Monday 24th August 2020
Mars is exactly square Saturn today, exerting its 'cosmic frictional influence' on all and sundry. The square aspect remains within a 3 degree orb until well into October, so we are really in for a season of frustration and discontent. The aspect then returns in fixed signs, Taurus/Aquarius for a final quick but emphatic blast in early January 2021.
The Virgo month has started with tens of thousands of people gathered in Independence Square in Minsk. Many were carrying the opposition's red and white flags, and chanted 'freedom' and anti-government slogans. The acutely ill Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny has arrived in Germany from Siberia for treatment. He is in a coma after drinking what his supporters suspect was poisoned tea. They accuse the authorities of trying to conceal a crime. Vladimir Putin has transiting Pluto square his Mercury currently.
California's wildfires, which have been declared a major disaster by US President Donald Trump. Flames have caused widespread destruction, destroying homes and forests, and killing at least six people. Around 560 fires are raging, including some of the largest blazes the state has ever seen. Residents are being advised to stay at home to avoid the thick smoke. Slowly moving Mars in Aries is quincunx the USA MC right now.
Today sees that 'rare vintage' of the Sun in Virgo and the Moon in Scorpio. A fine blend of intelligence and will. Mars squares Saturn and Venus opposes Jupiter. Events and experiences have an intensive hue. Something is tightening, winding up, heating up.
03.38 Mercury at 8 Virgo waning sesuiquadrate Pluto at 23 Capricorn
04.01 The Moon at 11 Scorpio opposition Uranus at 11 Taurus
06.31 Venus at 16 Cancer waxing bi-novile Mars at 26 Aries
13.52 The Moon at 17 Scorpio waxing trine Venus at 17 Cancer
A planetary kite is manifest with the focus on Venus and Jupiter, 16:00 to 20:00. The emphasis here is on excessive emotion.
16.21 The Moon at 18 Scorpio waning sextile Jupiter at 18 Capricorn
18.20 Mars at 26 Aries waxing square Saturn at 26 Capricorn
19.48 The Moon at 20 Scorpio waning trine Neptune at 20 Pisces
The Sun is at 2 degrees Virgo today. The Sun entered Virgo on Saturday. Mercury is also in Virgo. There are 28 days to the Libran Equinox. Jupiter Saturn and Pluto are in Capricorn. The Sun in the month ahead has a decent time in Virgo. The Sun trines Uranus on Sept 2nd, the day of a stimulating Full Moon. The Sun trines Jupiter on Sept 9th, great good fortune, he opposes Neptune on Sept 11th, unclear directions. He trines Pluto on Sept 14th, favorable changes, and he trines Saturn, harnessing support, on Sept 17th. The Sun enters Libra, the northern hemisphere Autumn Equinox, on Sept 22nd.
Mercury is an evening star in Virgo. He is flashing through this sign, reflective and backward looking, in just 16 days. This short residence is favorable and provides practical and common sense support during what otherwise is a difficult time. Mercury trines Uranus tomorrow, positive developments, trines Jupiter on Aug 29th, realistic optimism, opposes Neptune on Aug 30th, clouding the issue, trines Pluto on Sept 1st, problem solving, trines Saturn on Sept 3rd, realistic solutions, sextiles Venus on Sept 4th, comforting and kindly. A good residence.
Mercury leaves Virgo for Libra on Sept 5th. The next Mercury retrograde period is from October 14th to November 3rd.
Venus is a morning star in Cancer. She spends only 30 days in this sign and has a rather challenging residence there, opposing the devilish triplet of Pluto, Saturn and Jupiter in Capricorn, and squaring Mars in Aries, in total keeping with the ongoing difficulties of 2020. Venus opposes Jupiter tomorrow, evoking extravagances. Venus opposes Pluto on 30th August, emotional mania. Venus opposes Saturn on September 2nd, sadly austere, and squares Mars, personal differences, on September 4th. Venus leaves Cancer and enters Leo on September 6th.
