APRIL 2001
A well aspected Full Moon in Libra high in energy and motivation. This lunation is mid way between the Total Lunar Eclipse on January 9th 2001 and the Partial Lunar Eclipse on July 5th 2001. This Full Moon is near to Spica the 'witch star'. The ongoing Mars Pluto conjunction in Sagittarius makes the Full Moon 'easy'. Also the map is dominated by the conjunction of Venus and Mercury in Aries. A very merry combination. The North Lunar Node forms a finger of fate with the Pluto/Neptune sextile. A dash there of karmic returns.
This Full Moon is conjunct Vladimir Putin's natal Saturn, and conjunct the Moon Jupiter conjunction in George W. Bush's astrological birth chart. Could bring the US/Russian relationship into high focus. In the UK Neptune rises in Aquarius, Jupiter is on the IC.
The energy of the astrological event is urgent, electric, masculine and smooth. It looks to be a very interesting full Moon.
The astrocartographical perspective of the Lunation is shown below.