Gemini waxing square Jupiter at 2 Pisces

Wednesday 9th June 2021

The day before a solar eclipse. Holy magical anticipation. Mercury swinging retrograde, the dominant factor of the astrology, colours the event with hues of unravelling and re-visiting. A fateful eclipse of twists and turns, already casting its pre-shadow in time. 01.48 The Sun at 18 Gemini waning novile Mars at 28 Cancer 11.31 The Sun at 19 Gemini waxing decile Uranus at 13 Taurus 15.56 The Moon at 10 Gemini conjuncts her mean node. 21.44 The Moon at 13 Gemini waxing trine Saturn at 13 Aquarius

Thursday 10th June 2021

Annular Solar Eclipse

10.53 Moment of NEW MOON https://www.astrologyhub.com/

12.38 The Moon at 21 Gemini conjunction Mercury at 21 Gemini The eclipse in Gemini is conjunct retro-Mercury square Neptune. Venus is 20 degrees from Mars and chasing. TIMES OF THE ECLIPSE First penumbral contact, start of the eclipse 08:12:15 First umbral contact 09:49:43 Internal umbral contact 10:00:37 Greatest Eclipse 10:41:51 Geocentric conjunction 11:00:59 End of internal umbral contact 11:22:53 Last umbral contact 11:33:45 Last penumbral contact (end of the eclipse) 13:11:15 SOLAR SAROS SERIES 124 ECLIPSE DEGREE HITS Today'seclipse hits Boris Johnson's Mercury, the USA Mars, Germany's Jupiter, Iraq's Moon and Venus, Italy's Sun, Mexico's Ascendant, Jamaica's Mars, Cuba's Mercury, the Vatican's Mercury and the UK Labour Party's Pluto. It opposes the EU's Saturn. It hits Tom Cruise's Mercury, John Edwards' Sun, Cameron Diaz and Roger Daltry's Saturn and GW Bush (and Donald Trump, and Bill Clinton)'s Uranus. 16.57 The Sun at 20 Gemini waxing tri-decile Jupiter at 2 Pisces 17.38 The Moon at 23 Gemini waxing square Neptune at 23 Pisces. The Moon is void ofcourse for nearly 14 hours.

Friday 11th June 2021

Yesterday's eclipse has passed calmly and seems to have invoked a positive and refreshing atmosphere. A day of change follows the solar eclipse. An Inferior Conjunction of Mercury and the fiery ingress of Mars into Leo are followed by a close conjunction of the Moon and Venus in Cancer. All these events occur within 36 hours from now. 00.08 The new baby Moon slowly accelerating at 26 Gemini and void of course is 'waxing quincunx' Pluto at 26 Capricorn 00.25 retro-Mercury at 20 Gemini waxing biquintile Pluto at 26 Capricorn 01.14 retro-Mercury is at Inferior conjunction with the Sun at 20 Gemini A new chapter in the story. 01.40 The Sun at 20 Gemini waxing biquintile Pluto at 26 Capricorn 07.24 The Moon enters Cancer joining Venus and Mars in this sign. (Mars leaves 6 hours later!). Venus passes within 0.5 0f a degree from Venus early (GMT) Saturday. A very sweet prospect. 11.29 The Moon at 2 Cancer waxing trine Jupiter at 2 Pisces 13.35 Mars enters Leo and remains in this sign for almost 7 weeks. This is a fiery combination which powerfully colours the weeks ahead with uncompromising 'full on' unconditional lavish energy. Mars opposes Saturn on July 1st and squares Uranus on July 4th, this is a challenging time. It is a 'fixed T-square formidable' and in a way a climax of meaning for the story of the year 2021. Venus is conjunct Mars at 20 degrees Leo on July 13th. This is a close and hot (0.5 degree alignment) encounter with Venus, extraordinary acts at this time may be in evidence. Mars opposes Jupiter on July 29th, always 'event producing', and Mars enters Virgo on this day. Mars has a big bash with retrograde Mercury and the Sun in mid Libra on Oct 9th 2021. Mars next turns retrograde at 25 Gemini on Oct 30th 2022. He resides in Gemini either side of that date for seven months. 14.12 Mercury at 20 Gemini waxing tri-decile Jupiter at 2 Pisces 14.58 Mercury at 20 Gemini waning novile Mars at zero Leo 16.27 Venus at 11 Cancer waxing tri-decile Neptune at 23 Pisces 16.30 The Sun at 21 Gemini waning bi-novile Mercury at 20 Gemini

Saturday 12th June 2021

A close day, cherishing and protecting. 05.32 Closest alignment Moon Venus 0.46 degrees 07.00 The Moon conjunction Venus at 12 Cancer 09.11 The Moon at 13 Cancer waxing sextile Uranus at 13 Taurus 09.35 The Moon at 13 Cancer waxing quincunx Saturn at 13 Aquarius

Sunday 13th June 2021

Venus sextile Uranus.

The Sun squares Neptune.

05.07 The young Moon slowly accelerating at 23 Cancer waxing trine Neptune at 23 Pisces 05.39 Venus at 13 Cancer waxing sextile Uranus at 13 Taurus 08.16 Venus at 13 Cancer waxing quincunx Saturn at 13 Aquarius 10.25 retro-Mercury at 19 Gemini waxing decile Uranus at 13 Taurus 11.17 The Moon at 26 Cancer opposition Pluto at 26 Capricorn. The Moon is void of course for just over 7 hours. 14.18 Saturn at 13 Aquarius waning novile Neptune at 23 Pisces This is the 2nd of 3 hits of this aspect in 2021 in the 36 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Neptune. The dates in 2021 are April 2nd, June 13th and Dec 18th. Largely an historical cycle, this is astrology's 'tough one', concerned with dissolution, suffering and deep tests of faith. The current cycle started in 1989, in Capricorn, with the fall of the Soviet Empire. It reached the opposition phase in 2006-2007 preceded in late 2004 by the Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami that killed an estimated 227,898 people in 14 countries, death by water, wave of grief and in August 2005 by catastrophic flooding in New Orleans after the Gulf Coast hurricane Katrina, 1,464 people died. The last quarter phase in 2016 was preceded in 20154 by Ebola outbreaks in Africa,and in 2016 itself with North Korean Korean missile tests, the UK voting to leave the EU and Russia interfering in USA elections. The cycle ends in Feb. 2026 at 1 degree Aries. The waning Novile aspects this year are concerned with the consolidation of the 'grim' harvest of the closing cycle, and an evaluation of its consequence. This is a time to reckon with. 18.24 The Moon enters Leo joining Mars in this sign and significantly raises the astrological temperature for a couple of days. 21.08 The Moon conjunction Mars at 1 Leo 21.15 The Sun at 23 Gemini waxing novile Uranus at 13 Taurus 22.28 The Moon at 2 Leo waxing quincunx Jupiter at 2 Pisces 23.40 The Sun at 23 Gemini waxing square Neptune at 23 Pisces

Monday 14th June 2021

Saturn square Uranus (2nd hit)

10.55 The accelerating Moon reaches her waxing crescent phase 13.50 The Moon at 10 Leo sextiles her node from north of the ecliptic. A tight Fixed T-Square is manifest involving the Moon, Saturn and Uranus 19.00 to 20.00 GMT 19.28 The Moon at 13 Leo waxing square Uranus at 13 Taurus 19.29 The Moon at 13 Leo opposition Saturn at 13 Aquarius 22.02 Saturn at 13 Aquarius waning square Uranus at 13 Taurus. In 2021 the main outer body aspect is a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This is a difficult aspect, but not in the league of 2020 aspects. This cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with their opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. The 2021 last quarter aspect will induce political, financial and social changes of possibly a drastic nature and a measure of instability. We will observe a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The aspect peaked in 2021 on Feb 17th, and repeats on June 14th and on Dec 24th with a slight return in early October 2022. STATE OF THE SKY:- The Sun reaches 24 degrees Gemini today. Retro-Mercury is also in Gemini. Jupiter and Neptune are in Pisces. The Moon and Mars are in Leo. The Northern hemisphere Summer Solstice is one week away. We have now left the eclipse fortnight and will shortly pass out of the current eclipse season. Mercury is now a retrograde morning star in Gemini. He is residing for a lengthy 66 days in this sign because of this retrograde phase. Mercury turns direct at 16 Gemini on June 22nd. He squares Neptune a final time on July 6th, is out of his shadow on July 7th and enters Cancer on July 11th. This is a beguiling and at times confusing residence because of Mercury's triple square to Neptune. Venus is currently an evening 'star' is in Cancer for a brief but endearing 25 days. She trines Neptune on June 21st with grace and flair and woefully opposes Pluto on June 23rd. Venus enters Leo on June 27th. Looking ahead, Venus is at greatest evening star brightness on Dec 7th and she turns retrograde on Dec 19th 2021 at 26 Capricorn. Venus is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on Jan 8th 2022. Mars is in Leo for almost 7 weeks. This is a fiery combination which powerfully colours the weeks ahead with uncompromising 'full on' unconditional lavish energy. Mars opposes Saturn on July 1st and squares Uranus on July 4th, this is a challenging time. It is a 'fixed T-square formidable' and in a way a climax of meaning for the story of the year 2021. Venus is conjunct Mars at 20 degrees Leo on July 13th. This is a close and hot (0.5 degree alignment) encounter with Venus, extraordinary acts at this time may be in evidence. Mars opposes Jupiter on July 29th, always 'event producing', and Mars enters Virgo on this day. Mars has a big bash with retrograde Mercury and the Sun in mid Libra on Oct 9th 2021. Mars next turns retrograde at 25 Gemini on Oct 30th 2022. He resides in Gemini either side of that date for seven months. Jupiter since May 13th is in Pisces residing there with Neptune. Jupiter turns retrograde at 2 degrees Pisces on June 20th and re-enters Aquarius on July 28th. This first phase of Jupiter in Pisces is a strong taste of what is to follow next year. Then on October 18th 2021 Jupiter turns direct at 22 degrees Aquarius. He re-enters Pisces on Dec 29th 2021 when the real business starts. Jupiter then sextiles Uranus, a fine expansive, progressive and creative aspect on Feb 18th 2022. He conjuncts Neptune at 24 Pisces on April 12th, the highlight of the residence, (the 'Florence Nightingale combination conjunction', more to follow on this one), and he sextiles Pluto in an embrace of power and transformation on May 3rd 2022. Jupiter leaves Pisces for Aries on May 10th 2022. He returns again to Pisces from Oct 28th 2022 to Dec 20th 2022 with a direct station on Nov 23rd at 28 Pisces. By the time of the Northern Hemisphere Winter Solstice 2022 Jupiter has left Pisces for good. Today's ingress is 'first blood'. Love like blood. Stay tuned. Saturn is now retrograde in Aquarius. In 2021 the main outer body aspect is a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This is a difficult aspect, but not in the league of 2020 aspects. This cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with their opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. The 2021 last quarter aspect will induce political, financial and social changes of possibly a drastic nature and a measure of instability. We will observe a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The aspect peaked in 2021 on Feb 17th, and repeats on June 14th and on Dec 24th with a slight return in early October 2022. Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is direct in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking, turning retrograde on Aug 19th. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance and ownership are about to take place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Neptune is direct in Pisces turning retrograde on June 25th. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is now retrograde in Capricorn. he turns direct on October 6th at 24 Capricorn. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. The next eclipses are a partial lunar eclipse on Nov 19th at 27 Taurus square Jupiter, and a Total Solar Eclipse, visible from Antarctica, on Dec 4th quincunx Uranus at 12 Sagittarius. The next Total Lunar eclipse is a blisteringly big eclipse, visible from the UK, and is at 26 Scorpio, during the early hours of Monday May 16th 2022. . There is another Total Lunar eclipse in 2022 on November 8th. This is a daytime event for the UK. The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024. Earlier that same year, 2024, we can also look forward to the next 'American Total Solar Eclipse' on April 8th 2024. See you, possibly in Texas.

Tuesday 15th June 2021

The Moon and Mars continue to rage on together in Leo. We are now in the final cruise to the Solstice in just 6 days time. A brash vibration ensues. 00.40 Mars at 2 Leo waxing quincunx Jupiter at 2 Pisces 04.59 The Moon at 18 Leo waxing sextile retro-Mercury at 18 Gemini 14.23 The Moon at 23 Leo waxing quincunx Neptune at 23 Pisces 17.28 The Moon at 25 Leo waxing sextile The Sun at 25 Gemini. The Moon is void of course for 9.6 hours 20.10 The Moon at 26 Leo waning quincunx Pluto at 26 Capricorn

Wednesday 16th June 2021

The Moon in Virgo today reveals alternative personal choices where as before there was seemingly only one way forward. 01.08 retro-Mercury at 18 Gemini waning semi-square Mars at 3 Leo 03.04 The Moon enters Virgo 07.00 The Moon at 2 Virgo opposition Jupiter at 2 Pisces 14.53 Venus at 17 Cancer waxing sesuiquadrate Jupiter at 2 Pisces 18.07 Mars at 3 Leo waxing bi-novile Uranus at 13 Taurus 18.21 Venus at 17 Cancer waxing tri-septile Saturn at 13 Aquarius 20.11 retro-Mercury at 17 Gemini waning semi-sextile Venus at 17 Cancer 21.21 The Moon at 10 Virgo squares her node from north of the ecliptic

Thursday 17th June 2021

02.48 The waxing crescent Moon at 13 Virgo waning quincunx Saturn at 13 Aquarius 03.08 The Moon at 13 Virgo waxing trine Uranus at 13 Taurus 05.24 The Sun at 26 Gemini waxing quincunx Pluto at 26 Capricorn 10.17 The Moon at 17 Virgo waxing square retro-Mercury at 17 Gemini 12.08 The Moon at 18 Virgo waxing sextile Venus at 18 Cancer 20.55 The Moon at 23 Virgo opposition Neptune at 23 Pisces

Friday 18th June 2021

02.19 The Moon gaining in light and motion at 26 Virgo waning trine Pluto at 26 Capricorn 03.55 The Moon at First Quarter. The Moon is void of course for 5 hours. 08.55 The Moon enters Libra 12.42 The Moon at 2 Libra waning quincunx Jupiter at 2 Pisces 16.33 The Moon at 4 Libra waxing sextile Mars at 4 Leo

Saturday 19th June 2021

We now have a relatively short and smooth ride to an inspirational, potentially enchanting, northern hemisphere summer solstice coloured by Venus trine Neptune. Mixed astrology thereafter as we approach early July's 'fixed T-square formidable' involving Mars, Saturn and Uranus. The waxing Libran Moon today eases the friction of late. 00.13 The Sun at 28 Gemini waxing sesuiquadrate Saturn at 13 Aquarius An Air Grand Trine is manifest involving the Moon, Mercury,saturn and the Lunar Node 02.00 to 08.00 GMT 02.03 The post first quarter Moon accelerating at 10 Libra waxing trines her node from north of the ecliptic. 07.16 The Moon at 13 Libra waning trine Saturn at 13 Aquarius 07.54 The Moon at 13 Libra waxing quincunx Uranus at 13 Taurus 09.15 The Sun at 28 Gemini waxing semi-square Uranus at 13 Taurus 13.23 The Moon at 17 Libra waxing trine retro-Mercury at 17 Gemini 21.08 The Moon at 21 Libra waxing square Venus at 21 Cancer

Sunday 20th June 2021

00.36 The waxing and accelerating Moon at 23 Libra waning quincunx Neptune at 23 Pisces 05.38 The Moon at 26 Libra waning square Pluto at 26 Capricorn A Grand Trine is manifest involving the Moon, the Sun and Jupiter 10.00 to 16.00 GMT 10.52 The Moon at 29 Libra waxing trine The Sun at 29 Gemini. The Moon is void for just over an hour. 12.00 The Moon enters Scorpio setting the astrological atmosphere for the solstice. 15.36 The Moon at 2 Scorpio waning trine Jupiter at 2 Pisces 18.04 Jupiter at 2 Pisces waxing decile Pluto at 26 Capricorn The current 13 year Jupiter/Pluto synodic cycle of of 'power plays' started in 2020 in Capricorn. This year the cycle reaches it's waxing semi-sextile phase, (April 20th, Sept 11th and 27th Nov), and its waxing decile phase, (June 20th, July 4th and Jan 9th 2022). The new 'power evolution' established in 2020 now undergoes with the semi-sextile 'the urge to be' and with the decile aspect, the decision process 'what to be'. We are dealing here with new power structures, set in motion last year now gaining purchase. 20.05 retro-Mercury at 16 Gemini waning decile Venus at 22 Cancer 21.16 The Sun at 30 Gemini waning decile Mars at 6 Leo 21.30 The Moon at 6 Scorpio waxing square Mars at 6 Leo

Monday 21st June 2021

Summer Solstice

(Northern hemisphere)

03.34 The Sun ingress Cancer. The moment of Solstice.

07.23 Venus at 23 Cancer waxing quad-novile Saturn at 13 Aquarius A tight Fixed T-Square is manifest involving the Moon, Saturn and Uranus 09.00 to 10.30 GMT 09.09 The Moon at 13 Scorpio waning square Saturn at 13 Aquarius 10.03 The Moon at 13 Scorpio opposition Uranus at 13 Taurus 13.17 The Moon reaches her waxing gibbous phase 13.58 Venus at 23 Cancer waxing trine Neptune at 23 Pisces 14.36 The Moon at 16 Scorpio waxing quincunx Mercury at 16 Gemini 14.57 The Sun at zero Cancer waxing tri-septile Pluto at 26 Capricorn

Tuesday 22nd June 2021

We now abide in the holy days between the Solstice on Monday and a benevolent Full Moon on Thursday. Mercury stations direct on Tuesday. The Sun trines Jupiter and Venus opposes Pluto on Wednesday. A cherishing deeply emotional vibration ensues, offering up opportunity for will and advancement. In addition Venus is quintile Uranus and Uranus quintiles Jupiter adding love and the unexpected to the mix. 01.09 Mars at 6 Leo waxing tri-septile Jupiter at 2 Pisces A Watery Grand Trine is manifest involving the Moon, Venus and Neptune 01.00 to 03.15 GMT 01.57 The Moon at 23 Scorpio waning trine Neptune at 23 Pisces 03.01 The Moon at 24 Scorpio waxing trine Venus at 24 Cancer 06.44 The Moon at 26 Scorpio waning sextile Pluto at 26 Capricorn, forming a yod 'finger of fate with the Sun at this time. The Moon is then void for some 12 hours. 12.57 The Moon enters Sagittarius 15.13 The Moon at 1 Sagittarius waxing quincunx The Sun at 1 Cancer 16.26 The Moon at 2 Sagittarius waning square Jupiter at 2 Pisces 21.56 MERCURY TURNS DIRECT.

Wednesday 23rd June 2021

Venus opposite Pluto

The Sun trines Jupiter.

An interesting day. Sun trine Jupiter gives emotional warmth and good feelings. Venus opposite Pluto brings degrees of relationship intensity and possible financial rumptions. MERCURY TURNED DIRECT 21.56 GMT last night. Mercury's next retrograde phase is from September 27 to October 23. Lunar pressures are rising. 00.17 The very rapidly waxing gibbous Moon at 7 Sagittarius trines Mars at 7 Leo 04.30 The Moon at 10 Sagittarius opposition her ascending node at 10 Gemini 09.26 The Moon at 13 Sagittarius waning sextile Saturn at 13 Aquarius 10.12 The Sun at 2 Cancer waxing trine Jupiter at 2 Pisces 10.36 The Moon at 13 Sagittarius waning quincunx Uranus at 13 Taurus 10.54 The Moon is at Perigee. Fastest and closest to the Earth this month. 11.24 Venus at 25 Cancer waxing quintile Uranus at 13 Taurus 14.51 The Moon at 16 Sagittarius opposition Mercury at 16 Gemini 20.36 Mercury at 16 Gemini waning septile Mars at 8 Leo 23.17 Minor lunar occultation of star Theta OPH, observable from the UK, ends 00.15 (Thurs). 23.40 Venus at 26 Cancer opposition Pluto at 26 Capricorn The Moon is nearly Full.

Thursday 24th June 2021

Full Moon in Capricorn

00.39 Venus at 26 Cancer waxing biquintile Jupiter at 2 Pisces 00.50 Mercury at 16 Gemini waning novile Venus at 26 Cancer 02.10 The almost Full Moon rapidly waxing at 23 Sagittarius waning square Neptune at 23 Pisces The Moon is then void of course for 11 hours 07.29 The Moon at 27 Sagittarius waxing quincunx Venus at 27 Cancer 13.06 The Moon ingress Capricorn joining Pluto in this sign. 16.34 The Moon at 2 Capricorn waning sextile Jupiter at 2 Pisces 18.40 Moment of FULL MOON

This is the first Full Moon following the Total Lunar Eclipse on May 26th 2021 in Sagittarius and the 5th Full Moon before a Partial Lunar eclipse at 27 Taurus on Friday Nov 19th 2021. The Full Moon sextiles Jupiter. Venus is now 11 degrees from Mars and closing. 20.22 Mars at 8 Leo waxing sesuiquadrate Neptune at 23 Pisces

Friday 25th June 2021

A 'finger of fate' yod pattern is manifest early today (GMT) involving Mars sextile the lunar node quincunx the Moon. 02.36 The Moon at 8 Capricorn waxing quincunx Mars at 8 Leo What ensues is a waning Full Moon speeding through Capricorn and the brooding certainty of a difficult Mars Saturn Uranus T-square approaching within days. 11.05 The Moon at 14 Capricorn waning trine Uranus at 14 Taurus 12.57 NEPTUNE TURNS RETROGRADE 15.43 The Moon at 16 Capricorn waning quincunx Mercury at 16 Gemini

Saturday 26th June 2021

02.51 The waning full Moon decelerating at 23 Capricorn sextile Neptune at 23 Pisces 07.36 The Moon conjunction Pluto at 26 Capricorn 08.19 The Sun at 5 Cancer waxing septile Uranus at 14 Taurus 12.50 The Moon at 29 Capricorn opposition Venus at 29 Cancer. The Moon is void of course for 1.3 hours. 14.10 The Moon enters Aquarius joining Saturn in this sign. 22.24 Mars at 9 Leo waxing sextile the lunar node at 9 Gemini 23.29 The Moon at 6 Aquarius waning quincunx The Sun at 6 Cancer

Sunday 27th June 2021

The Full Moon now passing ushers in, in it's wake, the next astrological waves to be surfed. Venus enters Leo today and is positioned only 10 degrees from Mars. She draws towards him over the next fortnight, a period of powerful personal drama and accompanying global tension. Both planets run the gaunlet of opposing Saturn and squaring Uranus. Before us all lies 'hot to handle' astrology. Have your fun but don't get burned. 04.29 Venus enters Leo joining Mars in this sign. Venus graces this sign for a fleeting but lavish 25 days. Following on in Mars's wake Venus opposes Saturn on July 7th and squares Uranus on July 8th, extending the difficulties experienced as Mars ran this particular gauntlet a week earlier. Venus is conjunct Mars on July 13th at 10 degrees Leo the highlight of the residence. Venus enters Virgo on 22nd July immediately opposing Jupiter. This is a colorful residence, hopefully not too disruptive. 06.07 The waning full Moon decelerating at 9 Aquarius trines her node from south of the ecliptic 06.30 The Moon at 10 Aquarius opposition Mars at 10 Leo 11.24 The Moon conjunction Saturn at 13 Aquarius 11.33 The Sun at 6 Cancer waxing quad-novile Pluto at 26 Capricorn 11.59 The Sun at 6 Cancer waxing bi-septile Neptune at 23 Pisces 13.17 The Moon at 14 Aquarius waning square Uranus at 14 Taurus 19.08 The Moon at 17 Aquarius waning trine Mercury at 17 Gemini. The Moon is then void of course for nearly 23 hours

Monday 28th June 2021

The waning decelerating Moon in Aquarius is void of course as the (GMT) day starts. 00.08 The Sun at 7 Cancer waxing biquintile Saturn at 13 Aquarius 03.08 The Moon reaches her disseminating phase 17.52 The Moon ingress Pisces joining Jupiter and Neptune in this sign. 21.32 Venus at 2 Leo waxing quincunx Jupiter at 2 Pisces 21.34 The Moon conjunction Jupiter at 2 Pisces 21.34 The Moon at 2 Pisces waning quincunx Venus at 2 Leo STATE OF THE SKY:- The Sun is at 7 degrees Cancer. The Moon, from this evening (GMT), Jupiter and Neptune are in Pisces. Venus and Mars are in Leo, 9 degrees separate them. They are conjunct on July 13th. We are now leaving the current eclipse season. The next astrological waves to be surfed involves Venus draw as she draws towards Mars over the next fortnight, a period of powerful personal drama and accompanying global tension. Both planets run the gaunlet of opposing Saturn and squaring Uranus. Before us all lies 'hot to handle' astrology. Have your fun but don't get burned. Mercury is now a direct morning star in Gemini. He is residing for a lengthy 66 days in this sign because of this recent retrograde phase. Mercury turned direct at 16 Gemini on June 22nd. He squares Neptune a final time on July 6th, is out of his shadow on July 7th and enters Cancer on July 11th. This is a beguiling and at times confusing residence because of Mercury's triple square to Neptune. Mercury's next retrograde phase is from September 27 to October 23 2021. Venus is currently an evening 'star' in Leo chasing Mars also in this sign. Venus graces this sign for a fleeting but lavish 25 days. Following on in Mars's wake Venus opposes Saturn on July 7th and squares Uranus on July 8th, extending the difficulties experienced as Mars ran this particular gauntlet a week earlier. Venus is conjunct Mars on July 13th at 10 degrees Leo the highlight of the residence. Venus enters Virgo on 22nd July immediately opposing Jupiter. This is a colorful residence, hopefully not too disruptive.Looking ahead, Venus is at greatest evening star brightness on Dec 7th and she turns retrograde on Dec 19th 2021 at 26 Capricorn. Venus is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on Jan 8th 2022. Mars is in Leo for almost 7 weeks. This is a fiery combination which powerfully colours the weeks ahead with uncompromising 'full on' unconditional lavish energy. Mars opposes Saturn on July 1st and squares Uranus on July 4th, this is a challenging time. It is a 'fixed T-square formidable' and in a way a climax of meaning for the story of the year 2021. Venus is conjunct Mars at 20 degrees Leo on July 13th. This is a close and hot (0.5 degree alignment) encounter with Venus, extraordinary acts at this time may be in evidence. Mars opposes Jupiter on July 29th, always 'event producing', and Mars enters Virgo on this day. Mars has a big bash with retrograde Mercury and the Sun in mid Libra on Oct 9th 2021. Mars next turns retrograde at 25 Gemini on Oct 30th 2022. He resides in Gemini either side of that date for seven months. Jupiter since May 13th is in Pisces residing there with Neptune. Jupiter is retrograde at 2 degrees Pisces and he re-enters Aquarius on July 28th. This first phase of Jupiter in Pisces is a strong taste of what is to follow next year. Then on October 18th 2021 Jupiter turns direct at 22 degrees Aquarius. He re-enters Pisces on Dec 29th 2021 when the real business starts. Jupiter then sextiles Uranus, a fine expansive, progressive and creative aspect on Feb 18th 2022. He conjuncts Neptune at 24 Pisces on April 12th, the highlight of the residence, (the 'Florence Nightingale combination conjunction', more to follow on this one), and he sextiles Pluto in an embrace of power and transformation on May 3rd 2022. Jupiter leaves Pisces for Aries on May 10th 2022. He returns again to Pisces from Oct 28th 2022 to Dec 20th 2022 with a direct station on Nov 23rd at 28 Pisces. By the time of the Northern Hemisphere Winter Solstice 2022 Jupiter has left Pisces for good. Today's ingress is 'first blood'. Love like blood. Stay tuned. Saturn is now retrograde in Aquarius. In 2021 the main outer body aspect is a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This is a difficult aspect, but not in the league of 2020 aspects. This cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with their opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. The 2021 last quarter aspect will induce political, financial and social changes of possibly a drastic nature and a measure of instability. We will observe a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The aspect peaked in 2021 on Feb 17th, and repeats on June 14th and on Dec 24th with a slight return in early October 2022. Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is direct in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking, turning retrograde on Aug 19th. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance and ownership are about to take place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Neptune is retrograde in Pisces turning retrograde on June 25th. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is now retrograde in Capricorn. he turns direct on October 6th at 24 Capricorn. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. The next eclipses are a partial lunar eclipse on Nov 19th at 27 Taurus square Jupiter, and a Total Solar Eclipse, visible from Antarctica, on Dec 4th quincunx Uranus at 12 Sagittarius. The next Total Lunar eclipse is a blisteringly big eclipse, visible from the UK, and is at 26 Scorpio, during the early hours of Monday May 16th 2022. . There is another Total Lunar eclipse in 2022 on November 8th. This is a daytime event for the UK. The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024. Earlier that same year, 2024, we can also look forward to the next 'American Total Solar Eclipse' on April 8th 2024. See you, possibly in Texas.

Tuesday 29th June 2021

From today a Fixed T-Square starts to manifest involving Mars, Saturn and Uranus, accompanied from early July by Venus, peaking on July 9th. Quite a difficult one this. The disseminating Moon, Jupiter and Neptune are currently in Pisces. A deeply emotional couple of days are underway. 07.54 The Moon at 8 Pisces waning trine The Sun at 8 Cancer 10.44 The Moon at 9 Pisces squares her node from south of the ecliptic. 12.57 Mercury at 18 Gemini waning semi-square Venus at 3 Leo 13.59 The Moon at 11 Pisces waning quincunx Mars at 11 Leo 18.48 The Moon at 14 Pisces waning sextile Uranus at 14 Taurus

Wednesday 30th June 2021

03.00 The Moon at 18 Pisces waning square Mercury at 18 Gemini 07.06 Venus at 4 Leo waxing bi-novile Uranus at 14 Taurus 12.25 The Moon conjunction Neptune at 23 Pisces 17.40 The Moon at 26 Pisces waxing sextile Pluto at 26 Capricorn. The Moon is then void of course for 7.7 hours

Thursday 1st July 2021

Mars opposite Saturn

The first 10 days of this calendar month see a 'Fixed T-square formidable' involving Mars, Saturn and Uranus. Venus in Leo is just 7.5 degrees from Mars, and closing. Full frontal love. Today the Sun, Mars, saturn and lunar node form 4 points of a hexagon, and the Moon enters Aries. Hot stuff all round. 00.11 Mars at 12 Leo waxing quad-novile Jupiter at 2 Pisces 01.23 The decelerating Moon enters Aries 11.23 The Moon at 5 Aries waning trine Venus at 5 Leo 13.09 Mars at 12 Leo opposition Saturn at 12 Aquarius 19.14 The Moon at 9 Aries sextile her node from south of the ecliptic. 21.11 The Moon at Last Quarter

Friday 2nd July 2021

The Mars opposition Saturn component of the current Fixed T-square rang out yesterday and now Mars tightens on his square to Uranus, exact early Sunday (GMT). Venus is less than 7 degrees from Mars, both in Leo. We are in the midst of an astrological tornado. Anything can happen. 01.16 The slow and decelerating last quarter Moon at 12 Aries waxing sextile Saturn at 12 Aquarius 01.59 The Moon at 13 Aries waning trine Mars at 13 Leo 08.15 Venus at 6 Leo waxing tri-septile Jupiter at 2 Pisces 15.36 Mercury at 20 Gemini waxing decile Uranus at 14 Taurus 16.13 The Moon at 20 Aries waning sextile Mercury at 20 Gemini 17.31 Mercury at 20 Gemini waxing biquintile Pluto at 26 Capricorn 18.24 Mercury at 20 Gemini waxing tri-decile Jupiter at 2 Pisces 21.07 The Sun at 11 Cancer waxing tri-decile Neptune at 23 Pisces

Saturday 3rd July 2021

04.15 Post last quarter Moon decelerating at 26 Aries waxing square Pluto at 26 Capricorn The Moon is void of course for 8.25 hours 12.29 The Moon enters Taurus joining Uranus in this sign. Sun in Cancer Moon in Taurus...smacks of domestic tradition, nurturing, remembering. 16.20 The Moon at 2 Taurus waxing sextile Jupiter at 2 Pisces 16.59 Uranus at 14 Taurus waxing tri-decile Pluto at 26 Capricorn 21.06 Jupiter at 2 Pisces waning quintile Uranus at 14 Taurus In the 13 year synodic cycle of these 2 planets the current cycle started in 2010-2011 in Pisces and ends on the 21st April 2024 in Taurus,( just 2 weeks after the American Total Solar Eclipse on April 8th 2024) The opposition occurred in 2016-2017. Today's waning quintile aspect is one of three, all in 2021, May 5th, July 3rd and Dec 24th. The waning quintile aspect is all about 'contributing one's capacities and capabilities to the service of a greater whole'. Jupiter Uranus is all about consciousness expansion. Put the two meanings together and the result is one of discipleship. Always a good one when these two planets are involved. 22.30 Venus at 8 Leo waxing sesuiquadrate Neptune at 23 Pisces 22.51 The Sun at 12 Cancer waxing quincunx Saturn at 12 Aquarius

Sunday 4th July 2021

01.40 Mars at 14 Leo waxing square Uranus at 14 Taurus 05.45 The Moon at 9 Taurus waning square Venus at 9 Leo 09.27 Jupiter at 2 Pisces waxing decile Pluto at 26 Capricorn The current 13 year Jupiter/Pluto synodic cycle of of 'power plays' started in 2020 in Capricorn. This year the cycle reaches it's waxing semi-sextile phase, (April 20th, Sept 11th and 27th Nov), and its waxing decile phase, (June 20th, July 4th and Jan 9th 2022). The new 'power evolution' established in 2020 now undergoes with the semi-sextile 'the urge to be' and with the decile aspect, the decision process 'what to be'. We are dealing here with new power structures, set in motion last year now gaining purchase. 13.07 The Moon at 12 Taurus waxing square Saturn at 12 Aquarius 14.27 The Moon at 13 Taurus waning sextile The Sun at 13 Cancer 16.17 Venus at 9 Leo waxing sextile the lunar node at 9 Gemini 16.42 The Moon at 14 Taurus conjunction Uranus at 14 Taurus 17.29 The Moon at 14 Taurus waning square Mars at 14 Leo

Monday 5th July 2021

11.30 The Moon at 23 Taurus waxing sextile Neptune at 23 Pisces 15.46 The Moon is at Apogee, furthest from the Earth and slowest this month, conjunct 'Black Moon Lilith'. 16.58 The Moon at 26 Taurus waxing trine Pluto at 26 Capricorn, moon void 19.15 The Sun at 14 Cancer waxing sextile Uranus at 14 Taurus 23.40 The Moon reaches her balsamic phase. STATE OF THE SKY:- The Sun is at 14 degrees Cancer. Jupiter and Neptune are in Pisces. The Moon and Uranus are in Taurus. Venus and Mars are in Leo, 5 degrees separate them. They are conjunct on July 13th. We are now leaving the current eclipse season. The next astrological waves to be surfed involve Venus as she draws towards Mars over the next week, opposing Saturn and squaring Uranus, which Mars has just completed. Powerful personal drama and accompanying global tension ensues. Mercury is now a direct morning star in Gemini. He is residing for a lengthy 66 days in this sign because of this recent retrograde phase. Mercury turned direct at 16 Gemini on June 22nd. He squares Neptune a final time tomorrow, is out of his shadow on July 7th and enters Cancer on July 11th. This is a beguiling and at times confusing residence because of Mercury's triple square to Neptune. Mercury's next retrograde phase is from September 27 to October 23 2021. Venus is currently an evening 'star' in Leo chasing Mars also in this sign. Venus graces this sign for a fleeting but lavish 25 days. Following on in Mars's wake Venus opposes Saturn on July 7th and squares Uranus on July 8th, extending the difficulties experienced as Mars ran this particular gauntlet a week earlier. Venus is conjunct Mars on July 13th at 10 degrees Leo the highlight of the residence. Venus enters Virgo on 22nd July immediately opposing Jupiter. This is a colorful residence, hopefully not too disruptive.Looking ahead, Venus is at greatest evening star brightness on Dec 7th and she turns retrograde on Dec 19th 2021 at 26 Capricorn. Venus is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on Jan 8th 2022. Mars is in Leo for almost 7 weeks. This is a fiery combination which powerfully colours the weeks ahead with uncompromising 'full on' unconditional lavish energy. Mars opposes Saturn on July 1st and squares Uranus on July 4th, this is a challenging time. It is a 'fixed T-square formidable' and in a way a climax of meaning for the story of the year 2021. Venus is conjunct Mars at 20 degrees Leo on July 13th. This is a close and hot (0.5 degree alignment) encounter with Venus, extraordinary acts at this time may be in evidence. Mars opposes Jupiter on July 29th, always 'event producing', and Mars enters Virgo on this day. Mars has a big bash with retrograde Mercury and the Sun in mid Libra on Oct 9th 2021. Mars next turns retrograde at 25 Gemini on Oct 30th 2022. He resides in Gemini either side of that date for seven months. Jupiter since May 13th is in Pisces residing there with Neptune. Jupiter is retrograde at 2 degrees Pisces and he re-enters Aquarius on July 28th. This first phase of Jupiter in Pisces is a strong taste of what is to follow next year. Then on October 18th 2021 Jupiter turns direct at 22 degrees Aquarius. He re-enters Pisces on Dec 29th 2021 when the real business starts. Jupiter then sextiles Uranus, a fine expansive, progressive and creative aspect on Feb 18th 2022. He conjuncts Neptune at 24 Pisces on April 12th, the highlight of the residence, (the 'Florence Nightingale combination conjunction', more to follow on this one), and he sextiles Pluto in an embrace of power and transformation on May 3rd 2022. Jupiter leaves Pisces for Aries on May 10th 2022. He returns again to Pisces from Oct 28th 2022 to Dec 20th 2022 with a direct station on Nov 23rd at 28 Pisces. By the time of the Northern Hemisphere Winter Solstice 2022 Jupiter has left Pisces for good. Today's ingress is 'first blood'. Love like blood. Stay tuned. Saturn is now retrograde in Aquarius. In 2021 the main outer body aspect is a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This is a difficult aspect, but not in the league of 2020 aspects. This cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with their opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. The 2021 last quarter aspect will induce political, financial and social changes of possibly a drastic nature and a measure of instability. We will observe a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The aspect peaked in 2021 on Feb 17th, and repeats on June 14th and on Dec 24th with a slight return in early October 2022. Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is direct in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking, turning retrograde on Aug 19th. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance and ownership are about to take place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Neptune is retrograde in Pisces turning retrograde on June 25th. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is now retrograde in Capricorn. he turns direct on October 6th at 24 Capricorn. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. The next eclipses are a partial lunar eclipse on Nov 19th at 27 Taurus square Jupiter, and a Total Solar Eclipse, visible from Antarctica, on Dec 4th quincunx Uranus at 12 Sagittarius. The next Total Lunar eclipse is a blisteringly big eclipse, visible from the UK, and is at 26 Scorpio, during the early hours of Monday May 16th 2022. . There is another Total Lunar eclipse in 2022 on November 8th. This is a daytime event for the UK. The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024. Earlier that same year, 2024, we can also look forward to the next 'American Total Solar Eclipse' on April 8th 2024. See you, possibly in Texas.

Tuesday 6th July 2021

Eventful days continue. 50 shades of beguilement now as Mercury squares Neptune. Venus runs the harsh Saturn Uranus gauntlet midweek, as Mars has just done. Sensitive New Moon early Saturday. Venus-Mars climatic near alignment in Leo July 13th, a passion play. Days in the life. 01.25 The slow balsamic Moon enters Gemini joining Mercury in this sign. 05.04 The Moon at 2 Gemini waxing square Jupiter at 2 Pisces 07.40 Mercury at 23 Gemini waxing square Neptune at 23 Pisces 19.37 The Moon conjunction her ascending node at 9 Gemini 21.32 Venus at 12 Leo waxing quad-novile Jupiter at 2 Pisces

Wednesday 7th July 2021

Venus opposite Saturn

A somber start to this day as Venus opposes Saturn. This irrevocably mutates to a more unsettling atmosphere as Venus applies in square aspect to Uranus. Not easy days these. Jittery. 01.42 The very slowly fading balsamic Moon at 12 Gemini waning sextile Venus at 12 Leo 01.48 The Moon at 12 Gemini waxing trine Saturn at 12 Aquarius 02.36 Venus at 12 Leo opposition Saturn at 12 Aquarius 02.46 Mercury at 24 Gemini waxing novile Uranus at 14 Taurus 03.22 Mars at 16 Leo waning quad-novile Pluto at 26 Capricorn 09.48 The Moon at 16 Gemini waning sextile Mars at 16 Leo 20.01 Mercury at 25 Gemini waning septile Mars at 16 Leo

Thursday 8th July 2021

Venus square Uranus

Unsettling vibrations today corresponded by Venus square Uranus. 00.13 The slowly accelerating ancient Moon at 23 Gemini waxing square Neptune at 23 Pisces 04.17 The Sun at 16 Cancer waxing tri-septile Saturn at 12 Aquarius 04.21 The Moon conjunction Mercury at 25 Gemini. The Moon is void of course for 9.5 hours 05.29 The Moon at 26 Gemini waxing quincunx Pluto at 26 Capricorn 13.53 The Moon enters Cancer joining the Sun in this sign 15.06 The Sun at 17 Cancer waxing sesuiquadrate Jupiter at 2 Pisces 15.37 Mercury at 26 Gemini waxing quincunx Pluto at 26 Capricorn 17.10 The Moon at 2 Cancer waxing trine Jupiter at 2 Pisces 19.26 Venus at 14 Leo waxing square Uranus at 14 Taurus 20.29 The Sun at 17 Cancer waning semi-sextile Mars at 17 Leo

Friday 9th July 2021

Tomorrow's New Moon hits Harry Kane's Mercury opposing his Uranus Neptune conjunction and is very close to the UK natal Moon. Certainly full laser lime light on the man, carrying the fire of the soul of some of the nation. An interesting destiny. 06.48 Mars at 17 Leo waxing biquintile Neptune at 23 Pisces 12.41 Mercury at 27 Gemini waxing sesuiquadrate Saturn at 12 Aquarius 13.16 The Moon at 12 Cancer waxing quincunx Saturn at 12 Aquarius 17.39 The Moon at 14 Cancer waxing sextile Uranus at 14 Taurus

Saturday 10th July 2021

New Moon in Cancer

01.17 Moment of NEW MOON


Today's New Moon is the first New Moon following the Annular Solar Eclipse at 20 Gemini on June 10th 2021 and the the 5th before a Total Solar Eclipse at 12 Sagittarius on Dec 4th 2021. With its passing we leave the recent eclipse season. This New Moon is dominated by Venus and Mars just 2 degrees apart and closing to a very lavish near linear alignment in Leo on Tuesday. This New Moon itself applies in trine aspect to Neptune and has an innate sensitivity and inspirational character. This is a fine blend. As well as Harry Kane's Mercury and the UK Moon, this New Moon also targets Putin's Uranus, Iraq's Ascendant, Syria's Saturn, the Vatican's Pluto. It opposes Haiti's Mercury, opposes Johnson Gov chart Saturn and squares Trump's Jupiter. The Fixed T-square dominating the last 10 days has now delivered us to the New Moon. 04.38 Venus at 16 Leo waning quad-novile Pluto at 26 Capricorn 11.11 The infant Moon at 23 Cancer waxing trine Neptune at 23 Pisces 16.11 The Moon at 26 Cancer opposition Pluto at 26 Capricorn. The Moon is void of course for 8.2 hours.

