The Earth, the Moon , the Sun and Mercury (on the far side of the Sun) are aligned in the same plane in space, in a direction towards tropical Taurus, at the time of this New Moon. The Helio (Sun centred) chart below, set for the time of the New Moon, shows the Earth in opposition to Mercury both in T-square to Neptune. This lunation has a significant heliocentric dimension which in our view emphasises the importance of the 'seed message' of the time. This New Moon may be considered 'special'.
This New Moon is two lunation cycles away from the Total Solar Eclipse on June 21st 2001. The symbolism of the geocentric chart involves an exposition of 'seed ideas' rooted in common sense and an awareness of 'resources'. The moment is highly fertile. Things begun at this time may well endure. Roots are deep. A rethink on all matters of economy, ecology, finance, and earth sciences are indicated.
Both the geocentric and heliocentric charts, set for this moment in time, are dominated by the opposition of Jupiter and Pluto, this aspect seriously challenges existing power structures. Neptune has the (geocentric) astrological role of making the opposition 'easier' showing that the optimal way out of present difficulties might lie in the area of the dissolution of preconceptions and the establishment of 'shared vision'.
This New Moon is the first after the final Gemini Ingress of Saturn. There is a change now in the development of world structures. It is time to re-orientate and plan.