The moment of Summer Solstice (in the Northern Hemisphere, Winter solstice in the Southern Hemisphere) occurs on June 21st 2000 at 01.49 GMT. The disseminating Moon is accelerating and aligned to the tropical sign of Aquarius and applying to a conjunction with Uranus.. The planets Venus and Mars are conjunct at 3 degrees Cancer o the same day. Mercury is almost stationary about to turn retrograde at 20 degrees Cancer.
The Summer solstice is symbolically a point of climax in the natural year. 'Nature's climax' this year coincides with the Mars Venus conjunction making this day rather special in astrological time. The energy is a vintage blend of personal domestic 'seedings' and hi-tech new age 'wait and see' vibrations. The day raises us all to a glimpse of tomorrows potential. Many social relationships will be bonded from this day, many castles will burn as the Moon wanes and Mercury reverses his apparent motion. Events hang in limbo awaiting the inevitable fall. Relationships begin, are fused, welded, locked into greater manifestation, thoughts hover, minds changed. This is a time to follow hearts rather than heads. This solstice preceeds three eclipses, the first by ten days. It sets the scene for changes of circumstances that hold a promise of personal fulfillment.