Sunday 11th July 2021

00.22 The young Moon enters Leo joining Venus and Mars in this sign. (The 3 lions) 03.15 The Moon accelerating at 2 Leo waxing quincunx Jupiter at 2 Pisces 06.07 Mercury at 29 Gemini waxing semi-square Uranus at 14 Taurus 08.14 Venus at 17 Leo waxing biquintile Neptune at 23 Pisces 16.53 The Moon at sextiles her node at 9 Gemini from north of the ecliptic. 20.29 Mercury at 30 Gemini waxing tri-septile Pluto at 26 Capricorn 20.37 Mercury enters Cancer as a morning star joining the Sun in this sign. Mercury resides in Cancer for a brief but reasonably calm 17 days. Mercury trines Jupiter tomorrow, he sextiles Uranus on July 20th, trines Neptune on July 24th the day of the Full Moon, and, spanner in the works, opposes Pluto on July 25th. Mercury enters leo on July 28th and is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun on August 1st. Mercury's next retrograde phase is from September 27 to October 23 2021. During that retrograde phase retro-Mercury, Mars and the Sun are at 15/16 degrees libra around 8th October. 22.33 The Moon at 12 Leo opposition Saturn at 12 Aquarius

Monday 12th July 2021

The Moon, Venus and Mars conjunct in Leo.

03.11 The accelerating young Moon at 14 Leo waxing square Uranus at 14 Taurus 11.15 The Moon conjunction Venus at 18 Leo 12.30 The Moon conjunction Mars at 19 Leo. The Moon is then void of course for 20 hours. 19.46 Mercury at 1 Cancer waxing trine Jupiter at 1 Pisces 19.50 The Moon at 23 Leo waxing quincunx Neptune at 23 Pisces STATE OF THE SKY:- The Sun is at 21 degrees Cancer. There are 69 days to the Libran Equinox. Jupiter and Neptune are in Pisces. The Moon, Venus and Mars are in Leo. Venus and Mars are conjunct tomorrow. We have now left the recent eclipse season. A subtle but important planetary modulation has occurred. Mercury now in Cancer and today trine Jupiter conjures up a calmer more intuitive rationale than of late. A measure of caution will now be apparent. That said, Venus and Mars are almost conjunct and a climax of passion and adoration is upon us, Mercury is a direct morning star in Cancer. Mercury resides in Cancer for a brief but reasonably calm 17 days. Mercury trines Jupiter today, he sextiles Uranus on July 20th, trines Neptune on July 24th the day of the Full Moon, and, spanner in the works, opposes Pluto on July 25th. Mercury enters Leo on July 28th and is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun on August 1st. Mercury's next retrograde phase is from September 27 to October 23 2021. During that retrograde phase retro-Mercury, Mars and the Sun are at 15/16 degrees libra around 8th October. Venus is currently an evening 'star' in Leo chasing Mars also in this sign. Venus graces this sign for a fleeting but lavish 25 days. Venus is conjunct Mars on July 13th at 10 degrees Leo the highlight of the residence. Venus enters Virgo on 22nd July immediately opposing Jupiter. This is a colorful residence, hopefully not too disruptive. Looking ahead, Venus is at greatest evening star brightness on Dec 7th and she turns retrograde on Dec 19th 2021 at 26 Capricorn. Venus is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on Jan 8th 2022. Mars is in Leo for almost 7 weeks. This is a fiery combination which powerfully colours the weeks ahead with uncompromising 'full on' unconditional lavish energy. Venus is conjunct Mars at 20 degrees Leo on July 13th. This is a close and hot (0.5 degree alignment) encounter with Venus, extraordinary acts at this time may be in evidence. Mars opposes Jupiter on July 29th, always 'event producing', and Mars enters Virgo on this day. Mars has a big bash with retrograde Mercury and the Sun in mid Libra on Oct 9th 2021. Mars next turns retrograde at 25 Gemini on Oct 30th 2022. He resides in Gemini either side of that date for seven months. Jupiter since May 13th is in Pisces residing there with Neptune. Jupiter is retrograde at 1 degree Pisces and he re-enters Aquarius on July 28th. This first phase of Jupiter in Pisces is a strong taste of what is to follow next year. Then on October 18th 2021 Jupiter turns direct at 22 degrees Aquarius. He re-enters Pisces on Dec 29th 2021 when the real business starts. Jupiter then sextiles Uranus, a fine expansive, progressive and creative aspect on Feb 18th 2022. He conjuncts Neptune at 24 Pisces on April 12th, the highlight of the residence, (the 'Florence Nightingale combination conjunction', more to follow on this one), and he sextiles Pluto in an embrace of power and transformation on May 3rd 2022. Jupiter leaves Pisces for Aries on May 10th 2022. He returns again to Pisces from Oct 28th 2022 to Dec 20th 2022 with a direct station on Nov 23rd at 28 Pisces. By the time of the Northern Hemisphere Winter Solstice 2022 Jupiter has left Pisces for good. Today's ingress is 'first blood'. Love like blood. Stay tuned. Saturn is now retrograde in Aquarius. In 2021 the main outer body aspect is a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This is a difficult aspect, but not in the league of 2020 aspects. This cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with their opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. The 2021 last quarter aspect will induce political, financial and social changes of possibly a drastic nature and a measure of instability. We will observe a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The aspect peaked in 2021 on Feb 17th, and repeats on June 14th and on Dec 24th with a slight return in early October 2022. Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is direct in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking, turning retrograde on Aug 19th. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance and ownership are about to take place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Neptune is retrograde in Pisces turning retrograde on June 25th. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is now retrograde in Capricorn. he turns direct on October 6th at 24 Capricorn. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. The next eclipses are a partial lunar eclipse on Nov 19th at 27 Taurus square Jupiter, and a Total Solar Eclipse, visible from Antarctica, on Dec 4th quincunx Uranus at 12 Sagittarius. The next Total Lunar eclipse is a blisteringly big eclipse, visible from the UK, and is at 26 Scorpio, during the early hours of Monday May 16th 2022. . There is another Total Lunar eclipse in 2022 on November 8th. This is a daytime event for the UK. The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024. Earlier that same year, 2024, we can also look forward to the next 'American Total Solar Eclipse' on April 8th 2024. See you, possibly in Texas.

Tuesday 13th July 2021

Venus conjunct Mars

00.34 The void of course Moon at 26 Leo waning quincunx Pluto at 26 Capricorn 08.32 The Moon ingress Virgo 11.01 The Moon at 1 Virgo opposition Jupiter at 1 Pisces 13.06 The Moon at 2 Virgo waxing sextile Mercury at 2 Cancer 13.33 Venus conjunction Mars at 20 Leo 13.36 Closest alignment Venus Mars 0.47 degrees This is at last the climax of this flambouyant and colourful astrological conjunction. Venus and Mars are conjunct twice next year 2022, shortly after Venus's retrograde phase, on 16th Feb at 20 Capricorn and on 6th March at zero Aquarius. If you are enjoying the heat of the current Venus Mars conjunction in Leo you only have to wait till Sept 2028 for the next one in this sign. 18.49 The Sun at 22 Cancer waxing quad-novile Saturn at 12 Aquarius 20.41 The Moon reaches her waxing crescent phase

Wednesday 14th July 2021

The truth is veiled today. 00.11 The waxing crescent Moon accelerating at 9 Virgo squares her mean node, maximum latitude north of the ecliptic 05.34 The Moon at 12 Virgo waning quincunx Saturn at 12 Aquarius 10.26 The Moon at 14 Virgo waxing trine Uranus at 14 Taurus, progressive. 20.07 Venus at 21 Leo waning tri-septile Pluto at 26 Capricorn, cosmic attunement sensed and realized as one begins to work consciously and creatively with transcendent forces of love, and the power of change.

Thursday 15th July 2021

The Sun trine Neptune

01.47 The waxing crescent Moon accelerating at 23 Virgo sextile The Sun at 23 Cancer 02.17 The Moon at 23 Virgo opposition Neptune at 23 Pisces A mystic rectangle forms at this time involving the Moon, Neptune the Sun and Pluto. Magical astrology through the small hours. 06.47 The Moon at 26 Virgo waning trine Pluto at 26 Capricorn. The Moon is void of course for nearly 8 hours. Perfect for a work out. 08.50 The Sun at 23 Cancer waxing trine Neptune at 23 Pisces 09.58 Mercury at 5 Cancer waxing biquintile Saturn at 11 Aquarius 12.02 Mercury at 6 Cancer waxing quad-novile Pluto at 26 Capricorn 12.06 Mercury at 6 Cancer waxing septile Uranus at 14 Taurus 14.33 The Moon enters Libra, striking a fair balance. 16.39 The Moon at 1 Libra waning quincunx Jupiter at 1 Pisces 16.51 Mercury at 6 Cancer waxing bi-septile Neptune at 23 Pisces 21.20 Mercury at 6 Cancer waning semi-square Mars at 21 Leo 23.36 Mars at 21 Leo waning tri-septile Pluto at 26 Capricorn

Friday 16th July 2021

02.10 The Moon at 7 Libra waxing square Mercury at 7 Cancer An Air Grand Trine is manifest involving the Moon, her node and Saturn, 05:00 to 11:00. 05.26 The Moon at 8 Libra trines her node from north of the ecliptic 06.42 Venus at 23 Leo waxing quincunx Neptune at 23 Pisces 10.34 The Moon at 11 Libra waning trine Saturn at 11 Aquarius 15.37 The Moon at 14 Libra waxing quincunx Uranus at 14 Taurus

Saturday 17th July 2021

The Sun opposition Pluto.


With the German chart the dominant transit this year is transiting Pluto opposite natal Uranus. Strike days are Jan 30th, August 3rd and Dec 5th. Although not indicating floods, the signal is for devastation. The dominant transit right now in the Belgium chart is Saturn square natal Moon which in the chart of a country is indicative of mourning in the population. The picture below shows the devastation and mourning I am talking about.

At least 120 people have died and hundreds more in western Europe are unaccounted for after some of the worst flooding in decades. Record rainfall caused rivers to burst their banks, devastating the region. In Germany the death toll now stands at over 100,  

Today a finger of fate yod pattern is manifest involving the Moon, Venus, Mars and Neptune, 05:00 to 09:00. The Sun opposes Pluto later today. No going back, it's all turning a bit intense. 05.05 The Moon at 22 Libra waxing sextile Mars at 22 Leo 06.47 The Moon at 23 Libra waning quincunx Neptune at 23 Pisces 09.04 The Moon at 24 Libra waxing sextile Venus at 24 Leo 10.09 The Sun at 25 Cancer waxing biquintile Jupiter at 1 Pisces 10.11 The Moon at First Quarter 11.04 The Moon at 26 Libra waning square Pluto at 26 Capricorn. The Moon is void of course for 7.6 hours. 18.40 The Moon enters Scorpio 20.24 The Moon at 1 Scorpio waning trine Jupiter at 1 Pisces 22.47 The Sun at 26 Cancer opposition Pluto at 26 Capricorn

Sunday 18th July 2021

Emotions colour this day. 07.48 Venus at 26 Leo waning quincunx Pluto at 26 Capricorn 08.41 Mercury at 11 Cancer waning semi-square Venus at 26 Leo 13.14 The first quarter Moon accelerating at 11 Scorpio waxing trine Mercury at 11 Cancer 13.46 The Moon at 11 Scorpio waning square Saturn at 11 Aquarius 14.49 Mercury at 11 Cancer waxing tri-decile Neptune at 23 Pisces 17.14 Mercury at 11 Cancer waxing quincunx Saturn at 11 Aquarius 18.22 Mars at 23 Leo waxing quincunx Neptune at 23 Pisces 19.00 The Moon at 14 Scorpio opposition Uranus at 14 Taurus 19.07 The Sun at 26 Cancer waxing quintile Uranus at 14 Taurus

Monday 19th July 2021

A Grand Trine in water is manifest involving the Moon, the Sun and Neptune, 09:00 to 16:30. 09.34 The rapidly waxing Moon at 23 Scorpio waning trine Neptune at 23 Pisces 10.16 The Moon at 23 Scorpio waxing square Mars at 23 Leo 13.41 The Moon at 26 Scorpio waning sextile Pluto at 26 Capricorn 16.28 The Moon at 27 Scorpio waxing square Venus at 27 Leo 16.31 The Moon at 27 Scorpio waxing trine The Sun at 27 Cancer The Moon is then void of course for 4.6 hours 17.43 Venus at 27 Leo waxing bi-septile Uranus at 14 Taurus 19.17 The Sun at 27 Cancer waning semi-sextile Venus at 27 Leo 19.22 Venus at 27 Leo waxing tri-septile Neptune at 23 Pisces 21.09 The Moon ingress Sagittarius 22.32 The Moon at 1 Sagittarius waning square Jupiter at 1 Pisces STATE OF THE SKY:- The Sun is at 27 degrees Cancer. There are 63 days to the Libran Equinox. Jupiter and Neptune are in Pisces. Venus and Mars are in Leo. We have now left the recent eclipse season. Mercury is a direct morning star in Cancer. Mercury resides in Cancer for a brief but reasonably calm 17 days. Mercury sextiles Uranus tomorrow, trines Neptune on July 24th the day of the Full Moon, and, spanner in the works, opposes Pluto on July 25th. Mercury enters Leo on July 28th and is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun on August 1st. Mercury's next retrograde phase is from September 27 to October 23 2021. During that retrograde phase retro-Mercury, Mars and the Sun are at 15/16 degrees libra around 8th October. Venus is currently an evening 'star' in Leo. Venus graces this sign for a fleeting but lavish 25 days. Venus was conjunct Mars on July 13th at 10 degrees Leo the highlight of the residence. Venus enters Virgo on Thursday immediately opposing Jupiter. This has been a colorful residence. Venus is at greatest evening star brightness on Dec 7th and she turns retrograde on Dec 19th 2021 at 26 Capricorn. Venus is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on Jan 8th 2022. Mars is in Leo for almost 7 weeks. This is a fiery combination which powerfully colours the weeks ahead with uncompromising 'full on' unconditional lavish energy. Mars opposes Jupiter on July 29th, always 'event producing', and Mars enters Virgo on this day. Mars has a big bash with retrograde Mercury and the Sun in mid Libra on Oct 9th 2021. Mars next turns retrograde at 25 Gemini on Oct 30th 2022. He resides in Gemini either side of that date for seven months. Jupiter since May 13th is in Pisces residing there with Neptune. Jupiter is retrograde at 1 degree Pisces and he re-enters Aquarius on July 28th. This first phase of Jupiter in Pisces is a strong taste of what is to follow next year. Then on October 18th 2021 Jupiter turns direct at 22 degrees Aquarius. He re-enters Pisces on Dec 29th 2021 when the real business starts. Jupiter then sextiles Uranus, a fine expansive, progressive and creative aspect on Feb 18th 2022. He conjuncts Neptune at 24 Pisces on April 12th, the highlight of the residence, (the 'Florence Nightingale combination conjunction', more to follow on this one), and he sextiles Pluto in an embrace of power and transformation on May 3rd 2022. Jupiter leaves Pisces for Aries on May 10th 2022. He returns again to Pisces from Oct 28th 2022 to Dec 20th 2022 with a direct station on Nov 23rd at 28 Pisces. By the time of the Northern Hemisphere Winter Solstice 2022 Jupiter has left Pisces for good. Today's ingress is 'first blood'. Love like blood. Stay tuned. Saturn is now retrograde in Aquarius. In 2021 the main outer body aspect is a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This is a difficult aspect, but not in the league of 2020 aspects. This cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with their opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. The 2021 last quarter aspect will induce political, financial and social changes of possibly a drastic nature and a measure of instability. We will observe a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The aspect peaked in 2021 on Feb 17th, and repeats on June 14th and on Dec 24th with a slight return in early October 2022. Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is direct in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking, turning retrograde on Aug 19th. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance and ownership are about to take place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Neptune is retrograde in Pisces turning retrograde on June 25th. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is now retrograde in Capricorn. he turns direct on October 6th at 24 Capricorn. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. The next eclipses are a partial lunar eclipse on Nov 19th at 27 Taurus square Jupiter, and a Total Solar Eclipse, visible from Antarctica, on Dec 4th quincunx Uranus at 12 Sagittarius. The next Total Lunar eclipse is a blisteringly big eclipse, visible from the UK, and is at 26 Scorpio, during the early hours of Monday May 16th 2022. . There is another Total Lunar eclipse in 2022 on November 8th. This is a daytime event for the UK. The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024. Earlier that same year, 2024, we can also look forward to the next 'American Total Solar Eclipse' on April 8th 2024. See you, possibly in Texas.

Tuesday 20th July 2021

Venus and Mars opposite Jupiter is now the next astro-event starting to bite. Venus (in Virgo) opposes Jupiter this Thursday and Mars does the same but from Leo the Thursday after. Both aspects compromise judgments the later to the point of inducing events of importance. Mercury sextiles Uranus today, a day of invention and discovery, and opposes Pluto on Friday, pre-full Moon mania. We are this week on the run up to the Full Moon in Aquarius early saturday GMT. 03.32 Mercury at 14 Cancer waning novile Mars at 24 Leo 09.38 Mercury at 14 Cancer waxing sextile Uranus at 14 Taurus 10.48 The Moon rapidly waxing at 8 Sagittarius opposition her ascending node at 8 Gemini 15.32 The Moon at 11 Sagittarius waning sextile Saturn at 11 Aquarius 19.06 The Moon reaches her waxing gibbous phase A Finger of Fate is manifest involving the Moon, Mercury and Uranus, 20:00 to 23:00. 20.59 The Moon at 14 Sagittarius waning quincunx Uranus at 14 Taurus 21.42 Mercury at 15 Cancer waxing tri-septile Saturn at 11 Aquarius 22.42 The Moon at 15 Sagittarius waxing quincunx Mercury at 15 Cancer

Wednesday 21st July 2021

Today is the last full day of the astrological month of Cancer. The Sun enters Leo tomorrow. 02.11 Morning star Mercury at 16 Cancer waxing sesuiquadrate Jupiter at 1 Pisces 11.09 The Moon racing at 23 Sagittarius waning square Neptune at 23 Pisces 11.23 The Moon is at Perigee. Fastest and closest to the Earth this month. 14.06 The Moon at 25 Sagittarius waxing trine Mars at 25 Leo A Finger of fate is manifest involving the Moon, Jupiter, and the Sun. 21:00 to midnight. 21.31 The Moon at 29 Sagittarius waxing quincunx The Sun at 29 Cancer 22.26 The Moon at 30 Sagittarius waxing trine Venus at 30 Leo,. The Moon is void of course for just 12 mins. 22.38 The Moon enters Capricorn joining Pluto in this sign. 23.42 The Moon at 1 Capricorn waning sextile Jupiter at 1 Pisces 23.58 Uranus at 14 Taurus waxing septile Neptune at 23 Pisces. This is the 1st of 5 hits of this aspect in the 2021-2023 period. Dates July 21st2021, Nov 29th 2021, June 10th 2022, Jan 29th 2023, April 20th 2023. The current synodic cycle of Uranus and Neptune started in 1993 in Capricorn, climaxes with the opposition in 2078-2081 across Cancer/Capricorn and ends in 2165 in Aquarius. This waxing septile aspects precedes the sextile aspect in 2025-2027. The Uranus/Neptune cycle is concerned with global and spiritual awakenings, new religious movements, and cultural renaissance. It invokes philosophical, political and religious change. It is the cycle of discovery, vision and understanding. The waxing septile aspect gives this renaissance unexpected opportunities, possibilities, and realisations. This is a profoundly mystical and very creative aspect.

Thursday 22nd July 2021

Venus enters Virgo.

The Sun enters Leo.

00.38 Venus enters Virgo and resides in this sign as an evening star for 25 days. This is a time of the careful choice of time and financial investment. Venus is a material girl here, values are focused on the practical and the useful. Venus opposes Jupiter today, suddenly intensely critical and exacting. A climax of sorts and a herald of Mars doing the same thing next Thursday, opposing a retrograde Jupiter, only Mars will still be in Leo and Jupiter will will have retrograded into Aquarius by then. Today is potential. Next Thursday is more eventful and actual, in between we has a Full Moon in Aquarius, the first of two this year. universal extroversion. Venus 'earth trines' Uranus on Aug 3rd, seeking novel approaches to draw persons and pieces together. Venus opposes Neptune on Aug 10th, clouds of uncertainty. She trines Pluto on Aug 11th, the classic 'power of love' aspect and ends her stay by entering Libra on Aug 16th. 12.45 Venus at 1 Virgo opposition Jupiter at 1 Pisces 14.09 Mars at 25 Leo waning quincunx Pluto at 25 Capricorn 14.28 The Sun enters Leo, joining Mars in this sign, and a new astrological month begins. 19.41 Venus at 1 Virgo waning quad-novile Saturn at 11 Aquarius 22.26 The Moon at 14 Capricorn waning trine Uranus at 14 Taurus

Friday 23rd July 2021

We are now firmly in the astrological month of Leo and very rapidly approaching the Full Moon. 03.03 Mercury at 20 Cancer waning decile Mars at 26 Leo 04.11 The Sun at 1 Leo waxing quincunx Jupiter at 1 Pisces 05.17 Venus at 1 Virgo waning biquintile Pluto at 25 Capricorn 07.54 The waxing very gibbous almost full Moon at 20 Capricorn opposition Mercury at 20 Cancer 12.33 The Moon at 23 Capricorn waning sextile Neptune at 23 Pisces 16.09 Mercury at 21 Cancer waxing quad-novile Saturn at 11 Aquarius 16.35 The Moon at 25 Capricorn conjunction Pluto at 25 Capricorn, moon void 17.50 The Moon at 26 Capricorn waxing quincunx Mars at 26 Leo The Moon is Full tonight.

Saturday 24th July 2021

Full Moon in Aquarius

00.14 The Moon enters Aquarius joining Saturn in this sign. 02.30 Venus at 2 Virgo waxing tri-decile Uranus at 14 Taurus 02.38 Moment of FULL MOON
Moon unaspected.

This is the 2nd Full Moon following the Total Lunar Eclipse on May 26th 2021 in Sagittarius and the 4th Full Moon before a Partial Lunar eclipse at 27 Taurus on Friday Nov 19th 2021. The Moon in early Aquarius makes a long applying conjunction to Saturn. The focus of the energy is on 'Friendships' and here abides the testing and the opportunity. The Full Moon directly hits Russia's Saturn, (1991 chart), Thailand's Moon, Hezbollah's Jupiter, Saudi's Mercury, David Beckham's Moon, Pritti Patel's Lunar Node and Barack Obama's Jupiter. It squares Jo Biden's Moon, opposes the UK Jupiter and opposes N.Sturgeon's Mars. At the moment of Full Moon today Pluto rises and Uranus is at lower culmination at Los Angeles, Moonrise is at Tuscon, Denver and Aspen. Jupiter rises at Memphis and at Chicago. Neptune culminates at Rome and at Venice. 04.34 The Moon at 3 Aquarius waxing quincunx Venus at 3 Virgo 12.17 Venus at 3 Virgo waxing quad-novile Neptune at 23 Pisces 13.42 The Moon at 8 Aquarius waning trine the lunar node at 8 Gemini 16.36 Mercury at 23 Cancer waxing trine Neptune at 23 Pisces 18.25 The Moon conjunction Saturn at 11 Aquarius 22.39 Mercury at 24 Cancer waning novile Venus at 4 Virgo

Sunday 25th July 2021

Mercury opposite Pluto

The blast of yesterday's Full Moon rings out. Weather issues dominate world news right now. Rescuers are scouring devastated parts of western India for survivors after heavy rains caused deadly floods. Tens of thousands of people have been moved out of affected areas, with record-breaking rainfall reported along parts of the coast. The states of Goa and Maharashtra have been badly affected, with many feared missing near the financial hub Mumbai. China is bracing for a major typhoon just days after deadly floods devastated parts of the country. Typhoon In-Fa is expected to make landfall along the east coast near Shanghai on Sunday, forecasters say. 00.43 The rapidly waning full moon at 15 Aquarius square Uranus at 15 Taurus 08.16 Mercury at 24 Cancer waxing biquintile Jupiter at zero Pisces 11.28 Mars at 27 Leo waxing tri-septile Neptune at 23 Pisces 16.29 Mars at 27 Leo waxing bi-septile Uranus at 15 Taurus 19.16 The Moon at 25 Aquarius waning quincunx Mercury at 25 Cancer 20.15 Mercury at 25 Cancer opposition Pluto at 25 Capricorn 23.14 The Moon at 28 Aquarius opposition Mars at 28 Leo, moon void

Monday 26th July 2021

03.31 The Moon ingress Pisces joining Jupiter and Pisces in this sign. 03.57 The Moon conjunction Jupiter at zero Pisces 09.43 Mercury at 27 Cancer waxing quintile Uranus at 15 Taurus 09.55 The Moon at 4 Pisces waning quincunx The Sun at 4 Leo 13.05 The Moon at 5 Pisces opposition Venus at 5 Virgo 17.31 The Moon at 8 Pisces waning square the lunar node at 8 Gemini STATE OF THE SKY:- The Sun is at 4 degrees Leo. Mars is also in Leo. There are 56 days to the Libran Equinox. Jupiter and Neptune are in Pisces. We have now left the recent eclipse season. Mercury is a direct morning star in Cancer. Mercury resides in Cancer for a brief but reasonably calm 17 days. Mercury enters Leo on July 28th and is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun on August 1st. Mercury's next retrograde phase is from September 27 to October 23 2021. During that retrograde phase retro-Mercury, Mars and the Sun are at 15/16 degrees libra around 8th October. Venus is in Virgo and resides in this sign as an evening star for 25 days. This is a time of the careful choice of time and financial investment. Venus is a material girl here, values are focused on the practical and the useful. Venus opposed Jupiter last Thursday, intensely critical and exacting. A climax of sorts and a herald of Mars doing the same thing on Thursday, opposing a retrograde Jupiter, only Mars will still be in Leo and Jupiter will will have retrograded into Aquarius by then. Thursday is eventful and actual. Venus 'earth trines' Uranus on Aug 3rd, seeking novel approaches to draw persons and pieces together. Venus opposes Neptune on Aug 10th, clouds of uncertainty. She trines Pluto on Aug 11th, the classic 'power of love' aspect and ends her stay by entering Libra on Aug 16th. Venus is at greatest evening star brightness on Dec 7th and she turns retrograde on Dec 19th 2021 at 26 Capricorn. Venus is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on Jan 8th 2022. Mars has been in Leo for almost 7 weeks. This has been a fiery combination which powerfully coloured the weeks behind us with an uncompromising 'full on' unconditional lavish energy. Mars opposes Jupiter on Thursday July 29th, always 'event producing', and Mars enters Virgo on this day. Mars has a big bash with retrograde Mercury and the Sun in mid Libra on Oct 9th 2021. Mars next turns retrograde at 25 Gemini on Oct 30th 2022. He resides in Gemini either side of that date for seven months. Jupiter since May 13th is in Pisces residing there with Neptune. Jupiter is retrograde at zero degree Pisces and he re-enters Aquarius on July 28th. This first phase of Jupiter in Pisces is a strong taste of what is to follow next year. Then on October 18th 2021 Jupiter turns direct at 22 degrees Aquarius. He re-enters Pisces on Dec 29th 2021 when the real business starts. Jupiter then sextiles Uranus, a fine expansive, progressive and creative aspect on Feb 18th 2022. He conjuncts Neptune at 24 Pisces on April 12th, the highlight of the residence, (the 'Florence Nightingale combination conjunction', more to follow on this one), and he sextiles Pluto in an embrace of power and transformation on May 3rd 2022. Jupiter leaves Pisces for Aries on May 10th 2022. He returns again to Pisces from Oct 28th 2022 to Dec 20th 2022 with a direct station on Nov 23rd at 28 Pisces. By the time of the Northern Hemisphere Winter Solstice 2022 Jupiter has left Pisces for good. Jupiter ingress into Pisces has been 'first blood'. Love like blood. Stay tuned. Saturn is now retrograde in Aquarius. In 2021 the main outer body aspect is a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This is a difficult aspect, but not in the league of 2020 aspects. This cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with their opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. The 2021 last quarter aspect will induce political, financial and social changes of possibly a drastic nature and a measure of instability. We will observe a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The aspect peaked in 2021 on Feb 17th, and repeats on June 14th and on Dec 24th with a slight return in early October 2022. Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is direct in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking, turning retrograde on Aug 19th. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance and ownership are about to take place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Neptune is retrograde in Pisces turning retrograde on June 25th. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is now retrograde in Capricorn. he turns direct on October 6th at 24 Capricorn. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. The next eclipses are a partial lunar eclipse on Nov 19th at 27 Taurus square Jupiter, and a Total Solar Eclipse, visible from Antarctica, on Dec 4th quincunx Uranus at 12 Sagittarius. The next Total Lunar eclipse is a blisteringly big eclipse, visible from the UK, and is at 26 Scorpio, during the early hours of Monday May 16th 2022. . There is another Total Lunar eclipse in 2022 on November 8th. This is a daytime event for the UK. The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024. Earlier that same year, 2024, we can also look forward to the next 'American Total Solar Eclipse' on April 8th 2024. See you, possibly in Texas. The astrological wave of the week is Mars opposite Jupiter on Thursday which is followed 5 hours later be Mars' entry into Virgo.

Tuesday 27th July 2021

Mars is applying in opposition to Jupiter. This is the astro event of the week and is exact on Thursday. Expect something a little off the scale on the world stage. 05.28 The waning and decelerating Moon at 15 Pisces waning sextile Uranus at 15 Taurus 05.40 The Sun at 4 Leo waxing tri-septile Jupiter at zero Pisces 06.49 Mercury at 28 Cancer waning semi-sextile Mars at 28 Leo 07.32 Venus at 6 Virgo waning tri-septile Saturn at 11 Aquarius 09.08 The Sun at 5 Leo waxing bi-novile Uranus at 15 Taurus 15.02 The Moon reaches her disseminating phase 20.48 The Moon conjunction Neptune at 23 Pisces

Wednesday 28th July 2021

There is an intensification of fixed energy on Wednesday as both Mercury and retro-Jupiter ingress fixed signs. In addition Mars is drawing to his climatic opposition to Jupiter which peaks on Thursday and the Moon 'ignites' into Aries. The time is ripe for confrontation. Peace!

01.13 Morning star Mercury enters Leo, for just 15 days joining the Sun and, briefly, Mars in this sign. Mercury is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun on Aug 1st at 10 Leo. They both oppose Saturn at that time, next Sunday, an important day. Then as an evening star Mercury opposes Jupiter on 11th Aug. Mercury enters Virgo later that day hot on the trail of Mars whom he encounters for the first of 3 occasions 8 days later. This next 15 days is a short sharp formative experience. Mercury's next retrograde phase is from September 27 to October 23 2021. During that retrograde phase retro-Mercury, Mars and the Sun are at 15/16 degrees libra around 8th October. 01.13 The Moon at 25 Pisces waxing sextile Pluto at 25 Capricorn. The Moon is void of course for 8.7 hours 01.46 Mercury at zero Leo waxing quincunx Jupiter at zero Pisces 08.11 The Moon at 29 Pisces waning quincunx Mars at 29 Leo 09.59 The Moon enters Aries 11.42 The Moon at 1 Aries waning trine Mercury at 1 Leo 12.44 Jupiter retrogrades back into Aquarius re-joining Saturn in this sign. On October 18th 2021 Jupiter turns direct at 22 degrees Aquarius. In the meantime Mars opposes Jupiter tomorrow. Mercury does the same on Aug 11th, as does the Sun on Aug 20th. Mars squares Jupiter on Dec 8th. Jupiter re-enters Pisces on Dec 29th 2021. These next 5 months are an opportunity to revisit what befell us earlier this year and maybe alter the consequences. 13.05 Venus at 8 Virgo waxing square the mean lunar node at 8 Gemini

Thursday 29th July 2021

Mars opposes Jupiter

Mars is in climatic opposition to Jupiter today. Watch the news. The Mars Jupiter opposition falls across the Ascendant/Descendant axis in the astro-chart of Donald Trump, Stephen Fry, and Yemen + the lunar nodal axis of Joe Biden, Prince Andrew's Sun, and sportingly, Japan's Mercury. 00.44 The decelerating disseminating Moon at 8 Aries sextiles her node from south of the ecliptic 02.01 The Moon at 8 Aries waning quincunx Venus at 8 Virgo 05.54 The Moon at 10 Aries waxing sextile Saturn at 10 Aquarius 09.23 Mercury at 3 Leo waning decile Venus at 9 Virgo 15.51 Mars at 30 Leo opposition Jupiter at 30 Aquarius 20.34 Mars enters Virgo joining Venus in this sign. Venus remains in Virgo for another 18 days. Mars resides in Virgo on the far side of the Sun, for 7 weeks. Mercury is conjunct Mars on Aug 19th at 13 Virgo, this is the 1st of three conjunctions of this pair over the next3 months, one in each sign Virgo, Libra and Scorpio, this first one is both muscular and immensely practical. Mars 'earth trines' Uranus on Aug 22nd, action with flair and finesse, Mars opposes Neptune, slightly poisonous, on Sept 2nd. Mars 'earth trines' Pluto, moving mountains, bit by bit, on Sept 6th. Mars leaves Virgo for Libra on Sept 15th. We have exactitude, and hair splitting, highly detailed, efficient, and methodical activity ahead of us over the next 7 weeks. This will certainly gets things tidied up. Mars has a big bash with retrograde Mercury and the Sun in mid Libra on Oct 9th 2021. Mars next turns retrograde at 25 Gemini on Oct 30th 2022. He resides in Gemini either side of that date for seven months.

Friday 30th July 2021

00.10 Mercury at 4 Leo waxing tri-septile Jupiter at 30 Aquarius 05.44 Mercury at 5 Leo waxing bi-novile Uranus at 15 Taurus 10.44 The Moon at 25 Aries waxing square Pluto at 25 Capricorn 11.31 Mars nearly arrived in Virgo waning quad-novile Saturn at 10 Aquarius certainly an organised start to Mars' residence. 14.07 Venus at 10 Virgo waning sesuiquadrate Pluto at 25 Capricorn 16.00 The Sun at 8 Leo waxing sextile the lunar node at 8 Gemini 16.28 Venus at 10 Virgo waning quincunx Saturn at 10 Aquarius 19.39 The Moon at 30 Aries waxing sextile Jupiter at 30 Aquarius. The Moon is void of course for 31 mins. 20.10 The Moon enters Taurus joining Uranus in this sign. 20.29 The Sun at 8 Leo waxing sesuiquadrate Neptune at 23 Pisces 21.27 The Moon at 1 Taurus waning trine Mars at 1 Virgo The weekend ahead is dominated by the Sun and Mercury in Leo opposite Saturn in Aquarius.

Saturday 31st July 2021

A Fixed T-Square is manifest involving the Sun, the last quarter Moon, Mercury and Saturn, 10.00 to 17.00. 10.25 The Moon at 7 Taurus waning square Mercury at 7 Leo 13.17 The Moon at Last Quarter 16.24 Mercury at 8 Leo waxing sextile the lunar node at 8 Gemini 16.48 The Moon at 10 Taurus waxing square Saturn at 10 Aquarius 18.52 Mercury at 8 Leo waxing sesuiquadrate Neptune at 23 Pisces 19.36 Mars at 1 Virgo waning biquintile Pluto at 25 Capricorn 19.42 The Moon at 12 Taurus waning trine Venus at 12 Virgo

Sunday 1st August 2021

Mercury superior conjunction with the Sun.

Mercury and the Sun opposite Saturn.

August 2021 starts with the Sun and Mercury opposite Saturn. 01.35 The Moon at 15 Taurus conjunction Uranus at 15 Taurus 14.08 The Sun at 10 Leo conjunction Mercury at 10 Leo 14.12 Mercury at 10 Leo waxing quad-novile Jupiter at 30 Aquarius 14.15 The Sun at 10 Leo waxing quad-novile Jupiter at 30 Aquarius 18.14 The Moon at 23 Taurus waxing sextile Neptune at 23 Pisces 21.51 Mercury at 10 Leo opposition Saturn at 10 Aquarius 23.01 The Moon at 25 Taurus waxing trine Pluto at 25 Capricorn

Monday 2nd August 2021

Mercury and the Sun opposite Saturn

Fighting is raging around three major cities in south and west Afghanistan, as Taliban militants seek to seize them from government forces. The Mars Jupiter opposition of last Thursday aligned powerfully to the MC/IC Saturn opposition Uranus in the 1919 Afghan chart and this weekend's Sun Mercury opposite saturn aligns to Afghan Neptune. See this Afghan chart below. 06.15 The Sun at 10 Leo opposition Saturn at 10 Aquarius A dissociate T-square is manifest involving the Moon, Mars and Jupiter, 07.00 to 14.00 07.41 The very slowly waning Moon at 29 Taurus waxing square Jupiter at 29 Aquarius. The Moon is void of course for 1.1 hours. 08.35 The Moon is at Apogee, furthest from the Earth and slowest this month, conjunct 'Black Moon Lilith'. 08.48 The Moon enters Gemini 13.31 The Moon at 2 Gemini waning square Mars at 2 Virgo STATE OF THE SKY:- The Sun is at 11 degrees Leo. Mercury is also in Leo. Venus and Mars are both in Virgo, for another 2 weeks. There are 49 days to the Libran Equinox. Jupiter and Saturn are in Aquarius. We are now in between eclipse seasons. Mercury is in Leo and is from today an evening star. Mercury was at Superior Conjunction with the Sun on Aug 1st at 10 Leo. They both opposed Saturn yesterday. Mercury opposes Jupiter on 11th Aug. Mercury enters Virgo later that day hot on the trail of Mars whom he encounters for the first of 3 occasions 8 days later. This next 8 days is a short sharp formative experience. Mercury's next retrograde phase is from September 27 to October 23 2021. During that retrograde phase retro-Mercury, Mars and the Sun are at 15/16 degrees libra around 8th October. Venus is in Virgo and resides in this sign as an evening star for 25 days. This is a time of the careful choice of time and financial investment. Venus is a material girl here, values are focused on the practical and the useful. Venus 'earth trines' Uranus on Aug 3rd, seeking novel approaches to draw persons and pieces together. Venus opposes Neptune on Aug 10th, clouds of uncertainty. She trines Pluto on Aug 11th, the classic 'power of love' aspect and ends her stay by entering Libra on Aug 16th. Venus is at greatest evening star brightness on Dec 7th and she turns retrograde on Dec 19th 2021 at 26 Capricorn. Venus is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on Jan 8th 2022. Mars is also in Virgo on the far side of the Sun, for 7 weeks. Mercury is conjunct Mars on Aug 19th at 13 Virgo, this is the 1st of three conjunctions of this pair over the next 3 months, one in each sign Virgo, Libra and Scorpio, this first one is both muscular and immensely practical. Mars 'earth trines' Uranus on Aug 22nd, action with flair and finesse, Mars opposes Neptune, slightly poisonous, on Sept 2nd. Mars 'earth trines' Pluto, moving mountains, bit by bit, on Sept 6th. Mars leaves Virgo for Libra on Sept 15th. We have exactitude, and hair splitting, highly detailed, efficient, and methodical activity ahead of us over the next 7 weeks. This will certainly gets things tidied up. Mars has a big bash with retrograde Mercury and the Sun in mid Libra on Oct 9th 2021. Mars next turns retrograde at 25 Gemini on Oct 30th 2022. He resides in Gemini either side of that date for seven months. Jupiter re-entered Aquarius on July 28th re-joining Saturn in this sign. These next 5 months are an opportunity to revisit what befell us earlier this year and maybe alter the consequences. On October 18th 2021 Jupiter turns direct at 22 degrees Aquarius. Mars squares Jupiter on Dec 8th. He re-enters Pisces on Dec 29th 2021 when the real business starts. Jupiter then sextiles Uranus, a fine expansive, progressive and creative aspect on Feb 18th 2022. He conjuncts Neptune at 24 Pisces on April 12th, the highlight of the residence, (the 'Florence Nightingale combination conjunction', more to follow on this one), and he sextiles Pluto in an embrace of power and transformation on May 3rd 2022. Jupiter leaves Pisces for Aries on May 10th 2022. He returns again to Pisces from Oct 28th 2022 to Dec 20th 2022 with a direct station on Nov 23rd at 28 Pisces. By the time of the Northern Hemisphere Winter Solstice 2022 Jupiter has left Pisces for good. Jupiter ingress into Pisces has been 'first blood'. Love like blood. Stay tuned. Saturn is now retrograde in Aquarius. In 2021 the main outer body aspect is a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This is a difficult aspect, but not in the league of 2020 aspects. This cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with their opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. The 2021 last quarter aspect will induce political, financial and social changes of possibly a drastic nature and a measure of instability. We will observe a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The aspect peaked in 2021 on Feb 17th, and repeats on June 14th and on Dec 24th with a slight return in early October 2022. Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is direct in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking, turning retrograde on Aug 19th. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance and ownership are about to take place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Neptune is retrograde in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is now retrograde in Capricorn. he turns direct on October 6th at 24 Capricorn. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. The next eclipses are a partial lunar eclipse on Nov 19th at 27 Taurus square Jupiter, and a Total Solar Eclipse, visible from Antarctica, on Dec 4th quincunx Uranus at 12 Sagittarius. The next Total Lunar eclipse is a blisteringly big eclipse, visible from the UK, and is at 26 Scorpio, during the early hours of Monday May 16th 2022. . There is another Total Lunar eclipse in 2022 on November 8th. This is a daytime event for the UK. The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024. Earlier that same year, 2024, we can also look forward to the next 'American Total Solar Eclipse' on April 8th 2024. See you, possibly in Texas.

