(US General Election Nov. 7th 2000).
The Daze takes a brief look at the respective natal horoscopes of Gore and Bush for the time around the election in November this year.
George W Bush.
Progressed Moon in Libra, waxing and approaching crescent phase (August 2001)
His progressed Moon conjunct progressed Mars (Dec. 1st 2000.)
At the end of January 2001 progressed Mercury conjunct natal Venus.
On the day of the election transiting Venus trines his Venus.
These transits and progressions show popularity, conviviality, and a great deal of energy.
Al Gore, undergoes Saturn conjunct Venus, (Dec. 3rd) the first of three such transits.
Neptune opposite his Descendant. (End November)
Progressed Moon in Sagittarius past the Full, waning, applying sextile Progressed Neptune.
On the day of election Venus opposes his Uranus, Sun squares his Saturn, Mars squares his Moon. These transits and progressions are more sombre, serious and awkward.
George W Bush has the more dynamic time, there is a great deal of planetary activity in his astrological horoscope. There is sheer energy and charisma here, Mr Dynamo.
Al Gore has a time dominated by the Saturn transit of Venus. This is more personal, (this one might be the one which clinches the job.) His transits are harder, more demanding, closer to heart.
The day in question (Sun in Scorpio, Moon in Pisces) has a grand trine in air, a planetary picture involving Mars in Libra, Neptune in Aquarius and Jupiter in Gemini.
Al Gore has the harder time and the more difficult transits, but that is not to say he will not be president. Furthermore the partial solar eclipse in Capricorn is near conjunction to Gore's natal Moon.
If we go with Saturn, dour, hard working and testing then Gore wins. If we go for the froth, the charm and the fizz of Venus, Bush moves to the presidency. The mood of the day seems to be impressionable and subliminal. The American people will respond with their hearts.