JANUARY 26th 2001.


Over 15,000 feared dead in India quake. The most powerful earthquake to strike India in more than half a century shook the subcontinent today, killing 845 people as it toppled buildings and houses in India and Pakistan. Atal Bihari Vajpayee, the Indian Prime Minister, said the 7.9 magnitude tremor could claim the lives of more than 1,000 people. The quake was also felt in Bangladesh and Nepal. The worst damage from the early morning quake was near the epicentre in India's western state of Gujarat. Police in the commercial centre of Ahmedabad reported 200 dead in that city alone, authorities said. Dozens of buildings had collapsed in the region, and relatives begged authorities to dig their family members from under the rubble. The epicentre of the quake, which struck at 8:46 am local time (0316 GMT), was near the town of Bhuj in a desert plateau near the border with Pakistan.

The quake struck as the Moon rose over the horizon of Bhuj, conjunct Mercury, squaring Saturn and Mars. The current stellium of Moon, Sun, Mercury, Uranus and Neptune were in the 12th house. Mars applies in tight fixed waning square to Uranus. A terrible, fateful event has occurred. The astrocartography map below, set for the time of the quake, shows the Moonrise line passing through Bhuj. The New Moon in Aquarius some thirty six hours before the quake was exactly setting , with the Sun, just out to sea off the coast from Bhuj. The quake occurred as the sun was conjunct Neptune, exactly sextile the MC of Bhuj. The brown line in the centre of the Map is Pluto on the MC, which would shortly cross Bhuj.

There are two further signatures to this event written into the two preceding eclipses. The Partial Solar Eclipse of Christmas Day 2000 had, at the moment of greatest eclipse, Saturn setting over the area around Bhuj. The Total Lunar Eclipse of January 9th 2001 had at its moment of greatest eclipse, Neptune directly beneath the area (conjunct the IC).

I conclude this brief astrological report with the point I make at the start, Jupiter and Saturn had very recently, (a matter of a day or two) turned direct, I am beginning to associate the timings of these 'stations' with earthquake manifestations. This area requires much research.