Tuesday 3rd August 2021

Venus trine Uranus

00.05 The very slowly waning but now accelerating Moon conjunction her node at 8 Gemini 02.44 Mars at 3 Virgo waxing tri-decile Uranus at 15 Taurus 05.20 The Moon at 10 Gemini waxing trine Saturn at 10 Aquarius 06.54 Venus at 15 Virgo waxing trine Uranus at 15 Taurus 07.31 The Moon at 11 Gemini waning sextile The Sun at 11 Leo 08.14 Mars at 3 Virgo waxing quad-novile Neptune at 23 Pisces 12.13 The Moon at 14 Gemini waning sextile Mercury at 14 Leo 15.25 The Moon at 15 Gemini waning square Venus at 15 Virgo

Wednesday 4th August 2021

Mercury square Uranus

01.58 Mercury at 15 Leo waxing square Uranus at 15 Taurus 06.55 The slowly waning Moon at 23 Gemini square Neptune at 23 Pisces 07.24 Mercury at 15 Leo waning quad-novile Pluto at 25 Capricorn 10.01 Venus at 16 Virgo waning biquintile Saturn at 10 Aquarius 11.37 The Moon at 25 Gemini waxing quincunx Pluto at 25 Capricorn 16.19 The Moon reaches her balsamic phase. 19.38 The Moon at 29 Gemini waxing trine Jupiter at 29 Aquarius. The Moon is void of course for 1.7 hours 21.19 The Moon enters Cancer

Thursday 5th August 2021

The Sun is now applying square to Uranus. Unrelenting astrology. Shocks and unsettling disturbances. 02.44 Mercury at 17 Leo waxing biquintile Neptune at 23 Pisces 04.44 Mercury at 17 Leo waning semi-sextile Venus at 17 Virgo 05.13 The slow moving, slowly accelerating balsamic Moon at 4 Cancer waning sextile Mars at 4 Virgo 16.53 The Moon at 10 Cancer waxing quincunx Saturn at 10 Aquarius

Friday 6th August 2021

The Sun square Uranus

The disturbing vibrations of the Sun square Uranus unsettles our souls. This nervy influence affects the strong willed New Moon on Sunday, which coupled with a looming Venus opposite Neptune opens up a well of 'love delusion'. Emotional aspects today. 02.13 The aged Moon at 15 Cancer waxing sextile Uranus at 15 Taurus 09.18 The Moon at 18 Cancer waning sextile Venus at 18 Virgo 17.44 The Moon at 23 Cancer waxing trine Neptune at 23 Pisces 20.22 Venus at 19 Virgo waning quad-novile Jupiter at 29 Aquarius 22.12 The Moon at 25 Cancer opposition Pluto at 25 Capricorn. The Moon is void of course for 9.3 hours. 23.58 The Sun at 15 Leo waxing square Uranus at 15 Taurus

Saturday 7th August 2021

Old Moon Saturday, a bit jittery in the wake of the Sun square Uranus, you sometimes don't see things coming. 02.57 Mercury at 21 Leo waning tri-septile Pluto at 25 Capricorn 05.24 The ancient Moon accelerating at 29 Cancer waxing quincunx Jupiter at 29 Aquarius 06:54 The Sun arrives at 15 degrees Leo. We are midway between Solstice and Equinox. In the northern hemisphere we enter late summer, in the south it is the begining of the season of 'stirring'. The year is turning. 07.33 The Moon enters Leo joining the Sun and Mercury in this sign. 08.57 The Sun at 15 Leo waning quad-novile Pluto at 25 Capricorn 14.33 Mars at 6 Virgo waning tri-septile Saturn at 10 Aquarius 21.12 The Moon at 7 Leo sextiles her node from north of the ecliptic

Sunday 8th August 2021

New Moon in Leo

01.50 The Moon at 10 Leo opposition Saturn at 10 Aquarius 02.25 Mercury at 23 Leo waxing quincunx Neptune at 23 Pisces 11.05 The Moon at 15 Leo waxing square Uranus at 15 Taurus 13.51 Moment of NEW MOON SQUARE URANUS

Posted by shokti in FaeriePoet

Today's New Moon is the second New Moon following the Annular Solar Eclipse at 20 Gemini on June 10th 2021 and the the 4th before a Total Solar Eclipse at 12 Sagittarius on Dec 4th 2021. This New Moon separates from a square to Uranus, Venus opposes Neptune and Mercury is at the focus of a yod involving Neptune and Pluto. This New Moon has an unsettling quality and the time has a propensity for deluded activity. A touch of 'fated communication' also rings out. A preponderance of Fixed, Earth and Fire in the astrological sky suggests a wilful, determined, creative, uncompromising and industrious time. At the moment of New Moon today, Saturn rises at Kabul, Pluto rises and Uranus is at lower culmination at the strait of Hurmuz. Uranus culminates at San Francisco. Today's New Moon at 16 degrees Leo hits the Saturns of Israel and of Japan, the Mercury of Oman, the Jupiter of Greta Thornberg, and is quite close to the natal Mars and Pluto of China. Today is the birthday of Roger Federer, Dustin Hoffman, Chris Eubank and Princess Beatrice. All these people are entering an important new chapter in their lives. After the New Moon moment has passed the infant Moon makes a long application to Mercury.

Monday 9th August 2021

You can always intuit a surge of new energy at the time of New Moon. Higher ocean tides of course follow in her wake. Within this current New Moon energy there are elements of allurement, confusion, beguilement and mystery as Venus now applies in opposition to Neptune. Escape into dreams. This wave wells all day today and peaks at the start (GMT) of Tuesday. 01.35 The Sun at 17 Leo waxing biquintile Neptune at 23 Pisces 01.42 The infant new Moon at 23 Leo waxing quincunx Neptune at 23 Pisces 05.46 The Moon conjunction Mercury at 25 Leo 05.57 The Moon at 25 Leo waning quincunx Pluto at 25 Capricorn 07.03 Mercury at 25 Leo waning quincunx Pluto at 25 Capricorn 12.23 The Moon at 29 Leo opposition Jupiter at 29 Aquarius. The Moon is void of course for 2.5 hours. 14.57 The Moon enters Virgo joining Venus and Mars there and ushering in a couple of days of immense but refined practicality. STATE OF THE SKY:- The Sun is at 18 degrees Leo. Mercury is also in Leo. The Moon, from 14.57 GMT today, Venus and Mars are all in Virgo. There are 42 days to the Libran Equinox. Jupiter and Saturn are in Aquarius. We are between eclipse seasons. Mercury is in Leo and is an evening star. Mercury was at Superior Conjunction with the Sun on Aug 1st at 10 Leo. Mercury opposes Jupiter on Wednesday. Mercury enters Virgo later that day hot on the trail of Mars whom he encounters for the first of 3 occasions 8 days later. Mercury's next retrograde phase is from September 27 to October 23 2021. During that retrograde phase retro-Mercury, Mars and the Sun are at 15/16 degrees Libra around 8th October. Venus is in Virgo and resides in this sign as an evening star for 25 days. This is a time of the careful choice of time and financial investment. Venus is a material girl here, values are focused on the practical and the useful. Venus opposes Neptune tomorrow, clouds of uncertainty. She trines Pluto on Wednesday, the classic 'power of love' aspect and ends her stay by entering Libra on Aug 16th. Venus is at greatest evening star brightness on Dec 7th and she turns retrograde on Dec 19th 2021 at 26 Capricorn. Venus is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on Jan 8th 2022. Mars is also in Virgo on the far side of the Sun, for 7 weeks. Mercury is conjunct Mars on Aug 19th at 13 Virgo, this is the 1st of three conjunctions of this pair over the next 3 months, one in each sign Virgo, Libra and Scorpio, this first one is both muscular and immensely practical. Mars 'earth trines' Uranus on Aug 22nd, action with flair and finesse, Mars opposes Neptune, slightly poisonous, on Sept 2nd. Mars 'earth trines' Pluto, moving mountains, bit by bit, on Sept 6th. Mars leaves Virgo for Libra on Sept 15th. We have exactitude, and hair splitting, highly detailed, efficient, and methodical activity ahead of us over the next 7 weeks. This will certainly gets things tidied up. Mars has a big bash with retrograde Mercury and the Sun in mid Libra on Oct 9th 2021. Mars next turns retrograde at 25 Gemini on Oct 30th 2022. He resides in Gemini either side of that date for seven months. Jupiter re-entered Aquarius on July 28th re-joining Saturn in this sign. These next 5 months are an opportunity to revisit what befell us earlier this year and maybe alter the consequences. On October 18th 2021 Jupiter turns direct at 22 degrees Aquarius. Mars squares Jupiter on Dec 8th. He re-enters Pisces on Dec 29th 2021 when the real business starts. Jupiter then sextiles Uranus, a fine expansive, progressive and creative aspect on Feb 18th 2022. He conjuncts Neptune at 24 Pisces on April 12th, the highlight of the residence, (the 'Florence Nightingale combination conjunction', more to follow on this one), and he sextiles Pluto in an embrace of power and transformation on May 3rd 2022. Jupiter leaves Pisces for Aries on May 10th 2022. He returns again to Pisces from Oct 28th 2022 to Dec 20th 2022 with a direct station on Nov 23rd at 28 Pisces. By the time of the Northern Hemisphere Winter Solstice 2022 Jupiter has left Pisces for good. Jupiter ingress into Pisces has been 'first blood'. Love like blood. Stay tuned. Saturn is now retrograde in Aquarius. In 2021 the main outer body aspect is a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This is a difficult aspect, but not in the league of 2020 aspects. This cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with their opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. The 2021 last quarter aspect will induce political, financial and social changes of possibly a drastic nature and a measure of instability. We will observe a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The aspect peaked in 2021 on Feb 17th, and repeats on June 14th and on Dec 24th with a slight return in early October 2022. Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is direct in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking, turning retrograde on Aug 19th. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance and ownership are about to take place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Neptune is retrograde in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is now retrograde in Capricorn. He turns direct on October 6th at 24 Capricorn. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. The next eclipses are a partial lunar eclipse on Nov 19th at 27 Taurus square Jupiter, and a Total Solar Eclipse, visible from Antarctica, on Dec 4th quincunx Uranus at 12 Sagittarius. The next Total Lunar eclipse is a blisteringly big eclipse, visible from the UK, and is at 26 Scorpio, during the early hours of Monday May 16th 2022. There is another Total Lunar eclipse in 2022 on November 8th. This is a daytime event for the UK. The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024. Earlier that same year, 2024, we can also look forward to the next 'American Total Solar Eclipse' on April 8th 2024. See you, possibly in Texas.

Tuesday 10th August 2021

The Moon, Venus and Mars in Virgo

Venus opposite Neptune.

The last progressed New Moon on the UK chart, the 7th since the 1801 UK Act of Union, occurred in Dec 1991 at 18 degrees Cancer conjunct the UK natal 10th house Moon. Since then we have a Channel Tunnel, women priests, Blair, Hong Kong, Lady Diana, when the progressed Moon was square progressed Neptune, and the Good Friday accord. The progressed lunar first quarter occurred in 1999. Then we had Foot and Mouth, Afghanistan involvement, war in Iraq, London Terror attacks and the Litveneko murder. The progressed Full Moon was in 2006. A Led Zeppelin concert, a UK recession, a coalition government, and the London Olympics highlighted the national journey to progressed Last Quarter in 2013. Since then we have had Cameron, the leave referendum, Teresa May, Grenfell Tower, Nerve Agents in Salisbury, Boris Johnson, Brexit and Covid. Today starts a new 30 year progressed lunation cycle with the 8th UK progressed New Moon, this time starting in Leo, in the 11th house, conjunct progressed Jupiter, square progressed Neptune and opposite natal Venus. Consequentially this cycle starts amid waves of confusion. It climaxes with a progressed Full Moon at the start of Pisces conjunct progressed Pluto in 2035, and ends with another progressed New Moon, which is actually a progressed partial solar eclipse, in Virgo (sextile Neptune) in 2051. Talk about it then hopefully. The Moon, Venus and Mars are all in Virgo. The time is ripe for a careful application of mind and muscle. 00.20 Venus at 23 Virgo opposition Neptune at 23 Pisces 03.43 The infant Moon accelerating at 7 Virgo conjunction Mars. 03.47 The Moon at 7 Virgo squares her node from north of the equator. 04.59 Mars at 7 Virgo waxing square the lunar node at 7 Gemini 07.14 Mercury at 27 Leo waxing tri-septile Neptune at 23 Pisces 08.08 The Moon at 10 Virgo waning quincunx Saturn at 10 Aquarius 15.26 Mercury at 28 Leo waxing bi-septile Uranus at 15 Taurus 17.19 The Moon at 15 Virgo waxing trine Uranus at 15 Taurus

Tuesday 11th Aug 2021

The Moon, Venus and Mars in Virgo

Venus trine Pluto

This day starts a little outlandish with Mercury opposing Jupiter but turns quite sweet as the Moon and Venus trine Pluto. 01.20 Mercury at 28 Leo opposition Jupiter at 28 Aquarius 04.45 Venus at 24 Virgo waning tri-septile Jupiter at 28 Aquarius 07.16 The Moon at 23 Virgo opposition Neptune at 23 Pisces 10.16 The Moon conjunction Venus at 24 Virgo 11.22 The Moon at 25 Virgo waning trine Pluto at 25 Capricorn. The Moon is void for nearly 9 hours 13.00 Venus at 24 Virgo waning sesuiquadrate Saturn at 9 Aquarius 15.24 Mercury at 29 Leo waning quad-novile Saturn at 9 Aquarius 17.11 The Moon at 28 Virgo waning quincunx Jupiter at 28 Aquarius 20.09 The Moon ingress Libra 21.58 Mercury ingress Virgo joining Venus and Mars in this sign. Mercury is conjunct Mars on Aug 19th at 13 degrees Virgo, an impulse of determined intervention and the highlight of the residence. Mercury trines Uranus on Aug 20th, inventive practicality. Mercury opposes Neptune on Aug 25th, dreamy musings, and he trines Pluto, solving problems on Aug 26th. Mercury leaves for Libra on Aug 30th. 22.46 Venus at 25 Virgo waning trine Pluto at 25 Capricorn

Thursday 12th August 2021

Mercury, Venus and Mars are all in Virgo for 4 days.

A total solar eclipse will occur 5 years from now. Wed August 12, 2026. The shadow of Totality will pass over the Arctic, Greenland, Iceland, Atlantic Ocean and northern Spain. The total eclipse will be visible from the cities of Valencia, Zaragoza, Palma+Bilbao. Pencil it in. 04.19 The Moon reaches her waxing crescent phase A Air Grand Trine is manifest involving the Moon, her node and Saturn, 08.00 to 13.00 08.23 The Moon at 7 Libra waxing trine the lunar node at 7 Gemini 10.32 Mercury at 1 Virgo waning biquintile Pluto at 25 Capricorn 12.33 The Moon at 9 Libra waning trine Saturn at 9 Aquarius 21.49 The Moon at 15 Libra waxing quincunx Uranus at 15 Taurus

Friday 13th August 2021

Mercury, Venus and Mars are all in Virgo for 3 more days.


04.46 The Sun at 21 Leo waning tri-septile Pluto at 25 Capricorn 07.59 Mercury at 3 Virgo waxing quad-novile Neptune at 23 Pisces A finger of fate is manifest involving the Moon, the Sun and Neptune, 08.00 to 12.00 08.14 The waxing crescent Moon accelerating at 21 Libra waxing sextile The Sun at 21 Leo 10.07 Mercury at 3 Virgo waxing tri-decile Uranus at 15 Taurus 11.20 The Moon at 23 Libra waning quincunx Neptune at 23 Pisces 15.21 The Moon at 25 Libra waning square Pluto at 25 Capricorn 16.28 Mars at 9 Virgo waning quincunx Saturn at 9 Aquarius 20.39 The Moon at 28 Libra waning trine Jupiter at 28 Aquarius. The Moon is void of course for just over 3 hours.

Saturday 14th August 2021

Mercury, Venus and Mars are all in Virgo for 2 more days.

We are now drawing towards a very tight alignment of Mercury and Mars, the closest planetary conjunction all year, which occurs early (GMT) next Thursday at 13 Virgo. This is the first of three conjunctions of this pair over the next 3 months, one in each sign Virgo, Libra and Scorpio, this first one is both muscular and immensely practical, an impulse of focused activity. 00.03 The waxing crescent Moon enters Scorpio casting a more intense atmosphere on proceedings. 02.56 The Sun at 22 Leo waning decile Venus at 28 Virgo 07.34 This accelerating Moon at 4 Scorpio waxing sextile Mercury at 4 Virgo 10.59 Venus at 28 Virgo waning quincunx Jupiter at 28 Aquarius 14.33 Mars at 10 Virgo waning sesuiquadrate Pluto at 25 Capricorn 15.33 Mercury at 5 Virgo waning tri-septile Saturn at 9 Aquarius 15.55 The Moon at 9 Scorpio waning square Saturn at 9 Aquarius 17.08 The Moon at 10 Scorpio waxing sextile Mars at 10 Virgo

Sunday 15th August 2021

Mercury, Venus and Mars are all in Virgo for 1 more day.


01.19 The Moon at 15 Scorpio opposition Uranus at 15 Taurus 04.14 The Sun at 23 Leo waxing quincunx Neptune at 23 Pisces 14.34 The Moon at 23 Scorpio waning trine Neptune at 23 Pisces 15.20 The Moon at First Quarter 16.41 Mercury at 7 Virgo waxing square the lunar node at 7 Gemini 18.33 The Moon at 25 Scorpio waning sextile Pluto at 25 Capricorn 23.24 The Moon at 28 Scorpio waning square Jupiter at 28 Aquarius

Monday 16th August 2021

Mercury 3 degrees from Mars. We continue to draw towards a very tight alignment of Mercury and Mars, the closest planetary conjunction all year, which occurs early (GMT) Thursday at 13 Virgo. This is the first of three conjunctions of this pair over the next 3 months, one in each sign Virgo, Libra and Scorpio, this first one is both muscular and immensely practical, an impulse of focused intervention. 00.07 Venus at 30 Virgo waxing sesuiquadrate Uranus at 15 Taurus 03.05 The Moon at 30 Scorpio waxing sextile Venus at 30 Virgo. The Moon is void of course for a mere 8 mins. The Moon enters Sagittarius summoning forth a racy couple of days. With Mercury chasing Mars, Venus sensuously gliding into Libra,+a defiant build up to next weekend's brazen Full Moon in Aquarius conjunct Jupiter, the global village will be fiercely energised in climatic chorus. 03.13 The Moon ingress Sagittarius summoning forth a racy couple of days. With Mercury chasing Mars, these next 3 days are a race with the devil. 04.28 Venus enters Libra as an evening star. She resides very happily in this sign for only 25 days. This is a smooth, sweet, steely and beautiful ride. She makes only two aspects, both air trines, one to Saturn on Aug 23rd, making real the grace of the time, and one to Jupiter on Sept 6th, which is opulent and luxuriant. She enters Scorpio on Sept 10th. Venus is at greatest evening star brightness on Dec 7th and she turns retrograde on Dec 19th 2021 at 26 Capricorn. Venus is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on Jan 8th 2022. A mutable T-square is manifest involving the Moon, her node, Mercury and Mars, augmented to a trapezium with Saturn 04.00 to 19.00. A dynamic pattern. 14.45 The Moon at 7 Sagittarius opposition her ascending node at 7 Gemini 17.57 The Moon at 9 Sagittarius waxing square Mercury at 9 Virgo 18.40 The Moon at 9 Sagittarius waning sextile Saturn at 9 Aquarius 22.32 The Moon at 11 Sagittarius waxing square Mars at 11 Virgo 23.36 Mercury at 9 Virgo waning quincunx Saturn at 9 Aquarius STATE OF THE SKY:- The Sun is at 25 degrees Leo. Mercury, and Mars are in Virgo. Jupiter and Saturn are in Aquarius. We are between eclipse seasons. There are 42 days to the Libran Equinox. Mercury is in Virgo and is an evening star. Mercury was at Superior Conjunction with the Sun on Aug 1st at 10 Leo. Mercury is hot on the trail of Mars, whom he encounters on Thursday, for the first of 3 occasions this Autumn. Mercury is conjunct Mars on Aug 19th at 13 degrees Virgo, an impulse of determined intervention and the highlight of the residence. Mercury trines Uranus on Aug 20th, inventive practicality. Mercury opposes Neptune on Aug 25th, dreamy musings, and he trines Pluto, solving problems on Aug 26th. Mercury leaves for Libra on Aug 30th. Mercury's next retrograde phase is from September 27 to October 23 2021. During that retrograde phase retro-Mercury, Mars and the Sun are at 15/16 degrees Libra around 8th October. Venus is now in Libra as an evening star for 25 days. Venus is at greatest evening star brightness on Dec 7th and she turns retrograde on Dec 19th 2021 at 26 Capricorn. Venus is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on Jan 8th 2022. Mars is also in Virgo on the far side of the Sun, for 7 weeks. Mercury is conjunct Mars on Thursday at 13 Virgo, this is the 1st of three conjunctions of this pair over the next 3 months, one in each sign Virgo, Libra and Scorpio, this first one is both muscular and immensely practical. Mars 'earth trines' Uranus on Aug 22nd, action with flair and finesse, Mars opposes Neptune, slightly poisonous, on Sept 2nd. Mars 'earth trines' Pluto, moving mountains, bit by bit, on Sept 6th. Mars leaves Virgo for Libra on Sept 15th. We have exactitude, and hair splitting, highly detailed, efficient, and methodical activity ahead of us over the next 7 weeks. This will certainly gets things tidied up. Mars has a big bash with retrograde Mercury and the Sun in mid Libra on Oct 9th 2021. Mars next turns retrograde at 25 Gemini on Oct 30th 2022. He resides in Gemini either side of that date for seven months. Jupiter re-entered Aquarius on July 28th re-joining Saturn in this sign. These next 5 months are an opportunity to revisit what befell us earlier this year and maybe alter the consequences. On October 18th 2021 Jupiter turns direct at 22 degrees Aquarius. Mars squares Jupiter on Dec 8th. He re-enters Pisces on Dec 29th 2021 when the real business starts. Jupiter then sextiles Uranus, a fine expansive, progressive and creative aspect on Feb 18th 2022. He conjuncts Neptune at 24 Pisces on April 12th, the highlight of the residence, (the 'Florence Nightingale combination conjunction', more to follow on this one), and he sextiles Pluto in an embrace of power and transformation on May 3rd 2022. Jupiter leaves Pisces for Aries on May 10th 2022. He returns again to Pisces from Oct 28th 2022 to Dec 20th 2022 with a direct station on Nov 23rd at 28 Pisces. By the time of the Northern Hemisphere Winter Solstice 2022 Jupiter has left Pisces for good. Jupiter ingress into Pisces has been 'first blood'. Love like blood. Stay tuned. Saturn is now retrograde in Aquarius. In 2021 the main outer body aspect is a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This is a difficult aspect, but not in the league of 2020 aspects. This cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with their opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. The 2021 last quarter aspect will induce political, financial and social changes of possibly a drastic nature and a measure of instability. We will observe a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The aspect peaked in 2021 on Feb 17th, and repeats on June 14th and on Dec 24th with a slight return in early October 2022. Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is direct in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking, turning retrograde on Thursday. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance and ownership are about to take place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Neptune is retrograde in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is now retrograde in Capricorn. He turns direct on October 6th at 24 Capricorn. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. The next eclipses are a partial lunar eclipse on Nov 19th at 27 Taurus square Jupiter, and a Total Solar Eclipse, visible from Antarctica, on Dec 4th quincunx Uranus at 12 Sagittarius. The next Total Lunar eclipse is a blisteringly big eclipse, visible from the UK, and is at 26 Scorpio, during the early hours of Monday May 16th 2022. There is another Total Lunar eclipse in 2022 on November 8th. This is a daytime event for the UK. The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024. Earlier that same year, 2024, we can also look forward to the next 'American Total Solar Eclipse' on April 8th 2024. See you, possibly in Texas

Tuesday 17th August 2021

Mercury and Mars are both applying square to Uranus till Aug 22nd, exact on Aug 21st. 04.16 The very rapidly waxing Moon at 15 Sagittarius waning quincunx Uranus at 15 Taurus 10.08 Mercury at 10 Virgo waning sesuiquadrate Pluto at 25 Capricorn 10.15 The Moon is at Perigee. Fastest and closest to the Earth this month. 13.32 The Sun at 25 Leo waning quincunx Pluto at 25 Capricorn 17.19 The Moon at 23 Sagittarius waning square Neptune at 23 Pisces 21.52 The Moon at 25 Sagittarius waxing trine The Sun at 25 Leo

Wednesday 18th August 2021

01.43 The Moon at 27 Sagittarius waning sextile Jupiter at 27 Aquarius. The Moon is void of course for 4.25 hours 06.00 The Moon enters Capricorn joining Pluto in this sign. 10.28 The Moon at 3 Capricorn waxing square Venus at 3 Libra Mercury now draws to a near linear alignment with Mars, tightest in the early hours (GMT) tomorrow.

Thursday 19th August 2021

00.41 Venus at 3 Libra waning biquintile Jupiter at 27 Aquarius 01.04 The Moon reaches her waxing gibbous phase 03.19 Closest alignment Mercury Mars 0.07 degrees, closest planetary conjunction all year 03.28 Mercury conjunction Mars at 13 Virgo An Earth Grand trine is manifest involving the Moon, Mercury, Mars and Uranus, 03.00 to 07.00 03.38 The Moon at 13 Capricorn waxing trine Mars at 13 Virgo 03.38 The Moon at 13 Capricorn waxing trine Mercury at 13 Virgo 06.59 The Moon at 15 Capricorn waning trine Uranus at 15 Taurus 12.42 The Sun at 27 Leo waxing tri-septile Neptune at 22 Pisces 20.00 The Moon at 22 Capricorn waning sextile Neptune at 22 Pisces

Friday 20th August 2021

00.00 The rapidly waxing gibbous Moon conjunction Pluto at 25 Capricorn. The Moon is void of course for nearly 9 hours. 00.29 The Sun at 27 Leo opposition Jupiter at 27 Aquarius 04.22 The Moon at 27 Capricorn waxing quincunx The Sun at 27 Leo 08.07 Mercury at 15 Virgo waxing trine Uranus at 15 Taurus 08.50 The Moon enters Aquarius joining Jupiter and Saturn in this sign. 09.16 Mercury at 15 Virgo waning biquintile Saturn at 9 Aquarius 11.02 The Sun at 28 Leo waxing bi-septile Uranus at 15 Taurus 18.02 The Moon at 5 Aquarius waxing trine Venus at 5 Libra 20.05 The Moon at 7 Aquarius waning trines er node from sout of the ecliptic 23.56 The Moon at 9 Aquarius conjunction Saturn at 9 Aquarius This conjunction 'kicks off' an Air Grand Trine, involving Venus, Saturn and the Lunar Node which lasts for 5 days.

Saturday 21st August 2021

Full Moon weekend ahead. Lavish and important. There is an Air Grand Trine, involving Venus, Saturn and the Lunar Node in the skies which lasts for 5 days and certainly blesses the approaching weekend Full (Blue) Moon with clarirty and charm. 09.13 The almost Full Moon at 14 Aquarius waxing quincunx Mars at 14 Virgo 10.12 The Moon at 15 Aquarius waning square Uranus at 15 Taurus 13.42 The Moon at 17 Aquarius waxing quincunx Mercury at 17 Virgo 15.23 The Sun at 29 Leo waning quad-novile Saturn at 9 Aquarius 16.34 Mercury at 17 Virgo waning quad-novile Jupiter at 27 Aquarius 17.24 Venus at 7 Libra waxing trine the lunar node at 7 Gemini 22.25 Venus at 7 Libra waning tri-decile Pluto at 25 Capricorn

Sunday 22nd August 2021

Full Moon in Aquarius

05.04 Mars at 15 Virgo waning biquintile Saturn at 9 Aquarius 06.38 Mars at 15 Virgo waxing trine Uranus at 15 Taurus 07.19 The Moon at 27 Aquarius conjunction Jupiter at 27 Aquarius 12.03 Moment of FULL MOON.


This is the 3rd Full Moon following the Total Lunar Eclipse on May 26th 2021 in Sagittarius and the 3rd Full Moon before a Partial Lunar eclipse at 27 Taurus on Friday Nov 19th 2021. We are midway between eclipse seasons. It is the second Aquarian Full Moon this year which makes it a blue moon. This Full Moon is conjunct Jupiter. There is a predominance of planets in Earth and Air signs at this time, and an emphasis on Fixity. Mars is 'earth trine' Uranus, Venus is 'air trine' Saturn. A grand trine in Air signs involving Venus in Libra, Saturn and the lunar node adds more tan a good measure of grace to this one. This Full Moon is a bit special. Her proximity to Jupiter induces generous behavior. These potent planetary trines add form and flair to the creativity of the time. There is a stability, a certainty and a dry empiricism woven into this one. This Full Moon has clarity and resplendence. This Full Moon lies along the same axis as the Mars Jupiter opposition of July 29th, again hitting D.Trump's descendant, the nodal axis of J.Biden, Prince Andrew's Sun, the Afghan Saturn opposite Uranus, Japan's Mercury, the Saturn of Kamala Harris, A.Legrande and Nigel Farage. At the exact moment of Full Moon Uranus culminates and Pluto rises just to the east of Kabul. The Sun, Moon and Jupiter are aligned to the MC and the IC at London. Mercury rises at Washington. Pluto culminates at Melbourne. The Sun, Moon and Jupiter also align to Myanmar, Algeria, Spain and Mexico. This weekend and Full Moon sees the birthdays of Joe Strummer, Kim Cattrall, Sergery Brin, Usain Bolt and Kacey Musgraves. The year ahead will be climatic for these folk. After the Full Moon moment the Moon is void of course for 41 mins. Changes ahead from today as the Moon enters Pisces and the Sun enters Virgo joining Mercury and Mars there. 12.44 The Moon enters Pisces

21.37 The Sun ingress Virgo and it is the start of a new astrological month.

Thirty days to the Equinox.

Monday 23rd August 2021

There is a change abroad. The Full Moon climax has passed. The Moon herself has entered Pisces and the Sun has moved into Virgo joining Mercury and Mars. The astrological emphasis has shifted to greater flexibility and enhanced practicality. Still the Air Grand Trine holds sway, Venus trines Saturn today, highlighting the potential sincerity of the time, diplomacy wins through. Venus in Libra assists. The week ahead,although not without its niggles, is essentially easier going than of late. 00.10 The Moon at 6 Pisces squares her node at from south of the ecliptic 03.15 The Moon at 8 Pisces waxing quincunx Venus at 8 Libra 12.49 Venus at 9 Libra waning trine Saturn at 9 Aquarius 15.05 The Moon at 15 Pisces waning sextile Uranus at 15 Taurus 15.23 Venus at 9 Libra waxing biquintile Uranus at 15 Taurus 16.14 The Sun at 1 Virgo waning biquintile Pluto at 25 Capricorn 16.43 The Moon at 16 Pisces opposition Mars at 16 Virgo STATE OF THE SKY:- The Sun is at zero degrees Virgo. Mercury, and Mars are also in Virgo. Jupiter and Saturn are in Aquarius. We are between eclipse seasons. There are 30 days to the Libran Equinox. Mercury is in Virgo and is an evening star. Mercury was at Superior Conjunction with the Sun on Aug 1st at 10 Leo. Mercury encountered Mars last on Thursday, for the first of 3 occasions this Autumn. Mercury opposes Neptune on Aug 25th, dreamy musings, and he trines Pluto, solving problems on Aug 26th. Mercury leaves for Libra on Aug 30th. Mercury's next retrograde phase is from September 27 to October 23 2021. During that retrograde phase retro-Mercury, Mars and the Sun are at 15/16 degrees Libra around 8th October. Venus is now in Libra as an evening star. She resides very happily in this sign for only 25 days. This is a smooth, sweet, steely and beautiful ride. She makes only two aspects, both air trines, one to Saturn today, making real the grace of the time, and one to Jupiter on Sept 6th, which is opulent and luxuriant. She enters Scorpio on Sept 10th. Venus is at greatest evening star brightness on Dec 7th and she turns retrograde on Dec 19th 2021 at 26 Capricorn. Venus is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on Jan 8th 2022.Venus is at greatest evening star brightness on Dec 7th and she turns retrograde on Dec 19th 2021 at 26 Capricorn. Venus is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on Jan 8th 2022. Mars is also in Virgo on the far side of the Sun, for 7 weeks. Mercury was conjunct Mars last Thursday at 13 Virgo, this was the 1st of three conjunctions of this pair over the next 3 months, one in each sign Virgo, Libra and Scorpio. Mars opposes Neptune, slightly poisonous, on Sept 2nd. Mars 'earth trines' Pluto, moving mountains, bit by bit, on Sept 6th. Mars leaves Virgo for Libra on Sept 15th. We have exactitude, and hair splitting, highly detailed, efficient, and methodical activity ahead of us over the next 7 weeks. This will certainly gets things tidied up. Mars has a big bash with retrograde Mercury and the Sun in mid Libra on Oct 9th 2021. Mars next turns retrograde at 25 Gemini on Oct 30th 2022. He resides in Gemini either side of that date for seven months. Jupiter re-entered Aquarius on July 28th re-joining Saturn in this sign. These next 5 months are an opportunity to revisit what befell us earlier this year and maybe alter the consequences. On October 18th 2021 Jupiter turns direct at 22 degrees Aquarius. Mars squares Jupiter on Dec 8th. He re-enters Pisces on Dec 29th 2021 when the real business starts. Jupiter then sextiles Uranus, a fine expansive, progressive and creative aspect on Feb 18th 2022. He conjuncts Neptune at 24 Pisces on April 12th, the highlight of the residence, (the 'Florence Nightingale combination conjunction', more to follow on this one), and he sextiles Pluto in an embrace of power and transformation on May 3rd 2022. Jupiter leaves Pisces for Aries on May 10th 2022. He returns again to Pisces from Oct 28th 2022 to Dec 20th 2022 with a direct station on Nov 23rd at 28 Pisces. By the time of the Northern Hemisphere Winter Solstice 2022 Jupiter has left Pisces for good. Jupiter ingress into Pisces has been 'first blood'. Love like blood. Stay tuned. Saturn is now retrograde in Aquarius. In 2021 the main outer body aspect is a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This is a difficult aspect, but not in the league of 2020 aspects. This cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with their opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. The 2021 last quarter aspect will induce political, financial and social changes of possibly a drastic nature and a measure of instability. We will observe a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The aspect peaked in 2021 on Feb 17th, and repeats on June 14th and on Dec 24th with a slight return in early October 2022. Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is retrograde in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Neptune is retrograde in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is now retrograde in Capricorn. He turns direct on October 6th at 24 Capricorn. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. The next eclipses are a partial lunar eclipse on Nov 19th at 27 Taurus square Jupiter, and a Total Solar Eclipse, visible from Antarctica, on Dec 4th quincunx Uranus at 12 Sagittarius. The next Total Lunar eclipse is a blisteringly big eclipse, visible from the UK, and is at 26 Scorpio, during the early hours of Monday May 16th 2022. There is another Total Lunar eclipse in 2022 on November 8th. This is a daytime event for the UK. The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024. Earlier that same year, 2024, we can also look forward to the next 'American Total Solar Eclipse' on April 8th 2024. See you, possibly in Texas

Tuesday 24th August 2021

Mercury applies in opposition to Neptune today. Not the clearest thinking day. Indeed a bit of a drift until the Moon enters Aries 18.58 GMT 02.03 The decelerating and waning full Moon at 21 Pisces opposition Mercury at 21 Virgo 04.51 The Moon conjunction Neptune at 22 Pisces 09.13 The Moon at 25 Pisces waxing sextile Pluto at 25 Capricorn. The Moon is void of course for 9.75 hours 18.58 The Moon ingress Aries 22.38 The Moon at 2 Aries waning quincunx The Sun at 2 Virgo

Wednesday 25th August 2021

Mercury opposite Neptune

The immediate passage of Mercury takes him opposite Neptune in the small hours (GMT) today and then in trine aspect to Pluto tomorrow. The inference is that uncertainty, muddle and confusion will give way to the power to change mind sets for the better. Hold true. 00.35 Mercury at 22 Virgo waning tri-septile Jupiter at 27 Aquarius 01.14 Mercury at 22 Virgo opposition Neptune at 22 Pisces 01.40 Mars at 17 Virgo waning quad-novile Jupiter at 27 Aquarius 06.50 The decelerating waning full Moon at 6 Aries sextiles her node from south of the ecliptic 07.30 The Sun at 2 Virgo waxing quad-novile Neptune at 22 Pisces 10.58 The Moon at 9 Aries waxing sextile Saturn at 9 Aquarius 15.57 The Moon at 11 Aries opposition Venus at 11 Libra 18.48 The Sun at 3 Virgo waxing tri-decile Uranus at 15 Taurus 19.42 Mercury at 24 Virgo waning sesuiquadrate Saturn at 9 Aquarius 22.00 Venus at 11 Libra waning sesuiquadrate Jupiter at 26 Aquarius

Thursday 26th August 2021

Mercury trine Pluto

Potentially positive. Mentally constructive. Making changes for the better. 03.37 The decelerating waning Moon at 17 Aries waning quincunx Mars at 17 Virgo 05.27 The Moon reaches her disseminating phase 05.58 Venus at 12 Libra waning bi-septile Pluto at 25 Capricorn 14.24 Mercury at 25 Virgo waning trine Pluto at 25 Capricorn 15.05 Venus at 12 Libra waning quad-novile Neptune at 22 Pisces 18.03 The Moon at 25 Aries waxing square Pluto at 25 Capricorn 18.34 The Moon at 25 Aries waning quincunx Mercury at 25 Virgo 21.15 The Moon at 26 Aries waxing sextile Jupiter at 26 Aquarius. The Moon is void of course for 7.2 hours.

