This is the second Full Moon following the Lunar Eclipse of 30th December 2001. It occurs at 09-17 GMT on Feb. 27th 2002. This Full Moon in Virgo is tightly square Saturn. Pluto's position forms a loose mutable cross. Saturn trines Neptune, Venus squares Pluto. It can be considered a difficult Full Moon.

At the moment of Full Moon the Sun and Moon align to the MC / IC axis of Baghdad, and to the Ascendant / Descendant axis of Seoul, (the Full Moon rises here). It is exactly Moon set at Brasilia. Saturn rises over Madagascar, Kenya, Athens, and Prague.

Below is the horoscope of the lunation set for London. Here Taurus rises with Uranus tightly square the Ascendant. Also on this page you can view the AstroCartography maps showing the planetary alignments to Iraq and to Korea.