The Tony Blair Vladimir Putin Relationship chart.

Birth data of Putin requires confirmation. We at the Daze consider it wise to stay alert to the astrological transits and progressions of our political leaders. Stay tuned. The relationship chart shows the Sun at the very start of Aquarius and a crescent Aries Moon. It signifies a 'youthful' inspired relationship. Venus and Mars are conjunct in Pisces trine Uranus. This relationship is novel, profound and energetic. 'Generating' or 'cardinal' energy abounds in an alignment involving Uranus opposite a Capricornian Mercury and forming a T-square with the Saturn Neptune conjunction in Libra. The full Moon on 18th April 2000 is conjunct this point in the T-square conjunction. The relationship chart Pluto sextiles this position at the end of Libra. This relationship emphasises power and control. This is a fateful union. The Saturn Jupiter conjunction in the skies later this spring is closely square the relationship Pluto. The progressed Sun in Pisces has recently passed over the Piscean conjunction of Venus and Mars, seemingly activating this relationship into existence. Progressed Moon in Sagittarius is at last quarter, the Putin Blair relationship will draw the eyes of the world to it.