Friday 27th August 2021

04.28 The Moon enters Taurus joining Uranus. Six bodies now in Earth signs, very grounded. 04.41 The Sun at 4 Virgo waning tri-septile Saturn at 8 Aquarius 13.20 The disseminating decelerating Moon at 4 Taurus waning trine The Sun at 4 Virgo 15.06 Mercury at 26 Virgo waning quincunx Jupiter at 26 Aquarius 21.05 The Moon at 8 Taurus waxing square Saturn at 8 Aquarius

Saturday 28th August 2021

The next important planetary aspect is Mars opposite Neptune next Thursday. Currently 4 degrees from exactitude this aspect colours the next 6 days with a deepening force at work in the biosphere which may appear to conspire against plans and operations. The influence is undermining, poisonous even. 09.01 The Moon at 14 Taurus waning quincunx Venus at 14 Libra 09.52 The Moon conjunction Uranus at 15 Taurus 17.44 Venus at 15 Libra waxing quincunx Uranus at 15 Taurus 18.15 The Moon at 19 Taurus waning trine Mars at 19 Virgo

Sunday 29th August 2021

00.56 The disseminating, decelerating and very slowly moving Moon at 22 Taurus waxing sextile Neptune at 22 Pisces 05.51 The Moon at 25 Taurus waxing trine Pluto at 25 Capricorn 06.15 The Sun at 6 Virgo waxing square the lunar node at 6 Gemini We are midway between eclipse seasons at a karmic pivotal point. 08.37 The Moon at 26 Taurus waxing square Jupiter at 26 Aquarius 14.59 The Moon at 29 Taurus waning trine Mercury at 29 Virgo. The Moon is void of course for nearly 2 hours 16.43 The Moon enters Gemini

Monday 30th August 2021

After a couple of days of Moon in Taurus grounding the very slow and distant Moon approaching last quarter is now in Gemini. The next important planetary aspect is Mars opposite Neptune next Thursday which may appear to conspire against plans and operations. The influence is undermining, and a trifle poisonous. Mercury is about to start a 66 day residence in Libra. It will be a fight for fair play. Tricky planetary powerplays. 01.00 Mercury at 30 Virgo waxing sesuiquadrate Uranus at 15 Taurus 03.22 The Moon is at Apogee, furthest from the Earth and slowest this month, conjunct 'Black Moon Lilith'. 05.05 The Moon at 6 Gemini conjunction her node. 05.12 Mercury enters Libra as an evening star joining Venus in this sign. Mercury has his retrograde phase in this sign and therefore has a lengthy 66 day residence. This phase is characterised by 3 repeated squares to Pluto and 3 trines to Jupiter. The common denominator here is a power issue. The climax of the phase is Mercury's conjunction to Mars, the 2nd of 3 of this season, and the Sun on Saturday Oct 9th at 16/17 Libra. This is certainly the pinch point, possibly one of the important days this year, we will see. Mercury trines Saturn on Sept 5th, balanced organisation. He enters his shadow on Sept 6th. He trines Jupiter Sept 20th, optimistic, squares Pluto on Sept 22nd and turns retrograde at 25 Libra on Sept 27th. He squares Pluto on Oct 1st, trines Jupiter on Oct 4th and is at Inferior Conjunction of the Sun and conjuncts Mars at 16/17 Libra on Oct 9th. The period between the the first 2 Pluto squares, Sept 21st to Oct 2nd is the most difficult time of the phase, a real power struggle. Now a morning star Mercury sextiles Venus on Oct 17th. Mercury stations direct on Oct 18th at 10 Libra. He trines Jupiter on Nov 1st, squares Pluto on Nov 2nd, is out of his shadow on Nov 3rd and enters Scorpio on Nov 5th. Mercury sextiles Venus again, just after this ingress. This long Mercury in Libra residence looks to be an uncomfortable and prolonged fight for fair play. 07.14 The Moon at Last Quarter 09.27 The Moon at 8 Gemini waxing trine Saturn at 8 Aquarius STATE OF THE SKY:- The Sun is at 7 degrees Virgo. Mars is also in Virgo. Jupiter and Saturn are in Aquarius. Mercury and Venus are in Libra. We are poised between eclipse seasons. There are 23 days to the Libran Equinox. Mercury is in Libra and is an evening star. Mercury's retrograde phase is from September 27 to October 23 2021. During that retrograde phase retro-Mercury, Mars and the Sun are at 15/16 degrees Libra around 9th October. (see above) Venus is now in Libra as an evening star. She resides very happily in this sign for only 25 days. This is a smooth, sweet, steely and beautiful ride. She makes a trine to Jupiter next Monday which is opulent and luxuriant. She enters Scorpio on Sept 10th. Venus is at greatest evening star brightness on Dec 7th and she turns retrograde on Dec 19th 2021 at 26 Capricorn. Venus is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on Jan 8th 2022.Venus is at greatest evening star brightness on Dec 7th and she turns retrograde on Dec 19th 2021 at 26 Capricorn. Venus is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on Jan 8th 2022. Mars is in Virgo on the far side of the Sun, for 7 weeks. Mercury was conjunct Mars on Aug 19 th at 13 Virgo, this was the 1st of three conjunctions of this pair over the next 3 months, one in each sign Virgo, Libra and Scorpio. Mars opposes Neptune, slightly poisonous, on Sept 2nd. Mars 'earth trines' Pluto, moving mountains, bit by bit, on Sept 6th. Mars leaves Virgo for Libra on Sept 15th. We have exactitude, and hair splitting, highly detailed, efficient, and methodical activity ahead of us over the next 7 weeks. This will certainly gets things tidied up. Mars has a big bash with retrograde Mercury and the Sun in mid Libra on Oct 9th 2021. Mars next turns retrograde at 25 Gemini on Oct 30th 2022. He resides in Gemini either side of that date for seven months. Jupiter re-entered Aquarius on July 28th re-joining Saturn in this sign. These next 4 months remain an opportunity to revisit what befell us earlier this year and maybe alter the consequences. On October 18th 2021 Jupiter turns direct at 22 degrees Aquarius. Mars squares Jupiter on Dec 8th. He re-enters Pisces on Dec 29th 2021 when the real business starts. Jupiter then sextiles Uranus, a fine expansive, progressive and creative aspect on Feb 18th 2022. He conjuncts Neptune at 24 Pisces on April 12th, the highlight of the residence, (the 'Florence Nightingale combination conjunction', more to follow on this one), and he sextiles Pluto in an embrace of power and transformation on May 3rd 2022. Jupiter leaves Pisces for Aries on May 10th 2022. He returns again to Pisces from Oct 28th 2022 to Dec 20th 2022 with a direct station on Nov 23rd at 28 Pisces. By the time of the Northern Hemisphere Winter Solstice 2022 Jupiter has left Pisces for good. Jupiter ingress into Pisces has been 'first blood'. Love like blood. Stay tuned. Saturn is now retrograde in Aquarius. In 2021 the main outer body aspect is a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This is a difficult aspect, but not in the league of 2020 aspects. This cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with their opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. The 2021 last quarter aspect will induce political, financial and social changes of possibly a drastic nature and a measure of instability. We will observe a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The aspect peaked in 2021 on Feb 17th, and repeats on June 14th and on Dec 24th with a slight return in early October 2022. Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is retrograde in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Neptune is retrograde in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is now retrograde in Capricorn. He turns direct on October 6th at 24 Capricorn. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. The next eclipses are a partial lunar eclipse on Nov 19th at 27 Taurus square Jupiter, and a Total Solar Eclipse, visible from Antarctica, on Dec 4th quincunx Uranus at 12 Sagittarius. The next Total Lunar eclipse is a blisteringly big eclipse, visible from the UK, and is at 26 Scorpio, during the early hours of Monday May 16th 2022. There is another Total Lunar eclipse in 2022 on November 8th. This is a daytime event for the UK. The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024. Earlier that same year, 2024, we can also look forward to the next 'American Total Solar Eclipse' on April 8th 2024. See you, possibly in Texas

Tuesday 31st August 2021

04.31 The slowly waning but now accelerating last quarter Moon at 18 Gemini waning trine Venus at 18 Libra 08.47 The Sun at 8 Virgo waning quincunx Saturn at 8 Aquarius 09.53 Venus at 18 Libra waning tri-septile Neptune at 22 Pisces A mutable T-square is manifest involving the Moon, Mars and Neptune, 10.00 to 14.00 Sublime undercurrents, 'whirlpoolish'. 10.36 The Moon at 21 Gemini waning square Mars at 21 Virgo 10.59 Mercury at 2 Libra waning biquintile Jupiter at 26 Aquarius 13.41 The Moon at 22 Gemini waxing square Neptune at 22 Pisces 18.38 The Moon at 25 Gemini waxing quincunx Pluto at 25 Capricorn 20.49 The Moon at 26 Gemini waxing trine Jupiter at 26 Aquarius. The Moon is void for 8.8 hours

Wednesday 1st September 2021

An Air Grand Trine involving Mercury, Saturn and the Lunar Node is manifest from today 'till Sept 6th. Mars opposite Neptune is exact tomorrow. 05.27 The Moon enters Cancer 09.15 Venus at 19 Libra waxing tri-septile Uranus at 15 Taurus 11.47 The post last quarter Moon at 3 Cancer waning square Mercury at 3 Libra 12.49 Mars at 21 Virgo waning tri-septile Jupiter at 26 Aquarius 20.04 The Sun at 10 Virgo waning sesuiquadrate Pluto at 25 Capricorn A finger of fate the Moon, the Sun and Saturn is manifest from 21.00 to 01.00 21.31 The Moon at 8 Cancer waxing quincunx Saturn at 8 Aquarius

Thursday 2nd September 2021

00.12 Minor lunar occultation of star epsilon Gemini, a hot supergiant observable from the UK, ends 01.05 (Thurs). Epsilon Geminorum lies near the ecliptic, so it can be occulted by the Moon or a planet. Such an occultation took place on April 8, 1976 by Mars, which allowed the oblateness of the planet's outer atmosphere to be measured and coincided with the formation of the Apple Computer Company formed by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak. Epsilon Geminorum was occulted by Mercury on June 10, 1940, as Italy declared war on France and the United Kingdom. On September 3, 2015 it was occulted by the asteroid Iphigenia. Mars opposes Neptune today. Tread carefully. 00.53 The accelerating and waning Moon at 10 Cancer sextile The Sun at 10 Virgo 02.22 The Sun at 10 Virgo waning novile Venus at 20 Libra 06.44 Venus at 20 Libra waning tri-decile Saturn at 8 Aquarius 10.34 The Moon at 15 Cancer waxing sextile Uranus at 15 Taurus 17.44 Mars at 22 Virgo opposition Neptune at 22 Pisces 22.25 The Moon at 21 Cancer waning square Venus at 21 Libra

Friday 3rd September 2021

02.34 Minor lunar occultation of star Kappa Gemini, observable from the UK, ends 03.40 00.53 The Moon at 22 Cancer waxing trine Neptune at 22 Pisces 01.17 The Moon at 22 Cancer waning sextile Mars at 22 Virgo 05.38 The Moon at 25 Cancer opposition Pluto at 25 Capricorn The Moon is void of course for 10.4 hours 07.13 The Moon at 25 Cancer waxing quincunx Jupiter at 25 Aquarius 08.30 The Moon reaches her balsamic phase. 11.39 Mercury at 6 Libra waxing trine the lunar node at 6 Gemini 16.00 The Moon enters Leo

Saturday 4th September 2021

The Moon now in Leo is the only major astro body in a Fire sign. The cold, damp and grainy astrology of the past few days becomes a little warmer and creative this weekend. We then have eventful and dynamic planetary activity on Monday, preluding a favorable New Moon in Virgo early 00.52 GMT Tuesday. 00.13 Venus at 22 Libra waning quincunx Neptune at 22 Pisces 00.30 Mercury at 7 Libra waning tri-decile Pluto at 25 Capricorn 01.46 Mars at 23 Virgo waning sesuiquadrate Saturn at 8 Aquarius 02.57 The Moon at 6 Leo waxing sextile the lunar node at 6 Gemini 04.46 The Moon at 7 Leo waning sextile Mercury at 7 Libra 06.55 The Moon at 8 Leo opposition Saturn at 8 Aquarius This opposition transforms the current Water Grand Trine into a Planetary Kite. 19.24 The Moon at 15 Leo waxing square Uranus at 15 Taurus

Sunday 5th September 2021

Mercury trine Saturn.

Monday has dynamic planetary activity, the first aspect of which is Venus square Pluto. Today this aspect builds and dominates. Behavior can sway towards the lascivious. It's the 'lead us not into temptation' aspect. 01.31 Mercury at 8 Libra waning trine Saturn at 8 Aquarius Organised thinking starts this 'play day'. 08.48 The ancient Moon accelerating at 22 Leo waxing quincunx Neptune at 22 Pisces 11.59 The Moon at 24 Leo waning sextile Venus at 24 Libra 13.19 The Moon at 25 Leo waning quincunx Pluto at 25 Capricorn 14.22 The Moon at 25 Leo opposition Jupiter at 25 Aquarius. The Moon is void for nearly 9 hours. 15.27 Venus at 24 Libra waxing semi-sextile Mars at 24 Virgo 16.10 Mercury at 9 Libra waxing biquintile Uranus at 15 Taurus 23.07 The Moon, now very nearly new enters Virgo joining the Sun in this sign.

Monday 6th September 2021

Venus squares Pluto and trines Jupiter

Mars trines Pluto

Dynamic planetary activity is active on this old moon in Virgo day. This is a day to push forward with. Play for change and improvement. Mars trines Pluto. Venus squares Pluto and trines Jupiter. Mount the approaching New Moon wave with diligence, deliberate choice and careful timing. Ride the wave as it rises, flows and crashes onto the shores of the global village. Strive for love, light and laughter. 03.07 Venus at 25 Libra waning square Pluto at 25 Capricorn 05.19 The Sun at 14 Virgo waning biquintile Saturn at 8 Aquarius 06.02 Venus at 25 Libra waxing quad-novile Uranus at 15 Taurus 09.14 The Moon at 6 Virgo squares her nodes from north of the ecliptic. 12.18 Venus at 25 Libra waning bi-septile Saturn at 8 Aquarius 12.20 Mars at 25 Virgo waning trine Pluto at 25 Capricorn 12.58 The Moon at 8 Virgo waning quincunx Saturn at 8 Aquarius 13.06 Venus at 25 Libra waning trine Jupiter at 25 Aquarius 17.29 Mercury at 10 Libra waning sesuiquadrate Jupiter at 25 Aquarius STATE OF THE SKY:- The Sun is at 14 degrees Virgo. Mars is also in Virgo. Jupiter and Saturn are in Aquarius. Mercury and Venus are in Libra. There are 16 days to the Libran Equinox. Mercury is an evening star in Libra. Mercury has his retrograde phase in this sign and therefore has a lengthy 66 day residence here. This phase is characterised by 3 repeated squares to Pluto and 3 trines to Jupiter. The common denominator here is a power issue. The climax of the phase is Mercury's conjunction to Mars, the 2nd of 3 of this season, and the Sun on Saturday Oct 9th at 16/17 Libra. This is certainly the pinch point, possibly one of the important days this year, we will see. Mercury enters his shadow today. He trines Jupiter Sept 20th, optimistic, squares Pluto on Sept 22nd and turns retrograde at 25 Libra on Sept 27th. He squares Pluto on Oct 1st, trines Jupiter on Oct 4th and is at Inferior Conjunction of the Sun and conjuncts Mars at 16/17 Libra on Oct 9th. The period between the the first 2 Pluto squares, Sept 21st to Oct 2nd is the most difficult time of the phase, a real power struggle. Now a morning star Mercury sextiles Venus on Oct 17th. Mercury stations direct on Oct 18th at 10 Libra. He trines Jupiter on Nov 1st, squares Pluto on Nov 2nd, is out of his shadow on Nov 3rd and enters Scorpio on Nov 5th. Mercury sextiles Venus again, just after this enters. This long Mercury in Libra residence looks to be an uncomfortable and prolonged fight for fair play. Venus is also in Libra as an evening star. She resides very happily in this sign for only 25 days. This is a smooth, sweet, steely and beautiful ride. She makes an air trines to Jupiter today, which is opulent and luxuriant. She enters Scorpio on Sept 10th. Venus is at greatest evening star brightness on Dec 7th and she turns retrograde on Dec 19th 2021 at 26 Capricorn. Venus is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on Jan 8th 2022. Venus is at greatest evening star brightness on Dec 7th and she turns retrograde on Dec 19th 2021 at 26 Capricorn. Venus is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on Jan 8th 2022. Mars is in Virgo on the far side of the Sun, for 7 weeks. Mercury was conjunct Mars on Aug 19 th at 13 Virgo, this was the 1st of three conjunctions of this pair over the next 3 months, one in each sign Virgo, Libra and Scorpio. Mars 'earth trines' Pluto, moving mountains, bit by bit, today. Mars leaves Virgo for Libra on Sept 15th. We have exactitude, and hair splitting, highly detailed, efficient, and methodical activity ahead of us over the next 7 weeks. This will certainly gets things tidied up. Mars has a big bash with retrograde Mercury and the Sun in mid Libra on Oct 9th 2021. Mars next turns retrograde at 25 Gemini on Oct 30th 2022. He resides in Gemini either side of that date for seven months. Jupiter re-entered Aquarius on July 28th re-joining Saturn in this sign. These next 4 months remain an opportunity to revisit what befell us earlier this year and maybe alter the consequences. On October 18th 2021 Jupiter turns direct at 22 degrees Aquarius. Mars squares Jupiter on Dec 8th. He re-enters Pisces on Dec 29th 2021 when the real business starts. Jupiter then sextiles Uranus, a fine expansive, progressive and creative aspect on Feb 18th 2022. He conjuncts Neptune at 24 Pisces on April 12th, the highlight of the residence, (the 'Florence Nightingale combination conjunction', more to follow on this one), and he sextiles Pluto in an embrace of power and transformation on May 3rd 2022. Jupiter leaves Pisces for Aries on May 10th 2022. He returns again to Pisces from Oct 28th 2022 to Dec 20th 2022 with a direct station on Nov 23rd at 28 Pisces. By the time of the Northern Hemisphere Winter Solstice 2022 Jupiter has left Pisces for good. Jupiter enters into Pisces has been 'first blood'. Love like blood. Stay tuned. Saturn is retrograde in Aquarius. In 2021 the main outer body aspect is a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This is a difficult aspect, but not in the league of 2020 aspects. This cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with their opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. The 2021 last quarter aspect will induce political, financial and social changes of possibly a drastic nature and a measure of instability. We will observe a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The aspect peaked in 2021 on Feb 17th, and repeats on June 14th and on Dec 24th with a slight return in early October 2022. Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is retrograde in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Neptune is retrograde in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is now retrograde in Capricorn. He turns direct on October 6th at 24 Capricorn. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. The next eclipses are a partial lunar eclipse on Nov 19th at 27 Taurus square Jupiter, and a Total Solar Eclipse, visible from Antarctica, on Dec 4th quincunx Uranus at 12 Sagittarius. The next Total Lunar eclipse is a blisteringly big eclipse, visible from the UK, and is at 26 Scorpio, during the early hours of Monday May 16th 2022. There is another Total Lunar eclipse in 2022 on November 8th. This is a daytime event for the UK. The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024. Earlier that same year, 2024, we can also look forward to the next 'American Total Solar Eclipse' on April 8th 2024. See you, possibly in Texas

Tuesday 7th September 2021

New Moon in Virgo

Sun trine Uranus

00.52 Moment of NEW MOON


Today's New Moon is midway between the Annular Solar Eclipse at 20 Gemini on June 10th 2021 and a Total Solar Eclipse at 12 Sagittarius on Dec 4th 2021. The New Moon is tightly and favourably trine Uranus. This lunation offers a powerful opportunity to change and refine any area of your life you choose to focus on. Today's New Moon hits the Uranus and Pluto opposite Saturn of President Assad Bashar of Syria. The Sun of Brazil the Pluto of Kenya, the Moon of the Gaza strip. It opposes the Uranus and MC of Turkey,the Moon of Hong Kong and hits the Venus of Mick Jagger and the Neptune of the Judi Dench generation. 00.55 The 'newly born' Moon at 15 Virgo waxing trine Uranus at 15 Taurus 01.30 The Sun at 15 Virgo waxing trine Uranus at 15 Taurus 03.51 Mars at 25 Virgo waning quincunx Jupiter at 25 Aquarius 07.58 The Sun at 15 Virgo waning quad-novile Jupiter at 25 Aquarius 13.35 The Moon at 22 Virgo opposition Neptune at 22 Pisces 17.57 The Moon at 25 Virgo waning trine Pluto at 25 Capricorn 18.34 The Moon at 25 Virgo waning quincunx Jupiter at 25 Aquarius 19.24 The Moon conjunction Mars at 25 Virgo. The Moon is then void of course for 8 hours.

Wednesday 8th September 2021

The Moon, Mercury and Venus are in Libra.

02.26 Mercury at 12 Libra waning bi-septile Pluto at 25 Capricorn 03.22 The rapidly waxing infant Moon enters Libra joining Mercury and Venus in this sign. 08.33 Mercury at 12 Libra waning quad-novile Neptune at 22 Pisces An Air Grand Trine involving the Moon, her Node and Saturn is manifest from 12.00 to 17.00. 12.53 The Moon at 6 Libra trines her node from north of the equator. 16.30 The Moon at 8 Libra waning trine Saturn at 8 Aquarius

Thursday 9th September 2021

The Moon, Mercury and Venus are in Libra.


Mercury now in his shadow turns retrograde at 25 Libra in 18 days time. This day, the 2nd with the Moon, Mercury and Venus all in Libra, starts with the Moon conjunct Mercury. As always with Libran energy it's a matter of finding a balance. 01.01 The young fast Moon conjunction Mercury at 13 Libra 01.39 Venus at 28 Libra waning biquintile Neptune at 22 Pisces 04.11 The Moon at 15 Libra waxing quincunx Uranus at 15 Taurus 16.29 The Moon at 22 Libra waning quincunx Neptune at 22 Pisces 20.48 The Moon at 24 Libra waning square Pluto at 24 Capricorn 21.04 The Moon at 25 Libra waning trine Jupiter at 25 Aquarius

Friday 10th September 2021

Both the Moon and Venus enter Scorpio today. Definitely a change of gear from today. 01.31 Jupiter at 25 Aquarius waning bi-novile Uranus at 15 Taurus 2nd of 3 hits this year, dates March 6th, Sept 10th and Nov 4th. The 13 year synodic cycle of Jupiter and Uranus started in Jan 2011 in Pisces and ends April 2024 in Taurus. This aspect brings about a 'consolidation of the harvest of expanded consciousness' symbolised by these two planets. A minor aspect and a minor influence but always an interesting one when Jupiter and Uranus are involved. 04.49 The young very fast moving Moon conjunction Venus at 29 Libra. The Moon is void of course for 1.1 hours 06.06 The Moon enters Scorpio invoking richer astrological colours than of late and immersing the following couple of days in deeper emotional and penetrative views and affections. 11.04 The Moon reaches her waxing crescent phase 16.18 Mercury, 17 days from turning retrograde, at 15 Libra waxing quincunx Uranus at 15 Taurus 18.54 The Moon at 8 Scorpio waning square Saturn at 8 Aquarius. 20.41 Venus enters Scorpio Venus resides in Scorpio as an evening 'star' for 27 days. This is a slightly torrid residence although not without magnetic charm at times .Venus enters in a fixed T-square with Saturn and Uranus, squaring the former on Sept 17th, and opposing the later on Sept 23rd. That week is probably the most difficult. Venus trines Neptune on Sept 29th, whih is truly enchanting, squares Jupiter on Sept 30th, with is over indulgent, and sextiles Pluto, the power of love and will, on October 2nd. Venus enters Sagittarius on Oct 7th. This is a rather intense and emotional few weeks. Getting below the surface of friendships and relationships is the modus operandi now. Venus is at greatest evening star brightness on Dec 7th and she turns retrograde on Dec 19th 2021 at 26 Capricorn. Venus is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on Jan 8th 2022.

Saturday 11th September 2021

Moon and Venus in Scorpio

Intense potentials today. Slightly more free tomorrow. 06.37 The very rapidly waxing crescent Moon at 15 Scorpio opposition Uranus at 15 Taurus 10.08 Jupiter at 24 Aquarius waxing semi-sextile Pluto at 24 Capricorn The current 13 year Jupiter/Pluto synodic cycle of of 'power plays' started in 2020 in Capricorn. This year the cycle reaches it's waxing semi-sextile phase, (April 20th, Sept 11th and 27th Nov), and its waxing decile phase, (June 20th, July 4th and Jan 9th 2022). The new 'power evolution' established in 2020 now undergoes with the semi-sextile 'the urge to be' and with the decile aspect, the decision process 'what to be'. We are dealing here with new power structures, set in motion last year now gaining purchase. 11.03 The Moon is at Perigee. Fastest and closest to the Earth this month. 14.08 The Moon at 19 Scorpio waxing sextile The Sun at 19 Virgo 18.51 The Moon at 22 Scorpio waning trine Neptune at 22 Pisces 23.09 The Moon at 24 Scorpio waning square Jupiter at 24 Aquarius 23.14 The Moon at 24 Scorpio waning sextile Pluto at 24 Capricorn

Sunday 12th September 2021

05.33 The rapidly waxing crescent Moon at 28 Scorpio waxing Mars at 28 Virgo. The Moon is then void of course for just over 3 hours 08.36 The Moon enters Sagittarius ushering in 2 days of greater spirit and enterprise than the last two. 14.40 The Sun at 20 Virgo waning tri-septile Jupiter at 24 Aquarius 17.40 The Moon at 5 Sagittarius opposition her ascending node at 5 Gemini 21.18 The Moon at 8 Sagittarius waning sextile Saturn at 8 Aquarius

Monday 13th September 2021

09.14 The rapidly waxing crescent Moon at 15 Sagittarius waning quincunx Uranus at 15 Taurus 11.14 Mercury at 18 Libra waning tri-septile Neptune at 22 Pisces 14.31 The Moon at 18 Sagittarius waxing sextile Mercury at 18 Libra A tight Mutable T-Square involving the Moon, the Sun and Neptune is manifest from 20.00 to 22.00. 20.40 The Moon at First Quarter 21.34 The Moon at 22 Sagittarius waning square Neptune at 22 Pisces STATE OF THE SKY:- The Sun is at 21 degrees Virgo. Mars is also in Virgo. Jupiter and Saturn are in Aquarius. There are 9 days to the Libran Equinox. The next Full Moon occurs one day before the equinox. Mercury is an evening star in Libra. Mercury has his retrograde phase in this sign and therefore has a lengthy 66 day residence here. This phase is characterised by 3 repeated squares to Pluto and 3 trines to Jupiter. The common denominator here is a power issue. The climax of the phase is Mercury's conjunction to Mars, the 2nd of 3 of this season, and the Sun on Saturday Oct 9th at 16/17 Libra. This is certainly the pinch point, possibly one of the important days this year, we will see. Mercury is now in his shadow. He trines Jupiter Sept 20th, optimistic, squares Pluto on Sept 22nd and turns retrograde at 25 Libra on Sept 27th. He squares Pluto on Oct 1st, trines Jupiter on Oct 4th and is at Inferior Conjunction of the Sun and conjuncts Mars at 16/17 Libra on Oct 9th. The period between the the first 2 Pluto squares, Sept 21st to Oct 2nd is the most difficult time of the phase, a real power struggle. Now a morning star Mercury sextiles Venus on Oct 17th. Mercury stations direct on Oct 18th at 10 Libra. He trines Jupiter on Nov 1st, squares Pluto on Nov 2nd, is out of his shadow on Nov 3rd and enters Scorpio on Nov 5th. Mercury sextiles Venus again, just after this enters. This long Mercury in Libra residence looks to be an uncomfortable and prolonged fight for fair play. Venus resides in Scorpio as an evening 'star' for 27 days. This is a slightly torrid residence although not without magnetic charm at times. Venus enters into a fixed T-square with Saturn and Uranus, squaring the former on Sept 17th, and opposing the later on Sept 23rd. That week is probably the most difficult. Venus trines Neptune on Sept 29th, whih is truly enchanting, squares Jupiter on Sept 30th, with is over indulgent, and sextiles Pluto, the power of love and will, on October 2nd. Venus enters Sagittarius on Oct 7th. This is a rather intense and emotional few weeks. Getting below the surface of friendships and relationships is the modus operandi now. Venus is at greatest evening star brightness on Dec 7th and she turns retrograde on Dec 19th 2021 at 26 Capricorn. Venus is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on Jan 8th 2022. Mars is in Virgo on the far side of the Sun, for 7 weeks. Mercury was conjunct Mars on Aug 19th at 13 Virgo, this was the 1st of three conjunctions of this pair over the next 3 months, one in each sign Virgo, Libra and Scorpio. Mars 'earth trines' Pluto, moving mountains, bit by bit, today. Mars leaves Virgo for Libra on Wednesday. We have had exactitude, and hair splitting, highly detailed, efficient, and methodical activity ahead of us over the last 7 weeks. This is shortly going to change. Mars has a big bash with retrograde Mercury and the Sun in mid Libra on Oct 9th 2021. Mars next turns retrograde at 25 Gemini on Oct 30th 2022. He resides in Gemini either side of that date for seven months. Jupiter re-entered Aquarius on July 28th re-joining Saturn in this sign. These next 3 months remain an opportunity to revisit what befell us earlier this year and maybe alter the consequences. On October 18th 2021 Jupiter turns direct at 22 degrees Aquarius. Mars squares Jupiter on Dec 8th. He re-enters Pisces on Dec 29th 2021 when the real business starts. Jupiter then sextiles Uranus, a fine expansive, progressive and creative aspect on Feb 18th 2022. He conjuncts Neptune at 24 Pisces on April 12th, the highlight of the residence, (the 'Florence Nightingale combination conjunction', more to follow on this one), and he sextiles Pluto in an embrace of power and transformation on May 3rd 2022. Jupiter leaves Pisces for Aries on May 10th 2022. He returns again to Pisces from Oct 28th 2022 to Dec 20th 2022 with a direct station on Nov 23rd at 28 Pisces. By the time of the Northern Hemisphere Winter Solstice 2022 Jupiter has left Pisces for good. Jupiter enters into Pisces has been 'first blood'. Love like blood. Stay tuned. Saturn is retrograde in Aquarius. In 2021 the main outer body aspect is a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This is a difficult aspect, but not in the league of 2020 aspects. This cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with their opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. The 2021 last quarter aspect will induce political, financial and social changes of possibly a drastic nature and a measure of instability. We will observe a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The aspect peaked in 2021 on Feb 17th, and repeats on June 14th and on Dec 24th with a slight return in early October 2022. Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is retrograde in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Neptune is retrograde in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is now retrograde in Capricorn. He turns direct on October 6th at 24 Capricorn. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. The next eclipses are a partial lunar eclipse on Nov 19th at 27 Taurus square Jupiter, and a Total Solar Eclipse, visible from Antarctica, on Dec 4th quincunx Uranus at 12 Sagittarius. The next Total Lunar eclipse is a blisteringly big eclipse, visible from the UK, and is at 26 Scorpio, during the early hours of Monday May 16th 2022. There is another Total Lunar eclipse in 2022 on November 8th. This is a daytime event for the UK. The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024. Earlier that same year, 2024, we can also look forward to the next 'American Total Solar Eclipse' on April 8th 2024. See you, possibly in Texas

Tuesday 14th September 2021

Sun opposite Neptune

Neptune is at opposition, an annual event, this challenges self belief and centers us onto a more universal illumination. The lunar background is a 'crisis in action' first quarter Moon falling into Capricorn halfway through the day injecting grounded realism for a couple of days. 01.38 The first quarter Moon at 24 Sagittarius waning sextile Jupiter at 24 Aquarius 06.57 Mars having his last day in Virgo at 30 degrees of that sign waxing sesuiquadrate Uranus at 15 Taurus 09.22 The Sun at 22 Virgo opposition Neptune at 22 Pisces 10.58 The Moon at 30 Sagittarius waxing square Mars at 30 Virgo. The Moon is void of course for only 38 mins 11.36 The Moon enters Capricorn 17.07 Venus at 4 Scorpio waning bi-novile Pluto at 24 Capricorn 18.47 Minor lunar occultation of giant old orange star SGR, observable from the UK, ends 19.40 (Thurs). 19.13 Mercury at 19 Libra waxing tri-septile Uranus at 15 Taurus 19.21 The Moon at 5 Capricorn waxing sextile Venus at 5 Scorpio

Wednesday 15th September 2021

Practicality to the fore today. Jobs of work best started. Just get stuck in. 00.16 Mars enters Libra. He joins Mercury in this sign. He resides in Libra on the far side of the Sun for 45 days. Mars in Libra acts with poise and style. Much reflection about things precedes action. Decisiveness will not be strong. The need here is to weigh all alternatives before taking action. This particular residence is dynamic, eventful and largely positive. Mars 'air trines' Saturn on Sept 25th, harnessing discipline and determination to achieve goals. Mars is conjunct the Sun and retrograde Mercury at 15-17 Libra on October 8th/9th. This is the astrological hotspot of the residence and infuses an increased measure of motivational mental and physical activity at that time. Mars 'air trines' Jupiter on Oct 19th, which is immensely favorable and optimistic. Mars squares Pluto on Oct 22nd, the really heavy aspect of the residence. Mars leaves Libra for Scorpio on Oct 30th. With Mars in Libra and Venus in Scorpio up to the 7th October, we have a breezy ambivalent male principal unable to move and impress an intense and stronger female principal, both planets are undignified but in mutual reception. For the remainder of the residence, Oct 7th to 30th, with Mars in Libra and Venus in Sagittarius, Mars fans the flames of Venus, hot racy stuff erupts and an inflammable personable atmosphere ensues. Much more fun. 01.15 The Sun at 22 Virgo waning sesuiquadrate Saturn at 7 Aquarius 03.11 Mars at zero Libra waning biquintile Jupiter at 24 Aquarius 10.58 Mercury at 19 Libra waning tri-decile Saturn at 7 Aquarius 12.31 The waxing and decelerating Moon at 15 Capricorn waning trine Uranus at 15 Taurus 21.41 The Moon at 20 Capricorn waxing square Mercury at 20 Libra 22.26 Mercury at 20 Libra waxing decile Jupiter at 24 Aquarius 22.26 The Sun at 23 Virgo waxing decile Jupiter at 24 Aquarius 22.26 Mars at 1 Libra waxing decile Jupiter at 24 Aquarius 22.26 Venus at 6 Scorpio waxing decile Jupiter at 24 Aquarius

Thursday 16th September 2021

With a distant Mars now in Libra and a physically 'closing in' Venus already in Scorpio up to the 7th Oct, we have a breezy ambivalent stylish indecisive male principal struggling in vain to move and impress an intense and stronger female principal, both planets astrologically undignified but in mutual reception. 01.02 The Moon at 22 Capricorn waning sextile Neptune at 22 Pisces 01.46 Venus at 6 Scorpio waning tri-decile Jupiter at 24 Aquarius 04.07 The Moon at 24 Capricorn waxing trine The Sun at 24 Virgo 05.40 The Moon conjunction Pluto at 24 Capricorn. The Moon is void for nearly 10 hours 14.19 The Sun at 24 Virgo waning quincunx Jupiter at 24 Aquarius 15.25 The Moon enters Aquarius 17.12 Venus at 7 Scorpio waning sesuiquadrate Neptune at 22 Pisces 17.20 The Moon at 1 Aquarius waxing trine Mars at 1 Libra

Friday 17th September 2021

The Sun trines Pluto

Venus square Saturn

Dry empirical detached quite hard astrology today. 00.23 The Moon at 5 Aquarius trines her node from south of the ecliptic. 01.53 The Sun at 24 Virgo waning trine Pluto at 24 Capricorn The waxing and decelerating Moon now in Aquarius forms a square to Venus with Saturn 04:00 to 06:30 today. 04.03 The Moon at 7 Aquarius waxing square Venus at 7 Scorpio 04.15 The Moon conjunction Saturn at 7 Aquarius 06.15 Venus at 7 Scorpio waning square Saturn at 7 Aquarius 08.19 The Moon reaches her waxing gibbous phase The procession to the Full Moon in 4 days time now gains momentum. 11.41 Venus at 8 Scorpio waxing decile Mars at 2 Libra 16.46 The Moon at 14 Aquarius waning square Uranus at 14 Taurus A rather unstable and possibly accident prone Full Moon approaches.

Saturday 18th September 2021

04.19 Mercury at 22 Libra waning quincunx Neptune at 22 Pisces 05.37 The waxing gibbous Moon decelerating at 22 Aquarius waxing trine Mercury at 22 Libra 09.15 The Moon at 24 conjunction Jupiter at 24 Aquarius. The Moon is void for 11.1 hours 12.56 The Moon at 26 Aquarius waxing quincunx The Sun at 26 Virgo 20.24 The Moon approaching the full enters Pisces joining Neptune.

Sunday 19th September 2021

Wayward vagabond comet K2 on its 'millions of years' long maiden voyage from the Oort cloud passes Earth 14/07/22. Record breaking 'early dynamic evolution'. This 'city sized snowball' in Draco has it's tropical zodiac position in Sagittarius. It was discovered on May 21st 2017, the day before the Ariana Grande concert terrorist attack in Manchester, admittedly not at all a good start, and at the time of a fiery grand trine in the skies of Earth involving Saturn, Uranus and the Lunar Node. Not necessarily a highly visible comet next year but might be naked eye object. Purification by fire, harsh energy but an agent of consciousness expansion.

01.04 The almost Full Moon at 3 Pisces waxing quincunx Mars at 3 Libra 05.25 The Moon at 5 Pisces squares her node from south of the ecliptic 14.26 The Moon at 10 Pisces waxing trine Venus at 10 Scorpio 22.27 The Moon at 14 Pisces waning sextile Uranus at 14 Taurus

Monday 20th September 2021

Full Moon in Pisces

Mars, Saturn and the Lunar Node are in Air Grand trine from today up to the end of September, peaking on Sept 26th. Venus Saturn and Uranus are in loose fixed T-square over the Full Moon period and the looming Libra Equinox. It culminates on Thursday morning (GMT) as Venus opposes Uranus. 05.56 Venus at 11 Scorpio waning bi-septile Jupiter at 24 Aquarius 11.40 The Moon at 22 Pisces conjunction Neptune at 22 Pisces 14.51 The Moon at 23 Pisces waxing quincunx Mercury at 23 Libra 16.46 The Moon at 24 Pisces waxing sextile Pluto at 24 Capricorn 22.53 Mercury at 24 Libra waning trine Jupiter at 24 Aquarius 23.55 Moment of FULL MOON The Moon is void of course for 4.3 hours


This Full Moon applies in 'accident prone' opposition to Mars. This is the 4th Full Moon following the Total Lunar Eclipse on May 26th 2021 in Sagittarius and the penultimate Full Moon before a Partial Lunar eclipse at 27 Taurus on Friday Nov 19th 2021. At this time Mercury in Libra, one week from his retro-station, is trine Jupiter and square Pluto. Venus opposes Uranus. Mars, Saturn and the lunar node are in Air trine. Zero planets in Fire signs and the Full Moon hits the Pluto/Node (connections with others) midpoint. It all adds up to a rather unstable combination of over optimistic precariousness. This is the 'easily led' Full Moon. Gullibility and herd instinct is prevalent. Careful who you bond with. At the exact moment of Full Moon the Sun and Moon align to the UK and to Kolkata. Mars rises at Indianapolis. Saturn sets at Berlin. The Full Moon hits the Uranus of Queen Elizabeth, the Mercury of Iran, the Mercury of Bosnia, the MC of Nigeria, the MC of Hezbollah, the Node of Hamas. It square Boris Johnson's Sun and Venus and squares Emma Radacannu's Saturn. STATE OF THE SKY:- The Sun is at 28 degrees Virgo. Mercury and Mars are in Libra. Jupiter and Saturn are in Aquarius. There are 2 days to the Libran Equinox. Mercury is an evening star in Libra. Mercury has his retrograde phase in this sign and therefore has a lengthy 66 day residence here. This phase is characterised by 3 repeated squares to Pluto and 3 trines to Jupiter. The common denominator here is a power issue. Impaired judgement, mind games, power trips and manipulation govern this period because of this repeated Mercury square Pluto. The climax of the phase is Mercury's conjunction to Mars, the 2nd of 3 of this season, and the Sun on Saturday Oct 9th at 16/17 Libra. This is certainly the pinch point, possibly one of the important days this year, we will see. Mercury is now in his shadow. He trines Jupiter today, optimistic, squares Pluto on Wednesday and turns retrograde at 25 Libra next Monday. He squares Pluto on Oct 1st, trines Jupiter on Oct 4th and is at Inferior Conjunction of the Sun and conjuncts Mars at 16/17 Libra on Oct 9th. The period between the the first 2 Pluto squares, Sept 21st to Oct 2nd is the most difficult time of the phase, a real power struggle. Now a morning star Mercury sextiles Venus on Oct 17th. Mercury stations direct on Oct 18th at 10 Libra. He trines Jupiter on Nov 1st, squares Pluto on Nov 2nd, is out of his shadow on Nov 3rd and enters Scorpio on Nov 5th. Mercury sextiles Venus again, just after this enters. This long Mercury in Libra residence looks to be an uncomfortable and prolonged fight for fair play. Venus resides in Scorpio as an evening 'star' for 27 days. This is a slightly torrid residence although not without magnetic charm at times. Venus is currently in a fixed T-square with Saturn and Uranus, squaring the former last Friday and opposing the later on Sept 23rd. This time is probably the most difficult. Venus trines Neptune on Sept 29th, which is truly enchanting, squares Jupiter on Sept 30th, with is over indulgent, and sextiles Pluto, the power of love and will, on October 2nd. Venus enters Sagittarius on Oct 7th. This is a rather intense and emotional few weeks. Getting below the surface of friendships and relationships is the modus operandi now. Venus is at greatest evening star brightness on Dec 7th and she turns retrograde on Dec 19th 2021 at 26 Capricorn. Venus is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on Jan 8th 2022. Mars is in Libra with Mercury. Mars is on the far side of the Sun. Mercury orbits this side. Mars in Libra acts with poise and style. Much reflection about things precedes action. Decisiveness will not be strong. The need here is to weigh all alternatives before taking action. This particular residence is dynamic, eventful and largely positive. Mars 'air trines' Saturn on Sept 25th, harnessing discipline and determination to achieve goals. Mars is conjunct the Sun and retrograde Mercury at 15-17 Libra on October 8th/9th. This is the astrological hotspot of the residence and infuses an increased measure of motivational mental and physical activity at that time. Mars 'air trines' Jupiter on Oct 19th, which is immensely favorable and optimistic. Mars squares Pluto on Oct 22nd, the really heavy aspect of the residence. Mars leaves Libra for Scorpio on Oct 30th. With Mars in Libra and Venus in Scorpio up to the 7th October, we have a breezy ambivalent male principal unable to move and impress an intense and stronger female principal, both planets are undignified but in mutual reception. For the remainder of the residence, Oct 7th to 30th, with Mars in Libra and Venus in Sagittarius, Mars fans the flames of Venus, hot racy stuff erupts and an inflammable personable atmosphere ensues. Much more fun. Mars next turns retrograde at 25 Gemini on Oct 30th 2022. He resides in Gemini either side of that date for seven months. Jupiter re-entered Aquarius on July 28th re-joining Saturn in this sign. These next 3 months remain an opportunity to revisit what befell us earlier this year and maybe alter the consequences. On October 18th 2021 Jupiter turns direct at 22 degrees Aquarius. Mars squares Jupiter on Dec 8th. He re-enters Pisces on Dec 29th 2021 when the real business starts. Jupiter then sextiles Uranus, a fine expansive, progressive and creative aspect on Feb 18th 2022. He conjuncts Neptune at 24 Pisces on April 12th, the highlight of the residence, (the 'Florence Nightingale combination conjunction', more to follow on this one), and he sextiles Pluto in an embrace of power and transformation on May 3rd 2022. Jupiter leaves Pisces for Aries on May 10th 2022. He returns again to Pisces from Oct 28th 2022 to Dec 20th 2022 with a direct station on Nov 23rd at 28 Pisces. By the time of the Northern Hemisphere Winter Solstice 2022 Jupiter has left Pisces for good. Jupiter enters into Pisces has been 'first blood'. Love like blood. Stay tuned. Saturn is retrograde in Aquarius. In 2021 the main outer body aspect is a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This is a difficult aspect, but not in the league of 2020 aspects. This cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with their opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. The 2021 last quarter aspect will induce political, financial and social changes of possibly a drastic nature and a measure of instability. We will observe a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The aspect peaked in 2021 on Feb 17th, and repeats on June 14th and on Dec 24th with a slight return in early October 2022. Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is retrograde in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Neptune is retrograde in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is now retrograde in Capricorn. He turns direct on October 6th at 24 Capricorn. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. The next eclipses are a partial lunar eclipse on Nov 19th at 27 Taurus square Jupiter, and a Total Solar Eclipse, visible from Antarctica, on Dec 4th quincunx Uranus at 12 Sagittarius. The next Total Lunar eclipse is a blisteringly big eclipse, visible from the UK, and is at 26 Scorpio, during the early hours of Monday May 16th 2022. There is another Total Lunar eclipse in 2022 on November 8th. This is a daytime event for the UK. The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024. Earlier that same year, 2024, we can also look forward to the next 'American Total Solar Eclipse' on April 8th 2024. Over the next 5 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. They current situation will have totally changed by 2026. Hold tight, fasten your seat belts. Tropical astrology has most of the answers.