Mars resides in Aries for a massive 192 days. This will be a period of great urgency and assertion. Impatience, anger, revolution, passion, ardor and aggression will dominate all areas of life during this residence, and attempts to hold it all in check by Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn will create significant conflicts. Mars squares Saturn today invoking restrictive tensions.
Mars turns retrograde at 28 Aries on Sept 9th. Mercury opposes Mars on Sept 24th, conflicts of interest. Mars squares Saturn and trines Venus on Sept 29th, harshly autocratic. Mars squares Pluto on Oct 9th, a second wave of unrest. Mars is at opposition to the Sun on Oct 13th at 21 Aries. When he is closest he is at his weakest. Mars squares Jupiter on Oct 19th, excessive. Venus opposes Mars on Nov 9th, inter-personal dynamics and high jinx.
Mars resumes direct motion at 15 Aries on Nov 14th. The Sun trines Mars on Dec 11th, more exuberance. Mercury trines Mars on Dec 15th, enthusiasm. Mars squares Pluto on Dec 23rd, a final blast of disharmony, just before Christmas. Mars at last leaves Aries for Taurus on Jan 6th 2021.
Jupiter is retrograde in Capricorn. Jupiter turns direct on September 13th.
During 2020 Jupiter is sextile Neptune 3 times, Feb 20th, July 17th, and Oct 12th, and is conjunct Pluto 3 times, 5th April, 30th June and 12th Nov. The Neptune sextile is subtle, creative and artistic. It may give rise to refined but substantial new waves of music and fashion. Artistic and creative inspiration are heightened by this influence. It can have a healing effect. Hope and faith. The Pluto conjunction is 'power wielding and power seeking', all encompassing, possibly harsh and authoritarian. These two aspects together with the Saturn Pluto conjunction are the hallmarks of 2020, a year of dense astrology.
The Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn at the start of Aquarius occurs on the Winter Solstice 2020. (This will be a 'mutation conjunction'. It is the first of an unbroken series of Jupiter Saturn conjunctions in Air signs which extend till around 2140. Since 1840 all the Jupiter Saturn conjunctions have been in Earth signs, with the exception of the 1980-1981 triple conjunction.
Jupiter then moves on to conjunct Neptune at 24 degrees Pisces in 2022).
Saturn is retrograde in Capricorn applying to Pluto again but not meeting him, once was quite enough. Saturn is at his closest to Pluto on Sept 26th and then stations direct at 25 Capricorn on September 29th. He is chased by Jupiter and re-enters Aquarius on Dec 12th 2020.
Jupiter catches up with Saturn for their 'Great Conjunction' at zero Aquarius, on the Northern Hemisphere Winter Solstice, Dec 21st 2020, auguring in a new chapter of the still dawning Aquarian Age.
Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is retrograde in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance and ownership are about to take place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution.
Neptune is retrograde in Pisces and and will station direct on November 28, 2020 at 18 Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025.
Pluto is now retrograde ('till October 4th) in Capricorn. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Much of what occurring in the world currently is very much part of this Pluto in Capricorn process. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023.
Once 2020 and its 'dense astrology' is over The flavor of the immediate years ahead is potentially promising. Jupiter is in Aquarius from Dec 2020 to Dec 2021. Saturn resides there from Dec 2020 to March 2023, and Pluto is in Aquarius from 2023 for 20 years. There is hope for a more enlightened, democratic, humane altruism here.
The next Eclipse is a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse on November 30th 2020 at 9 Gemini quincunx Uranus.
The next Total Solar Eclipse is at 23 Sagittarius (conjunct Mercury trine Mars, square Neptune), an invigorating event on Dec 14th 2020.
The next Total Lunar Eclipse is at 5 Sagittarius on May 26th 2021, not visible from the UK.
The next Solar Eclipse (just) visible from the UK is at 20 Gemini on June 10th 2021.
The next Total Lunar eclipse visible from the UK is at 26 Scorpio, during the early hours of May 16th 2022.
The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024
A difficult end to this calendar month is underway as Mars squares Saturn today. Venus opposes Jupiter tomorrow, Venus opposes Pluto on Aug 30th, and opposes Saturn on Sept 2nd.