New Moon May 4th 2000.
The chart for this momentous New Moon coinciding with the planetary cluster or stellium in Taurus is shown below.
All the planets out to Saturn are gathered with the Sun and Moon on one side of the Earth. A series of planetary conjunctions occurs starting with Mercury and Venus meeting in late Aries on April 28th. The period of the Stellium influence can be considered to act from April 30th 2000 at 09-14 GMT and to extend to May 19th 2000 at 20-18. These are the times between which the grouping of planets occupy less than twenty degrees of separation. This thin band of zodiacal space extends through the sign of Taurus.This period is followed by another period of intensity around the time of the next New Moon opposite Pluto on June 2nd. Click here for review of this period.
This New Moon is midway between the Solar Eclipses of Feb. 5th 2000, and the Solar eclipse of July 31st 2000. It occurs two months before the next solar eclipse on July 1st 2000. Poised between eclipse seasons, the time of these conjunctions symbolises a manifestation of powerful new astrological 'energies'.
The New Moon conjunct all planets out to Saturn is square Uranus, there is a defiant awkwardness on the world stage, rebellious conflicts, a lack of true concessus.
The Message is mainly one of new beginnings and new situations. This time is a richly fertile breading ground for new events and experiences. Serious developments relating to money, resources and the world perception of finance and security, and ecological conservationism will stem from this time. Astrologically much importance is attached to this period. There is a wealth of energy. The manifestations of years ahead may be traced to this period of their seeding time.
The itinerary of Conjunctions:- DATE TIME
Mercury conjunct Venus | April 28th | 13.28 |
Moon conjunct Venus | May 3rd | 9.38 |
Moon conjunct Mercury | May 3rd | 4.58 |
Moon conjunct Sun | May 4th | 4.13 |
Moon conjunct Jupiter | May 4th | 9.06 |
Moon conjunct Saturn | May 4th | 13.28 |
Moon conjunct Mars | May 5th | 8-10 |
Sun conjunct Jupiter | May 8th | 04-10 |
Mercury conjunct Jupiter | May 8th | 18.54 |
Sun conjunct Mercury (almost an exact alignment) | May 9th | 3.51 |
Mercury conjunct Saturn | May 9th | 20.12 |
Sun conjunct Saturn | May 10th | 19.45 |
Venus conjunct Jupiter (exact alignment) | May 17th | 10.32 |
Venus conjunct Saturn | May 18th | 12.37 |
Mercury conjunct Mars | May 19th | 12.27 |
Jupiter conjunct Saturn | May 28th | 15.59 |
This period has intensely hot astrological points of crisis, one noteworthy time is around the full Moon 18th May, another is on the 19th May when the Moon and Pluto oppose Mercury and Mars, all four bodies and the Earth in the same plane in space.
We here at the daze will be seeking to correlate these astrological events with the news stories as they break on earth.