Tuesday 21st September 2021

03.14 The Moon, just past the full, enters Aries The Full moon has past and now there is holy fury. The hours between Full Moon and Equinox are particularly sacred. Tread gingerly. 11.03 The Moon at 4 Aries opposition Mars at 4 Libra at loggerheads. 12.25 The Moon at 5 Aries sextiles her node from south of the ecliptic. 16.15 Venus at 12 Scorpio waning quintile Pluto at 24 Capricorn 16.44 The Moon at 7 Aries waxing sextile Saturn at 7 Aquarius

Wednesday 22nd September 2021

The Autumn Equinox

An enthusiastic, combative and rampant Moon provide the backdrop to this equinox day and bravely engages us to the rather challenging time in which we find ourselves. 03.33 The Sun at 29 Virgo waxing sesuiquadrate Uranus at 14 Taurus 03.35 The waning and decelerating full Moon at 13 Aries quincunx Venus at 13 Scorpio 05.27 The Sun at 29 Virgo waning biquintile Jupiter at 23 Aquarius 10.32 Mercury at 24 Libra waning bi-septile Saturn at 7 Aquarius 12.00 Mars at 5 Libra waxing trine the lunar node at 5 Gemini 12.20 Mercury at 24 Libra waxing quad-novile Uranus at 14 Taurus 13.12 Mercury at 24 Libra waning square Pluto at 24 Capricorn This is the first of three over the next month and up to Nov 2nd. Impaired judgment, mind games, power trips and manipulative communications govern this period. 19.21 The Sun enters Libra. This is the moment of Equinox. The Sun crosses the celestial Equator. Day and night are balanced everywhere on Earth. Autumn begins in the northern hemisphere. Spring begins in the south. The next quarter year is set in motion. The world moves on. At the exact moment of equinox the sun rises over the Tasman Sea, Sunset is at Reykjavik, Moonrise is at Seville, Moonset is over Tuvalu. It is High Noon over Grand Canyon and True Midnight over The Indus delta and over Afghanistan. Jupiter sets at Ulan Bator. Uranus rises over the UK, Pluto culminates over France, Jupiter culminates at Ankara, the Moon and Mercury align to Kolkata, Saturn rises at Lima. Mercury is almost exactly square Pluto, worrisome vibes, but he is trine Jupiter, and the Moon, slowing and waning, hooks into this aspect. There is comfort in companionship, but concern over the imposed changes. Venus sits in a Fixed T-square with Saturn and Uranus, presenting a harsh and brittle energy that can hurt. Mars trines Saturn offering opportunity to work for progress. Cardinality, Fixity and Air predominate, new ideas focused and actualized. Mutability and Fire are lacking, flexibility and creativity are in short measure. The Sun enters Libra. We are therefore I am.


23.43 The Moon at 23 Aries waxing sextile Jupiter at 23 Aquarius

Thursday 23rd September 2021

A Cardinal T-square involving the Moon Mercury and Pluto is manifest from 01.00 to 02.15 01.38 The Moon at 24 Aries waxing square Pluto at 24 Capricorn 02.05 The Moon at 25 Aries opposition Mercury at 25 Libra. The Moon is void of course for 10.6 hours. 09.42 Venus at 14 Scorpio opposition Uranus at 14 Taurus 12.40 The Moon enters Taurus joining Uranus in this sign. 14.09 The Moon at 1 Taurus waning quincunx The Sun at 1 Libra

Friday 24th September 2021

00.08 The slowly waning decelerating Moon at 6 Taurus quincunx Mars at 6 Libra 02.40 The Moon waxing square Saturn at 7 Aquarius 16.57 The Moon conjunction Uranus at 14 Taurus 19.13 Mars at 6 Libra waning tri-decile Pluto at 24 Capricorn 20.16 The Moon at 16 Taurus opposition Venus at 16 Scorpio 22.33 The Moon reaches her disseminating phase

Saturday 25th September 2021

07.24 The very slowly disseminating Moon decelerating at 21 Taurus waxing sextile Neptune at 21 Pisces 10.49 The Moon at 23 Taurus waxing square Jupiter at 23 Aquarius 13.10 The Moon at 24 Taurus waxing trine Pluto at 24 Capricorn. The Moon is void of course for 11.4 hours 15.10 The Moon at 25 Taurus waning quincunx Mercury at 25 Libra 17.54 Venus at 17 Scorpio waxing novile Mars at 7 Libra 20.13 Venus at 17 Scorpio waning bi-novile Saturn at 7 Aquarius 21.51 Mars at 7 Libra waning trine Saturn at 7 Aquarius

Sunday 26th September 2021

The current Mars, Saturn, Node Air Grand Trine peaks today.

00.38 The very slowly disseminating Moon enters Gemini 07.36 The Moon at 3 Gemini waning trine The Sun at 3 Libra 10.03 The Moon conjuncts her node at 5 Gemini 14.57 The Moon at 7 Gemini waxing trine Saturn at 7 Aquarius 15.59 The Moon at 8 Gemini waning trine Mars at 8 Libra 22.43 The Moon is at Apogee, furthest from the Earth and slowest this month, conjunct 'Black Moon Lilith'.

Monday 27th September 2021

05.04 MERCURY TURNS RETROGRADE and appears to move backwards for 21 days. The first 'casualty' of this might be the German election. First projections based on initial results suggest a tight race between the main two parties. It is at the time of writing, some 10 before Mercury's station, unclear if either the conservatives of outgoing chancellor, Angela Merkel, or the centre-left SPD has won. At stake is the battle to succeed Angela Merkel as chancellor after 16 years in power. But with the race this tight, we could be waiting weeks to find out who gets the top job. Mercury stations tightly square the Germany (1871 chart) 10th house Uranus. 09.44 Mars at 8 Libra waning sesuiquadrate Jupiter at 23 Aquarius 11.46 The Sun at 5 Libra waxing trine the lunar node at 5 Gemini 15.28 The Moon at 19 Gemini waning quincunx Venus at 19 Scorpio 15.37 Mars at 8 Libra waxing biquintile Uranus at 14 Taurus 20.12 The Moon at 21 Gemini waxing square Neptune at 21 Pisces An Air Grand Trine involving the Moon, Mercury and Jupiter is manifest from 23.00 to 04.19 Monday 23.25 The Moon at 23 Gemini waxing trine Jupiter at 23 Aquarius STATE OF THE SKY:- The Sun is at 5 degrees Libra. Mercury and Mars are also in Libra. Jupiter and Saturn are in Aquarius. There are 85 days to the Capricorn Solstice. 6 planets and the lunar node are in Air signs currently. No body is in a Fire sign. Mercury is an evening star in Libra. Mercury has his retrograde phase in this sign and therefore has a lengthy 66 day residence here. This phase is characterised by 3 repeated squares to Pluto and 3 trines to Jupiter, (the first pair of these were last Tuesday). The common denominator here is a power issue. Impaired judgement, mind games, power trips and manipulation govern this period because of this repeated Mercury square Pluto. The climax of the phase is Mercury's conjunction to Mars, the 2nd of 3 of this season, and the Sun on Saturday Oct 9th at 16/17 Libra. This is certainly the pinch point, possibly one of the important days this year, we will see. Mercury turns retrograde at 25 Libra today. He squares Pluto on Oct 1st, trines Jupiter on Oct 4th and is at Inferior Conjunction of the Sun and conjuncts Mars at 16/17 Libra on Oct 9th. This period between the the first 2 Pluto squares, Sept 21st to Oct 2nd is the most difficult time of the phase, a real power struggle. Now a morning star Mercury sextiles Venus on Oct 17th. Mercury stations direct on Oct 18th at 10 Libra. He trines Jupiter on Nov 1st, squares Pluto on Nov 2nd, is out of his shadow on Nov 3rd and enters Scorpio on Nov 5th. Mercury sextiles Venus again, just after this entry. This long Mercury in Libra residence looks to be an uncomfortable and prolonged fight for fair play. Venus resides in Scorpio as an evening 'star' for 27 days. This is a slightly torrid residence although not without magnetic charm at times. Venus trines Neptune on Sept 29th, which is truly enchanting, squares Jupiter on Sept 30th, with is over indulgent, and sextiles Pluto, the power of love and will, on October 2nd. Venus enters Sagittarius on Oct 7th. This is a rather intense and emotional few weeks. Getting below the surface of friendships and relationships is the modus operandi now. Venus is at greatest evening star brightness on Dec 7th and she turns retrograde on Dec 19th 2021 at 26 Capricorn. Venus is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on Jan 8th 2022. Mars is in Libra with Mercury. Mars is on the far side of the Sun. Mercury orbits this side. Mars in Libra acts with poise and style. Much reflection about things precedes action. Decisiveness will not be strong. The need here is to weigh all alternatives before taking action. This particular residence is dynamic, eventful and largely positive. Mars is conjunct the Sun and retrograde Mercury at 15-17 Libra on October 8th/9th. This is the astrological hotspot of the residence and infuses an increased measure of motivational mental and physical activity at that time. Mars 'air trines' Jupiter on Oct 19th, which is immensely favorable and optimistic. Mars squares Pluto on Oct 22nd, the really heavy aspect of the residence. Mars leaves Libra for Scorpio on Oct 30th. With Mars in Libra and Venus in Scorpio up to the 7th October, we have a breezy ambivalent male principal unable to move and impress an intense and stronger female principal, both planets are undignified but in mutual reception. For the remainder of the residence, Oct 7th to 30th, with Mars in Libra and Venus in Sagittarius, Mars fans the flames of Venus, hot racy stuff erupts and an inflammable personable atmosphere ensues. Much more fun. Mars next turns retrograde at 25 Gemini on Oct 30th 2022. He resides in Gemini either side of that date for seven months. Jupiter re-entered Aquarius on July 28th re-joining Saturn in this sign. These next 3 months remain an opportunity to revisit what befell us earlier this year and maybe alter the consequences. On October 18th 2021 Jupiter turns direct at 22 degrees Aquarius. Mars squares Jupiter on Dec 8th. He re-enters Pisces on Dec 29th 2021 when the real business starts. Jupiter then sextiles Uranus, a fine expansive, progressive and creative aspect on Feb 18th 2022. He conjuncts Neptune at 24 Pisces on April 12th, the highlight of the residence, (the 'Florence Nightingale combination conjunction', more to follow on this one), and he sextiles Pluto in an embrace of power and transformation on May 3rd 2022. Jupiter leaves Pisces for Aries on May 10th 2022. He returns again to Pisces from Oct 28th 2022 to Dec 20th 2022 with a direct station on Nov 23rd at 28 Pisces. By the time of the Northern Hemisphere Winter Solstice 2022 Jupiter has left Pisces for good. Love like blood. Stay tuned. Saturn is retrograde in Aquarius. In 2021 the main outer body aspect is a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This is a difficult aspect, but not in the league of 2020 aspects. This cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with their opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. The 2021 last quarter aspect will induce political, financial and social changes of possibly a drastic nature and a measure of instability. We will observe a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The aspect peaked in 2021 on Feb 17th, and on June 14th and repeats on Dec 24th with a slight return in early October 2022. Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is retrograde in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Neptune is retrograde in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is now retrograde in Capricorn. He turns direct on October 6th at 24 Capricorn. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. The next eclipses are a partial lunar eclipse on Nov 19th at 27 Taurus square Jupiter, and a Total Solar Eclipse, visible from Antarctica, on Dec 4th quincunx Uranus at 12 Sagittarius. The next Total Lunar eclipse is a blisteringly big eclipse, visible from the UK, and is at 26 Scorpio, during the early hours of Monday May 16th 2022. There is another Total Lunar eclipse in 2022 on November 8th. This is a daytime event for the UK. The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024. Earlier that same year, 2024, we can also look forward to the next 'American Total Solar Eclipse' on April 8th 2024. Over the next 5 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. The current situation will have totally changed by 2026. Hold tight, fasten your seat belts. Tropical astrology has most of the answers.

Tuesday 28th September 2021

02.06 The waning Moon at 24 Gemini very slowly moving and accelerating towards last quarter phase, quincunx Pluto at 24 Capricorn 04.19 The Moon at 25 Gemini waning trine Mercury at 25 Libra. The Moon is void of course for 9.3 hours 13.36 The Moon enters Cancer. Cardinal last quarter Moon. Crisis of consciousness. Balance of home and society.

Wednesday 29th September 2021

Venus trine Neptune.

Sun trine Saturn.

Two positive planetary vibrations are at work today. One potentially artistically enchanting. The other favors sound organisation. 01.58 The Moon at Last Quarter 03.40 The Moon at 7 Cancer waxing quincunx Saturn at 7 Aquarius 06.19 The Sun at 6 Libra waning tri-decile Pluto at 24 Capricorn 08.18 The Moon at 9 Cancer waning square Mars at 9 Libra 16.14 Venus at 21 Scorpio waning trine Neptune at 21 Pisces 17.55 The Moon at 14 Cancer waxing sextile Uranus at 14 Taurus 22.20 The Sun at 7 Libra waning trine Saturn at 7 Aquarius

Thursday 30th September 2021

A favorable last quarter Moon in Cancer makes easy aspects from now up to 10.45 BST Thursday and forms a tight 'love good' watery triangle with Venus and Neptune 09-00 to 10.00 BST Thursday. Cherishing hours. A 'love good' Water Grand Trine involving the Moon, Venus and Neptune is manifest from 08.00 to 10.00. 08.07 The Moon at 21 Cancer waxing trine Neptune at 21 Pisces 09.45 The Moon at 22 Cancer waning trine Venus at 22 Scorpio 11.03 The Moon at 23 Cancer waxing quincunx Jupiter at 23 Aquarius 13.55 The Moon at 24 Cancer opposition Pluto at 24 Capricorn 14.49 The Moon at 25 Cancer waning square Mercury at 25 Libra, moon void 19.07 The Sun at 8 Libra waning sesuiquadrate Jupiter at 23 Aquarius 23.32 Venus at 23 Scorpio waning square Jupiter at 23 Aquarius

Friday 1st October 2021

Retro-Mercury square Pluto

Ailing retrograde Mercury in Libra makes his 2nd square of the season to Pluto today. Manifestation of control freakery with convulsive and wavering indecision quite possible. Hold your horses, bide your time. Mars also in Libra is approaching Mercury with stealth. They align with the Earth and the Sun 3 days after the punchy New Moon next Wednesday. 00.55 The waning and accelerating Moon enters Leo 01.41 The Sun at 8 Libra waxing biquintile Uranus at 14 Taurus 09.17 The Moon at 4 Leo sextiles her node from north of the ecliptic 14.11 The Moon at 7 Leo opposition Saturn at 7 Aquarius 14.27 Mercury at 24 Libra waning square Pluto at 24 Capricorn 17.35 The Moon at 9 Leo waning sextile The Sun at 9 Libra 21.47 The Moon at 11 Leo waning sextile Mars at 11 Libra

Saturday 2nd October 2021

Venus sextile Pluto

00.08 Mercury at 24 Libra waning bi-septile Saturn at 7 Aquarius 00.58 Mercury at 24 Libra waxing quad-novile Uranus at 14 Taurus 01.57 Mercury at 24 Libra waning semi-sextile Venus at 24 Scorpio 03.32 The almost balsamic Moon accelerating at 14 Leo waxing square Uranus at 14 Taurus 07.48 Venus at 24 Scorpio waning sextile Pluto at 24 Capricorn 09.12 Mars at 11 Libra waning quad-novile Neptune at 21 Pisces 11.24 The Sun at 9 Libra waning semi-square Venus at 24 Scorpio 15.12 Mars at 11 Libra waning bi-septile Pluto at 24 Capricorn 16.52 The Moon at 21 Leo waxing quincunx Neptune at 21 Pisces 19.29 The Moon at 23 Leo opposition Jupiter at 23 Aquarius 20.58 The Moon at 24 Leo waning sextile Mercury at 24 Libra 21.09 Venus at 25 Scorpio waning quintile Saturn at 7 Aquarius 23.36 The Moon reaches her balsamic phase.

Sunday 3rd October 2021

00:44 The Moon squares Venus and is then void of course for nearly 8 hours 03.49 Minor lunar occultation of star Eta Leonis which is a white supergiant. Although 20000 times brighter than the Sun it appears a dim, just observable star, from the UK. The occulatation ends 04.17 (Thurs). 08.39 The Moon enters Virgo 16.14 The Moon at 4 Virgo waxing square the lunar node at 4 Gemini 20.57 The Moon at 7 Virgo waning quincunx Saturn at 7 Aquarius

Monday 4th October 2021

The Earth, Mercury on this side of the Sun, and Mars on the far side of the Sun are aligned within a couple of degrees, on Friday and Saturday, to 15-17 Libra. Quite important days ahead at the end of this week after a notably eventful New Moon conjunct Mars on Wednesday. Work centred vibrations are evident today. 00.06 Retro-Mercury at 23 Libra waning trine Jupiter at 23 Aquarius 06.26 The Sun at 11 Libra waning quad-novile Neptune at 21 Pisces 09.20 The balsamic Moon accelerating at 14 Virgo waxing trine Uranus at 14 Taurus 11.32 The Sun at 11 Libra waning bi-septile Pluto at 24 Capricorn 21.48 The Moon at 21 Virgo opposition Neptune at 21 Pisces STATE OF THE SKY:- The Sun is at 11 degrees Libra. Retro-Mercury and Mars are also in Libra. Jupiter and Saturn are in Aquarius. There are 79 days to the Capricorn Solstice. 5 planets and the lunar node are in Air signs currently. No body is in a Fire sign. The New Moon in Libra is on Wednesday and this is tightly conjunct Mars and quincunx Uranus. Mercury is an evening star in Libra. Mercury has his retrograde phase in this sign and therefore has a lengthy 66 day residence here. This phase is characterised by 3 repeated squares to Pluto and 3 trines to Jupiter, (the first pair of these were 2 weeks ago). The common denominator here is a power issue. Impaired judgement, mind games, power trips and manipulation govern this period because of this repeated Mercury square Pluto. The climax of the phase is Mercury's conjunction to Mars, the 2nd of 3 of this season, and the Sun on Saturday Oct 9th at 16/17 Libra. This is certainly the pinch point, possibly one of the important days this year, we will see. Mercury turned retrograde at 25 Libra on Sept 27th. He trines Jupiter today and is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun and conjuncts Mars at 16/17 Libra on Saturday. Then a morning star Mercury sextiles Venus on Oct 17th. Mercury stations direct on Oct 18th at 10 Libra. He trines Jupiter on Nov 1st, squares Pluto on Nov 2nd, is out of his shadow on Nov 3rd and enters Scorpio on Nov 5th. Mercury sextiles Venus again, just after this entry. This long Mercury in Libra residence looks to be an uncomfortable and prolonged fight for fair play. Venus resides in Scorpio as an evening 'star' for 27 days. This is a slightly torrid residence although not without magnetic charm at times. Venus enters Sagittarius on Oct 7th. This is and has been a rather intense and emotional few weeks. Getting below the surface of friendships and relationships is the modus operandi now. Venus is at greatest evening star brightness on Dec 7th and she turns retrograde on Dec 19th 2021 at 26 Capricorn. Venus is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on Jan 8th 2022. Mars is in Libra with Mercury. Mars is on the far side of the Sun. Mercury orbits this side. Mars in Libra acts with poise and style. Much reflection about things precedes action. Decisiveness will not be strong. The need here is to weigh all alternatives before taking action. This particular residence is dynamic, eventful and largely positive. Mars is conjunct the Sun and retrograde Mercury at 15-17 Libra on October 8th/9th. This is the astrological hotspot of the residence and infuses an increased measure of motivational mental and physical activity at that time. Mars 'air trines' Jupiter on Oct 19th, which is immensely favorable and optimistic. Mars squares Pluto on Oct 22nd, the really heavy aspect of the residence. Mars leaves Libra for Scorpio on Oct 30th. With Mars in Libra and Venus in Scorpio up to the 7th October, we have a breezy ambivalent male principal unable to move and impress an intense and stronger female principal, both planets are undignified but in mutual reception. For the remainder of the residence, Oct 7th to 30th, with Mars in Libra and Venus in Sagittarius, Mars fans the flames of Venus, hot racy stuff erupts and an inflammable personable atmosphere ensues. Much more fun. Mars next turns retrograde at 25 Gemini on Oct 30th 2022. He resides in Gemini either side of that date for seven months. Jupiter re-entered Aquarius on July 28th re-joining Saturn in this sign. These next remaining 3 months remain an opportunity to revisit what befell us earlier this year and maybe alter the consequences. Jupiter is conjunct the Neptune/Pluto midpoint during this whole month, and early April this year, this gives rise to exploration of the 'extremely subtle', obsessive imaginings, growth of conspiracy theories. On October 18th 2021 Jupiter turns direct at 22 degrees Aquarius. Mars squares Jupiter on Dec 8th. He re-enters Pisces on Dec 29th 2021 when the real business starts. Jupiter then sextiles Uranus, a fine expansive, progressive and creative aspect on Feb 18th 2022. He conjuncts Neptune at 24 Pisces on April 12th, the highlight of the residence, (the 'Florence Nightingale combination conjunction', more to follow on this one), and he sextiles Pluto in an embrace of power and transformation on May 3rd 2022. Jupiter leaves Pisces for Aries on May 10th 2022. He returns again to Pisces from Oct 28th 2022 to Dec 20th 2022 with a direct station on Nov 23rd at 28 Pisces. By the time of the Northern Hemisphere Winter Solstice 2022 Jupiter has left Pisces for good. Love like blood. Stay tuned. Saturn is retrograde in Aquarius. In 2021 the main outer body aspect is a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This is a difficult aspect, but not in the league of 2020 aspects. This cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with their opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. The 2021 last quarter aspect will induce political, financial and social changes of possibly a drastic nature and a measure of instability. We will observe a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The aspect peaked in 2021 on Feb 17th, and on June 14th and repeats on Dec 24th with a slight return in early October 2022. Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is retrograde in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Neptune is retrograde in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is now retrograde in Capricorn. He turns direct on October 6th at 24 Capricorn. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. The next eclipses are a partial lunar eclipse on Nov 19th at 27 Taurus square Jupiter, and a Total Solar Eclipse, visible from Antarctica, on Dec 4th quincunx Uranus at 12 Sagittarius. The next Total Lunar eclipse is a blisteringly big eclipse, visible from the UK, and is at 26 Scorpio, during the early hours of Monday May 16th 2022. There is another Total Lunar eclipse in 2022 on November 8th. This is a daytime event for the UK. The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024. Earlier that same year, 2024, we can also look forward to the next 'American Total Solar Eclipse' on April 8th 2024. Over the next 5 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. The current situation will have totally changed by 2026. Hold tight, fasten your seat belts. Tropical astrology has most of the answers.

Tuesday 5th October 2021

The old fast Moon starting the day in Virgo is new in Libra tomorrow. This is a 'socially aggressive' New Moon and it serves as a prelude to sharper planetary alignments as the week ends. The Earth, Mercury, the Sun and Mars, in that order, are aligned within 3 degrees to 15-17 Libra from Friday to Saturday. We are approaching a salient 'personal' planetary event. 00.11 The rapidly waning old Moon at 23 Virgo waning quincunx Jupiter at 23 Aquarius 03.04 The Moon at 24 Virgo waning trine Pluto at 24 Capricorn 05.51 retro-Mercury at 22 Libra waning decile Venus at 28 Scorpio 08.47 The Moon at 28 Virgo waning sextile Venus at 28 Scorpio. The Moon is void of course for nearly 4 hours. 12.43 The ancient Moon enters Libra joining Mars, Mercury and the Sun in this sign. 13.54 retro-Mercury at 21 Libra waning quincunx Neptune at 21 Pisces 19.40 The Moon at 4 Libra trines her node at 4 Gemini from north of the ecliptic

Wednesday 6th October 2021

New Moon in Libra

00.16 The Moon at 7 Libra waning trine Saturn at 7 Aquarius 09.27 Mars at 14 Libra waxing quincunx Uranus at 14 Taurus 11.06 Moment of NEW MOON


Today's New Moon is the 4th following on from the Annular Solar Eclipse at 20 Gemini on June 10th 2021 and the penultimate before the Total Solar Eclipse at 12 Sagittarius on Dec 4th 2021. This New Moon in Libra is tightly conjunct Mars quincunx Uranus and trine Ceres. Air waves of passion infiltrate this lunation. No astrological fire-simply an an acculmulating and concentrated air mass with little movement. Actions will evoke unexpected reactions, social concern is a feature. Retrograde Mercury is trine Jupiter and applying in conjunction to the Sun and Mars. The advice is don't be taken in. This is a fool's gold combination. Revisits will be required. Six planets are in Air signs, nothing is in Fire. A mass of thought forms is evident but there is little focus for creativity and enterprise. Cardinality predominates, mutability is lacking. Again resist the impulses to move on, simply weigh up the score. Jupiter is conjunct the Neptune/Pluto midpoint during this whole month, and early April this year, this gives rise to exploration of the 'extremely subtle', obsessive imaginings, growth of conspiracy theories. At the exact moment of New Moon today the triplet of the Moon, the Sun and Mars are aligned to Munich, Florence, Oslo, Bangkok, Washington DC, Panama and Quito. Saturn rises at Tehran. The New Moon hits the (Koch) 8th house Mercury and Neptune of China, massive financial changes there maybe, the descending node of the UK, very unlucky for some, the Venus of Spain and opposes the Mars of Denmark and squares the USA Sun widely conjunct the USA Saturn. It hits the Mercury, Venus Mars and ascendant of the Large Hadron Collider chart at Cern, new discoveries there possibly. Vladimir Putin's Sun is hit, his 69th birthday is tomorrow, as is Boris Becker's Venus and Gerry Adams' Sun and Neptune. There is an astrological spat with Queen Elizabeth's Pluto and Prince Charles' IC conjunct Neptune. It hits the Neptune of the Alice Cooper generation and the Pluto of the Orlando Bloom generation. Today is the birthday of Britt Ekland, Gerry Adams and Melvyn Bragg. New chapters in the lives of these three are starting. Today's New Moon conjunct Mars in Libra has far reaching social implications. Relationships receive a cosmic boost. 11.57 The Moon at 14 Libra waxing quincunx Uranus at 14 Taurus 12.04 The Moon at conjunction Mars at 14 Libra 12.05 PLUTO TURNS DIRECT 15.45 Venus at 29 Scorpio waxing semi-square Mars at 14 Libra 17.44 The Sun at 14 Libra waxing quad-novile Mercury at 20 Libra 21.40 The Moon at 20 Libra conjunction Mercury at 20 Libra 23.11 The Sun at 14 Libra waxing quincunx Uranus at 14 Taurus 23.55 The Moon at 21 Libra waning quincunx Neptune at 21 Pisces

Thursday 7th October 2021

The very rapidly waxing infant new Moon now serves as an newly evolving backdrop to grand planetary alignments over the next few days. Venus ingresses Sagittarius adding vivaciousness into the mix. Earth, Mercury, the Sun and Mars are about to align in the skies bringing forth events and experiences of brighter hue. 02.09 This very fast moving infant Moon at 23 Libra waning trine Jupiter at 23 Aquarius 02.30 retro-Mercury at 20 Libra waning novile Venus at 30 Scorpio 05.04 The Moon at 24 Libra waning square Pluto at 24 Capricorn. The Moon is void of course for 9.3 hours. 11.23 Venus enters Sagittarius. Venus resides as an evening star in Sagittarius for a brief flurry of 29 days. She now complements Mars in Libra. In fact she needs his airy influence to fan her sagittarian flames. A stimulating Venus/Mars combination is on the cards here. She sextiles Saturn on Oct 13th, bringing value and style to proceedings. She sextiles retro-Mercury on Oct 17th, dazzling his heady musings with her brilliance. She squares Neptune on Oct 27th, in some confusion, and she sextiles Jupiter on Oct 28th with grand optimism. Venus enters Capricorn on Nov 5th. Venus is at greatest evening star brightness on Dec 7th, and she turns retrograde on Dec 19th 2021 at 26 Capricorn. Venus is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on Jan 8th 2022. 14.24 The Moon enters Scorpio 17.26 Mercury at 19 Libra waning tri-decile Saturn at 7 Aquarius

Friday 8th October 2021

The Earth, Mercury on this side of the Sun and Mars on the far side of the Sun are aligned within a couple of degrees over the next 2 days to 15-17 Libra.

The very fast moving young Moon now in Scorpio intensifies the astrological atmosphere already brimming with Venus' vivaciousness, Mars' dalliance and Mercury's contrariness. The astrological pinch point, possibly of the year is upon us. 01.38 The Moon at 7 Scorpio waning square Saturn at 7 Aquarius 01.39 The Sun reaches 15 degrees Libra. We are halfway through Libra and we enter the 'darkened way' which leads of course to the astrological month of Scorpio. 04.02 The Sun at 15 Libra conjunction Mars at 15 Libra 08.39 Mercury at 18 Libra waxing tri-septile Uranus at 14 Taurus 13.00 The Moon at 14 Scorpio opposition Uranus at 14 Taurus 18.27 The Moon is at Perigee. Fastest and closest to the Earth this month.

Saturday 9th October 2021

The Earth, Mercury on this side of the Sun and Mars on the far side of the Sun are aligned within a couple of degrees over these 2 days to 15-17 Libra.

00.53 The rapidly waxing young Moon at 21 Scorpio waning trine Neptune at 21 Pisces 03.04 The Moon at 22 Scorpio waning square Jupiter at 22 Aquarius 06.06 The Moon at 24 Scorpio waning sextile Pluto at 24 Capricorn. The Moon is void of course for 9.3 hours 07.39 Mercury at 17 Libra waning semi-square Venus at 2 Sagittarius 11.19 Mercury at 17 Libra waning tri-septile Neptune at 21 Pisces 15.26 The Moon enters Sagittarius joining Venus in this sign. 16.19 The Sun conjunction Mercury at 17 Libra. A new Mercury, a new chapter in the story. Mercury is now a morning star. 17.10 Venus at 2 Sagittarius waning bi-novile Jupiter at 22 Aquarius 18.09 The Moon reaches her waxing crescent phase 19.37 The Moon at 3 Sagittarius conjunction Venus at 3 Sagittarius 21.52 The Moon at 4 Sagittarius opposition the lunar node at 4 Gemini 22.02 The Sun at 17 Libra waning tri-septile Neptune at 21 Pisces

Sunday 10th October 2021

Well during the last three days, coinciding with a tight planetary grouping of Mercury, the Sun and Mars, we have seen the arrival of a Malaria vaccine, a crisis in energy costs and talk of energy cuts and in the UK continuing fuel delivery problem. Lebanon has been left without electricity, plunging the country into darkness amid a severe economic crisis. Vladimir Putin has been seen holding the keys for Europe's gas supply. China's President Xi Jinping has said that reunification with Taiwan must be fulfilled, and heightened tensions over the island continue. Iraqis are voting in the first parliamentary elections since mass protests over corruption, unemployment and poor services erupted in 2019. The poll had been due next year but was brought forward by six months in response to the unrest, during which hundreds of people were killed. We now move on from this astrological 'pinch point'. 02.44 The fast moving waxing crescent Moon decelerating at 7 Sagittarius waning sextile Saturn at 7 Aquarius 02.52 Venus at 3 Sagittarius waning septile Pluto at 24 Capricorn 07.30 Venus at 3 Sagittarius waning tri-decile Neptune at 21 Pisces 14.09 The Moon at 14 Sagittarius waning quincunx Uranus at 14 Taurus 16.50 The Moon at 15 Sagittarius waxing sextile Mercury at 15 Libra 18.16 Mars at 17 Libra waning tri-septile Neptune at 21 Pisces 19.13 The Moon at 17 Sagittarius waxing sextile Mars at 17 Libra 20.45 The Moon at 18 Sagittarius waxing sextile The Sun at 18 Libra 22.20 Venus at 4 Sagittarius waning quad-novile Uranus at 14 Taurus

Monday 11th October 2021

00.31 Venus at 4 Sagittarius opposition the lunar node at 4 Gemini 01.35 SATURN TURNS DIRECT 02.18 The Moon at 21 Sagittarius waning square Neptune at 21 Pisces 03.46 The Sun at 18 Libra waxing tri-septile Uranus at 14 Taurus 04.31 The Moon at 22 Sagittarius waning sextile Jupiter at 22 Aquarius, moon 17.17 The Moon enters Capricorn 23.52 The Sun at 19 Libra waning tri-decile Saturn at 7 Aquarius STATE OF THE SKY:- The Sun is at 18 degrees Libra. Retro-Mercury and Mars are also in Libra. Jupiter and Saturn are in Aquarius. The Moon from 17.17 today and Pluto are in Capricorn. There are 72 days to the Capricorn Solstice. 5 planets and the lunar node are in Air signs currently. No body is in a Fire sign. Mercury is a morning star in Libra. Mercury has his retrograde phase in this sign and therefore has a lengthy 66 day residence here. This phase is characterised by 3 repeated squares to Pluto and 3 trines to Jupiter, two of these pairs have already passed. The common denominator here is a power issue. Impaired judgment, mind games, power trips and manipulation govern this period because of this repeated Mercury square Pluto. Mercury turned retrograde at 25 Libra on Sept 27th. Now a morning star Mercury sextiles Venus on Oct 17th. Mercury stations direct on Oct 18th at 10 Libra. He trines Jupiter on Nov 1st, squares Pluto on Nov 2nd, is out of his shadow on Nov 3rd and enters Scorpio on Nov 5th. Mercury sextiles Venus again, just after this entry. This long Mercury in Libra residence looks to be an uncomfortable and prolonged fight for fair play. Venus is now in Sagittarius. Venus resides as an evening star in Sagittarius for a brief flurry of 29 days. She now complements Mars in Libra. In fact she needs his airy influence to fan her sagittarian flames. A stimulating Venus/Mars combination is on the cards here. She sextiles Saturn on Oct 13th, bringing value and style to proceedings. She sextiles retro-Mercury on Oct 17th, dazzling his heady musings with her brilliance. She squares Neptune on Oct 27th, in some confusion, and she sextiles Jupiter on Oct 28th with grand optimism. Venus enters Capricorn on Nov 5th. Venus is at greatest evening star brightness on Dec 7th, and she turns retrograde on Dec 19th 2021 at 26 Capricorn. Venus is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on Jan 8th 2022. Mars is in Libra with Mercury. Mars is on the far side of the Sun. Mercury orbits this side. Mars in Libra acts with poise and style. Much reflection about things precedes action. Decisiveness will not be strong. The need here is to weigh all alternatives before taking action. This particular residence is dynamic, eventful and largely positive. Mars 'air trines' Jupiter on Oct 19th, which is immensely favorable and optimistic. Mars squares Pluto on Oct 22nd, the really heavy aspect of the residence. Mars leaves Libra for Scorpio on Oct 30th. With Mars in Libra and Venus in Scorpio up to the 7th October, we have a breezy ambivalent male principal unable to move and impress an intense and stronger female principal, both planets are undignified but in mutual reception. For the remainder of the residence, Oct 7th to 30th, with Mars in Libra and Venus in Sagittarius, Mars fans the flames of Venus, hot racy stuff erupts and an inflammable personable atmosphere ensues. Much more fun. Mars next turns retrograde at 25 Gemini on Oct 30th 2022. He resides in Gemini either side of that date for seven months. Jupiter re-entered Aquarius on July 28th re-joining Saturn in this sign. These next remaining 3 months remain an opportunity to revisit what befell us earlier this year and maybe alter the consequences. Jupiter is conjunct the Neptune/Pluto midpoint during this whole month, and early April this year, this gives rise to exploration of the 'extremely subtle', obsessive imaginings, growth of conspiracy theories. On October 18th 2021 Jupiter turns direct at 22 degrees Aquarius. Mars squares Jupiter on Dec 8th. He re-enters Pisces on Dec 29th 2021 when the real business starts. Jupiter then sextiles Uranus, a fine expansive, progressive and creative aspect on Feb 18th 2022. He conjuncts Neptune at 24 Pisces on April 12th, the highlight of the residence, (the 'Florence Nightingale combination conjunction', more to follow on this one), and he sextiles Pluto in an embrace of power and transformation on May 3rd 2022. Jupiter leaves Pisces for Aries on May 10th 2022. He returns again to Pisces from Oct 28th 2022 to Dec 20th 2022 with a direct station on Nov 23rd at 28 Pisces. By the time of the Northern Hemisphere Winter Solstice 2022 Jupiter has left Pisces for good. Love like blood. Stay tuned. Saturn is now direct in Aquarius. In 2021 the main outer body aspect is a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This is a difficult aspect, but not in the league of 2020 aspects. This cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with their opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. The 2021 last quarter aspect will induce political, financial and social changes of possibly a drastic nature and a measure of instability. We will observe a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The aspect peaked in 2021 on Feb 17th, and on June 14th and repeats on Dec 24th with a slight return in early October 2022. Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is retrograde in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Neptune is retrograde in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is now direct at 24 Capricorn. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. The next eclipses are a partial lunar eclipse on Nov 19th at 27 Taurus square Jupiter, and a Total Solar Eclipse, visible from Antarctica, on Dec 4th quincunx Uranus at 12 Sagittarius. The next Total Lunar eclipse is a blisteringly big eclipse, visible from the UK, and is at 26 Scorpio, during the early hours of Monday May 16th 2022. There is another Total Lunar eclipse in 2022 on November 8th. This is a daytime event for the UK. The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024. Earlier that same year, 2024, we can also look forward to the next 'American Total Solar Eclipse' on April 8th 2024. Over the next 5 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. The current situation will have totally changed by 2026. Hold tight, fasten your seat belts. Tropical astrology has most of the answers.

