January 2001.

4th Moon, Mars, Neptune in a fixed T Square.

9th Venus Mars Moon form a Grande trine in water. Total Lunar Eclipse.

14th Moon, Sun, Saturn, in a grand trine pattern in Earth signs. Also a pentatonic (72 degree) array, an interesting day.

25th Stellium and New Moon in Aquarius.

End Jan/Early Feb. Mars opposite Saturn, square Uranus forming a T-square in fixed signs.

February 2001.

7th Neptune Venus Jupiter Moon all in 60 degree formation.

8th Full Moon square Saturn, forms a grand cross in fixed signs.

12th Peak of fixed T-square involving Mars, Saturn, Sun, Mercury.

20th/21st Mars Jupiter, Sun T-square in mutable signs.

23rd New Moon

March 2001.

7th Planetary kite in fire signs.

10th Airy trine involving Moon, Neptune and Jupiter.

14th T-square involving a Moon Saturn conjunction, Mercury and Uranus in fixed signs.

30th Moon, and Mercury form a mutable T-square.

(to be continued)

under construction

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