Tuesday 12th October 2021

Venus sextiles Saturn tomorrow. The Sun trines Jupiter (and the Moon) on Friday. Mercury turns direct next Monday. All three contribute to easier flowing astrological waves immediately ahead.. 05.11 retro-Mercury at 14 Libra waning septile Venus at 5 Sagittarius 05.30 retro-Mercury at 14 Libra waxing quincunx Uranus at 14 Taurus 13.42 Mars at 18 Libra waxing tri-septile Uranus at 14 Taurus 15.51 The waxing Moon decelerating towards her first quarter phase at 13 Capricorn waxing square Mercury at 13 Libra 16.34 The Moon at 14 Capricorn waning trine Uranus at 14 Taurus

Wednesday 13th October 2021

Venus sextile Saturn

A constructive atmosphere surrounds us today. Use it, work at it. Push through the day. 00.28 The waxing Moon decelerating at 18 Capricorn square Mars at 18 Libra 03.26 The Moon at First Quarter 05.11 The Moon at 21 Capricorn waning sextile Neptune at 21 Pisces 10.54 The Moon conjunction Pluto at 24 Capricorn. The Moon is void of course for nearly 10 hours 19.27 Venus at 7 Sagittarius waning sextile Saturn at 7 Aquarius 20.49 The Moon enters Aquarius 21.50 Mars at 19 Libra waning tri-decile Saturn at 7 Aquarius

Thursday 14th October 2021

Freer clearer vibrations. Crystal like, far reaching vision. Behold the future. 03.18 The waxing post first quarter Moon at 4 Aquarius trines her node from south of the ecliptic 03.32 The Sun at 21 Libra waning quincunx Neptune at 21 Pisces 08.55 The Moon conjunction Saturn at 7 Aquarius 10.04 The Moon at 8 Aquarius waxing sextile Venus at 8 Sagittarius 17.09 The Moon at 12 Aquarius waxing trine retro-Mercury at 12 Libra 19.19 Mercury at 11 Libra waning bi-septile Pluto at 24 Capricorn 20.53 The Moon at 14 Aquarius waning square Uranus at 14 Taurus 23.27 Venus at 8 Sagittarius waning bi-septile Neptune at 21 Pisces

Friday 15th October 2021

Sun trine the Moon and Jupiter

Lovely astrology this morning till 12.33. The Moon and Jupiter are trine the Sun and Mars 07.58 The Moon at 20 Aquarius waxing trine Mars at 20 Libra 11.47 The Sun at 22 Libra waning trine Jupiter at 22 Aquarius 12.30 The Moon at 22 Aquarius conjunction Jupiter at 22 Aquarius 12.33 The Moon at 22 Aquarius waxing trine The Sun at 22 Libra. The Moon is void of course for nearly 14 hours. 14.28 Mercury at 11 Libra waning quad-novile Neptune at 21 Pisces

Saturday 16th October 2021

Mercury is two days from his direct station. We are 4 days from a difficult Full Moon. 01.33 Venus at 9 Sagittarius waning tri-septile Uranus at 14 Taurus 02.22 Venus at 9 Sagittarius waning semi-square Pluto at 24 Capricorn 02.23 The Moon enters Pisces joining Neptune in this sign. 08.55 The decelerating Moon at 4 Pisces squares her nodes from south of the ecliptic. 17.15 The Sun at 24 Libra waxing quad-novile Uranus at 14 Taurus 18.07 The Moon reaches her waxing gibbous phase The procession to Wednesday's Full Moon now starts in earnest. 21.00 The Moon at 10 Pisces waxing square Venus at 10 Sagittarius 21.27 The Moon at 10 Pisces waxing quincunx Mercury at 10 Libra

Sunday 17th October 2021

Mercury's sextile with Venus today provides some comfort. 00.32 Mars at 21 Libra waning quincunx Neptune at 21 Pisces 00.49 Venus at 10 Sagittarius waning quintile Jupiter at 22 Aquarius 01.24 Mercury at 10 Libra waning sextile Venus at 10 Sagittarius 03.15 The Moon at 14 Pisces waning sextile Uranus at 14 Taurus 05.15 The Sun at 24 Libra waning bi-septile Saturn at 7 Aquarius 12.13 The Sun at 24 Libra waning square Pluto at 24 Capricorn 17.00 The Moon conjunction Neptune at 21 Pisces 17.56 The Moon at 21 Pisces waxing quincunx Mars at 21 Libra 23.25 The Moon at 24 Pisces waxing sextile Pluto at 24 Capricorn, moon void

Monday 18th October 2021

Stumbling onto the lower foothills of a new eclipse season, Mercury (and Jupiter) turn direct today offering a positive spin about a fearsome Aries Full Moon on Wednesday, opposite Mars square Pluto and conjunct discordant Eris. Mercury's words falter as the Moon occults him on Nov 3rd. 00.21 The Moon at 25 Pisces waxing quincunx The Sun at 25 Libra 05.44 JUPITER TURNS DIRECT 10.06 The Moon enters Aries 15.10 MERCURY TURNS DIRECT 16.39 The Moon at 3 Aries sextiles her node from south of the ecliptic 23.16 The Moon at 7 Aries waxing sextile Saturn at 7 Aquarius STATE OF THE SKY:- The Sun is at 25 degrees Libra. Mercury and Mars are also in Libra. Jupiter and Saturn are in Aquarius. The Moon from 17.17 today and Pluto are in Capricorn. There are 65 days to the Capricorn Solstice. Mercury is now a direct morning star in Libra. Mercury has had his retrograde phase in this sign and therefore has a lengthy 66 day residence here. This phase is characterised by 3 repeated squares to Pluto and 3 trines to Jupiter, two of these pairs have already passed. The common denominator here is a power issue. Impaired judgment, mind games, power trips and manipulation govern this period because of this repeated Mercury square Pluto. Mercury stations direct today at 10 Libra. He trines Jupiter on Nov 1st, squares Pluto on Nov 2nd, is out of his shadow on Nov 3rd and enters Scorpio on Nov 5th. Mercury sextiles Venus again, just after this entry. This long Mercury in Libra residence looks to be an uncomfortable and prolonged fight for fair play. Venus is now in Sagittarius. Venus resides as an evening star in Sagittarius for a brief flurry of 29 days. She now complements Mars in Libra. In fact she needs his airy influence to fan her sagittarian flames. A stimulating Venus/Mars combination is on the cards here. She squares Neptune on Oct 27th, in some confusion, and she sextiles Jupiter on Oct 28th with grand optimism. Venus enters Capricorn on Nov 5th. Venus is at greatest evening star brightness on Dec 7th, and she turns retrograde on Dec 19th 2021 at 26 Capricorn. Venus is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on Jan 8th 2022. Mars is in Libra with Mercury. Mars is on the far side of the Sun. Mercury orbits this side. Mars in Libra acts with poise and style. Much reflection about things precedes action. Decisiveness will not be strong. The need here is to weigh all alternatives before taking action. This particular residence is dynamic, eventful and largely positive. Mars 'air trines' Jupiter tomorrow which is immensely favorable and optimistic. Mars squares Pluto on Friday the really heavy aspect of the residence. Mars leaves Libra for Scorpio on Oct 30th. With Mars in Libra and Venus in Scorpio up to the 7th October, we have a breezy ambivalent male principal unable to move and impress an intense and stronger female principal, both planets are undignified but in mutual reception. For the remainder of the residence, Oct 7th to 30th, with Mars in Libra and Venus in Sagittarius, Mars fans the flames of Venus, hot racy stuff erupts and an inflammable personable atmosphere ensues. Much more fun. Mars next turns retrograde at 25 Gemini on Oct 30th 2022. He resides in Gemini either side of that date for seven months. Jupiter re-entered Aquarius on July 28th re-joining Saturn in this sign. These next remaining 3 months remain an opportunity to revisit what befell us earlier this year and maybe alter the consequences. Jupiter is conjunct the Neptune/Pluto midpoint during this whole month, and early April this year, this gives rise to exploration of the 'extremely subtle', obsessive imaginings, growth of conspiracy theories. Today Jupiter turns direct at 22 degrees Aquarius. Mars squares Jupiter on Dec 8th. He re-enters Pisces on Dec 29th 2021 when the real business starts. Jupiter then sextiles Uranus, a fine expansive, progressive and creative aspect on Feb 18th 2022. He conjuncts Neptune at 24 Pisces on April 12th, the highlight of the residence, (the 'Florence Nightingale combination conjunction', more to follow on this one), and he sextiles Pluto in an embrace of power and transformation on May 3rd 2022. Jupiter leaves Pisces for Aries on May 10th 2022. He returns again to Pisces from Oct 28th 2022 to Dec 20th 2022 with a direct station on Nov 23rd at 28 Pisces. By the time of the Northern Hemisphere Winter Solstice 2022 Jupiter has left Pisces for good. Love like blood. Stay tuned. Saturn is now direct in Aquarius. In 2021 the main outer body aspect is a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This is a difficult aspect, but not in the league of 2020 aspects. This cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with their opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. The 2021 last quarter aspect will induce political, financial and social changes of possibly a drastic nature and a measure of instability. We will observe a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The aspect peaked in 2021 on Feb 17th, and on June 14th and repeats on Dec 24th with a slight return in early October 2022. Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is retrograde in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Neptune is retrograde in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is now direct at 24 Capricorn. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. The next eclipses are a partial lunar eclipse on Nov 19th at 27 Taurus square Jupiter, and a Total Solar Eclipse, visible from Antarctica, on Dec 4th quincunx Uranus at 12 Sagittarius. The next Total Lunar eclipse is a blisteringly big eclipse, visible from the UK, and is at 26 Scorpio, during the early hours of Monday May 16th 2022. There is another Total Lunar eclipse in 2022 on November 8th. This is a daytime event for the UK. The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024. Earlier that same year, 2024, we can also look forward to the next 'American Total Solar Eclipse' on April 8th 2024. Over the next 5 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. The current situation will have totally changed by 2026. Hold tight, fasten your seat belts. Tropical astrology has most of the answers.

Tuesday 19th October 2021

Mars trine Jupiter

02.37 Mars at 22 Libra waning trine Jupiter at 22 Aquarius 05.26 The Moon at 10 Aries opposition Mercury at 10 Libra 10.40 The Moon at 13 Aries waxing trine Venus at 13 Sagittarius 23.16 Venus at 13 Sagittarius waning quincunx Uranus at 13 Taurus

Wednesday 20th October 2021

Full Moon in Aries

01.34 The Sun at 27 Libra waning biquintile Neptune at 21 Pisces 04.59 The Moon at 22 Aries waxing sextile Jupiter at 22 Aquarius A Cardinal T-Square is manifest involving the Full Moon, Mars and Pluto 06.00 to 09.00 06.29 The Moon at 23 Aries opposition Mars at 23 Libra 08.56 The Moon at 24 Aries waxing square Pluto at 24 Capricorn 14.57 Moment of FULL MOON, moon void


This is the 5th Full Moon following the Total Lunar Eclipse on May 26th 2021 in Sagittarius and the ultimate Full Moon before a Partial Lunar eclipse at 27 Taurus on Friday Nov 19th 2021. With its passing we enter the 'lower foothills' of a new eclipse season. This Full Moon in late Aries separates from a square to Pluto and is void of course following the moment of exactitude. This suggests we are in the thores of a crisis of difficult, unpalatable change which has already occured. Mars is applying square to said Pluto so there are troubles immediately ahead. Taking on problems 'head on' is the nature of the time. With a predominance of Cardinality and Air in the planetary makeup we are in a continuing ammasing of new ideas and mixed messages. At the exact moment of Full Moon Pluto, Saturn and Jupiter are rising over the UK. The spotlight may well be here. The Moon rises at Mecca and the Sun sets at Jerusalem. Pluto rises at Belem. Neptune rises at Berlin and at Rome, Mercury at Athens and at Johannesburg. Pluto culminates at Djibouti. Mars sets at Cairo and at Nairobi, Pluto sets at Taipei. Jupiter sets at Wellington (NZ) and Mars sets at Daressalem.. Today's Full Moon hits Iraq's south node, the New York Stock exchange's Saturn, opposite Neptune. It squares Russia's Moon, and squares USA's Pluto. It hits Kim Yo Jong's Jupiter, opposite Mercury and opposes Saturn in the Kim Un Power Transfer Chart and Liberia's Pluto. It hits Kamala Harris' Moon opposing her Sun. It also hits Victoria Beckham's Sun, Tony Blair's Mercury, Eric Clapton's Mercury, Andy Murray's Venus, Rhianna's Jupiter, Julia Robert's node, Grace Slick's Saturn and south node, John Cleese's Saturn, Nigel Farage's Jupiter. It tightly squares Prince Andrew's Mars (trine his Jupiter). 17.23 Mars at 23 Libra waxing quad-novile Uranus at 13 Taurus 20.01 The Moon enters Taurus 20.33 Venus at 14 Sagittarius waning novile Pluto at 24 Capricorn

Thursday 21st October 2021

The Hunter's Full Moon is over. We now turn our attention to Mars square Pluto aspect which sounds out early (GMT) tomorrow, so today is the day of its crescendo. With the addition of the Moon conjunct Uranus in Taurus we have the potential for a day of standoff. Imagine a brooding underlying entrenched violent undercurrent andyou have today. No give, no movement. 09.45 The waning full Moon at 7 Taurus waxing square Saturn at 7 Aquarius 11.39 Mercury at 11 Libra waning quad-novile Neptune at 21 Pisces 17.44 The Moon at 11 Taurus waning quincunx Mercury at 11 Libra 19.12 Mars at 24 Libra waning bi-septile Saturn at 7 Aquarius 22.28 The Moon conjunction Uranus at 13 Taurus 23.54 Venus at 16 Sagittarius waning septile Saturn at 7 Aquarius Tomorrow is the last full day ofthe astrological month of Libra. The Sun enters Scorpio on Saturday.

Friday 22nd October 2021

Mars square Pluto

The slowly waning full moon in Taurus brings all to a halt. Mars squares Pluto suggests violence. Today is the last full day of the astrological month of Libra. 02.31 Venus at 16 Sagittarius waxing septile Mars at 24 Libra 03.09 The Moon at 16 Taurus waxing quincunx Venus at 16 Sagittarius 04.20 Mars at 24 Libra waning square Pluto at 24 Capricorn 13.27 The Moon at 21 Taurus waxing sextile Neptune at 21 Pisces 15.04 Mercury at 12 Libra waning bi-septile Pluto at 24 Capricorn 16.32 The Moon at 22 Taurus waxing square Jupiter at 22 Aquarius 20.36 The Moon at 24 Taurus waxing trine Pluto at 24 Capricorn. The Moon is void of course for nearly 12 hours. 21.33 The Moon at 25 Taurus waning quincunx Mars at 25 Libra The weekend ahead reveals more movement and more connections.

Saturday 23rd October 2021

04.53 The Sun enters Scorpio and a new astrological month is upon us. This coming month is characterised by Mars entering Scorpio on 30th Nov and Mercury on Nov 5th. The New Moon on 5th hooks into the Uranus Saturn square. The final Mercury Mars conjunction square saturn is on Nov 10th as the Moon hits first quarter. Mars opposes Uranus on Nov 17th and a big Partial Lunar Eclipse occurs on Nov 19th. This is a 'battlefield of desire' month. Gird your loins. 07.59 The slowly waning full moon Moon enters Gemini Quite a 'buzzy' weekend is ahead. 08.15 The Moon at zero Gemini waning quincunx The Sun at zero Scorpio 14.28 The Moon conjunction her mean ascending node at 3 Gemini 22.12 The Moon at 7 Gemini waxing trine Saturn at 7 Aquarius

Sunday 24th October 2021

10.18 The very slowly waning Moon at 13 Gemini waning trine Mercury at 13 Libra 16.28 The Moon is at Apogee, furthest from the Earth and slowest this month, conjunct 'Black Moon Lilith'. 17.34 The Moon reaches her disseminating phase 17.45 Mercury at 13 Libra waxing quincunx Uranus at 13 Taurus 17.52 Venus at 18 Sagittarius waning decile Pluto at 24 Capricorn A Mutable T-Square is manifest involving the Moon, Venus and Neptune 21.00 to 02.30 21.43 The Moon at 19 Gemini opposition Venus at 19 Sagittarius

Monday 25th October 2021

02.14 The very slowly disseminating Moon at 21 Gemini waxing square Neptune at 21 Pisces An Air Grand Trine is manifest involving the Moon, Mars and Jupiter 05.00 to 14.30 05.34 The Moon at 22 Gemini waxing trine Jupiter at 22 Aquarius 09.37 The Moon at 24 Gemini waxing quincunx Pluto at 24 Capricorn 13.02 Venus at 19 Sagittarius waning biquintile Uranus at 13 Taurus 14.12 The Moon at 27 Gemini waning trine Mars at 27 Libra. The Moon is void of course for nearly 7 hours 18.29 Mars at 27 Libra waning biquintile Neptune at 21 Pisces 21.02 The Moon enters Cancer STATE OF THE SKY:- The Sun is at 2 degrees Scorpio. Mercury and Mars are in Libra. Jupiter and Saturn are in Aquarius. There are 65 days to the Capricorn Solstice. All ofthe planets except Uranus are now direct in mnotion. We are in the foothills of a new eclipse season. A large partial lunar eclipse occurs on Nov 19th. This coming month is characterised by Mars entering Scorpio on 30th Nov and Mercury on Nov 5th. The New Moon on 5th hooks into the Uranus Saturn square. The final Mercury Mars conjunction this time square saturn is on Nov 10th as the Moon hits first quarter. Mars opposes Uranus on Nov 17th and a big Partial Lunar Eclipse occurs on Nov 19th. This is a 'battlefield of desire' month. Gird your loins. Mercury is now a direct morning star in Libra. Mercury has had his retrograde phase in this sign and therefore has a lengthy 66 day residence here. This phase is characterised by 3 repeated squares to Pluto and 3 trines to Jupiter, two of these pairs have already passed. The common denominator here is a power issue. Impaired judgment, mind games, power trips and manipulation govern this period because of this repeated Mercury square Pluto. Mercury trines Jupiter on Nov 1st, squares Pluto on Nov 2nd, is out of his shadow on Nov 3rd and enters Scorpio on Nov 5th. Mercury sextiles Venus again, just after this entry. This long Mercury in Libra residence has been an uncomfortable and prolonged fight for fair play. Venus is now in Sagittarius. Venus resides as an evening star in Sagittarius for a brief flurry of 29 days. She now complements Mars in Libra. In fact she needs his airy influence to fan her sagittarian flames. A stimulating Venus/Mars combination is on the cards here. She squares Neptune on Oct 27th, in some confusion, and she sextiles Jupiter on Oct 28th with grand optimism. Venus enters Capricorn on Nov 5th. Venus is at greatest evening star brightness on Dec 7th, and she turns retrograde on Dec 19th 2021 at 26 Capricorn. Venus is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on Jan 8th 2022. Mars is in Libra with Mercury. Mars is on the far side of the Sun. Mercury currently orbits this side. Mars in Libra acts with poise and style. Much reflection about things precedes action. Decisiveness will not be strong. The need here is to weigh all alternatives before taking action. This particular residence is dynamic, eventful and largely positive. Mars leaves Libra for Scorpio on Oct 30th. Mars next turns retrograde at 25 Gemini on Oct 30th 2022. He resides in Gemini either side of that date for seven months. Jupiter re-entered Aquarius on July 28th re-joining Saturn in this sign. These next remaining 2 months are an opportunity to revisit what befell us earlier this year and maybe alter the consequences. Jupiter is conjunct the Neptune/Pluto midpoint during this whole month, and early April this year, this gives rise to exploration of the 'extremely subtle', obsessive imaginings, growth of conspiracy theories. Today Jupiter turns direct at 22 degrees Aquarius. Mars squares Jupiter on Dec 8th. He re-enters Pisces on Dec 29th 2021 when the real business starts. Jupiter then sextiles Uranus, a fine expansive, progressive and creative aspect on Feb 18th 2022. He conjuncts Neptune at 24 Pisces on April 12th, the highlight of the residence, (the 'Florence Nightingale combination conjunction', more to follow on this one), and he sextiles Pluto in an embrace of power and transformation on May 3rd 2022. Jupiter leaves Pisces for Aries on May 10th 2022. He returns again to Pisces from Oct 28th 2022 to Dec 20th 2022 with a direct station on Nov 23rd at 28 Pisces. By the time of the Northern Hemisphere Winter Solstice 2022 Jupiter has left Pisces for good. Love like blood. Stay tuned. Saturn is now direct in Aquarius. In 2021 the main outer body aspect is a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This is a difficult aspect, but not in the league of 2020 aspects. This cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with their opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. The 2021 last quarter aspect will induce political, financial and social changes of possibly a drastic nature and a measure of instability. We will observe a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The aspect peaked in 2021 on Feb 17th, and on June 14th and repeats on Dec 24th with a slight return in early October 2022. Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is retrograde in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Neptune is retrograde in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is now direct at 24 Capricorn. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. The next eclipses are a partial lunar eclipse on Nov 19th at 27 Taurus square Jupiter, and a Total Solar Eclipse, visible from Antarctica, on Dec 4th quincunx Uranus at 12 Sagittarius. The next Total Lunar eclipse is a blisteringly big eclipse, visible from the UK, and is at 26 Scorpio, during the early hours of Monday May 16th 2022. There is another Total Lunar eclipse in 2022 on November 8th. This is a daytime event for the UK. The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024. Earlier that same year, 2024, we can also look forward to the next 'American Total Solar Eclipse' on April 8th 2024. Over the next 5 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. The current situation will have totally changed by 2026. Hold tight, fasten your seat belts. Tropical astrology has most of the answers.

Tuesday 26th October 2021

A slowly disseminating Moon has entered Cancer joining the Sun and Neptune in water signs. Strengthening emotional responses underway. Two intensely intuitive days are ahead. Engage with the vibrations of thrift, care, concern, nurture, nourishment, protection and endearment. Venus applies in square aspect to Neptune. The misunderstood. 02.55 The very slowly accelerating disseminating Moon at 3 Cancer waning trine The Sun at 3 Scorpio 11.22 The Moon at 7 Cancer waxing quincunx Saturn at 7 Aquarius 23.38 The Moon at 13 Cancer waxing sextile Uranus at 13 Taurus

Wednesday 27th October 2021

01.07 Venus at 21 Sagittarius waning square Neptune at 21 Pisces 05.11 The slowly accelerating disseminating Moon at 16 Cancer waning square Mercury at 16 Libra 14.48 The Moon at 21 Cancer waxing trine Neptune at 21 Pisces 15.21 The Sun at 4 Scorpio waning bi-novile Pluto at 24 Capricorn 15.43 Mercury at 16 Libra waning tri-septile Neptune at 21 Pisces 16.05 The Moon at 21 Cancer waning quincunx Venus at 21 Sagittarius 16.44 The Sun at 4 Scorpio waning tri-decile Jupiter at 22 Aquarius 18.17 The Moon at 22 Cancer waxing quincunx Jupiter at 22 Aquarius A Cardinal T-Square is manifest involving the Moon, Mars and Pluto 22.00 to 06.30 22.08 The Moon at 24 Cancer opposition Pluto at 24 Capricorn

Thursday 28th October 2021

Venus sextile Jupiter

06.02 The Moon at 28 Cancer waning square Mars at 28 Libra. The Moon is void of course for just over 3 hours. 09.09 The Moon enters Leo 09.32 Mercury at 17 Libra waxing tri-septile Uranus at 13 Taurus 10.03 Venus at 22 Sagittarius waning semi-square Saturn at 7 Aquarius 14.53 The Moon at 3 Leo sextiles her mean node from north of the ecliptic 19.16 Venus at 23 Sagittarius waning sextile Jupiter at 23 Aquarius A Fixed T-Square is manifest involving the Moon, the Sun and Saturn 20.00 to 23.30 20.06 The Moon at Last Quarter 22.19 The Sun at 6 Scorpio waning sesuiquadrate Neptune at 21 Pisces 23.04 The Moon at 7 Leo opposition Saturn at 7 Aquarius

Friday 29th October 2021

Two play days ahead of us now as the Moon continues her acceleration through recreational Leo. Just watch out for the Sun square Saturn, a little temperance in the mix will do no harm. 10.25 The last quarter Moon at 13 Leo waxing square Uranus at 13 Taurus 17.47 Mercury at 19 Libra waning tri-decile Saturn at 7 Aquarius 22.32 The Moon at 19 Leo waning sextile Mercury at 19 Libra

Saturday 30th October 2021

Sun square Saturn

A day which has 11 hours with a void and lazy Leo Moon during which Mars enters Scorpio, changing many games. The last 6 hours of the GMT day are a sobering up, taking heed of developments, practical time. 00.53 The last quarter Moon accelerating at 21 Leo waxing quincunx Neptune at 21 Pisces 04.24 The Moon at 23 Leo opposition Jupiter at 23 Aquarius 07.06 The Moon at 24 Leo waning trine Venus at 24 Sagittarius The Moon is then void of course for 11.1 hours 07.55 The Moon at 24 Leo waning quincunx Pluto at 24 Capricorn 09.54 The Sun at 7 Scorpio waning square Saturn at 7 Aquarius 14.23 Mars enters Scorpio Mars resides in Scorpio for a 'blood on the face' 44 days. Mercury is conjunct Mars for the 3rd and final time this season on Nov 10th at 7 Scorpio and is square Saturn at the same time. That day is an astrologically tough one. Mars opposes Uranus on Nov 17th, extremely accident prone. Mars trines Neptune on Nov 29th, infused with spirit and glam, and he sextiles Pluto, pushing for prominence on Dec 6th. He finally squares Jupiter, pushing unsuccessfully for space, on Dec 8th before leaving Scorpio for Sagittarius on Dec 13th. Not an easy residence this, Mars is strong in this sign, bruising infact. 17.54 Venus at 24 Sagittarius waning semi-sextile Pluto at 24 Capricorn 18.11 The Moon enters Virgo 18.22 The Moon at zero Virgo waning sextile Mars at zero Scorpio 19.41 Mercury at 21 Libra waning quincunx Neptune at 21 Pisces 23.19 The Moon at 3 Virgo waxing square the lunar node at 3 Gemini

Sunday 31st October 2021

Practical issues to the fore. Elimination and renewal. Mending and repairing. 07.18 The Moon at 7 Virgo waning quincunx Saturn at 7 Aquarius 08.58 The Moon at 8 Virgo waning sextile The Sun at 8 Scorpio 17.34 The Moon at 13 Virgo waxing trine Uranus at 13 Taurus

Monday 1st November 2021

04.19 Mercury at 23 Libra waning trine Jupiter at 23 Aquarius 07.05 The Moon accelerating and waning at 21 Virgo opposition Neptune at 21 Pisces 08.50 Mercury at 23 Libra waxing quad-novile Uranus at 13 Taurus 10.35 The Moon at 23 Virgo waning quincunx Jupiter at 23 Aquarius 13.29 The Moon reaches her balsamic phase. 13.43 The Moon at 24 Virgo waning trine Pluto at 24 Capricorn 17.01 The Moon at 26 Virgo waning square Venus at 26 Sagittarius. The Moon is void of course for 6 hours 23.13 The Moon enters Libra joining Mercury in this sign. STATE OF THE SKY:- The Sun is at 9 degrees Scorpio. Mars is also in Scorpio. Jupiter and Saturn are in Aquarius. There are 58 days to the Capricorn Solstice. All of the planets except Uranus are now direct in motion. We are in the foothills of a new eclipse season. A large partial lunar eclipse occurs on Nov 19th. This coming month is characterised by Mars in Scorpio and Mercury joining him and the Sun on Friday. The New Moon on 5th hooks into the Uranus Saturn square. The final Mercury Mars conjunction this time square saturn is on Nov 10th as the Moon hits first quarter. Mars opposes Uranus on Nov 17th and a big Partial Lunar Eclipse occurs on Nov 19th. This is a 'battlefield of desire' month. Gird your loins. Mercury is a direct morning star in Libra. Mercury has had his retrograde phase in this sign and therefore has a lengthy 66 day residence here. This phase is characterised by 3 repeated squares to Pluto and 3 trines to Jupiter, two of these pairs have already passed. The common denominator here is a power issue. Impaired judgment, mind games, power trips and manipulation govern this period because of this repeated Mercury square Pluto. Mercury trines Jupiter today, and squares Pluto tomorrow, is out of his shadow on Wednesday and enters Scorpio on Nov 5th. Mercury sextiles Venus again, just after this entry. This long Mercury in Libra residence has been an uncomfortable and prolonged fight for fair play. Venus is now in Sagittarius. Venus resides as an evening star in Sagittarius for a brief flurry of 29 days. She now complements Mars in Libra. In fact she needs his airy influence to fan her sagittarian flames. A stimulating Venus/Mars combination is on the cards here. Venus enters Capricorn on Nov 5th. Venus is at greatest evening star brightness on Dec 7th, and she turns retrograde on Dec 19th 2021 at 26 Capricorn. Venus is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on Jan 8th 2022. Mars resides in Scorpio for a 'blood on the face' 44 days. Mercury is conjunct Mars for the 3rd and final time this season on Nov 10th at 7 Scorpio and is square Saturn at the same time. This day is an astrologically tough one. Mars opposes Uranus on Nov 17th, extremely accident prone. Mars trines Neptune on Nov 29th, infused with spirit and glam, and he sextiles Pluto, pushing for prominence on Dec 6th. He finally squares Jupiter, pushing unsuccessfully for space, on Dec 8th before leaving Scorpio for Sagittarius on Dec 13th. Not an easy residence. Bruising infact. Mars next turns retrograde at 25 Gemini on Oct 30th 2022. He resides in Gemini either side of that date for seven months. Jupiter re-entered Aquarius on July 28th re-joining Saturn in this sign. These next remaining 2 months are an opportunity to revisit what befell us earlier this year and maybe alter the consequences. Mars squares Jupiter on Dec 8th. He re-enters Pisces on Dec 29th 2021 when the real business starts. Jupiter then sextiles Uranus, a fine expansive, progressive and creative aspect on Feb 18th 2022. He conjuncts Neptune at 24 Pisces on April 12th, the highlight of the residence, (the 'Florence Nightingale combination conjunction', more to follow on this one), and he sextiles Pluto in an embrace of power and transformation on May 3rd 2022. Jupiter leaves Pisces for Aries on May 10th 2022. He returns again to Pisces from Oct 28th 2022 to Dec 20th 2022 with a direct station on Nov 23rd at 28 Pisces. By the time of the Northern Hemisphere Winter Solstice 2022 Jupiter has left Pisces for good. Love like blood. Stay tuned. Saturn is now direct in Aquarius. In 2021 the main outer body aspect is a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This is a difficult aspect, but not in the league of 2020 aspects. This cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with their opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. The 2021 last quarter aspect will induce political, financial and social changes of possibly a drastic nature and a measure of instability. We will observe a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The aspect peaked in 2021 on Feb 17th, and on June 14th and repeats on Dec 24th with a slight return in early October 2022. Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is retrograde in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Neptune is retrograde in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is now direct at 24 Capricorn. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. The next eclipses are a partial lunar eclipse on Nov 19th at 27 Taurus square Jupiter, and a Total Solar Eclipse, visible from Antarctica, on Dec 4th quincunx Uranus at 12 Sagittarius. The next Total Lunar eclipse is a blisteringly big eclipse, visible from the UK, and is at 26 Scorpio, during the early hours of Monday May 16th 2022. There is another Total Lunar eclipse in 2022 on November 8th. This is a daytime event for the UK. The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024. Earlier that same year, 2024, we can also look forward to the next 'American Total Solar Eclipse' on April 8th 2024. Over the next 5 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. The current situation will have totally changed by 2026. Hold tight, fasten your seat belts. Tropical astrology has most of the answers.

Tuesday 2nd November 2021

Fifty days to the Solstice. We now enter the 100 darkest days of the year in the northern hemisphere and the 100 lightest in the south. There is a bit of a manic start to this day as Mercury squares Pluto for the final of three occasions this season. Mercury is out of his shadow on Friday. 01.29 The Sun at 10 Scorpio waning bi-septile Jupiter at 23 Aquarius 03.47 The balsamic Moon accelerating at 3 Libra trines her node from north of the ecliptic. 08.52 Mercury at 24 Libra waning bi-septile Saturn at 7 Aquarius 09.40 Mercury at 24 Libra waning square Pluto at 24 Capricorn 11.32 The Moon at 7 Libra waning trine Saturn at 7 Aquarius 15.28 Venus at 27 Sagittarius waning novile Saturn at 7 Aquarius 20.50 The Moon at 13 Libra waxing quincunx Uranus at 13 Taurus

Wednesday 3rd November 2021

Two consecutive monthly lunar occultations of Mercury occur. The first and tightest is today at 27 Libra, the next one at 16 Sagittarius is on Dec 4th. These consecutive monthly occultations of Mercury do occur every few years. The last instance was in 2016, and 'a double' also occurs next year. In 2012 there was a three month series. Today's occultation heralds tomorrow's very tricky new Moon. 05.11 Venus at 28 Sagittarius waning sesuiquadrate Uranus at 13 Taurus 09.37 The Moon at 21 Libra waning quincunx Neptune at 21 Pisces 13.08 The Moon at 23 Libra waning trine Jupiter at 23 Aquarius 15.58 The Moon at 25 Libra waning square Pluto at 25 Capricorn 18.53 Mercury at 27 Libra waning biquintile Neptune at 21 Pisces 19.28 The Moon at 27 Libra conjunction Mercury at 27 Libra 19.43 Exact alignment Moon Mercury 22.33 The Moon at 29 Libra waning sextile Venus at 29 Sagittarius. The Moon is void of course for 2 hours 21 mins. The Moon is New tomorrow.

Thursday 4th November 2021

New Moon in Scorpio

00.54 The Moon enters Scorpio joining Mars and the Sun in this sign. 05.56 The Moon conjunction Mars at 3 Scorpio 06.50 Jupiter at 23 Aquarius waning bi-novile Uranus at 13 Taurus Last of 3 hits this year, dates March 6th, Sept 10th and Nov 4th. The 13 year synodic cycle of Jupiter and Uranus started in Jan 2021 in Pisces and ends April 2024 in Taurus. This aspect brings about a 'consolidation of the harvest of expanded consciousness' symbolised by these two planets. A minor aspect and a minor influence but always an interesting one when Jupiter and Uranus are involved. 12.46 The Moon at 7 Scorpio waning square Saturn at 7 Aquarius 17.40 The Sun at 13 Scorpio waning quintile Pluto at 25 Capricorn 21.15 Moment of NEW MOON

Today's New Moon is the 5th following on from the Annular Solar Eclipse at 20 Gemini on June 10th 2021 and the ultimate before the Total Solar Eclipse at 12 Sagittarius on Dec 4th 2021. With its passing we are truly in a new eclipse season. This New Moon tightly opposes Uranus. It is a New Moon of shocking revelation. Intrigue and mystery are woven into its fabric. This New moon hits Jo Biden's Mars, Jimmy carter's Moon, Palestine's Mercury Pluto conjunction, Hammas' Mars Pluto conjunction, Poland's Pluto, Prince Harry's Saturn, Judi Dench's Jupiter. It opposes the UK Mars, the Northern Ireland Sun, and Libya's MC. It opposes Mick Jagger's Mars, and squares Queen Eliabeth's Moon. At the exact moment of New Moon today, the Sun, Moon and Uranus are aligned to Moscow, Japan, Nairobi, whwere Saturn sets. Mars rises at manila and at Seoul. Pluto is at lower culmination at Hong Kong. Mercury and Mars straddle New york. Jupiter rises at Los Angeles. 21.27 The Moon at 13 Scorpio opposition Uranus at 13 Taurus 23.58 The Sun at 13 Scorpio opposition Uranus at 13 Taurus

Friday 5th November 2021

A planetary modulation occurs today as both Venus and Mercury ingress new signs. Venus begins a massively long 17 week residence in Capricorn. A veritable 'style council' of value, commitment and prestige. Mercury enters Scorpio for a briefer but more torrid 3 week, largely combative and investigative stay in Scorpio. 09.54 The Moon at 21 Scorpio waning trine Neptune at 21 Pisces 10.46 Venus enters Capricorn joining Pluto. 13.33 The Moon at 23 Scorpio waning square Jupiter at 23 Aquarius 16.11 The Moon at 25 Scorpio waning sextile Pluto at 25 Capricorn, moon void 22.17 The Moon is at Perigee. Fastest and closest to the Earth this month. 22.36 Mercury now out of his shadow after recent retrograde motion enters Scorpio joining the Sun and Mars there.

Saturday 6th November 2021

Mercury sextile Venus. A merry party. 00.54 The very fast moving infant Moon enters Sagittarius 01.28 Venus at 1 Capricorn waning bi-novile Neptune at 21 Pisces 04.51 The Moon at 2 Sagittarius opposition her mean node at 2 Gemini 08.20 Mars at 5 Scorpio waning bi-novile Pluto at 25 Capricorn 12.47 The Moon at 7 Sagittarius waning sextile Saturn at 7 Aquarius 15.59 Mercury at 1 Scorpio waning sextile Venus at 1 Capricorn 21.10 The Moon at 13 Sagittarius waning quincunx Uranus at 13 Taurus 23.46 Mars at 5 Scorpio waning tri-decile Jupiter at 23 Aquarius

Sunday 7th November 2021

00.23 Venus at 1 Capricorn waning decile Saturn at 7 Aquarius 02.20 Venus at 2 Capricorn waning septile Jupiter at 23 Aquarius 04.59 The Sun reaches 15 degrees Scorpio. We are midway between Equinox and Solstice. High Summer starts in the Southern Hemisphere, the season of 'fading' starts in the north. 09.47 The fast moving infant Moon at 21 Sagittarius waning square Neptune at 21 Pisces 13.44 The Moon at 23 Sagittarius waning sextile Jupiter at 23 Aquarius. The Moon is void of course for 11.5 hours 20.24 Mars at 6 Scorpio waning sesuiquadrate Neptune at 21 Pisces

Monday 8th November 2021

The Moon, Venus and Pluto in Capricorn.

Mercury is within three degrees and three days from his conjunction with Mars in Scorpio, which hits on Wednesday. This is their third and final conjunction this season. Both planets are applying square to Saturn and in opposition to Uranus. Yet another astrological crisis approaches. 01.05 The young Moon enters Capricorn joining Venus and Pluto in this sign. 02.32 The Moon reaches her waxing crescent phase 04.58 Closest alignment Moon Venus 0.36 degrees 05.19 The Moon conjunction Venus at 3 Capricorn 07.13 The Moon at 4 Capricorn waxing sextile Mercury at 4 Scorpio 10.49 The Moon at 6 Capricorn waxing sextile Mars at 6 Scorpio 19.18 Mercury at 5 Scorpio waning bi-novile Pluto at 25 Capricorn 21.48 The Moon at 13 Capricorn waning trine Uranus at 13 Taurus STATE OF THE SKY:- The Sun is at 16 degrees Scorpio. The Moon, Venus and Pluto are in Capricorn. Mercury and Mars are with the Sun in Scorpio. Jupiter and Saturn are in Aquarius. There are 44 days to the Capricorn Solstice. All of the planets except Uranus and Neptune are now direct in motion. We are in a new eclipse season. A large partial lunar eclipse occurs on Nov 19th. The final Mercury Mars conjunction this time square Saturn is on Wednesday as the Moon hits first quarter. Mars opposes Uranus on Nov 17th and a big Partial Lunar Eclipse occurs on Nov 19th. This is a 'battlefield of desire' month. Gird your loins. Mercury is now a fast moving direct morning star in Scorpio. He entered this sign as on Nov 5th. Mercury overtakes Mars at 7 degrees Scorpio on Wednesday, both planets square Saturn, a troublesome combination. Mercury opposes Uranus on Nov 13th, a tense time and trines Neptune, imaginatively, on Nov 18th, squares Jupiter, with poor judgment on Nov 20th, and sextiles Pluto, penetratingly on Nov 24th. He enters Sagittarius on Nov 24th. Mercury next turns retrograde at 10 degrees Aquarius from Jan 14th to Feb 4th at 24 Capricorn. Venus entered Capricorn as an evening star on Nov 5th. She has a lengthy 17 week residence in this sign due to her retrograde phase. Venus trines Uranus on Nov 19th, and sextiles Neptune for the first of three occasions on Nov 30th. Venus is at greatest evening star brightness on Dec 7th, and conjuncts Pluto also for the 1st time of 3, on Dec 11th at 25 Capricorn. She turns retrograde on Dec 19th 2021 at 26 Capricorn. Venus conjuncts Pluto a 2nd time on Christmas day. Mercury overtakes Venus at 24 Capricorn on Dec 29th, sextiles Neptune, the 2nd time, on Jan 5th. Venus is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun at 10 Capricorn on Jan 9th 2022. As a morning star Venus turns direct at 11 Capricorn on Jan 29th. Mars overtakes her on Feb 16th at 17 Capricorn. She sextiles Neptune a final time time on Feb 24th and finally conjuncts Pluto on March 3rd at 28 Capricorn. Venus enters Aquarius on March 6th. Mars resides in Scorpio for a 'blood on the face' 44 days. Mercury is conjunct Mars for the 3rd and final time this season on Nov 10th at 7 Scorpio and is square Saturn at the same time. This day is an astrologically tough one. Mars opposes Uranus on Nov 17th, extremely accident prone. Mars trines Neptune on Nov 29th, infused with spirit and glam, and he sextiles Pluto, pushing for prominence on Dec 6th. He finally squares Jupiter, pushing unsuccessfully for space, on Dec 8th before leaving Scorpio for Sagittarius on Dec 13th. Not an easy residence. Bruising in fact. Mars next turns retrograde at 25 Gemini on Oct 30th 2022. He resides in Gemini either side of that date for seven months. Jupiter re-entered Aquarius on July 28th re-joining Saturn in this sign. These next remaining 2 months are an opportunity to revisit what befell us earlier this year and maybe alter the consequences. Mars squares Jupiter on Dec 8th. He re-enters Pisces on Dec 29th 2021 when the real business starts. Jupiter then sextiles Uranus, a fine expansive, progressive and creative aspect on Feb 18th 2022. He conjuncts Neptune at 24 Pisces on April 12th, the highlight of the residence, (the 'Florence Nightingale combination conjunction', more to follow on this one), and he sextiles Pluto in an embrace of power and transformation on May 3rd 2022. Jupiter leaves Pisces for Aries on May 10th 2022. He returns again to Pisces from Oct 28th 2022 to Dec 20th 2022 with a direct station on Nov 23rd at 28 Pisces. By the time of the Northern Hemisphere Winter Solstice 2022 Jupiter has left Pisces for good. Love like blood. Stay tuned. Saturn is now direct in Aquarius. In 2021 the main outer body aspect is a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This is a difficult aspect, but not in the league of 2020 aspects. This cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with their opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. The 2021 last quarter aspect will induce political, financial and social changes of possibly a drastic nature and a measure of instability. We will observe a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The aspect peaked in 2021 on Feb 17th, and on June 14th and repeats on Dec 24th with a slight return in early October 2022. Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is retrograde in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Neptune is retrograde in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is now direct at 24 Capricorn. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. The next eclipses are a partial lunar eclipse on Nov 19th at 27 Taurus square Jupiter, and a Total Solar Eclipse, visible from Antarctica, on Dec 4th quincunx Uranus at 12 Sagittarius. The next Total Lunar eclipse is a blisteringly big eclipse, visible from the UK, and is at 26 Scorpio, during the early hours of Monday May 16th 2022. There is another Total Lunar eclipse in 2022 on November 8th. This is a daytime event for the UK. The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024. Earlier that same year, 2024, we can also look forward to the next 'American Total Solar Eclipse' on April 8th 2024. Over the next 5 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. The current situation will have totally changed by 2026. Hold tight, fasten your seat belts. Tropical astrology has most of the answers.

Tuesday 9th November 2021

Mercury is within two degrees and two days of his conjunction with Mars in Scorpio, which hits tomorrow. This is their third and final conjunction this season. Both planets are applying square to Saturn and in opposition to Uranus. Yet another astrological crisis approaches in this crisis ridden month. 03.24 Mercury at 5 Scorpio waning tri-decile Jupiter at 23 Aquarius 05.07 The waxing crescent Moon decelerating at 17 Capricorn sextile The Sun at 17 Scorpio 09.35 Mercury at 6 Scorpio waning sesuiquadrate Neptune at 21 Pisces 11.01 The Moon at 21 Capricorn waning sextile Neptune at 21 Pisces 14.27 Uranus at 13 Taurus waxing tri-decile Pluto at 25 Capricorn This is the 2nd of 5 hits of this aspect. The dates are July 3rd 2021, Nov 9th 2021, June 1st 2022, 22nd Dec 2022 and 29th April 2023. The current 139 year synodic cycle of Uranus and Pluto started in 1965-1966 in Virgo. The first square occurred 2012-2015 and the waxing trine, in Air signs, occurs 2026-2028. Opposition occurs 2046-2048 across Virgo Pisces. The cycle ends in 2104 in Taurus. The principle of Uranus and Pluto is an extreme push for freedom and for change with complete and drastic revolution with the deepest urge for change. The waxing TriDecile aspect reveals maturing new qualities of being, participating creatively in a larger scheme, catalyzing outward activity. Put this all together and you have large scale freedom movements. Such is the nature of the time. 17.52 The Moon conjunction Pluto at 25 Capricorn, moon void 19.25 The Sun at 18 Scorpio waning bi-novile Saturn at 8 Aquarius

Wednesday 10th November 2021

The Moon and Saturn are square Mercury and Mars 03.05 The Moon enters Aquarius 06.57 The Moon at 2 Aquarius waning trine the lunar node at 2 Gemini 12.57 Mercury at 7 Scorpio conjunction Mars at 7 Scorpio 15.24 Closest alignment Mercury Mars 0.96 degrees 15.55 The Moon at 7 Aquarius waxing square Mars at 7 Scorpio 16.09 The Moon at 8 Aquarius waxing square Mercury at 8 Scorpio 16.15 The Moon at 8 Aquarius conjunction Saturn at 8 Aquarius 17.05 Mercury at 8 Scorpio waning square Saturn at 8 Aquarius 23.15 Mars at 8 Scorpio waning square Saturn at 8 Aquarius

Thursday 11th November 2021

00.46 The decelerating Moon at 13 Aquarius waning square Uranus at 13 Taurus 12.47 The Moon at First Quarter 19.53 The Moon at 23 Aquarius conjunction Jupiter at 23 Aquarius. The Moon is void of course for 12 hours.

Friday 12th November 2021

Sun trine Neptune

07.55 The decelerating first quarter Moon enters Pisces joining Neptune. 11.42 Mercury at 11 Scorpio waning bi-septile Jupiter at 23 Aquarius 11.49 The Moon at 2 Pisces squares her node from south of the ecliptic 16.24 The Sun at 21 Scorpio waning trine Neptune at 21 Pisces 20.18 The Moon at 7 Pisces waxing sextile Venus at 7 Capricorn

Saturday 13th November 2021

Mercury opposite Uranus

Meandering and feeling our way slowly towards the oncoming long Partial Lunar Eclipse in Taurus, next Friday, conjunct the demon triple star and eclipsing binary star Algol, Medusa's (formerly beautiful) head. Witchy wonderment ahead. A dreamy 'Moon in Pisces' day amplifies all this right now. 00.29 The Moon at 9 Pisces waxing trine Mars at 9 Scorpio 05.23 The Moon at 12 Pisces waxing trine Mercury at 12 Scorpio 06.44 The Moon at 12 Pisces waning sextile Uranus at 12 Taurus 15.57 Mercury at 12 Scorpio opposition Uranus at 12 Taurus 19.30 Mercury at 13 Scorpio waning quintile Pluto at 25 Capricorn 21.47 The Moon conjunction Neptune at 20 Pisces

Sunday 14th November 2021

Mars is in opposition to Uranus from today till Nov 21st peaking on Nov 17th. This is accident prone stuff. It provides initially a rather dangerous buildup to next Friday's Partial Lunar Eclipse, although mercifully it won't totally dominate the event as it peaks two days before but it certainly colours the next 4 days. 00.19 The decelerating waxing Moon at 22 Pisces trines The Sun at 22 Scorpio 00.43 Venus at 8 Capricorn waning semi-sextile Saturn at 8 Aquarius 05.41 The Moon at 25 Pisces waxing sextile Pluto at 25 Capricorn. The Moon is void of course for 10 hours. 15.50 The Moon enters Aries 18.46 Venus at 8 Capricorn waning quintile Neptune at 20 Pisces 19.42 The Moon at 2 Aries waning sextiles her node from south of the ecliptic. 21.45 Venus at 9 Capricorn waning semi-square Jupiter at 24 Aquarius

Monday 15th November 2021

Sun square Jupiter

The Moon....now in Aries....gibbous phase today, full in Taurus, and eclipsed on Friday morning (GMT). A weird looker, being almost total, bringing change, excitement, energised minds, peril and substantial concentration of will. 07.00 The Moon at 8 Aries waxing sextile Saturn at 8 Aquarius 07.28 The Moon reaches her waxing gibbous phase 09.07 The Moon at 9 Aries waxing square Venus at 9 Capricorn 12.33 The Moon at 11 Aries waxing quincunx Mars at 11 Scorpio 13.34 Mars at 11 Scorpio waning bi-septile Jupiter at 24 Aquarius 19.59 The Sun at 24 Scorpio waning square Jupiter at 24 Aquarius 22.59 The Moon at 16 Aries waxing quincunx Mercury at 16 Scorpio STATE OF THE SKY:- The Sun is at 23 degrees Scorpio. Venus and Pluto are in Capricorn. Mercury and Mars are with the Sun in Scorpio. Jupiter and Saturn are in Aquarius. There are 37 days to the Capricorn Solstice. All of the planets except Uranus and Neptune are now direct in motion. We are deeply into a new eclipse season. A large partial lunar eclipse occurs on Friday. Mars opposes Uranus on Wednesday. This is a 'battlefield of desire' month. Gird your loins. Mercury is now a fast moving direct morning star in Scorpio. He entered this sign as on Nov 5th. Mercury trines Neptune, imaginatively, on Nov 18th, squares Jupiter, with poor judgment on Nov 20th, and sextiles Pluto, penetratingly on Nov 24th. He enters Sagittarius on Nov 24th. Mercury next turns retrograde at 10 degrees Aquarius from Jan 14th to Feb 4th at 24 Capricorn. Venus entered Capricorn as an evening star on Nov 5th. She has a lengthy 17 week residence in this sign due to her retrograde phase. Venus trines Uranus on Nov 19th, and sextiles Neptune for the first of three occasions on Nov 30th. Venus is at greatest evening star brightness on Dec 7th, and conjuncts Pluto also for the 1st time of 3, on Dec 11th at 25 Capricorn. She turns retrograde on Dec 19th 2021 at 26 Capricorn. Venus conjuncts Pluto a 2nd time on Christmas day. Mercury overtakes Venus at 24 Capricorn on Dec 29th, sextiles Neptune, the 2nd time, on Jan 5th. Venus is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun at 10 Capricorn on Jan 9th 2022. As a morning star Venus turns direct at 11 Capricorn on Jan 29th. Mars overtakes her on Feb 16th at 17 Capricorn. She sextiles Neptune a final time time on Feb 24th and finally conjuncts Pluto on March 3rd at 28 Capricorn. Venus enters Aquarius on March 6th. Mars resides in Scorpio for a 'blood on the face' 44 days. Mars opposes Uranus on Nov 17th, extremely accident prone. Mars trines Neptune on Nov 29th, infused with spirit and glam, and he sextiles Pluto, pushing for prominence on Dec 6th. He finally squares Jupiter, pushing unsuccessfully for space, on Dec 8th before leaving Scorpio for Sagittarius on Dec 13th. Not an easy residence. Bruising in fact. Mars next turns retrograde at 25 Gemini on Oct 30th 2022. He resides in Gemini either side of that date for seven months. Jupiter re-entered Aquarius on July 28th re-joining Saturn in this sign. These next remaining 2 months are an opportunity to revisit what befell us earlier this year and maybe alter the consequences. Mars squares Jupiter on Dec 8th. He re-enters Pisces on Dec 29th 2021 when the real business starts. Jupiter then sextiles Uranus, a fine expansive, progressive and creative aspect on Feb 18th 2022. He conjuncts Neptune at 24 Pisces on April 12th, the highlight of the residence, (the 'Florence Nightingale combination conjunction', more to follow on this one), and he sextiles Pluto in an embrace of power and transformation on May 3rd 2022. Jupiter leaves Pisces for Aries on May 10th 2022. He returns again to Pisces from Oct 28th 2022 to Dec 20th 2022 with a direct station on Nov 23rd at 28 Pisces. By the time of the Northern Hemisphere Winter Solstice 2022 Jupiter has left Pisces for good. Love like blood. Stay tuned. Saturn is now direct in Aquarius. In 2021 the main outer body aspect is a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This is a difficult aspect, but not in the league of 2020 aspects. This cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with their opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. The 2021 last quarter aspect will induce political, financial and social changes of possibly a drastic nature and a measure of instability. We will observe a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The aspect peaked in 2021 on Feb 17th, and on June 14th and repeats on Dec 24th with a slight return in early October 2022. Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is retrograde in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Neptune is retrograde in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is now direct at 24 Capricorn. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. The next eclipses are a partial lunar eclipse on Nov 19th at 27 Taurus square Jupiter, and a Total Solar Eclipse, visible from Antarctica, on Dec 4th quincunx Uranus at 12 Sagittarius. The next Total Lunar eclipse is a blisteringly big eclipse, visible from the UK, and is at 26 Scorpio, during the early hours of Monday May 16th 2022. There is another Total Lunar eclipse in 2022 on November 8th. This is a daytime event for the UK. The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024. Earlier that same year, 2024, we can also look forward to the next 'American Total Solar Eclipse' on April 8th 2024. Over the next 5 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. The current situation will have totally changed by 2026. Hold tight, fasten your seat belts. Tropical astrology has most of the answers.

Tuesday 16th November 2021

Sun sextile Pluto


The Lunar Eclipse is now 3 days away. Eclipse tensions are rising. Mars is almost opposite Uranus spelling danger. Tread carefully all round. Today is most certainly a 'look before you leap' day. 13.56 The waxing gibbous Moon decelerating at 24 Aries waxing sextile Jupiter at 24 Aquarius 15.24 The Moon at 24 Aries waxing quincunx The Sun at 24 Scorpio 15.51 The Moon at 25 Aries waxing square Pluto at 25 Capricorn. The Moon is void of course for 10.3 hours 21.02 The Sun at 25 Scorpio waning sextile Pluto at 25 Capricorn

Wednesday 17th November 2021

02.19 The Moon enters Taurus joining Uranus there. 03.08 Mercury at 18 Scorpio waning bi-novile Saturn at 8 Aquarius 17.24 Mars at 12 Scorpio opposition Uranus at 12 Taurus 18.20 The Moon at 8 Taurus waxing square Saturn at 8 Aquarius

Thursday 18th November 2021

Mercury trine Neptune

The Moon and Uranus are both opposite Mars. The astrologicaal sky is fraught with danger. We have almost arrived at the time of a lunar eclipse. 00.40 The Moon at 11 Taurus waxing trine Venus at 11 Capricorn 02.45 The Moon at 12 Taurus conjunction Uranus at 12 Taurus 03.21 The Moon at 13 Taurus opposition Mars at 13 Scorpio 05.13 The Sun at 26 Scorpio waning quintile Saturn at 8 Aquarius 10.38 Mars at 13 Scorpio waning quintile Pluto at 25 Capricorn 10.48 Mercury at 20 Scorpio waning septile Venus at 12 Capricorn 15.38 Mercury at 20 Scorpio waning trine Neptune at 20 Pisces 19.14 The Moon at 20 Taurus waxing sextile Neptune at 20 Pisces 19.48 The Moon at 21 Taurus opposition Mercury at 21 Scorpio The Moon is Full tonight.

Friday 19th November 2021

A Fixed T-Square is manifest involving the Full Moon, the Sun and Jupiter 02.00 to 09.00 02.23 The Moon at 24 Taurus waxing square Jupiter at 24 Aquarius 03.58 The Moon at 25 Taurus waxing trine Pluto at 25 Capricorn 06.09 Venus at 12 Capricorn waning trine Uranus at 12 Taurus 08.58 Moment of FULL MOON, moon void 09.03 Maximum Eclipse.

Partial lunar eclipse with near-perfect alignment The November 19, 2021, partial lunar eclipse which is best overnight on November 18 for North America will be the longest such event within a stretch of 1,000 years. The last partial lunar eclipse that stretched longer happened on February 18, 1440. The next time Earth will see a partial lunar eclipse as lengthy as this month's will be on February 8, 2669. Between 06:02 and 12:03 UTC on November 19, the sun, Earth, and moon will come into near-perfect alignment. Earth's shadow will fall on the moon, resulting in the partial lunar eclipse. At the maximum point of the eclipse at 09:02 UTC 99% of the moon's face will be covered by the dark inner part of Earth's shadow, called the umbra. The remaining sliver of the lunar disk will be deep within the lighter, outer part of Earth's shadow, known as the penumbra. The overall duration of the November 2021 eclipse from the moment the moon enters Eart''s penumbral shadow, to the moment it leaves will be around 21,693 seconds (about 6 hours and 2 minutes). For a non-total lunar eclipse, in other words, a lunar eclipse that only has penumbral and partial phases, this is an unusually long duration. By the way, when we speak of the duration of this eclipse, we're including the penumbral phases preceding and following the partial umbral eclipse. The umbral phase of the November 18-19, 2021, partial lunar eclipse is 3 hours 28 minutes and 24 seconds long. It is the longest partial umbral eclipse of this century. https://earthsky.org/astronomy-essentials/partial-lunar-eclipse-longest-1000-years/

TIMES OF THE ECLIPSE Penumbral eclipse starts 06-02 Umbral eclipse starts 07-19 Greatest Eclipse 09-04 Umbral eclipse ends 10-47 Penumbral eclipse ends 12-04 Today's eclipse is characterised by a vast predominance of planets in Fixed signs. There is nothing in a Fire sign and only Neptune is in a mutable sign. The Sun, Mercury and Mars are in Scorpio, Venus and Pluto are in Capricorn. The eclipsed Moon separates from a trine with Pluto and a square with Jupiter. Mars opposes Uranus. Venus trines Uranus and sextiles Mars, Mercury trines Neptune, squares Jupiter and sextiles Pluto. There is an unmovable and entrenched quality to this event. There is no let up and no give. The quality is committed and supportive. This time is brimming with lustful energy but it also encompasses in-depth thinking, and some surprise and excitement. At the exact moment of greatest eclipse the Moon rises and the Sun sets over Taiwan, and Ulan Bator and over New South Wales. It is High Noon at Mecca and at Moscow, Saudi, the UAE and East Africa. Mars and Uranus are aligned to Belarus and to La Paz, Pluto rises at Ankara, Neptune rises at Omsk, Mercury culminates at Jerusalem and Pluto is at Lower Culmination at Washington DC. Sunrise and Moonset is occurring over The Norwegian Sea. Today's eclipse tightly hits Brazil's Moon, the New York Stock Exchange's Sun, DR Congo's Ascendant, Northern Ireland's Mars, Queen Elizabeth's IC, Facebook's Sun, the UK Labour Party's Jupiter, Bob Dlyan's Uranus, and David Crosby's Saturn. It opposes Jo Biden's Sun and Venus, China's MC, Hezbollah's Saturn, Jacob Rees Mogg's Neptune and Grace Slick's Mercury. It squares Donald Trump's Mars and is reasonably close to his MC. It squares the USA's Moon and Belarus' Mercury, Venus and Jupiter. Looking with larger orbs we see it opposes France's Mars and MC. LUNAR SAROS 126 Today's eclipse is member 46 of the 72 eclipses which make up Lunar Saros Series 126. The Series started with a slight eclipse in July 1228. The chart above is set up for the moment of greatest eclipse of this first event and for London. I use this chart to judge the nature of the complete Saros cycle. The most recent eclipse in the Saros, on Nov 9th 2003, was the final Total eclipse in the series. Today's eclipse in the first partial after 14 totals. This is partly why it is such a long eclipse. (The other factor in this is the proximity of the Moon to its apogee position, resulting in its slow velocity.) 14.34 The Moon enters Gemini 15.26 The Sun at 28 Scorpio waning semi-square Venus at 13 Capricorn 18.08 The Moon at 2 Gemini conjunction the lunar node at 2 Gemini

Saturday 20th November 2021

Mercury square Jupiter

Licking wounds. Talking shop. Moving on. 07.13 The slowly waning full Moon at 8 Gemini waxing trine Saturn at 8 Aquarius 17.44 The Moon at 13 Gemini waxing quincunx Venus at 13 Capricorn 19.47 The Moon at 14 Gemini waning quincunx Mars at 14 Scorpio 23.44 Mercury at 24 Scorpio waning square Jupiter at 24 Aquarius

Sunday 21st November 2021

Mercury sextile Pluto.

02.12 The Moon is at Apogee, furthest from the Earth and slowest this month, conjunct 'Black Moon Lilith'. 08.06 The Moon at 20 Gemini waxing square Neptune at 20 Pisces 09.14 Mercury at 25 Scorpio waning sextile Pluto at 25 Capricorn 15.53 The Moon at 24 Gemini waxing trine Jupiter at 24 Aquarius, moon void 17.02 The Moon at 25 Gemini waxing quincunx Pluto at 25 Capricorn 18.14 The Moon at 25 Gemini waning quincunx Mercury at 25 Scorpio 21.54 Venus at 14 Capricorn waning novile Jupiter at 24 Aquarius

Monday 22nd November 2021

02.35 The Sun enters Sagittarius 03.35 The Moon enters Cancer 03.39 The Moon at zero Cancer waning quincunx The Sun at zero Sagittarius 08.14 Mercury at 26 Scorpio waning quintile Saturn at 8 Aquarius 20.33 The Moon at 8 Cancer waxing quincunx Saturn at 8 Aquarius STATE OF THE SKY:- The Sun is at zero degrees Sagittarius. Venus and Pluto are in Capricorn. Mercury and Mars are in Scorpio. Jupiter and Saturn are in Aquarius. There are 30 days to the Capricorn Solstice. All of the planets except Uranus and Neptune are direct in motion. We are deeply in an eclipse season. A large partial lunar eclipse occured last Friday and a Total Solar is ahead of us on Dec 4th. Mercury is a fast moving direct morning star in Scorpio. He entered this sign as on Nov 5th. He enters Sagittarius on Nov 24th. Mercury next turns retrograde at 10 degrees Aquarius from Jan 14th to Feb 4th at 24 Capricorn. Venus entered Capricorn as an evening star on Nov 5th. She has a lengthy 17 week residence in this sign due to her retrograde phase. Venus sextiles Neptune for the first of three occasions on Nov 30th. Venus is at greatest evening star brightness on Dec 7th, and conjuncts Pluto also for the 1st time of 3, on Dec 11th at 25 Capricorn. She turns retrograde on Dec 19th 2021 at 26 Capricorn. Venus conjuncts Pluto a 2nd time on Christmas day. Mercury overtakes Venus at 24 Capricorn on Dec 29th, sextiles Neptune, the 2nd time, on Jan 5th. Venus is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun at 10 Capricorn on Jan 9th 2022. As a morning star Venus turns direct at 11 Capricorn on Jan 29th. Mars overtakes her on Feb 16th at 17 Capricorn. She sextiles Neptune a final time time on Feb 24th and finally conjuncts Pluto on March 3rd at 28 Capricorn. Venus enters Aquarius on March 6th. Mars is residing in Scorpio for a 'blood on the face' 44 days. Mars trines Neptune on Nov 29th, infused with spirit and glam, and he sextiles Pluto, pushing for prominence on Dec 6th. He finally squares Jupiter, pushing unsuccessfully for space, on Dec 8th before leaving Scorpio for Sagittarius on Dec 13th. Not an easy residence. Bruising in fact. Mars next turns retrograde at 25 Gemini on Oct 30th 2022. He resides in Gemini either side of that date for seven months. Jupiter re-entered Aquarius on July 28th re-joining Saturn in this sign. These remaining month is a final opportunity to revisit what befell us earlier this year and maybe alter the consequences. Mars squares Jupiter on Dec 8th. Jupiter re-enters Pisces on Dec 29th 2021 when the real business starts. Jupiter then sextiles Uranus, a fine expansive, progressive and creative aspect on Feb 18th 2022. He conjuncts Neptune at 24 Pisces on April 12th, the highlight of the residence, (the 'Florence Nightingale combination conjunction', more to follow on this one), and he sextiles Pluto in an embrace of power and transformation on May 3rd 2022. Jupiter leaves Pisces for Aries on May 10th 2022. He returns again to Pisces from Oct 28th 2022 to Dec 20th 2022 with a direct station on Nov 23rd at 28 Pisces. By the time of the Northern Hemisphere Winter Solstice 2022 Jupiter has left Pisces for good. Love like blood. Stay tuned. Saturn is now direct in Aquarius. In 2021 the main outer body aspect is a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This is a difficult aspect, but not in the league of 2020 aspects. This cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with their opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. The 2021 last quarter aspect will induce political, financial and social changes of possibly a drastic nature and a measure of instability. We will observe a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The aspect peaked in 2021 on Feb 17th, and on June 14th and repeats on Dec 24th with a slight return in early October 2022. Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is retrograde in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Neptune is retrograde in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is now direct at 24 Capricorn. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. The next eclipse is a Total Solar Eclipse, visible from Antarctica, on Dec 4th quincunx Uranus at 12 Sagittarius. The next Total Lunar eclipse is a blisteringly big eclipse, visible from the UK, and is at 26 Scorpio, during the early hours of Monday May 16th 2022. There is another Total Lunar eclipse in 2022 on November 8th. This is a daytime event for the UK. The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024. Earlier that same year, 2024, we can also look forward to the next 'American Total Solar Eclipse' on April 8th 2024. Over the next 5 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. The current situation will have totally changed by 2026. Hold tight, fasten your seat belts. Tropical astrology has most of the answers.

Tuesday 23rd November 2021

03.59 The slowly waning Moon at 12 Cancer waxing sextile Uranus at 12 Taurus 10.50 The Moon at 15 Cancer opposition Venus at 15 Capricorn 12.25 The Moon at 16 Cancer waning trine Mars at 16 Scorpio 12.51 The Moon reaches her disseminating phase 15.39 The Sun at 2 Sagittarius opposition the lunar node at 2 Gemini eclipse season marker. 20.51 The Moon at 20 Cancer waxing trine Neptune at 20 Pisces

Wednesday 24th November 2021

02.27 The Sun at 2 Sagittarius waning quad-novile Uranus at 12 Taurus 05.06 The Moon at 25 Cancer waxing quincunx Jupiter at 25 Aquarius 05.47 The Moon at 25 Cancer opposition Pluto at 25 Capricorn 11.59 The Sun at 2 Sagittarius waning tri-decile Neptune at 20 Pisces 15.38 Mercury enters Sagittarius joining the Sun in this sign. Mercury currently a morning star whizzes through Sagittarius in just 20 days. He is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun on Nov 29th at 7 Sagittarius, the universal mind's full illumination, a 'Full Mercury'. Then as an evening star he sextiles Saturn on Nov 30th, forthright problem solving, and squares Neptune, in wayward chaos, on Dec 7th. Mercury enters Capricorn on Dec 13th. 16.00 The Moon enters Leo 16.03 The Moon at zero Leo waning trine Mercury at zero Sagittarius 18.58 The Moon at 2 Leo waxing sextile the lunar node at 2 Gemini 21.35 The Moon at 3 Leo waning trine The Sun at 3 Sagittarius

Thursday 25th November 2021

08.52 The disseminating Moon accelerating at 9 Leo opposes Saturn at 9 Aquarius 13.14 The Sun at 3 Sagittarius waning septile Pluto at 25 Capricorn 13.45 Mercury at 1 Sagittarius opposition the lunar node at 1 Gemini 15.33 The Moon at 12 Leo waxing square Uranus at 12 Taurus 21.11 Mercury at 2 Sagittarius waning quad-novile Uranus at 12 Taurus

Friday 26th November 2021

01.58 The disseminating Moon accelerating at 17 Leo waning quincunx Venus at 17 Capricorn 03.20 The Moon at 18 Leo waning square Mars at 18 Scorpio 03.29 Mercury at 2 Sagittarius waning semi-square Venus at 17 Capricorn 04.13 Mercury at 2 Sagittarius waning tri-decile Neptune at 20 Pisces 07.56 The Moon at 20 Leo waxing quincunx Neptune at 20 Pisces 16.24 The Moon at 25 Leo opposition Jupiter at 25 Aquarius. The Moon is void for nearly 10 hours. 16.36 The Moon at 25 Leo waning quincunx Pluto at 25 Capricorn 20.57 Mercury at 4 Sagittarius waning septile Pluto at 25 Capricorn 22.00 The Sun at 5 Sagittarius waning bi-novile Jupiter at 25 Aquarius

Saturday 27th November 2021

One week to the Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius on December 4th centred on Antartica. This is a genial 'new directions' spacious and inclusive event in serious contrast to the 'Medusa's head' long Partial Lunar Eclipse on Nov 19th. A 'let me unfold you' event is ahead of us. Today has movement and method. 01.51 Mars at 19 Scorpio waning bi-novile Saturn at 9 Aquarius 02.13 The Moon enters Virgo A Mutable T-Square is manifest involving the Moon, the Sun, Mercury and the Lunar node 04.00 to 13.00 04.48 The Moon at 1 Virgo waxing square the lunar node at 1 Gemini 10.28 The Moon at 4 Virgo waning square Mercury at 4 Sagittarius 12.28 The Moon at Last Quarter 16.16 Jupiter at 25 Aquarius waxing semi-sextile Pluto at 25 Capricorn The current 13 year Jupiter/Pluto synodic cycle of of 'power plays' started in 2020 in Capricorn. This year the cycle reaches it's waxing semi-sextile phase, (April 20th, Sept 11th and 27th Nov), and its waxing decile phase, (June 20th, July 4th and Jan 9th 2022). The new 'power evolution' established in 2020 now undergoes with the semi-sextile 'the urge to be' and with the decile aspect, the decision process 'what to be'. We are dealing here with new power structures, set in motion last year now gaining purchase. 18.31 The Moon at 9 Virgo waning quincunx Saturn at 9 Aquarius 19.10 Mercury at 5 Sagittarius waning bi-novile Jupiter at 25 Aquarius

Sunday 28th November 2021

Discerning transmission. Gets things done. 00.19 The Moon at 12 Virgo waxing trine Uranus at 12 Taurus 13.15 The Moon at 19 Virgo waning trine Venus at 19 Capricorn The Moon, Venus, Mars and Neptune form 4 vertices of a hexagon at this time. 14.37 The Moon at 20 Virgo waning sextile Mars at 20 Scorpio 15.51 The Moon at 20 Virgo opposition Neptune at 20 Pisces 17.45 Venus at 19 Capricorn waning decile Jupiter at 25 Aquarius

Monday 29th November 2021

Superior Conjunction of Mercury. A 'Full Mercury'. 00.03 The Moon at 25 Virgo waning trine Pluto at 25 Capricorn. The Moon is void of course for nearly 9 hours. 00.10 Uranus at 12 Taurus waxing septile Neptune at 20 Pisces. This is the 2nd of 5 hits of this aspect in the 2021-2023 period. Dates July 21st 2021, Nov 29th 2021, June 10th 2022, Jan 29th 2023, April 20th 2023. The current synodic cycle of Uranus and Neptune started in 1993 in Capricorn, climaxes with the opposition in 2078-2081 across Cancer/Capricorn and ends in 2165 in Aquarius. This waxing septile aspects precedes the sextile aspect in 2025-2027. The Uranus/Neptune cycle is concerned with global and spiritual awakenings, new religious movements, and cultural renaissance. It invokes philosophical, political and religious change. It is the cycle of discovery, vision and understanding. The waxing septile aspect gives this renaissance unexpected opportunities, possibilities, and realisations. This is a profoundly mystical and very creative aspect. 00.18 The Moon at 25 Virgo waning quincunx Jupiter at 25 Aquarius 04.40 The Sun at 7 Sagittarius conjunction Mercury at 7 Sagittarius 08.56 The Moon enters Libra 10.15 Mercury at 8 Sagittarius waning tri-septile Uranus at 12 Taurus 10.29 Mercury at 8 Sagittarius waning bi-septile Neptune at 20 Pisces 11.08 The Moon at 1 Libra waxing trine the lunar node at 1 Gemini 13.14 The Sun at 8 Sagittarius waning tri-septile Uranus at 12 Taurus 13.41 The Sun at 8 Sagittarius waning bi-septile Neptune at 20 Pisces 14.11 Mars at 20 Scorpio waning trine Neptune at 20 Pisces 22.45 The Moon at 8 Libra waning sextile The Sun at 8 Sagittarius 23.34 The Moon at 8 Libra waning sextile Mercury at 8 Sagittarius STATE OF THE SKY:- The Sun is at 8 degrees Sagittarius. Mercury is also in Sagittarius. Venus and Pluto are in Capricorn. Jupiter and Saturn are in Aquarius. There are 22 days to the Capricorn Solstice. All of the planets except Uranus and Neptune are direct in motion. We are deeply in an eclipse season. A large partial lunar eclipse occured Friday Nov 19th and a Total Solar Eclipse is ahead of us next Saturday Dec 4th. This is a genial 'new directions' spacious and inclusive event in serious contrast to the 'Medusa's head' long Partial Lunar Eclipse on Nov 19th. A 'let me unfold you' event is ahead of us. Mercury is a fast moving direct morning star at Superior conjunction with the Sun today at 7 Sagittarius, the universal mind's full illumination, a 'Full Mercury'. As an evening star Mercury sextiles Saturn on Nov 30th, forthright problem solving, and squares Neptune, in wayward chaos, on Dec 7th. Mercury enters Capricorn on Dec 13th. Mercury next turns retrograde at 10 degrees Aquarius from Jan 14th to Feb 4th at 24 Capricorn. Venus entered Capricorn as an evening star on Nov 5th. She has a lengthy 17 week residence in this sign due to her retrograde phase. Venus sextiles Neptune for the first of three occasions tomorrow Nov 30th. Venus is at greatest evening star brightness on Dec 7th, and conjuncts Pluto also for the 1st time of 3, on Dec 11th at 25 Capricorn. She turns retrograde on Dec 19th 2021 at 26 Capricorn. Venus conjuncts Pluto a 2nd time on Christmas day. Mercury overtakes Venus at 24 Capricorn on Dec 29th, sextiles Neptune, the 2nd time, on Jan 5th. Venus is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun at 10 Capricorn on Jan 9th 2022. As a morning star Venus turns direct at 11 Capricorn on Jan 29th. Mars overtakes her on Feb 16th at 17 Capricorn. She sextiles Neptune a final time time on Feb 24th and finally conjuncts Pluto on March 3rd at 28 Capricorn. Venus enters Aquarius on March 6th. Mars is residing in Scorpio for a 'blood on the face' 44 days. Mars trines Neptune today, infused with spirit and glam, and he sextiles Pluto, pushing for prominence on Dec 6th. He finally squares Jupiter, pushing unsuccessfully for space, on Dec 8th before leaving Scorpio for Sagittarius on Dec 13th. Not an easy residence. Bruising in fact. Mars next turns retrograde at 25 Gemini on Oct 30th 2022. He resides in Gemini either side of that date for seven months. Jupiter re-entered Aquarius on July 28th re-joining Saturn in this sign. This remaining month is a final opportunity to revisit what befell us earlier this year and maybe alter the consequences. Mars squares Jupiter on Dec 8th. Jupiter re-enters Pisces on Dec 29th 2021 when the real business starts. Jupiter then sextiles Uranus, a fine expansive, progressive and creative aspect on Feb 18th 2022. He conjuncts Neptune at 24 Pisces on April 12th, the highlight of the residence, (the 'Florence Nightingale combination conjunction', more to follow on this one), and he sextiles Pluto in an embrace of power and transformation on May 3rd 2022. Jupiter leaves Pisces for Aries on May 10th 2022. He returns again to Pisces from Oct 28th 2022 to Dec 20th 2022 with a direct station on Nov 23rd at 28 Pisces. By the time of the Northern Hemisphere Winter Solstice 2022 Jupiter has left Pisces for good. Love like blood. Stay tuned. Saturn is now direct in Aquarius. In 2021 the main outer body aspect is a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This is a difficult aspect, but not in the league of 2020 aspects. This cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with their opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. The 2021 last quarter aspect will induce political, financial and social changes of possibly a drastic nature and a measure of instability. We will observe a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The aspect peaked in 2021 on Feb 17th, and on June 14th and repeats on Dec 24th with a slight return in early October 2022. Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is retrograde in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Neptune is retrograde in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is now direct at 24 Capricorn. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. The next eclipse is a Total Solar Eclipse, visible from Antarctica, on Dec 4th quincunx Uranus at 12 Sagittarius. The next Total Lunar eclipse is a blisteringly big eclipse, visible from the UK, and is at 26 Scorpio, during the early hours of Monday May 16th 2022. There is another Total Lunar eclipse in 2022 on November 8th. This is a daytime event for the UK. The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024. Earlier that same year, 2024, we can also look forward to the next 'American Total Solar Eclipse' on April 8th 2024. Over the next 5 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. The current situation will have totally changed by 2026. Hold tight, fasten your seat belts. Tropical astrology has most of the answers.

Tuesday 30th November 2021

The Sun and Mercury sextile Saturn.

Venus sextile Neptune.

Four days to the Total Solar eclipse in Sagittarius. This event is preceeded by a lunar occultation of Mars in Scorpio first thing (GMT) on Friday. (Another lunar occultation of Mars occurs on Dec 31st 2021 in Sagttarius.) Today reveals planetary sextiles rocking the boat somewhat. 00.24 The last quarter Moon accelerating at 9 Libra waning trine Saturn at 9 Aquarius 05.23 The Moon at 12 Libra waxing quincunx Uranus at 12 Taurus 07.20 Mercury at 9 Sagittarius waning sextile Saturn at 9 Aquarius 19.57 The Moon at 20 Libra waning square Venus at 20 Capricorn 19.59 The Moon at 20 Libra waning quincunx Neptune at 20 Pisces 20.47 Venus at 20 Capricorn waning sextile Neptune at 20 Pisces 23.15 The Sun at 9 Sagittarius waning sextile Saturn at 9 Aquarius

Wednesday 1st December 2021

00.28 Mercury at 10 Sagittarius waning semi-square Pluto at 25 Capricorn 02.09 The Moon reaches her balsamic phase. 03.44 The Moon at 25 Libra waning square Pluto at 25 Capricorn 04.20 The Moon at 25 Libra waning trine Jupiter at 25 Aquarius. The Moon is void of course waning and drifting for 7.6 hours 11.37 Mercury at 11 Sagittarius waning novile Venus at 21 Capricorn 11.57 The Moon enters Scorpio joining Mars in this sign.

Thursday 2nd December 2021

01.12 The Sun at 10 Sagittarius waning semi-square Pluto at 25 Capricorn 02.16 Mercury at 12 Sagittarius waning quincunx Uranus at 12 Taurus 02.44 The Moon at 9 Scorpio waning square Saturn at 9 Aquarius 07.02 The Moon at 12 Scorpio opposition Uranus at 12 Taurus 20.59 The Moon at 20 Scorpio waning trine Neptune at 20 Pisces 22.52 The Moon at 22 Scorpio waning sextile Venus at 22 Capricorn

Friday 3rd December 2021

At the start (GMT) of this 'day before a Total Solar Eclipse' the Scorpio Moon occults Mars. This is the first of two such lunar occultations this month and the 2nd so far this year. The December 3 occultation of Mars is visible in northeast Asia, the December 31 occultation of Mars is visible to a small swath of residents in Australia. Southeast Asia got a chance to watch the moon pass in front of the red planet Mars on April 17, 2021. The global death toll from COVID-19 surpassed 3 million on that day. The Covid world death toll now is over 9 million. In addition this morning Venus is conjunct the Moon and Mars/Neptune midpoint sextile to both. 00.09 Exact alignment Moon Mars 00.46 The Moon conjunction Mars at 23 Scorpio 04.26 The Moon at 25 Scorpio waning sextile Pluto at 25 Capricorn 05.23 The Moon at 26 Scorpio waning square Jupiter at 26 Aquarius. The Moon is void for nearly 7 hours 08.33 Mercury at 14 Sagittarius waning quintile Jupiter at 26 Aquarius 12.14 The Moon enters Sagittarius joining the Sun and Mercury in this sign. 13.52 The Moon at 1 Sagittarius opposition the lunar node at 1 Gemini 15.15 The Sun at 12 Sagittarius waning quincunx Uranus at 12 Taurus

Saturday 4th December 2021

02.46 The Moon at 9 Sagittarius waning sextile Saturn at 9 Aquarius 05.22 The Sun at 12 Sagittarius waning novile Venus at 22 Capricorn TIMINGS OF THE ECLIPSE Eclipse sequence starts 05:29 Total phase starts 07:05 Greatest Eclipse 07:33 Total phase ends 08:01 Eclipse sequence ends 09:37 Today's eclipse hits Egypt's Mars, Australia's Uranus (square her Mars), Spain's Neptune, Ireland's Sun and Mercury, Belgium's Ascendant and Hong Kong's Jupiter. It hits Gislaine Maxwell's Descendant, Jacob Rees Mogg's Mars, very tightly, Sajid Javid's Sun, Tiger Wood's Neptune, Ariana Legrande and Leonardo Dicaprio's node. It opposes Cyprus' Moon, and squares Poland's Mars and Russia's Sun (1991 chart). 06.13 Mercury at 15 Sagittarius waning novile Pluto at 25 Capricorn 06.36 The Moon at 12 Sagittarius waning quincunx Uranus at 12 Taurus 07.44 Moment of NEW MOON

The New Moon is quintile Jupiter. SOLAR SAROS 152 12.44 The Moon at 16 Sagittarius conjunction Mercury at 16 Sagittarius 12.22Closest alignment Moon Mercury 0.74 degrees 10.03 The Moon is at Perigee. Fastest and closest to the Earth this month. 20.23 The Moon at 20 Sagittarius waning square Neptune at 20 Pisces

Sunday 5th December 2021

Yesterday's Total Eclipse seems to have procreated tera-Joules of New Moon energy. It, the energy, takes some adjusting to. The spotlight now, some 15 days from the Solstice turns to Venus. Currently at greatest evening star brightness, Venus at this phase corresponds to 'reflected love', love that is directed to the past, and similiar correspondences to values. Venus conjuncts Pluto for the 1st time of 3, a real purge and a herald of shifts of affection to come, on Dec 11th at 25 Capricorn. She turns retrograde on Dec 19th 2021 at 26 Capricorn. Venus conjuncts Pluto a 2nd time on Christmas day. Big modulations of 'value' and attachment both personal and material are ahead. One person has died and dozens are injured after a volcano erupted on Indonesia's Java island, officials said on Saturday. The eruption took place at about 14:30 local time (07:30 GMT). Local authorities have set up a restricted zone within 5km (3 miles) from the crater. This eruption seems to have occurred at the time of gretaest eclipse yesterday. Astrocartography for this momnent shows Vens and Pluto culminating over Java island. 05.09 The infant New Moon at 26 Sagittarius waning sextile Jupiter at 26 Aquarius. The Moon is void of course for 6.4 hours 08.25 Mercury at 17 Sagittarius waning decile Venus at 23 Capricorn 11.32 The Moon enters Capricorn joining Venus and Pluto in this sign. 20.09 Mercury at 18 Sagittarius waning biquintile Uranus at 12 Taurus

Monday 6th December 2021

Mars sextile Pluto

00.12 The Sun at 14 Sagittarius waning quintile Jupiter at 26 Aquarius 01.38 Mercury at 18 Sagittarius waning septile Saturn at 9 Aquarius 05.57 The young Moon at 12 Capricorn waning trine Uranus at 12 Taurus 11.42 Mars at 25 Scorpio waning sextile Pluto at 25 Capricorn 20.09 The Moon at 20 Capricorn waning sextile Neptune at 20 Pisces 20.30 Mercury at 19 Sagittarius waning decile Pluto at 25 Capricorn 22.15 Venus at 24 Capricorn waning tri-decile Uranus at 12 Taurus STATE OF THE SKY:- The Sun is at 15 degrees Sagittarius. Mercury is also in Sagittarius. Venus and Pluto are in Capricorn. Jupiter and Saturn are in Aquarius. There are 15 days to the Capricorn Solstice. All of the planets except Uranus are direct in motion. We are starting to pull out of the eclipse season. A large partial lunar eclipse occurred Friday Nov 19th and a Total Solar Eclipse occurred on Saturday Dec 4th. Mercury is a fast moving direct evening star in Sagittarius. He squares Neptune, with touches of wayward chaos tomorrow. Mercury enters Capricorn on Dec 13th. Mercury next turns retrograde at 10 degrees Aquarius from Jan 14th to Feb 4th at 24 Capricorn. Venus entered Capricorn as an evening star on Nov 5th. She has a lengthy 17 week residence in this sign due to her retrograde phase. Venus is at greatest evening star brightness right now. She conjuncts Pluto for the 1st time of 3, on Dec 11th at 25 Capricorn. She turns retrograde on Dec 19th 2021 at 26 Capricorn. Venus conjuncts Pluto a 2nd time on Christmas day. Mercury overtakes Venus at 24 Capricorn on Dec 29th, sextiles Neptune, the 2nd time, on Jan 5th. Venus is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun at 10 Capricorn on Jan 9th 2022. As a morning star Venus turns direct at 11 Capricorn on Jan 29th. Mars overtakes her on Feb 16th at 17 Capricorn. She sextiles Neptune a final time time on Feb 24th and finally conjuncts Pluto on March 3rd at 28 Capricorn. Venus enters Aquarius on March 6th. Mars is residing in Scorpio for a 'blood on the face' 44 days. Mars sextiles Pluto today, pushing for prominence. He squares Jupiter, pushing unsuccessfully for space, on Wednesday before leaving Scorpio for Sagittarius on Dec 13th. Not an easy residence. Bruising in fact. Mars next turns retrograde at 25 Gemini on Oct 30th 2022. He resides in Gemini either side of that date for seven months. Jupiter re-entered Aquarius on July 28th re-joining Saturn in this sign. This remaining month is a final opportunity to revisit what befell us earlier this year and maybe alter the consequences. Mars squares Jupiter on Dec 8th. Jupiter re-enters Pisces on Dec 29th 2021 when the real business starts. Jupiter then sextiles Uranus, a fine expansive, progressive and creative aspect on Feb 18th 2022. He conjuncts Neptune at 24 Pisces on April 12th, the highlight of the residence, (the 'Florence Nightingale combination conjunction', more to follow on this one), and he sextiles Pluto in an embrace of power and transformation on May 3rd 2022. Jupiter leaves Pisces for Aries on May 10th 2022. He returns again to Pisces from Oct 28th 2022 to Dec 20th 2022 with a direct station on Nov 23rd at 28 Pisces. By the time of the Northern Hemisphere Winter Solstice 2022 Jupiter has left Pisces for good. Love like blood. Stay tuned. Saturn is now direct in Aquarius. In 2021 the main outer body aspect is a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This is a difficult aspect, but not in the league of 2020 aspects. This cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with their opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. The 2021 last quarter aspect will induce political, financial and social changes of possibly a drastic nature and a measure of instability. We will observe a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The aspect peaked in 2021 on Feb 17th, and on June 14th and repeats on Dec 24th with a slight return in early October 2022. Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is retrograde in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Neptune is now direct in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is now direct at 24 Capricorn. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. The next eclipse is a Partial Solar Eclipse in Taurus on April 30th 2022 conjunct Uranus and sextile Mars visible from South America. The next Total Lunar eclipse is a blisteringly big Total Eclipse, visible from the UK, and is at 26 Scorpio, during the early hours of Monday May 16th 2022. There is a partial Solar Eclipse in early Scorpio conjunct Venus on Oct 25th 2022. This eclipse is visible from Europe, including the UK as a minor visual event, north east Africa the Middle East and India There is another Total Lunar eclipse in 2022 on November 8th. This is a daytime (non-visible) event for the UK. The next Total Solar Eclipse is on 20 April 2023 visible from the Far East Indies. On 14 October 2023 there is the Great American Annular Solar Eclipse. The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024. Earlier that same year, 2024, we can also look forward to the next 'American Total Solar Eclipse' on April 8th 2024. Over the next 5 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. The current situation will have totally changed by 2026. Hold tight, fasten your seat belts. Tropical astrology has most of the answers.

Tuesday 7th December 2021

Mercury square Neptune

The Moon, Venus and Pluto are today in triple conjunction in Capricorn. 01.22 The fast, young decelerating Moon conjunction Venus at 24 Capricorn 02.32 The Sun at 15 Sagittarius waning novile Pluto at 25 Capricorn 03.56 The Moon conjunction Pluto at 25 Capricorn 04.43 The Moon at 26 Capricorn waxing sextile Mars at 26 Scorpio. The Moon is then void of course for 7.1 hours. 11.50 The Moon enters Aquarius joining Jupiter and Saturn in this sign. 12.52 The Moon reaches her waxing crescent phase 13.11 The Moon at 1 Aquarius waning trines her node at 1 Gemini 15.17 Mercury at 20 Sagittarius waning square Neptune at 20 Pisces

Wednesday 8th December 2021

Mars square Jupiter

Mars in Scorpio is square Jupiter in Aquarius. The foot is down to the floor on the throttle right now. Judgment is wide of the mark. Some kind of cosmic acceleration is underway with quite serious consequence this morning (GMT) as the Moon conjuncts Saturn. 03.43 The Moon conjunction Saturn at 10 Aquarius 06.22 Mars at 26 Scorpio waning square Jupiter at 26 Aquarius 07.01 The Moon at 12 Aquarius waning square Uranus at 12 Taurus 15.57 The Moon at 17 Aquarius waxing sextile The Sun at 17 Sagittarius

Thursday 9th December 2021

The waxing crescent Moon and Jupiter in Aquarius are both square Mars this morning (GMT). There is something over inflated. Excessive baggage needs to be reduced. The lizard sheds his skin. 02.07 The Moon at 23 Aquarius sextile Mercury at 23 Sagittarius 08.39 The Sun at 17 Sagittarius waning biquintile Uranus at 11 Taurus The Moon Jupiter conjunction is square Mars 08.54 The Moon conjunction Jupiter at 27 Aquarius 10.00 The Moon at 27 Aquarius waxing square Mars at 27 Scorpio. The Moon is void of course for nearly 5 hours 14.55 The Moon enters Pisces joining Neptune in this sign. 16.09 The Moon at 1 Pisces squares her node from south of the ecliptic.

Friday 10th December 2021


Venus is almost conjunct Pluto. This hits on Saturday Dec 11th at 25 Capricorn. She turns retrograde on Dec 19th 2021 at 26 Capricorn. Venus conjuncts Pluto a 2nd time on Christmas day. She conjuncts Pluto a 3rd time on March 3rd at 28 Capricorn. Venus conjunct Pluto in Capricorn symbolises 'devil sex', faithlessness, what ensues is a purge of unpleasantness. 04.00 Mars at 28 Scorpio waning quintile Saturn at 10 Aquarius 04.10 The Sun at 18 Sagittarius waning septile Saturn at 10 Aquarius 09.45 Mercury at 25 Sagittarius waning semi-square Saturn at 10 Aquarius 11.23 The Moon decelerating towards her first quarter phase at 11 Pisces waning sextile Uranus at 11 Taurus 12.51 Mercury at 25 Sagittarius waning semi-sextile Venus at 25 Capricorn 17.57 Mercury at 25 Sagittarius waning semi-sextile Pluto at 25 Capricorn The Sun at 19 Sagittarius waning decile Venus at 25 Capricorn

Saturday 11th December 2021

Venus conjunction Pluto

01.36 The Moon is at First Quarter 03.38 The Sun at 19 Sagittarius waning decile Pluto at 25 Capricorn 03.51 The Moon conjunction Neptune at 20 Pisces 11.11 Mercury at 26 Sagittarius waning sesuiquadrate Uranus at 11 Taurus 12.53 The Moon at 25 Pisces waxing sextile Venus at 25 Capricorn 12.57 The Moon at 25 Pisces waxing sextile Pluto at 25 Capricorn 15.34 The Moon at 27 Pisces waxing square Mercury at 27 Sagittarius 16.29 Venus conjunction Pluto at 25 Capricorn 19.25 Mercury at 27 Sagittarius waning sextile Jupiter at 27 Aquarius 19.40 The Moon at 29 Pisces waxing trine Mars at 29 Scorpio. The Moon is void of course for 2 hours. 21.48 The Moon enters Aries 22.54 The Moon at 1 Aries sextiles her node from south of the ecliptic.

Monday 13th December 2021

Mercury enters Capricorn

Mars enters Sagittarius

09.55 Mars enters Sagittarius joining the Sun, (and for only 9 hours Mercury), in this sign. Mars resides here for 41 days. Mars in Sagittarius evokes eagerness, optimism, limitless joviality and adventure. All a bit short lived but quite good fun. Not a good time for seeing things through. Lots of unfinished things. Hang loose. Mars sextiles Saturn on Dec 30th, providing some constructive purchase, and squares Neptune on Jan 11th which is quite the opposite, inducing crazy scenes and situations. Mars leaves Sagittarius for Capricorn on Jan 24th 2022, when the real work can begin. 16.04 The Moon at 22 Aries waxing trine The Sun at 22 Sagittarius 17.54 Mercury enters Capricorn as an evening star joining Venus and Pluto in this sign. Mercury is not clear of this sign until Feb 14th 2022 because of his forthcoming retrograde motion. Mercury trines Uranus on Dec 20th, with practical well-thought-out inventive genius. Mercury sextiles Neptune, with subtle imagination and a touch of magic on Dec 26th. He overtakes retro Venus on Dec 29th at 24 Capricorn, sincere commitments offered, and is conjunct Pluto, the first hit of three which characterise this phase, on Dec 30th at 26 Capricorn. Mercury then moves into Aquarius from Jan 2nd to Jan 26th turning retrograde on Jan 14th at 10 Aquarius. As a retro-morning star Mercury conjuncts Pluto a 2nd time on Jan 29th 2022. He stations direct at 24 Capricorn on Feb 4th and is conjunct Pluto for the final time on Feb 11th. Mercury finally leaves Capricorn on valentine's Day. The repeated Mercury Pluto conjunction represents a pretty powerful transformation of strategy. A sea change. Hard-hitting pragmatism is ahead of us. 18.52 Mercury at zero Capricorn waning novile Saturn at 10 Aquarius 23.01 The Moon at 25 Aries waxing square Pluto at 25 Capricorn STATE OF THE SKY:- The Sun is at 22 degrees Sagittarius. Mars is also in Sagittarius from today. Mercury (from today), Venus and Pluto are in Capricorn. Jupiter and Saturn are in Aquarius. There are 8 days to the Capricorn Solstice. All of the planets except Uranus are direct in motion. We are pulling out of the eclipse season. A large partial lunar eclipse occurred Friday Nov 19th and a Total Solar Eclipse occurred on Saturday Dec 4th. Mercury is a fast moving direct evening star in Capricorn from today. Mercury next turns retrograde at 10 degrees Aquarius from Jan 14th to Feb 4th at 24 Capricorn. (see above) Venus entered Capricorn as an evening star on Nov 5th. She has a lengthy 17 week residence in this sign due to her retrograde phase. She was in a conjunction with Pluto for the 1st time of 3, on Dec 11th at 25 Capricorn. She turns retrograde on Dec 19th 2021 at 26 Capricorn. Venus conjuncts Pluto a 2nd time on Christmas day. Mercury overtakes Venus at 24 Capricorn on Dec 29th, sextiles Neptune, the 2nd time, on Jan 5th. Venus is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun at 10 Capricorn on Jan 9th 2022. As a morning star Venus turns direct at 11 Capricorn on Jan 29th. Mars overtakes her on Feb 16th at 17 Capricorn. She sextiles Neptune a final time time on Feb 24th and finally conjuncts Pluto on March 3rd at 28 Capricorn. Venus enters Aquarius on March 6th. Mars is now in Sagittarius. (See above) Mars next turns retrograde at 25 Gemini on Oct 30th 2022. He resides in Gemini either side of that date for seven months. Jupiter re-entered Aquarius on July 28th re-joining Saturn in this sign. This remaining two weeks is a final opportunity to revisit what befell us earlier this year and maybe alter the consequences. Jupiter re-enters Pisces on Dec 29th 2021 when the real business starts. Jupiter then sextiles Uranus, a fine expansive, progressive and creative aspect on Feb 18th 2022. He conjuncts Neptune at 24 Pisces on April 12th, the highlight of the residence, (the 'Florence Nightingale combination conjunction', more to follow on this one), and he sextiles Pluto in an embrace of power and transformation on May 3rd 2022. Jupiter leaves Pisces for Aries on May 10th 2022. He returns again to Pisces from Oct 28th 2022 to Dec 20th 2022 with a direct station on Nov 23rd at 28 Pisces. By the time of the Northern Hemisphere Winter Solstice 2022 Jupiter has left Pisces for good. Love like blood. Stay tuned. Saturn is now direct in Aquarius. In 2021 the main outer body aspect is a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This is a difficult aspect, but not in the league of 2020 aspects. This cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with their opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. The 2021 last quarter aspect will induce political, financial and social changes of possibly a drastic nature and a measure of instability. We will observe a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The aspect peaked in 2021 on Feb 17th, and on June 14th and repeats on Dec 24th with a slight return in early October 2022. Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is retrograde in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Neptune is now direct in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is now direct at 24 Capricorn. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. The next eclipse is a Partial Solar Eclipse in Taurus on April 30th 2022 conjunct Uranus and sextile Mars visible from South America. The next Total Lunar eclipse is a blisteringly big Total Eclipse, visible from the UK, and is at 26 Scorpio, during the early hours of Monday May 16th 2022. There is a partial Solar Eclipse in early Scorpio conjunct Venus on Oct 25th 2022. This eclipse is visible from Europe, including the UK as a minor visual event, north east Africa the Middle East and India There is another Total Lunar eclipse in 2022 on November 8th. This is a daytime (non-visible) event for the UK. The next Total Solar Eclipse is on 20 April 2023 visible from the Far East Indies. On 14 October 2023 there is the Great American Annular Solar Eclipse. The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024. Earlier that same year, 2024, we can also look forward to the next 'American Total Solar Eclipse' on April 8th 2024. Over the next 5 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. The current situation will have totally changed by 2026. Hold tight, fasten your seat belts. Tropical astrology has most of the answers.

Tuesday 14th December 2021

00.03 The waxing Moon almost gibbous and decelerating at 26 Aries waxing square Venus at 26 Capricorn 00.16 Mercury at zero Capricorn waxing semi-sextile Mars at zero Sagittarius 00.43 Mercury at zero Capricorn waning bi-novile Neptune at 20 Pisces 02.19 Mars at zero Sagittarius opposition the lunar node at zero Gemini 02.53 The Moon at 27 Aries waxing sextile Jupiter at 27 Aquarius. The Moon is void for 5.3 hours 08.12 The Moon enters Taurus joining Uranus in this sign. The day ahead has a lot of 'Earth'. The Moon, Mercury, Venus Uranus and Pluto are now all in Earth signs. This day and the 2 that follow are solid, unmoving, practical, resolute and steady. 09.34 The Moon at 1 Taurus waxing quincunx Mars at 1 Sagittarius 10.20 The Moon at 1 Taurus waxing trine Mercury at 1 Capricorn

Wednesday 15th December 2021

00.41 The Moon reaches her waxing gibbous phase 04.37 The Moon at 10 Taurus waxing square Saturn at 10 Aquarius 06.51 The Moon conjunction Uranus at 11 Taurus 06.53 Mars at 1 Sagittarius waning quad-novile Uranus at 11 Taurus

Thursday 16th December 2021

01.21 The slowly waxing gibbous Moon at 20 Taurus sextile Neptune at 20 Pisces 09.51 The Moon at 25 Taurus waxing quincunx The Sun at 25 Sagittarius 11.29 The Moon at 25 Taurus waxing trine Pluto at 25 Capricorn 11.48 Mercury at 4 Capricorn waning decile Saturn at 10 Aquarius 13.15 The Moon at 26 Taurus waxing trine Venus at 26 Capricorn 16.09 The Moon at 28 Taurus waxing square Jupiter at 28 Aquarius,. The Moon is void of course for 4.6 hours 20.44 The Moon enters Gemini 21.24 The Moon conjunction her node at zero Gemini 22.40 Mars at 2 Sagittarius waning tri-decile Neptune at 20 Pisces

Friday 17th December 2021

We are slowly approaching a pre-Solstice essentially multifarious Full Moon, early Sunday (GMT), with 'the twist' of Venus turning retrograde into Pluto's bosom some 6 hours after the moment of Full Moon. The event has a fateful quality, an essential resultant 'change of direction', when the dust settles. 01.57 The Moon at 3 Gemini opposition Mars at 3 Sagittarius 03.02 The Sun at 25 Sagittarius waning semi-square Saturn at 10 Aquarius 05.21 The Sun at 25 Sagittarius waning semi-sextile Pluto at 25 Capricorn 08.14 The Moon at 6 Gemini waxing quincunx Mercury at 6 Capricorn 17.58 The Moon at 10 Gemini waxing trine Saturn at 10 Aquarius 21.34 Mercury at 7 Capricorn waning septile Jupiter at 28 Aquarius 21.41 Minor lunar occultation of star Tau Tau, observable from the UK, ends 22.23 (Thurs). 23.20 The Sun at 26 Sagittarius waning sesuiquadrate Uranus at 11 Taurus

Saturday 18th December 2021

Lunar pressures are high. The Full Moon climaxes early (GMT) tomorrow morning. 02.14 The waxing gibbous Moon is at Apogee, furthest from the Earth and slowest this month, conjunct 'Black Moon Lilith'. 04.29 The Sun at 26 Sagittarius waning semi-sextile Venus at 26 Capricorn 04.43 Saturn at 10 Aquarius waning novile Neptune at 20 Pisces This is the last of 3 hits of this aspect in 2021 in the 36 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Neptune. The dates in 2021 are April 2nd, June 13th and Dec 18th. Largely an historical cycle, this astrology's 'tough one', concerned with dissolution, suffering and deep tests of faith. The current cycle started in 1989, in Capricorn, with the fall of the Soviet Empire. It reached the opposition phase in 2006-2007 preceded in late 2004 by the Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami that killed an estimated 227,898 people in 14 countries, death by water, wave of grief and in August 2005 by catastrophic flooding in New Orleans after the Gulf Coast hurricane Katrina, 1,464 people died. The last quarter phase in 2016 was preceded in 20154 by Ebola outbreaks in Africa,and in 2016 itself with North Korean Korean missile tests, the UK voting to leave the EU and Russia interfering in USA elections. The cycle ends in Feb. 2026 at 1 degree Aries. The waning Novile aspects this year are concerned with the consolidation of the 'grim' harvest of the closing cycle, and an evaluation of its consequence. This is a time to reckon with. 14.24 The Moon at 20 Gemini waxing square Neptune at 20 Pisces The Moon is Full tonight

Sunday 19th December 2021

Full Moon in Gemini

00.39 The Moon at 26 Gemini waxing quincunx Pluto at 26 Capricorn 02.35 The Moon at 26 Gemini waxing quincunx Venus at 26 Capricorn 03.27 Mercury at 8 Capricorn waning quintile Neptune at 20 Pisces 04.36 Moment of FULL MOON

Today's pre-Solstice Full Moon in Gemini is the first following on from the long Partial Lunar Eclipse on Nov 19th 2021 and the 5th before a Total Lunar Eclipse on May 16th 2022 at 26 degrees Scorpio. Today's Full Moon in Gemini is trine Jupiter suggesting we have a typical seasonal and jovial event on our hands. The situation is coloured somewhat by the fact that six hours after the moment of Full Moon, Venus only a degree from Pluto, turns retrograde. The Full Moon is quincunx the position of Venus and Pluto. Amid a multitude of diverse variables and unknowns Venus' station casts a transforming glow onto the event. The event has a fateful quality. An essential resultant change of direction will be underway, when the dust settles. Saturn is strongly square Uranus at this time so the changes are serious. However Mercury is trine Uranus suggesting some of the change will be welcome. Today's Full Moon hits the natal Suns of Aung San Suu Kyi, Boris Johnson and Al Qaeda chief Ayman al-Zawahiri. It hits the MC of Russia(1991 chart) and of Thailand (1932 chart), the Neptune of Australia (1901 chart), the Pluto of Mexico, the Saturn of Dominic Rabb, and it opposes the Mars of Vladimir Putin, the Jupiter of Israel, the Mercury of the EU and the MC of the Kim Jong Un Power transfer. At the moment of Full Moon today it is Sun rise at Jerusalem, High Noon over Indonesia, the Moon culminates over Santiago and at Portland Maine. Mars rises Budapest, Mercury at Tehran, Saturn at Mumbai and Delhi, Jupiter at Lhasa, Neptune at Hanoi. Venus and Pluto culminate over Tokyo where Uranus rises. Jupiter culminates at Wellington (NZ). Uranus culminates over Los Angeles. We now enter a 'holy' couple of days between Full Moon and Solstice. The next 60 hours are special. 06.03 The Moon at 28 Gemini waxing trine Jupiter at 28 Aquarius. The Moon is void of course for 3.6 hours 06.49 Mars at 4 Sagittarius waning septile Pluto at 26 Capricorn 09.43 The waning full Moon enters Cancer 18.44 The Moon at 4 Cancer waning quincunx Mars at 4 Sagittarius

Monday 20th December 2021

The Full Moon is past and we are now in the holy couple of days between it and Solstice. The hours are of supreme importance. Venus is now retrograde and falling into the arms of Pluto. Saturn is square Uranus. The astrological scene is now set for the solstice, the message of which encompasses suffering from troubles just encountered and the awaiting of better prospects ahead. 00.32 The Sun at 28 Sagittarius waning sextile Jupiter at 28 Aquarius 06.26 The Moon at 10 Cancer opposition Mercury at 10 Capricorn 07.18 The Moon at 11 Cancer waxing quincunx Saturn at 11 Aquarius 08.17 The Moon at 11 Cancer waxing sextile Uranus at 11 Taurus 13.22 Mercury at 11 Capricorn waning semi-sextile Saturn at 11 Aquarius 17.00 Venus at 26 Capricorn waxing septile Mars at 5 Sagittarius 20.19 Mercury at 11 Capricorn waning trine Uranus at 11 Taurus 21.29 Mercury at 11 Capricorn waxing decile Mars at 5 Sagittarius STATE OF THE SKY:- The Sun is at 29 degrees Sagittarius. Mars is also in Sagittarius. Mercury, Venus and Pluto are in Capricorn. Jupiter and Saturn are in Aquarius. The Capricorn Solstice is tomorrow. All of the planets except Venus and Uranus are direct in motion. We are pulling out of the eclipse season. A large partial lunar eclipse occurred Friday Nov 19th and a Total Solar Eclipse occurred on Saturday Dec 4th. Mercury is a fast moving direct evening star in Capricorn. Mercury next turns retrograde at 10 degrees Aquarius from Jan 14th to Feb 4th at 24 Capricorn. Mercury is not clear of this sign until Feb 14th 2022 because of this retrograde motion. Mercury trines Uranus today, with practical well-thought-out inventive genius. Mercury sextiles Neptune, with subtle imagination and a touch of magic on Dec 26th. He overtakes retro Venus on Dec 29th at 24 Capricorn, sincere commitments offered, and is conjunct Pluto, the first hit of three which characterise this phase, on Dec 30th at 26 Capricorn. Mercury then moves into Aquarius from Jan 2nd to Jan 26th turning retrograde on Jan 14th at 10 Aquarius. As a retro-morning star Mercury conjuncts Pluto a 2nd time on Jan 29th 2022. He stations direct at 24 Capricorn on Feb 4th and is conjunct Pluto for the final time on Feb 11th. Mercury finally leaves Capricorn on valentine's Day. The repeated Mercury Pluto conjunction represents a pretty powerful transformation of strategy. A sea change. Hard-hitting pragmatism is ahead of us. Venus entered Capricorn as an evening star on Nov 5th. She is now retrograde. She was in a conjunction with Pluto for the 1st time of 3, on Dec 11th at 25 Capricorn. She turned retrograde last Sunday at 26 Capricorn. Venus conjuncts Pluto a 2nd time on Christmas day. Mercury overtakes Venus at 24 Capricorn on Dec 29th, sextiles Neptune, the 2nd time, on Jan 5th. Venus is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun at 10 Capricorn on Jan 9th 2022. As a morning star Venus turns direct at 11 Capricorn on Jan 29th. Mars overtakes her on Feb 16th at 17 Capricorn. She sextiles Neptune a final time time on Feb 24th and finally conjuncts Pluto on March 3rd at 28 Capricorn. Venus enters Aquarius on March 6th. Mars is now in Sagittarius. Mars resides here for another 34 days. Mars in Sagittarius evokes eagerness, optimism, limitless joviality and adventure. All a bit short lived but quite good fun. Not a good time for seeing things through. Lots of unfinished things. Hang loose. Mars sextiles Saturn on Dec 30th, providing some constructive purchase, and squares Neptune on Jan 11th which is quite the opposite, inducing crazy scenes and situations. Mars leaves Sagittarius for Capricorn on Jan 24th 2022, when the real work can begin. Mars next turns retrograde at 25 Gemini on Oct 30th 2022. He resides in Gemini either side of that date for seven months. Jupiter re-entered Aquarius on July 28th re-joining Saturn in this sign. This remaining two weeks is a final opportunity to revisit what befell us earlier this year and maybe alter the consequences. Jupiter re-enters Pisces on Dec 29th 2021 when the real business starts. Jupiter then sextiles Uranus, a fine expansive, progressive and creative aspect on Feb 18th 2022. He conjuncts Neptune at 24 Pisces on April 12th, the highlight of the residence, (the 'Florence Nightingale combination conjunction', more to follow on this one), and he sextiles Pluto in an embrace of power and transformation on May 3rd 2022. Jupiter leaves Pisces for Aries on May 10th 2022. He returns again to Pisces from Oct 28th 2022 to Dec 20th 2022 with a direct station on Nov 23rd at 28 Pisces. By the time of the Northern Hemisphere Winter Solstice 2022 Jupiter has left Pisces for good. Love like blood. Stay tuned. Saturn is now direct in Aquarius. In 2021 the main outer body aspect is a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This is a difficult aspect, but not in the league of 2020 aspects. This cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with their opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. The 2021 last quarter aspect will induce political, financial and social changes of possibly a drastic nature and a measure of instability. We will observe a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The aspect peaked in 2021 on Feb 17th, and on June 14th and repeats on Dec 24th with a slight return in early October 2022. Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is retrograde in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Neptune is now direct in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is now direct at 24 Capricorn. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. The next eclipse is a Partial Solar Eclipse in Taurus on April 30th 2022 conjunct Uranus and sextile Mars visible from South America. The next Lunar eclipse is a blisteringly big Total Eclipse, visible from the UK, and is at 26 Scorpio, during the early hours of Monday May 16th 2022. There is a partial Solar Eclipse in early Scorpio conjunct Venus on Oct 25th 2022. This eclipse is visible from Europe, including the UK as a minor visual event, north east Africa the Middle East and India There is another Total Lunar eclipse in 2022 on November 8th. This is a daytime (non-visible) event for the UK. The next Total Solar Eclipse is on 20 April 2023 visible from the Far East Indies. On 14 October 2023 there is the Great American Annular Solar Eclipse. The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024. Earlier that same year, 2024, we can also look forward to the next 'American Total Solar Eclipse' on April 8th 2024. Over the next 5 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. The current situation will have totally changed by 2026. Hold tight, fasten your seat belts. Tropical astrology has most of the answers.

Tuesday 21st December 2021


Winter Solstice Sunrise by Android Jones

03.01 The waning full Moon at 21 Cancer waxing trine Neptune at 21 Pisces 13.11 The Moon at 26 Cancer opposition Pluto at 26 Capricorn 14.44 The Moon at 26 Cancer opposition Venus at 26 Capricorn, moon void 16.00 The Sun enters Capricorn

The Sun reaches its most southerly declination and enters tropical Capricorn. The Sun joins Mercury, Venus and Pluto in this sign. Today is the longest night in the northern hemisphere, and it is Summer Solstice and the longest period of daylight in the south. At the very depth of the darkness, the light is reborn. The Northern Hemisphere Winter Solstice chart this year is dominated by Saturn square Uranus. This planetary aspect has been the difficult feature of 2021. The aspect peaked on Feb 17th and on June 14th. The final hit is in 3 days time on Dec 24th. There will be a slight return of its influence in early October 2022, but not an exact hit. It has and will induce political, financial and social change of a drastic nature and a measure of instability. The aspect symbolises a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The embodiment of the aspect is paramount in today's Solstice, which determines the quality of the few months ahead. The slowly waning and accelerating full moon is separating from oppositions to retro-Venus and Pluto and is void of course. It smacks of suffering from troubles just encountered and the awaiting of better prospects ahead. Retro-Venus is conjunct Pluto in Capricorn. There is 'a purge of the unpleasant' underway. A difficult but inevitable transformation is ahead of us. This is the hope of the time. With 5 planets now in Earth signs we can utilise practical measures to improve the difficult situation which is the current time. I wish you all a happy Solstice. The Daze is a mature 22 years old today. At the moment of Solstice the Sun is setting and Jupiter culminates over the UK. It is also Sunset over France and at Tripoli. Sunrise is occurring Seattle. It is High Noon at Manaus. Mercury rises at Los Angeles. Mars culminates at Nashville. Neptune culminates at Warsaw and Moonset is occurring at Minneapolis. A Finger of fate is manifest involving the Moon, the Sun and Jupiter 19.00 to 22.30 19.12 The Moon at 29 Cancer waxing quincunx Jupiter at 29 Aquarius 21.55 The Moon enters Leo. Party atmosphere. A second Finger of fate is manifest involving the Moon, the Sun and the lunar node 22.00 to 23.00 22.02 The Moon at zero Leo sextiles her node from north of the ecliptic. 22.27The Moon at zero Leo waning quincunx The Sun at zero Capricorn

Wednesday 22nd December 2021

04.24 The Sun at 1 Capricorn waning bi-novile Neptune at 21 Pisces 10.25 The slowly waning full Moon accelerating at 6 Leo waning trine Mars at 6 Sagittarius 12.02 Mercury at 14 Capricorn waning semi-square Jupiter at 29 Aquarius 13.35 The Sun at 1 Capricorn waning novile Saturn at 11 Aquarius A tight Fixed T-square is manifest involving the Moon, Saturn and Uranus 19.00 to 20.00 19.29 The Moon at 11 Leo opposition Saturn at 11 Aquarius 19.51 The Moon at 11 Leo waxing square Uranus at 11 Taurus

Thursday 23rd December 2021

02.54 The Moon at 15 Leo waning quincunx Mercury at 15 Capricorn 03.17 The Mean Lunar Node enters Taurus today marking the start of a period of eclipses centered across Taurus and Scorpio for the next 2 years. The first eclipse in this cluster was that of Nov 19th 2021 and the last is on Oct 28th 2023. Destined events ahead for people with these signs in their charts. A focus on fixed cherishing and stable energy. As the period ends we approach the next major lunar standstill.

Friday 24th December 2021

Christmas Eve

00.08 The disseminating Moon accelerating at 26 Leo waning quincunx Pluto at 26 Capricorn 00.51 The Moon at 26 Leo waning quincunx Venus at 26 Capricorn 04.29 Minor lunar occultation of star Eta Leo, observable from the UK, ends 05.04 A mutable T-square is manifest involving the Moon, her node and Jupiter 06.00 to 08.30 06.40 The Moon at 29 Leo opposition Jupiter at 29 Aquarius. The Moon is void for 1.8 hours 07.17 Saturn at 11 Aquarius waning square Uranus at 11 Taurus 07.26 Jupiter at 29 Aquarius waning quintile Uranus at 11 Taurus In the 13 year synodic cycle of these 2 planets the current cycle started in 2010-2011 in Pisces and ends on the 21st April 2024 in Taurus,( just 2 weeks after the American Total Solar Eclipse on April 8th 2024) The opposition occurred in 2016-2017. Today's waning quintile aspect is the last of three, all in 2021, May 5th, July 3rd and Dec 24th. The waning quintile aspect is all about 'contributing one's capacities and capabilities to the service of a greater whole'. Jupiter Uranus is all about consciousness expansion. Put the two meanings together and the result is one of discipleship. Always a good one when these two planets are involved. A good Christmas present. 08.18 The Moon at 30 Leo waxing square the lunar node at 30 Taurus 08.26 The Moon enters Virgo 09.02 Mars at 8 Sagittarius waning bi-septile Neptune at 21 Pisces 14.06 The Moon at 3 Virgo waning trine The Sun at 3 Capricorn 23.53 The Moon at 8 Virgo waning square Mars at 8 Sagittarius

Saturday 25th December 2021

Christmas Day

05.25 The Moon at 11 Virgo waxing trine Uranus at 11 Taurus 05.38 The Moon at 11 Virgo waning quincunx Saturn at 11 Aquarius 12.03 Venus at 26 Capricorn conjunction Pluto at 26 Capricorn 13.33 Mercury at 19 Capricorn waxing novile Mars at 9 Sagittarius 20.09 The Moon at 19 Virgo waning trine Mercury at 19 Capricorn 23.08 The Moon at 21 Virgo opposition Neptune at 21 Pisces

Sunday 26th December 2021

03.24 Mercury at 19 Capricorn waning novile Jupiter at 29 Aquarius 08.12 The Moon disseminating and accelerating at 26 Virgo waning trine Venus at 26 Capricorn 08.40 The Moon at 26 Virgo waning trine Pluto at 26 Capricorn. The Moon is void of course for 7.4 hours 15.33 The Moon at 30 Virgo waning quincunx Jupiter at 30 Aquarius 16.04 The Moon at 30 Virgo waxing trines her node from north of the ecliptic 16.26 The Moon enters Libra 21.29 Mercury at 21 Capricorn waning sextile Neptune at 21 Pisces 22.24 The Sun at 5 Capricorn waning decile Saturn at 11 Aquarius

Monday 27th December 2021

Largely social vibrations permeate the biosphere. 01.41 Mars at 10 Sagittarius waning bi-novile Jupiter at 30 Aquarius 02.24 The Moon at Last Quarter 10.08 The Moon at 10 Libra waning sextile Mars at 10 Sagittarius 12.13 The Moon at 11 Libra waxing quincunx Uranus at 11 Taurus 12.56 The Moon at 11 Libra waning trine Saturn at 11 Aquarius 17.32 retro-Venus at 25 Capricorn waxing semi-square Mars at 10 Sagittarius 20.33 Jupiter at 30 Aquarius waning square the lunar node at 30 Taurus STATE OF THE SKY:- The Sun is at 6 degrees Capricorn. There are 84 days to the Vernal Equinox. Mercury, retro-Venus and Pluto are also in Capricorn. Jupiter and Saturn are in Aquarius. All of the planets except Venus and Uranus are direct in motion. We have left the eclipse season. Jupiter ingresses Pisces on Wednesday. Mercury is a fast moving direct evening star in Capricorn. Mercury next turns retrograde at 10 degrees Aquarius from Jan 14th to Feb 4th at 24 Capricorn. Mercury is not clear of Capricorn until Feb 14th 2022 because of this retrograde motion. Mercury overtakes retro Venus on Dec 29th at 24 Capricorn, sincere commitments offered, and is conjunct Pluto, the first hit of three which characterise this phase, on Dec 30th at 26 Capricorn. Mercury then moves into Aquarius from Jan 2nd to Jan 26th turning retrograde on Jan 14th at 10 Aquarius. As a retro-morning star Mercury conjuncts Pluto a 2nd time on Jan 29th 2022. He stations direct at 24 Capricorn on Feb 4th and is conjunct Pluto for the final time on Feb 11th. Mercury finally leaves Capricorn on valentine's Day. The repeated Mercury Pluto conjunction represents a pretty powerful transformation of strategy. A sea change. Hard-hitting pragmatism is ahead of us. Venus entered Capricorn as an evening star on Nov 5th. She is now retrograde. She was in a conjunction with Pluto for the 1st time of 3, on Dec 11th at 25 Capricorn and for a 2nd time on Christmas day. Mercury overtakes Venus at 24 Capricorn on Dec 29th, sextiles Neptune, the 2nd time, on Jan 5th. Venus is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun at 10 Capricorn on Jan 9th 2022. As a morning star Venus turns direct at 11 Capricorn on Jan 29th. Mars overtakes her on Feb 16th at 17 Capricorn. She sextiles Neptune a final time time on Feb 24th and finally conjuncts Pluto on March 3rd at 28 Capricorn. Venus enters Aquarius on March 6th. Mars is now in Sagittarius. Mars resides here for another 34 days. Mars in Sagittarius evokes eagerness, optimism, limitless joviality and adventure. All a bit short lived but quite good fun. Not a good time for seeing things through. Lots of unfinished things. Hang loose. Mars sextiles Saturn on Dec 30th, providing some constructive purchase, and squares Neptune on Jan 11th which is quite the opposite, inducing crazy scenes and situations. Mars leaves Sagittarius for Capricorn on Jan 24th 2022, when the real work can begin. Mars next turns retrograde at 25 Gemini on Oct 30th 2022. He resides in Gemini either side of that date for seven months. Jupiter re-entered Aquarius on July 28th re-joining Saturn in this sign. Jupiter re-enters Pisces on Dec 29th 2021 when the real healing business starts. Jupiter then sextiles Uranus, a fine expansive, progressive and creative aspect on Feb 18th 2022. He conjuncts Neptune at 24 Pisces on April 12th, the highlight of the residence, (the 'Florence Nightingale combination conjunction', more to follow on this one), and he sextiles Pluto in an embrace of power and transformation on May 3rd 2022. Jupiter leaves Pisces for Aries on May 10th 2022. He returns again to Pisces from Oct 28th 2022 to Dec 20th 2022 with a direct station on Nov 23rd at 28 Pisces. By the time of the Northern Hemisphere Winter Solstice 2022 Jupiter has left Pisces for good. Love like blood. Stay tuned. Saturn is now direct in Aquarius. In 2021 the main outer body aspect is a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This is a difficult aspect, but not in the league of 2020 aspects. This cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with their opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. The 2021 last quarter aspect will induce political, financial and social changes of possibly a drastic nature and a measure of instability. We will observe a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The aspect peaked in 2021 on Feb 17th, and on June 14th and repeats on Dec 24th with a slight return in early October 2022. Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is retrograde in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Neptune is now direct in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is now direct at 24 Capricorn. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. The next eclipse is a Partial Solar Eclipse in Taurus on April 30th 2022 conjunct Uranus and sextile Mars visible from South America. The next Lunar eclipse is a blisteringly big Total Eclipse, visible from the UK, and is at 26 Scorpio, during the early hours of Monday May 16th 2022. There is a partial Solar Eclipse in early Scorpio conjunct Venus on Oct 25th 2022. This eclipse is visible from Europe, including the UK as a minor visual event, north east Africa the Middle East and India There is another Total Lunar eclipse in 2022 on November 8th. This is a daytime (non-visible) event for the UK. The next Total Solar Eclipse is on 20 April 2023 visible from the Far East Indies. On 14 October 2023 there is the Great American Annular Solar Eclipse. The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024. Earlier that same year, 2024, we can also look forward to the next 'American Total Solar Eclipse' on April 8th 2024. Over the next 5 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. The current situation will have totally changed by 2026. Hold tight, fasten your seat belts. Tropical astrology has most of the answers.

Tuesday 28th December 2021

05.05 The last quarter Moon accelerating at 21 Libra waning quincunx Neptune at 21 Pisces 08.57 The Moon at 23 Libra waning square Mercury at 23 Capricorn 11.40 Mercury at 23 Capricorn waning tri-decile Uranus at 11 Taurus 12.20 The Moon at 25 Libra waning square Venus at 25 Capricorn 14.07 The Moon at 26 Libra waning square Pluto at 26 Capricorn 19.23 Mars at 11 Sagittarius waning semi-square Pluto at 26 Capricorn 21.11 The Moon at 30 Libra waning trine Jupiter at 30 Aquarius. The Moon is void of course for just 7 mins 21.18 The Moon enters Scorpio

Wednesday 29th December 2021

Jupiter enters Pisces.

Mercury conjuncts retro-Venus

An astrologically significant day. 01.04 Mars at 11 Sagittarius waning quincunx Uranus at 11 Taurus 03.21 Mercury at 24 Capricorn waning decile Jupiter at 30 Aquarius 04.09 Jupiter enters Pisces Jupiter entered Pisces May 13th 2021 joining Neptune in this sign and heralded a change in the fortunes and destinies of all people and all nations. Jupiter then turned retrograde at 2 degrees Pisces on June 20th and re-entered Aquarius on July 28th. This first phase gave us a taste of what is to come. The Covid-19 pandemic did appear to be on the wane during that period. On October 18th 2021 Jupiter turned direct at 22 degrees Aquarius. He re-enters Pisces today and the real business of healing can begin. We now have a distinct choice, in keeping with the duality of the nature of Pisces. The choice is to either tune into and welcome the healing rays embodied in the pure energy of Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces or to self harm by sinking even more deeply into an ocean of delusional, conspiracy glamour, distraction and malcontent. Whilst in Pisces Jupiter makes favorable major aspects. Jupiter sextiles Uranus, a fine expansive, progressive and creative aspect on Feb 18th 2022. He conjuncts Neptune at 24 Pisces on April 12th, the highlight of the residence, and he sextiles Pluto in an embrace of power and transformation on May 3rd 2022. Jupiter leaves Pisces for Aries on May 10th 2022. He returns again to Pisces from Oct 28th 2022 to Dec 20th 2022 with a direct station on Nov 23rd at 28 Pisces. By the time of the Northern Hemisphere Winter Solstice 2022 Jupiter has left Pisces for good. Today's ingress is 'life's healing blood'. Love like blood. Stay tuned. Jupiter conjunct Neptune in Pisces last occurred on March 17th 1856. Two major events were occurring at that time, the birth of the Chemical Industry and the ending of the Crimean War with 'savour' Florence Nightingale overtones. Before that the conjunction in Pisces occurred in 1690 and in 1524. The later time was one of seeking sea routes to the 'New World'. All events very symbolic of Jupiter, Neptune and Pisces. 10.28 Mercury conjunction retro-Venus at 24 Capricorn 10.43 The Moon at 8 Scorpio waning sextile The Sun at 8 Capricorn A Fixed T-square is manifest involving the Moon, Saturn and Uranus 15.30 to 17.00 15.52 The Moon at 11 Scorpio opposition Uranus at 11 Taurus 16.59 The Moon at 12 Scorpio waning square Saturn at 12 Aquarius

Thursday 30th December 2021

00.23 Mars at 12 Sagittarius waning sextile Saturn at 12 Aquarius 01.48 Venus at 24 Capricorn waning decile Jupiter at zero Pisces 03.30 The Sun at 9 Capricorn waning quintile Neptune at 21 Pisces 07.03 The Sun at 9 Capricorn waning septile Jupiter at zero Pisces 07.52 The raidly waning Moon at 21 Scorpio trine Neptune at 21 Pisces 09.54 Mercury conjunction Pluto at 26 Capricorn 13.19 The Moon at 24 Scorpio waning sextile Venus at 24 Capricorn 13.30 The Moon reaches her balsamic phase. 16.28 The Moon at 26 Scorpio waning sextile Pluto at 26 Capricorn 17.11 The Moon at 26 Scorpio waning sextile Mercury at 26 Capricorn. The Moon is void of course for 6 hours. A T-square is manifest involving the Moon, her node and Jupiter 22.00 to 23.59 22.29 The Moon at 30 Scorpio opposition her ascending node at 30 Taurus 23.10 The Moon enters Sagittarius joining Mars in this sign. 23.43 The Moon at zero Sagittarius waning square Jupiter at zero Pisces

Friday 31st December 2021

16.47 The rapidly moving balsamic Moon at 11 Sagittarius waning quincunx Uranus at 11 Taurus 18.16 The Moon at 12 Sagittarius waning sextile Saturn at 12 Aquarius 20.02 The Moon conjunction Mars at 13 Sagittarius 21.12 Mercury at 28 Capricorn waxing semi-square Mars at 13 Sagittarius 22.36 Mercury at 28 Capricorn waning bi-septile Uranus at 11 Taurus Happy New Year. Stay with The Daze in 2022.